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casa::AWProjectFT Class Reference

#include <AWProjectFT.h>

Inheritance diagram for casa::AWProjectFT:
casa::FTMachine casa::AWProjectWBFT casa::MultiTermAWProjectWBFT

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AWProjectFT ()
 AWProjectFT (Int nFacets, Long cachesize, CountedPtr< CFCache > &cfcache, CountedPtr< ConvolutionFunction > &cf, CountedPtr< VisibilityResamplerBase > &visResampler, Bool applyPointingOffset=True, Bool doPBCorr=True, Int tilesize=16, Float pbLimit=5e-4, Bool usezero=False, Bool conjBeams_p=True, Bool doublePrecGrid=False)
 Constructor: cachesize is the size of the cache in words (e.g.
 AWProjectFT (const RecordInterface &stateRec)
 Construct from a Record containing the AWProjectFT state.
 AWProjectFT (const AWProjectFT &other)
 Copy constructor.
AWProjectFToperator= (const AWProjectFT &other)
 Assignment operator.
 ~AWProjectFT ()
void setEPJones (SolvableVisJones *ep_j)
 void setEPJones(EPJones* ep_j) {epJ = ep_j;}
virtual void setDOPBCorrection (Bool doit=True)
virtual Bool getDOPBCorrection ()
virtual void setConjBeams (Bool useit=True)
virtual Bool getConjBeams ()
virtual Float getPBLimit ()
void setObservatoryLocation (const MPosition &mLocation)
 Initialize transform to Visibility plane using the image as a template.
virtual void initializeToVis (Block< CountedPtr< ImageInterface< Complex > > > &compImageVec, PtrBlock< SubImage< Float > * > &modelImageVec, PtrBlock< SubImage< Float > * > &weightImageVec, PtrBlock< SubImage< Float > * > &fluxScaleVec, Block< Matrix< Float > > &weightsVec, const VisBuffer &vb)
 Vectorized version of initializeToVis.
virtual void initializeToVis (ImageInterface< Complex > &image, const VisBuffer &vb)
 Initialize transform to Visibility plane.
virtual void initializeToVis (ImageInterface< Complex > &image, const VisBuffer &vb, Array< Complex > &griddedVis, Vector< Double > &uvscale)
 This version returns the gridded vis...should be used in conjunction with the version of 'get' that needs the gridded visdata.
virtual void finalizeToVis ()
 Finalize transform to Visibility plane: flushes the image cache and shows statistics if it is being used.
virtual void initializeToSky (ImageInterface< Complex > &image, Matrix< Float > &weight, const VisBuffer &vb)
 Initialize transform to Sky plane: initializes the image.
virtual void finalizeToSky ()
 Finalize transform to Sky plane: flushes the image cache and shows statistics if it is being used.
virtual void initVisBuffer (VisBuffer &vb, Type whichVBColumn)
void initVisBuffer (VisBuffer &vb, Type whichVBColumn, Int row)
void get (VisBuffer &vb, Int row=-1)
 Get actual coherence from grid by degridding.
void get (VisBuffer &vb, Cube< Complex > &degrid, Array< Complex > &griddedVis, Vector< Double > &scale, Int row=-1)
 Get the coherence from grid return it in the degrid is used especially when scratch columns are not present in ms.
void get (VisBuffer &vb, Cube< Float > &pointingOffsets, Int row=-1, Type whichVBColumn=FTMachine::MODEL, Int Conj=0)
void get (VisBuffer &vb, VisBuffer &gradAzVB, VisBuffer &gradElVB, Cube< Float > &pointingOffsets, Int row=-1, Type whichVBColumn=FTMachine::MODEL, Type whichGradVBColumn=FTMachine::MODEL, Int Conj=0, Int doGrad=1)
void nget (VisBuffer &vb, Array< Float > &l_off, Array< Float > &m_off, Cube< Complex > &Mout, Cube< Complex > &dMout1, Cube< Complex > &dMout2, Int Conj=0, Int doGrad=1)
void get (VisBuffer &vb, Cube< Complex > &degrid, Array< Complex > &griddedVis, Vector< Double > &scale, Cube< Float > &pointingOffsets, Int row=-1)
 Get the coherence from grid return it in the degrid is used especially when scratch columns are not present in ms.
void put (const VisBuffer &, TempImage< Complex > &, Vector< Double > &, int, UVWMachine *, Bool)
 Put coherence to grid by gridding.
void put (const VisBuffer &vb, Int row=-1, Bool dopsf=False, FTMachine::Type type=FTMachine::OBSERVED)
 Put coherence to grid.
virtual void makeImage (FTMachine::Type, ROVisibilityIterator &, ImageInterface< Complex > &, Matrix< Float > &)
 Make the entire image using a ROVisIter.
void makeImage (FTMachine::Type type, VisSet &vs, ImageInterface< Complex > &image, Matrix< Float > &weight)
 Make the entire image.
virtual ImageInterface< Complex > & getImage (Matrix< Float > &, Bool normalize=True)
 Get the final image: do the Fourier transform and grid-correct, then optionally normalize by the summed weights.
void getWeightImage (ImageInterface< Float > &, Matrix< Float > &)
 Get the final weights image.
Bool toRecord (RecordInterface &outRec, Bool withImage=False)
 Save and restore the AWProjectFT to and from a record.
Bool fromRecord (const RecordInterface &inRec)
Bool isFourier ()
 Can this FTMachine be represented by Fourier convolutions?
virtual Int findPointingOffsets (const VisBuffer &, Array< Float > &, Array< Float > &, Bool Evaluate=True)
 Bool changed(const VisBuffer& vb) {return vpSJ->changed(vb,1);}; Bool changed(const VisBuffer& vb) {return False;}.
virtual Int findPointingOffsets (const VisBuffer &, Cube< Float > &, Array< Float > &, Array< Float > &, Bool Evaluate=True)
virtual Double getVBPA (const VisBuffer &vb)
MDirection::Convert makeCoordinateMachine (const VisBuffer &, const MDirection::Types &, const MDirection::Types &, MEpoch &last)
virtual void makeSensitivityImage (Lattice< Complex > &, ImageInterface< Float > &, const Matrix< Float > &, const Bool &)
 Make a sensitivity image (sensitivityImage), given the gridded weights (wtImage).
virtual void makeSensitivityImage (const VisBuffer &vb, const ImageInterface< Complex > &imageTemplate, ImageInterface< Float > &sensitivityImage)
virtual ImageInterface< Float > & getSensitivityImage ()
 Given the sky image (Fourier transform of the visibilities), sum of weights and the sensitivity image, this method replaces the skyImage with the normalized image of the sky.
virtual Matrix< Double > & getSumOfWeights ()
virtual Matrix< Double > & getSumOfCFWeights ()
void makeConjPolMap (const VisBuffer &vb, const Vector< Int > cfPolMap, Vector< Int > &conjPolMap)
void makeCFPolMap (const VisBuffer &vb, const Vector< Int > &cfstokes, Vector< Int > &polM)
 Vector<Int> makeConjPolMap(const VisBuffer& vb);.
void reset ()
 void reset() {vpSJ->reset();}
void setPAIncrement (const Quantity &computePAIncr, const Quantity &rotateOTFPAIncr)
Vector< Int > & getPolMap ()
virtual String name () const
 Return the name of the machine.
virtual Bool verifyAvgPB (ImageInterface< Float > &pb, ImageInterface< Float > &sky)
virtual Bool verifyAvgPB (ImageInterface< Float > &pb, ImageInterface< Complex > &sky)
virtual Bool verifyShapes (IPosition shape0, IPosition shape1)
virtual Float pbFunc (const Float &a, const Float &limit)
 {Float tt=sqrt(a);return (abs(tt) >= limit)?tt:1.0;};
virtual Complex pbFunc (const Complex &a, const Float &limit)
virtual void setMiscInfo (const Int qualifier)
 set the order of the Taylor term for MFS this is to tell A-Projection to qualify the accumulated avgPB for each Taylor term in the CFCache.
virtual void ComputeResiduals (VisBuffer &vb, Bool useCorrected)
 Make the VB and VBStore interefaces for the interim re-factoring work.
void makeWBCFWt (CFStore2 &cfs, const Double imRefFreq)

Protected Member Functions

Int nint (Double val)
void findConvFunction (const ImageInterface< Complex > &image, const VisBuffer &vb)
 Locate convolution functions on the disk Int locateConvFunction(const Int Nw, const Float pa); void cacheConvFunction(Int which, Array<Complex>& cf, CoordinateSystem& coord); Find the convolution function.
Array< Complex > * getDataPointer (const IPosition &, Bool)
 Get the appropriate data pointer.
void ok ()
void init ()
Bool recordOnGrid (const VisBuffer &vb, Int rownr) const
 virtual void initPolInfo(const VisBuffer& vb); Is this record on Grid? check both ends.
virtual void normalizeAvgPB ()

virtual void normalizeAvgPB (ImageInterface< Complex > &inImage, ImageInterface< Float > &outImage)
virtual void resampleDataToGrid (Array< Complex > &griddedData, VBStore &vbs, const VisBuffer &vb, Bool &dopsf)
virtual void resampleDataToGrid (Array< DComplex > &griddedData, VBStore &vbs, const VisBuffer &vb, Bool &dopsf)
virtual void resampleGridToData (VBStore &vbs, Array< Complex > &griddedData, const VisBuffer &vb)
virtual void setupVBStore (VBStore &vbs, const VisBuffer &vb, const Matrix< Float > &imagingweight, const Cube< Complex > &visData, const Matrix< Double > &uvw, const Cube< Int > &flagCube, const Vector< Double > &dphase)

Protected Attributes

Float padding_p
 Padding in FFT.
Int nWPlanes_p
LatticeCache< Complex > * imageCache
 Image cache.
Long cachesize
Int tilesize
ConvolveGridder< Double,
Complex > * 
Bool isTiled
 Is this tiled?
CountedPtr< Lattice< Complex > > arrayLattice
 Array lattice.
CountedPtr< Lattice< Complex > > lattice
Float maxAbsData
IPosition centerLoc
 Useful IPositions.
IPosition offsetLoc
Vector< DoubleuvScale
 Image Scaling and offset.
Vector< DoubleuvOffset
Array< Complex > griddedData
 Array for non-tiled gridding.
Array< DComplex > griddedData2
 DirectionCoordinate directionCoord;.
Bool usezero_p
 Grid/degrid zero spacing points?
Int convSize
 CountedPtr<ConvolutionFunction> telescopeConvFunc_p; CFStore cfs_p, cfwts_p; Array<Complex> convFunc_p, convWeights_p;.
Int convSampling
Int wConvSize
Int lastIndex_p
CountedPtr< ImageInterface
< Float > > 
 The average PB for sky image normalization.
CountedPtr< ImageInterface
< Complex > > 
Int maxConvSupport
CountedPtr< SolvableVisJonesepJ_p
 Percentage of the peak of the PB after which the image is set to zero.
Double sigma
Int Nant_p
Int doPointing
Bool doPBCorrection
Bool makingPSF
Bool conjBeams_p
ParAngleChangeDetector paChangeDetector
 CountedPtr<CFCache> cfCache_p;.
Double rotateOTFPAIncr_p
Double computePAIncr_p
Unit Second
Unit Radian
Unit Day
Array< Floatl_offsets
Array< Floatm_offsets
Vector< FloatpbPeaks
Vector< FloatpaList
Double currentCFPA
Double cfRefFreq_p
Double imRefFreq_p
Float lastPAUsedForWtImg
Bool pbNormalized_p
Vector< BoolpaNdxProcessed_p
< VisibilityResamplerBase
 AWVisResampler visResampler_p;.
Int sensitivityPatternQualifier_p
String sensitivityPatternQualifierStr_p
CFStore rotatedConvFunc_p
CountedPtr< CFStore2cfs2_p
CountedPtr< CFStore2cfwts2_p
Vector< IntConjCFMap_p
Vector< IntCFMap_p
Timer timer_p
Double runTime1_p

Detailed Description

Definition at line 142 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casa::AWProjectFT::AWProjectFT ( Int  nFacets,
Long  cachesize,
CountedPtr< CFCache > &  cfcache,
CountedPtr< ConvolutionFunction > &  cf,
CountedPtr< VisibilityResamplerBase > &  visResampler,
Bool  applyPointingOffset = True,
Bool  doPBCorr = True,
Int  tilesize = 16,
Float  pbLimit = 5e-4,
Bool  usezero = False,
Bool  conjBeams_p = True,
Bool  doublePrecGrid = False 

Constructor: cachesize is the size of the cache in words (e.g.

a few million is a good number), tilesize is the size of the tile used in gridding (cannot be less than 12, 16 works in most cases).

Construct from a Record containing the AWProjectFT state.

Copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::ComputeResiduals ( VisBuffer vb,
Bool  useCorrected 
) [virtual]

Make the VB and VBStore interefaces for the interim re-factoring work.

Finally removed the VB interface.

Implements casa::FTMachine.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::finalizeToSky ( ) [virtual]

Finalize transform to Sky plane: flushes the image cache and shows statistics if it is being used.


Implements casa::FTMachine.

Reimplemented in casa::AWProjectWBFT.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::finalizeToVis ( ) [virtual]

Finalize transform to Visibility plane: flushes the image cache and shows statistics if it is being used.

Implements casa::FTMachine.

void casa::AWProjectFT::findConvFunction ( const ImageInterface< Complex > &  image,
const VisBuffer vb 
) [protected, virtual]

Locate convolution functions on the disk Int locateConvFunction(const Int Nw, const Float pa); void cacheConvFunction(Int which, Array<Complex>& cf, CoordinateSystem& coord); Find the convolution function.

Reimplemented from casa::FTMachine.

virtual Int casa::AWProjectFT::findPointingOffsets ( const VisBuffer ,
Array< Float > &  ,
Array< Float > &  ,
Bool  Evaluate = True 
) [virtual]

Bool changed(const VisBuffer& vb) {return vpSJ->changed(vb,1);}; Bool changed(const VisBuffer& vb) {return False;}.

Reimplemented in casa::AWProjectWBFT.

virtual Int casa::AWProjectFT::findPointingOffsets ( const VisBuffer ,
Cube< Float > &  ,
Array< Float > &  ,
Array< Float > &  ,
Bool  Evaluate = True 
) [virtual]
void casa::AWProjectFT::get ( VisBuffer vb,
Int  row = -1 
) [virtual]

Get actual coherence from grid by degridding.

Implements casa::FTMachine.

void casa::AWProjectFT::get ( VisBuffer vb,
Cube< Complex > &  degrid,
Array< Complex > &  griddedVis,
Vector< Double > &  scale,
Int  row = -1 

Get the coherence from grid return it in the degrid is used especially when scratch columns are not present in ms.

void casa::AWProjectFT::get ( VisBuffer vb,
Cube< Float > &  pointingOffsets,
Int  row = -1,
Type  whichVBColumn = FTMachine::MODEL,
Int  Conj = 0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 236 of file AWProjectFT.h.

void casa::AWProjectFT::get ( VisBuffer vb,
VisBuffer gradAzVB,
VisBuffer gradElVB,
Cube< Float > &  pointingOffsets,
Int  row = -1,
Type  whichVBColumn = FTMachine::MODEL,
Type  whichGradVBColumn = FTMachine::MODEL,
Int  Conj = 0,
Int  doGrad = 1 
void casa::AWProjectFT::get ( VisBuffer vb,
Cube< Complex > &  degrid,
Array< Complex > &  griddedVis,
Vector< Double > &  scale,
Cube< Float > &  pointingOffsets,
Int  row = -1 

Get the coherence from grid return it in the degrid is used especially when scratch columns are not present in ms.

virtual Bool casa::AWProjectFT::getConjBeams ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 181 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References conjBeams_p.

Array<Complex>* casa::AWProjectFT::getDataPointer ( const IPosition ,
) [protected]

Get the appropriate data pointer.

virtual Bool casa::AWProjectFT::getDOPBCorrection ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 179 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References doPBCorrection.

virtual ImageInterface<Complex>& casa::AWProjectFT::getImage ( Matrix< Float > &  ,
Bool  normalize = True 
) [virtual]

Get the final image: do the Fourier transform and grid-correct, then optionally normalize by the summed weights.

Implements casa::FTMachine.

Reimplemented in casa::AWProjectWBFT, and casa::MultiTermAWProjectWBFT.

virtual Float casa::AWProjectFT::getPBLimit ( ) [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from casa::FTMachine.

Definition at line 183 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References casa::FTMachine::pbLimit_p.

Definition at line 366 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References casa::FTMachine::polMap.

Given the sky image (Fourier transform of the visibilities), sum of weights and the sensitivity image, this method replaces the skyImage with the normalized image of the sky.

These are now implement in the FTMachine base class.

These can't be left here since now the design depends on getting the correct version called due to static type casting of FTM pointer and not on inheretance and and specialization via overloading.

virtual void normalizeImage(Lattice<Complex>& skyImage, const Matrix<Double>& sumOfWts, Lattice<Float>& sensitivityImage, Bool fftNorm=True); virtual void normalizeImage(Lattice<Complex>& skyImage, const Matrix<Double>& sumOfWts, Lattice<Float>& sensitivityImage, Lattice<Complex>& sensitivitySqImage, Bool fftNorm=True);

Definition at line 354 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References avgPB_p.

virtual Matrix<Double>& casa::AWProjectFT::getSumOfCFWeights ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 356 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References casa::FTMachine::sumCFWeight.

virtual Matrix<Double>& casa::AWProjectFT::getSumOfWeights ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 355 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References casa::FTMachine::sumWeight.

virtual Double casa::AWProjectFT::getVBPA ( const VisBuffer vb) [inline, virtual]

if (!rotateApertureOTP_p) return currentCFPA; else return getPA(vb);

Definition at line 306 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References casa::getPA().

void casa::AWProjectFT::getWeightImage ( ImageInterface< Float > &  ,
Matrix< Float > &   
) [virtual]

Get the final weights image.

Implements casa::FTMachine.

void casa::AWProjectFT::init ( ) [protected]
virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::initializeToSky ( ImageInterface< Complex > &  image,
Matrix< Float > &  weight,
const VisBuffer vb 
) [virtual]

Initialize transform to Sky plane: initializes the image.

Implements casa::FTMachine.

Reimplemented in casa::AWProjectWBFT.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::initializeToVis ( Block< CountedPtr< ImageInterface< Complex > > > &  compImageVec,
PtrBlock< SubImage< Float > * > &  modelImageVec,
PtrBlock< SubImage< Float > * > &  weightImageVec,
PtrBlock< SubImage< Float > * > &  fluxScaleVec,
Block< Matrix< Float > > &  weightsVec,
const VisBuffer vb 
) [virtual]

Vectorized version of initializeToVis.

Required since MultiTermFTM needs vectorized version. And this is implemented in FTMachine (the baseclass). And one relies on static_cast in Imager::createFTMachine() (or is it in CSE?) to cast the pointer to specific types such that this methods gets called when the FTMachine pointer is of type AWProjectFT.

Reimplemented from casa::FTMachine.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::initializeToVis ( ImageInterface< Complex > &  image,
const VisBuffer vb 
) [virtual]

Initialize transform to Visibility plane.

Implements casa::FTMachine.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::initializeToVis ( ImageInterface< Complex > &  image,
const VisBuffer vb,
Array< Complex > &  griddedVis,
Vector< Double > &  uvscale 
) [virtual]

This version returns the gridded vis...should be used in conjunction with the version of 'get' that needs the gridded visdata.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::initVisBuffer ( VisBuffer vb,
Type  whichVBColumn 
) [virtual]
void casa::AWProjectFT::initVisBuffer ( VisBuffer vb,
Type  whichVBColumn,
Int  row 
Bool casa::AWProjectFT::isFourier ( ) [inline, virtual]

Can this FTMachine be represented by Fourier convolutions?

Reimplemented from casa::FTMachine.

Definition at line 296 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References casa::True.

void casa::AWProjectFT::makeCFPolMap ( const VisBuffer vb,
const Vector< Int > &  cfstokes,
Vector< Int > &  polM 

Vector<Int> makeConjPolMap(const VisBuffer& vb);.

void casa::AWProjectFT::makeConjPolMap ( const VisBuffer vb,
const Vector< Int cfPolMap,
Vector< Int > &  conjPolMap 
virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::makeImage ( FTMachine::Type  ,
ROVisibilityIterator ,
ImageInterface< Complex > &  ,
Matrix< Float > &   
) [inline, virtual]

Make the entire image using a ROVisIter.

Reimplemented from casa::FTMachine.

Definition at line 273 of file AWProjectFT.h.

void casa::AWProjectFT::makeImage ( FTMachine::Type  type,
VisSet vs,
ImageInterface< Complex > &  image,
Matrix< Float > &  weight 
) [virtual]

Make the entire image.

Reimplemented from casa::FTMachine.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::makeSensitivityImage ( Lattice< Complex > &  ,
ImageInterface< Float > &  ,
const Matrix< Float > &  ,
const Bool  
) [inline, virtual]

Make a sensitivity image (sensitivityImage), given the gridded weights (wtImage).

These are related to each other by a Fourier transform and normalization by the sum-of-weights (sumWt) and normalization by the product of the 2D FFT size along each axis. If doFFTNorm=False, normalization by the FFT size is not done. If sumWt is not provided, normalization by the sum of weights is also not done.

Reimplemented in casa::AWProjectWBFT, and casa::MultiTermAWProjectWBFT.

Definition at line 325 of file AWProjectFT.h.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::makeSensitivityImage ( const VisBuffer vb,
const ImageInterface< Complex > &  imageTemplate,
ImageInterface< Float > &  sensitivityImage 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in casa::AWProjectWBFT.

void casa::AWProjectFT::makeWBCFWt ( CFStore2 cfs,
const Double  imRefFreq 
virtual String casa::AWProjectFT::name ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Return the name of the machine.

Implements casa::FTMachine.

Reimplemented in casa::MultiTermAWProjectWBFT, and casa::AWProjectWBFT.

Definition at line 367 of file AWProjectFT.h.

void casa::AWProjectFT::nget ( VisBuffer vb,
Array< Float > &  l_off,
Array< Float > &  m_off,
Cube< Complex > &  Mout,
Cube< Complex > &  dMout1,
Cube< Complex > &  dMout2,
Int  Conj = 0,
Int  doGrad = 1 
l_offThese offsets should be appropriate for the VB
Int casa::AWProjectFT::nint ( Double  val) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 392 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References casa::floor().

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::normalizeAvgPB ( ) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in casa::AWProjectWBFT.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::normalizeAvgPB ( ImageInterface< Complex > &  inImage,
ImageInterface< Float > &  outImage 
) [protected, virtual]
void casa::AWProjectFT::ok ( ) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from casa::FTMachine.

AWProjectFT& casa::AWProjectFT::operator= ( const AWProjectFT other)

Assignment operator.

virtual Float casa::AWProjectFT::pbFunc ( const Float a,
const Float limit 
) [inline, virtual]

{Float tt=sqrt(a);return (abs(tt) >= limit)?tt:1.0;};

Reimplemented in casa::AWProjectWBFT.

Definition at line 376 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References casa::abs().

virtual Complex casa::AWProjectFT::pbFunc ( const Complex &  a,
const Float limit 
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 379 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References casa::abs().

void casa::AWProjectFT::put ( const VisBuffer ,
TempImage< Complex > &  ,
Vector< Double > &  ,
int  ,
UVWMachine ,
) [inline]

Put coherence to grid by gridding.

throw(AipsError("AWProjectFT::put is not implemented"));

Definition at line 263 of file AWProjectFT.h.

void casa::AWProjectFT::put ( const VisBuffer vb,
Int  row = -1,
Bool  dopsf = False,
FTMachine::Type  type = FTMachine::OBSERVED 
) [virtual]

Put coherence to grid.

Implements casa::FTMachine.

Bool casa::AWProjectFT::recordOnGrid ( const VisBuffer vb,
Int  rownr 
) const [protected]

virtual void initPolInfo(const VisBuffer& vb); Is this record on Grid? check both ends.

This assumes that the ends bracket the middle

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::resampleDataToGrid ( Array< Complex > &  griddedData,
VBStore vbs,
const VisBuffer vb,
Bool dopsf 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in casa::AWProjectWBFT.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::resampleDataToGrid ( Array< DComplex > &  griddedData,
VBStore vbs,
const VisBuffer vb,
Bool dopsf 
) [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in casa::AWProjectWBFT.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::resampleGridToData ( VBStore vbs,
Array< Complex > &  griddedData,
const VisBuffer vb 
) [protected, virtual]
void casa::AWProjectFT::reset ( ) [inline, virtual]

void reset() {vpSJ->reset();}

Reimplemented from casa::FTMachine.

Definition at line 362 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References paChangeDetector, and casa::ParAngleChangeDetector::reset().

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::setConjBeams ( Bool  useit = True) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 180 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References conjBeams_p.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::setDOPBCorrection ( Bool  doit = True) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 178 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References doPBCorrection.

void setEPJones(EPJones* ep_j) {epJ = ep_j;}

Definition at line 176 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References epJ_p.

virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::setMiscInfo ( const Int  qualifier) [inline, virtual]

set the order of the Taylor term for MFS this is to tell A-Projection to qualify the accumulated avgPB for each Taylor term in the CFCache.

Implements casa::FTMachine.

Definition at line 382 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References sensitivityPatternQualifier_p, sensitivityPatternQualifierStr_p, and casa::vpf::toString().

void casa::AWProjectFT::setObservatoryLocation ( const MPosition mLocation) [inline]

Initialize transform to Visibility plane using the image as a template.

The image is loaded and Fourier transformed.

Reimplemented in casa::AWProjectWBFT.

Definition at line 187 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References casa::FTMachine::mLocation_p.

void casa::AWProjectFT::setPAIncrement ( const Quantity computePAIncr,
const Quantity rotateOTFPAIncr 
virtual void casa::AWProjectFT::setupVBStore ( VBStore vbs,
const VisBuffer vb,
const Matrix< Float > &  imagingweight,
const Cube< Complex > &  visData,
const Matrix< Double > &  uvw,
const Cube< Int > &  flagCube,
const Vector< Double > &  dphase 
) [protected, virtual]
Bool casa::AWProjectFT::toRecord ( RecordInterface outRec,
Bool  withImage = False 

Save and restore the AWProjectFT to and from a record.

virtual Bool casa::AWProjectFT::verifyAvgPB ( ImageInterface< Float > &  pb,
ImageInterface< Float > &  sky 
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 368 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References casa::LatticeBase::shape(), and verifyShapes().

virtual Bool casa::AWProjectFT::verifyAvgPB ( ImageInterface< Float > &  pb,
ImageInterface< Complex > &  sky 
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 371 of file AWProjectFT.h.

References casa::LatticeBase::shape(), and verifyShapes().

virtual Bool casa::AWProjectFT::verifyShapes ( IPosition  shape0,
IPosition  shape1 
) [virtual]

Reimplemented in casa::AWProjectWBFT.

Referenced by verifyAvgPB().

Member Data Documentation

Array lattice.

Definition at line 429 of file AWProjectFT.h.

The average PB for sky image normalization.

Definition at line 466 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Referenced by getSensitivityImage().

Definition at line 467 of file AWProjectFT.h.


Definition at line 419 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Useful IPositions.

Definition at line 438 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 521 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 490 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Reimplemented from casa::FTMachine.

Definition at line 520 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Reimplemented from casa::FTMachine.

Definition at line 520 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 484 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 480 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Referenced by getConjBeams(), and setConjBeams().

Definition at line 521 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 461 of file AWProjectFT.h.

CountedPtr<ConvolutionFunction> telescopeConvFunc_p; CFStore cfs_p, cfwts_p; Array<Complex> convFunc_p, convWeights_p;.

Vector to hold the support size info. for the convolution functions pointed to by the elements of convFunctions_p. The co-ordinates of this array are (W-term, Poln, PA).

Definition at line 461 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 490 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 486 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 480 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Referenced by getDOPBCorrection(), and setDOPBCorrection().

Definition at line 479 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Percentage of the peak of the PB after which the image is set to zero.

Definition at line 477 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Referenced by setEPJones().

Array<Complex> casa::AWProjectFT::griddedData [protected]

Array for non-tiled gridding.

Definition at line 444 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Array<DComplex> casa::AWProjectFT::griddedData2 [protected]

Definition at line 445 of file AWProjectFT.h.


Definition at line 423 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Image cache.

Definition at line 416 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 490 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Is this tiled?

Definition at line 426 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 487 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 461 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 491 of file AWProjectFT.h.


For non-tiled gridding, this will point to arrayLattice, whereas for tiled gridding, this points to the image

Definition at line 433 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 487 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 480 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 435 of file AWProjectFT.h.


of vis. polarization planes used in making the user defined Stokes images

Definition at line 472 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 479 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 414 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 438 of file AWProjectFT.h.

CountedPtr<CFCache> cfCache_p;.

Definition at line 483 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Referenced by reset().

Padding in FFT.

Definition at line 412 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 488 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 493 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 492 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 488 of file AWProjectFT.h.

DirectionCoordinate directionCoord;.

Definition at line 448 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 486 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 519 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 484 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 524 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 486 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 517 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Referenced by setMiscInfo().

Definition at line 518 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Referenced by setMiscInfo().

Definition at line 478 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 420 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 523 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Grid/degrid zero spacing points?

Definition at line 451 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 441 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Image Scaling and offset.

Definition at line 441 of file AWProjectFT.h.

AWVisResampler visResampler_p;.

Definition at line 516 of file AWProjectFT.h.

Definition at line 461 of file AWProjectFT.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: