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Public Member Functions
casa::PlotFactory Class Reference

The idea behind a plot factory is to produce classes that are useful to the underlying implementation without having to know what the implementation is. More...

#include <PlotFactory.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PlotFactory ()
virtual ~PlotFactory ()
virtual bool canvasHasThreadedDrawing () const =0
 Support Methods //.
virtual bool canvasHasCachedLayerDrawing () const =0
 Returns true if this implementation's PlotCanvas subclass supports cached layer drawing, false otherwise.
virtual bool canvasHasCachedAxesStack () const =0
 Returns true if this implementation's PlotCanvas subclass has a cached axes stack, false otherwise.
virtual int execLoop ()=0
 Execution Methods //.
virtual Plotter::Implementation implementation () const =0
 Return which implementation this factory is producing.
virtual PlotterPtr plotter (const String &windowTitle="Plotter", bool showSingleCanvas=true, bool showGUI=true, int logEventFlags=PlotLogger::NO_EVENTS, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 GUI Objects //.
virtual PlotterPtr plotter (unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncols, const String &windowTitle="Plotter", bool showGUI=true, int logEventFlags=PlotLogger::NO_EVENTS, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Return a new instance of a Plotter for this implementation, with the given rows and columns of canvases and parameters.
virtual PlotterPtr plotter (PlotCanvasPtr canvas, const String &windowTitle="Plotter", bool showGUI=true, int logEventFlags=PlotLogger::NO_EVENTS, bool smartDelete=true)
 Convenience method for creating a plotter with a single, given canvas.
virtual PlotCanvasPtr canvas (bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Return a new instance of a PlotCanvas for this implementation.
virtual PlotPanelPtr panel (bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Return a new instance of a PlotPanel for this implementation.
virtual PlotButtonPtr button (const String &str, bool isText=true, bool toggleable=false, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Return a new instance of a PlotButton with the given text for this implementation.
virtual PlotCheckboxPtr checkbox (const String &str, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Return a new instance of a PlotCheckbox with the given text for this implementation.
virtual ScatterPlotPtr scatterPlot (PlotPointDataPtr data, const String &title="Scatter Plot", bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 PlotItem Objects //.
virtual MaskedScatterPlotPtr maskedPlot (PlotMaskedPointDataPtr data, const String &title="Masked Plot", bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience methods for specialized scatter plot and data classes.
virtual ErrorPlotPtr errorPlot (PlotErrorDataPtr data, const String &title="Error Plot", bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual ColoredPlotPtr coloredPlot (PlotBinnedDataPtr data, const String &title="Colored Plot", bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual BarPlotPtr barPlot (PlotPointDataPtr data, const String &title="Bar Plot", bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Returns a new instance of a BarPlot for this implementation with the given PlotPointData and optional title.
virtual BarPlotPtr histogramPlot (PlotSingleDataPtr data, unsigned int numBins, const String &title="Histogram Plot", bool smartDelete=true) const
 Returns a new instance of a BarPlot set to use histogram data for this implementation with the given PlotSinglePointData and number of bins.
virtual RasterPlotPtr rasterPlot (PlotRasterDataPtr data, const String &title="Raster Plot", PlotRasterData::Format format=PlotRasterData::RGB32, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Returns a new instance of a RasterPlot for this implementation with the given data and optional title and format.
virtual RasterPlotPtr contourPlot (PlotRasterDataPtr data, const vector< double > &contours, const String &title="Contour Plot", PlotRasterData::Format format=PlotRasterData::RGB32, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Returns a new instance of a RasterPlot for this implementation with the given data and contour levels and optional title and format.
virtual RasterPlotPtr spectrogramPlot (PlotRasterDataPtr data, const String &title="Spectrogram", bool smartDelete=true) const
 Returns a new instance of a RasterPlot for this implementation interpreted as a spectrogram with the given data and optional title.
virtual RasterPlotPtr contouredSpectrogramPlot (PlotRasterDataPtr data, const vector< double > &cont, const String &title="Spectrogram Contours", bool smartDelete=true) const
 Returns a new instance of a RasterPlot for this implementation interpreted as a spectrogram with the given data and contour levels and optional title.
virtual PlotAnnotationPtr annotation (const String &text, const PlotCoordinate &coord, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Return a new instance of a PlotAnnotation for this implementation with the given text and coordinates.
virtual PlotAnnotationPtr annotation (const String &text, double x, double y, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience method for return an annotation with the given world coordinates.
virtual PlotShapeRectanglePtr shapeRectangle (const PlotCoordinate &upperLeft, const PlotCoordinate &lowerRight, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Return a new instance of a PlotShapeRectangle for this implementation with the given coordinates.
virtual PlotShapeRectanglePtr shapeRectangle (double left, double top, double right, double bottom, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience method for returning a rectangle with the given world coordinates.
virtual PlotShapeEllipsePtr shapeEllipse (const PlotCoordinate &center, const PlotCoordinate &radii, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Return a new instance of a PlotShapeEllipse for this implementation with the given coordinates and radii.
virtual PlotShapeEllipsePtr shapeEllipse (double x, double y, double xRadius, double yRadius, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience method for returning an ellipse with the given world coordinates.
virtual PlotShapePolygonPtr shapePolygon (const vector< PlotCoordinate > &coords, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Return a new instance of a PlotShapePolygon for this implementation with the given coordinates.
virtual PlotShapePolygonPtr shapePolygon (const vector< double > &x, const vector< double > &y, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience method for returning a polygon with the given world coordinates.
virtual PlotShapeLinePtr shapeLine (double location, PlotAxis axis, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Returns a new instance of a PlotShapeLine for this implementation at the given location.
virtual PlotShapeArrowPtr shapeArrow (const PlotCoordinate &from, const PlotCoordinate &to, PlotShapeArrow::Style fromArrow=PlotShapeArrow::NOARROW, PlotShapeArrow::Style toArrow=PlotShapeArrow::V_ARROW, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Returns a new instance of a PlotShapeArrow for this implementation at the given coordinates with the given arrow style.
virtual PlotShapeArrowPtr shapeArrow (double fromX, double fromY, double toX, double toY, PlotShapeArrow::Style fromArrow=PlotShapeArrow::NOARROW, PlotShapeArrow::Style toArrow=PlotShapeArrow::V_ARROW, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience methods for returning arrows with the given world coordinates.
virtual PlotShapeArrowPtr shapeLineSegment (const PlotCoordinate &from, const PlotCoordinate &to, bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual PlotShapeArrowPtr shapeLineSegment (double fromX, double fromY, double toX, double toY, bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual PlotShapePathPtr shapePath (const vector< PlotCoordinate > &coords, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Returns a new instance of a PlotShapePath for this implementation with the given coordinates.
virtual PlotShapePathPtr shapePath (const vector< double > &x, const vector< double > &y, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience method for returning a path with the given world coordinates.
virtual PlotShapeArcPtr shapeArc (const PlotCoordinate &start, const PlotCoordinate &widthHeight, int startAngle, int spanAngle, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Returns a new instance of a PlotShapeArc for this implementation with the given start position, width and height, start angle, and span angle.
virtual PlotPointPtr point (const PlotCoordinate &coord, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Returns a new instance of a PlotPoint for this implementation at the given coordinates.
virtual PlotPointPtr point (double x, double y, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience methods for returning a point with the given world coordinates.
virtual PlotPointPtr point (float x, float y, bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual PlotPointPtr point (int x, int y, bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual PlotPointPtr point (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual PlotColorPtr color (const String &color, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Customization Objects //.
virtual PlotColorPtr color (const PlotColor &copy, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Make a copy of the given color for this implementation.
virtual PlotColorPtr color (const PlotColorPtr copy, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience method for returning a copy of the given color.
virtual vector< StringallNamedColors () const =0
 Returns a list of all the named colors that the implementation supports.
virtual PlotFontPtr font (const String &family="Arial", double pointSize=12, const String &color="000000", bool bold=false, bool italics=false, bool underline=false, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Return a new font with the given characteristics.
virtual PlotFontPtr font (const PlotFont &copy, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Make a copy of the given font for this implementation.
virtual PlotFontPtr font (const PlotFontPtr copy, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience method for returning a copy of the given font.
virtual PlotAreaFillPtr areaFill (const String &color, PlotAreaFill::Pattern pattern=PlotAreaFill::FILL, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Returns a new area fill with the given color and pattern.
virtual PlotAreaFillPtr areaFill (const PlotAreaFill &copy, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Returns a copy of the given area fill for this implementation.
virtual PlotAreaFillPtr areaFill (const PlotAreaFillPtr copy, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience method for returning a copy of the given area fill.
virtual PlotLinePtr line (const String &color, PlotLine::Style style=PlotLine::SOLID, double width=1.0, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Returns a new line with the given color, style, and width.
virtual PlotLinePtr line (const PlotLine &copy, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Make a copy of the given line for this implementation.
virtual PlotLinePtr line (const PlotLinePtr copy, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience method for returning a copy of the given line.
virtual PlotSymbolPtr symbol (PlotSymbol::Symbol style, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Returns a new symbol with the given style.
virtual PlotSymbolPtr symbol (char sym, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Returns a new symbol with the given character.
virtual PlotSymbolPtr uSymbol (unsigned short unicode, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Return a new symbol with the given unicode #.
virtual PlotSymbolPtr symbol (const PlotSymbol &copy, bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Make a copy of the given symbol for this implementation.
virtual PlotSymbolPtr symbol (const PlotSymbolPtr copy, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Convenience method for returning a copy of the given symbol.
standardMouseTools (ToolCode activeTool=NONE_TOOL, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Tool Objects //.
standardMouseTools (PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System sys, ToolCode activeTool=NONE_TOOL, bool smartDelete=true) const
 Returns a standard mouse tool group for this implementation on the given axes.
virtual PlotSelectToolPtr selectTool (bool smartDelete=true) const
 Returns tools for this implementation.
virtual PlotZoomToolPtr zoomTool (bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual PlotPanToolPtr panTool (bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual PlotTrackerToolPtr trackerTool (bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual PlotSelectToolPtr selectTool (PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System system, bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual PlotZoomToolPtr zoomTool (PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System system, bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual PlotPanToolPtr panTool (PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System system, bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual PlotTrackerToolPtr trackerTool (PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System system, bool smartDelete=true) const
virtual PlotMutexPtr mutex (bool smartDelete=true) const =0
 Operations //.
virtual PlotPointDataPtr histogramData (PlotSingleDataPtr data, unsigned int numBins) const
 Returns data objects for doubles.

Detailed Description

The idea behind a plot factory is to produce classes that are useful to the underlying implementation without having to know what the implementation is.

A PlotFactory provides for creation of plot items with the given parameters in the given implementation. Methods that have a "smartDelete" parameter pass that flag into the smart pointer constructor, to indicate whether the underlying object is deleted upon destruction of all smart pointers or not.

Definition at line 54 of file PlotFactory.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


virtual casa::PlotFactory::~PlotFactory ( ) [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual vector<String> casa::PlotFactory::allNamedColors ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns a list of all the named colors that the implementation supports.

virtual PlotAnnotationPtr casa::PlotFactory::annotation ( const String text,
const PlotCoordinate &  coord,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Return a new instance of a PlotAnnotation for this implementation with the given text and coordinates.

virtual PlotAnnotationPtr casa::PlotFactory::annotation ( const String text,
double  x,
double  y,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience method for return an annotation with the given world coordinates.


virtual PlotAreaFillPtr casa::PlotFactory::areaFill ( const String color,
PlotAreaFill::Pattern  pattern = PlotAreaFill::FILL,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns a new area fill with the given color and pattern.

Color can either be in hexadecimal form or name form.

virtual PlotAreaFillPtr casa::PlotFactory::areaFill ( const PlotAreaFill copy,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns a copy of the given area fill for this implementation.

virtual PlotAreaFillPtr casa::PlotFactory::areaFill ( const PlotAreaFillPtr  copy,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience method for returning a copy of the given area fill.


virtual BarPlotPtr casa::PlotFactory::barPlot ( PlotPointDataPtr  data,
const String title = "Bar Plot",
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns a new instance of a BarPlot for this implementation with the given PlotPointData and optional title.

virtual PlotButtonPtr casa::PlotFactory::button ( const String str,
bool  isText = true,
bool  toggleable = false,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Return a new instance of a PlotButton with the given text for this implementation.

If isText is true, the given string should be displayed on the button as text; otherwise it is a path to an image file. If toggleable is true, then a toggleable button is returned.

virtual PlotCanvasPtr casa::PlotFactory::canvas ( bool  smartDelete = true) const [pure virtual]

Return a new instance of a PlotCanvas for this implementation.

virtual bool casa::PlotFactory::canvasHasCachedAxesStack ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns true if this implementation's PlotCanvas subclass has a cached axes stack, false otherwise.

Cached axes stack means that the part of the canvas for a given axes range is cached after the first time it is drawn, so that if the ranges are set to a cached value in the future it will not have to be redrawn. This is useful for, for example, caching the zoom/pan stack to move quickly along axes ranges already seen. Note that the cached axes stack will need to be invalidated as needed when plot items on the canvas change and thus require a redraw.

virtual bool casa::PlotFactory::canvasHasCachedLayerDrawing ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns true if this implementation's PlotCanvas subclass supports cached layer drawing, false otherwise.

Cached layer drawing means that items that are changed in one layer will ONLY cause a redraw of that layer, and the others are cached and thus do not need to be redrawn.

virtual bool casa::PlotFactory::canvasHasThreadedDrawing ( ) const [pure virtual]

Support Methods //.

Returns true if this implementation's PlotCanvas subclass supports threaded drawing, false otherwise. Threaded drawing is done using a threading library appropriate to the implementation, and keeps progress information synchronized across threads by using PlotOperation objects unique to each canvas (see PlotCanvas::operationDraw()).

virtual PlotCheckboxPtr casa::PlotFactory::checkbox ( const String str,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Return a new instance of a PlotCheckbox with the given text for this implementation.

virtual PlotColorPtr casa::PlotFactory::color ( const String color,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Customization Objects //.

Color could be a name (i.e. "black") or a hex value (i.e. "000000").

virtual PlotColorPtr casa::PlotFactory::color ( const PlotColor copy,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Make a copy of the given color for this implementation.

virtual PlotColorPtr casa::PlotFactory::color ( const PlotColorPtr  copy,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience method for returning a copy of the given color.


virtual ColoredPlotPtr casa::PlotFactory::coloredPlot ( PlotBinnedDataPtr  data,
const String title = "Colored Plot",
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]
virtual RasterPlotPtr casa::PlotFactory::contouredSpectrogramPlot ( PlotRasterDataPtr  data,
const vector< double > &  cont,
const String title = "Spectrogram Contours",
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Returns a new instance of a RasterPlot for this implementation interpreted as a spectrogram with the given data and contour levels and optional title.


virtual RasterPlotPtr casa::PlotFactory::contourPlot ( PlotRasterDataPtr  data,
const vector< double > &  contours,
const String title = "Contour Plot",
PlotRasterData::Format  format = PlotRasterData::RGB32,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Returns a new instance of a RasterPlot for this implementation with the given data and contour levels and optional title and format.


virtual ErrorPlotPtr casa::PlotFactory::errorPlot ( PlotErrorDataPtr  data,
const String title = "Error Plot",
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]
virtual int casa::PlotFactory::execLoop ( ) [pure virtual]

Execution Methods //.

Enters the GUI execution loop, if necessary, and returns the result.

virtual PlotFontPtr casa::PlotFactory::font ( const String family = "Arial",
double  pointSize = 12,
const String color = "000000",
bool  bold = false,
bool  italics = false,
bool  underline = false,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Return a new font with the given characteristics.

Color can either be in hexadecimal form or name form.

virtual PlotFontPtr casa::PlotFactory::font ( const PlotFont copy,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Make a copy of the given font for this implementation.

virtual PlotFontPtr casa::PlotFactory::font ( const PlotFontPtr  copy,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience method for returning a copy of the given font.


virtual PlotPointDataPtr casa::PlotFactory::histogramData ( PlotSingleDataPtr  data,
unsigned int  numBins 
) const [virtual]

Returns data objects for doubles.


Returns data objects for floats. DEFAULT IMPLEMENTATION.

Returns data objects for ints. DEFAULT IMPLEMENTATION.

Returns data objects for unsigned ints. DEFAULT IMPLEMENTATION.

Returns a histogram data object for the given PlotSingleData and number of bins. DEFAULT IMPLEMENTATION.

virtual BarPlotPtr casa::PlotFactory::histogramPlot ( PlotSingleDataPtr  data,
unsigned int  numBins,
const String title = "Histogram Plot",
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Returns a new instance of a BarPlot set to use histogram data for this implementation with the given PlotSinglePointData and number of bins.


Return which implementation this factory is producing.

virtual PlotLinePtr casa::PlotFactory::line ( const String color,
PlotLine::Style  style = PlotLine::SOLID,
double  width = 1.0,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns a new line with the given color, style, and width.

Color can either be in hexadecimal form or name form.

virtual PlotLinePtr casa::PlotFactory::line ( const PlotLine copy,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Make a copy of the given line for this implementation.

virtual PlotLinePtr casa::PlotFactory::line ( const PlotLinePtr  copy,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience method for returning a copy of the given line.


virtual MaskedScatterPlotPtr casa::PlotFactory::maskedPlot ( PlotMaskedPointDataPtr  data,
const String title = "Masked Plot",
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience methods for specialized scatter plot and data classes.

Since the scatterPlot method should be able to handle the different subclasses of data and return something of the proper type, this should be fine. DEFAULT IMPLEMENTATION.

virtual PlotMutexPtr casa::PlotFactory::mutex ( bool  smartDelete = true) const [pure virtual]

Operations //.

Returns a new PlotMutex for this implementation.

virtual PlotPanelPtr casa::PlotFactory::panel ( bool  smartDelete = true) const [pure virtual]

Return a new instance of a PlotPanel for this implementation.

virtual PlotPanToolPtr casa::PlotFactory::panTool ( bool  smartDelete = true) const [virtual]
virtual PlotPanToolPtr casa::PlotFactory::panTool ( PlotAxis  xAxis,
PlotAxis  yAxis,
PlotCoordinate::System  system,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]
virtual PlotterPtr casa::PlotFactory::plotter ( const String windowTitle = "Plotter",
bool  showSingleCanvas = true,
bool  showGUI = true,
int  logEventFlags = PlotLogger::NO_EVENTS,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

GUI Objects //.

Return a new instance of a Plotter for this implementation with the given parameters. The plotter's window title is set to the given. If showSingleCanvas is true, then the plotter is created with a single canvas; otherwise it has no canvases. If showGUI is true then the plotter GUI will be shown after creation. If log event flags are given (bitwise or of PlotLogger::Event) they are passed to the plotter.

virtual PlotterPtr casa::PlotFactory::plotter ( unsigned int  nrows,
unsigned int  ncols,
const String windowTitle = "Plotter",
bool  showGUI = true,
int  logEventFlags = PlotLogger::NO_EVENTS,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Return a new instance of a Plotter for this implementation, with the given rows and columns of canvases and parameters.

The plotter's window title is set to the given. If showGUI is true then the plotter GUI will be shown after creation. If log event flags are given (bitwise or of PlotLogger::Event) they are passed to the plotter.

virtual PlotterPtr casa::PlotFactory::plotter ( PlotCanvasPtr  canvas,
const String windowTitle = "Plotter",
bool  showGUI = true,
int  logEventFlags = PlotLogger::NO_EVENTS,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) [virtual]

Convenience method for creating a plotter with a single, given canvas.

The plotter's window title is set to the given. If showGUI is true then the plotter GUI will be shown after creation. If log event flags are given (bitwise or of PlotLogger::Event) they are passed to the plotter. DEFAULT IMPLEMENTATION.

virtual PlotPointPtr casa::PlotFactory::point ( const PlotCoordinate &  coord,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns a new instance of a PlotPoint for this implementation at the given coordinates.

virtual PlotPointPtr casa::PlotFactory::point ( double  x,
double  y,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience methods for returning a point with the given world coordinates.


virtual PlotPointPtr casa::PlotFactory::point ( float  x,
float  y,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]
virtual PlotPointPtr casa::PlotFactory::point ( int  x,
int  y,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]
virtual PlotPointPtr casa::PlotFactory::point ( unsigned int  x,
unsigned int  y,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]
virtual RasterPlotPtr casa::PlotFactory::rasterPlot ( PlotRasterDataPtr  data,
const String title = "Raster Plot",
PlotRasterData::Format  format = PlotRasterData::RGB32,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns a new instance of a RasterPlot for this implementation with the given data and optional title and format.

virtual ScatterPlotPtr casa::PlotFactory::scatterPlot ( PlotPointDataPtr  data,
const String title = "Scatter Plot",
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

PlotItem Objects //.

Returns a new instance of a ScatterPlot for this implementation with the given PlotPointData. IMPORTANT: the returned ScatterPlot should be of the correct type to handle the given data. For example, if the data is of type PlotMaskedPointData, the returned scatter plot should be able to be cast to a MaskedScatterPlot, and similarly for PlotErrorData and ErrorPlot. If the given data is both masked and error, the returned plot should be able to handle both as well.

virtual PlotSelectToolPtr casa::PlotFactory::selectTool ( bool  smartDelete = true) const [virtual]

Returns tools for this implementation.

Implementations that provide their own PlotTool subclasses should override these methods. DEFAULT IMPLEMENTATION.

virtual PlotSelectToolPtr casa::PlotFactory::selectTool ( PlotAxis  xAxis,
PlotAxis  yAxis,
PlotCoordinate::System  system,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]
virtual PlotShapeArcPtr casa::PlotFactory::shapeArc ( const PlotCoordinate &  start,
const PlotCoordinate &  widthHeight,
int  startAngle,
int  spanAngle,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns a new instance of a PlotShapeArc for this implementation with the given start position, width and height, start angle, and span angle.

virtual PlotShapeArrowPtr casa::PlotFactory::shapeArrow ( const PlotCoordinate &  from,
const PlotCoordinate &  to,
PlotShapeArrow::Style  fromArrow = PlotShapeArrow::NOARROW,
PlotShapeArrow::Style  toArrow = PlotShapeArrow::V_ARROW,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns a new instance of a PlotShapeArrow for this implementation at the given coordinates with the given arrow style.

virtual PlotShapeArrowPtr casa::PlotFactory::shapeArrow ( double  fromX,
double  fromY,
double  toX,
double  toY,
PlotShapeArrow::Style  fromArrow = PlotShapeArrow::NOARROW,
PlotShapeArrow::Style  toArrow = PlotShapeArrow::V_ARROW,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience methods for returning arrows with the given world coordinates.


virtual PlotShapeEllipsePtr casa::PlotFactory::shapeEllipse ( const PlotCoordinate &  center,
const PlotCoordinate &  radii,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Return a new instance of a PlotShapeEllipse for this implementation with the given coordinates and radii.

virtual PlotShapeEllipsePtr casa::PlotFactory::shapeEllipse ( double  x,
double  y,
double  xRadius,
double  yRadius,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience method for returning an ellipse with the given world coordinates.

virtual PlotShapeLinePtr casa::PlotFactory::shapeLine ( double  location,
PlotAxis  axis,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns a new instance of a PlotShapeLine for this implementation at the given location.

virtual PlotShapeArrowPtr casa::PlotFactory::shapeLineSegment ( const PlotCoordinate &  from,
const PlotCoordinate &  to,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]
virtual PlotShapeArrowPtr casa::PlotFactory::shapeLineSegment ( double  fromX,
double  fromY,
double  toX,
double  toY,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]
virtual PlotShapePathPtr casa::PlotFactory::shapePath ( const vector< PlotCoordinate > &  coords,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns a new instance of a PlotShapePath for this implementation with the given coordinates.

virtual PlotShapePathPtr casa::PlotFactory::shapePath ( const vector< double > &  x,
const vector< double > &  y,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience method for returning a path with the given world coordinates.


virtual PlotShapePolygonPtr casa::PlotFactory::shapePolygon ( const vector< PlotCoordinate > &  coords,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Return a new instance of a PlotShapePolygon for this implementation with the given coordinates.

virtual PlotShapePolygonPtr casa::PlotFactory::shapePolygon ( const vector< double > &  x,
const vector< double > &  y,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience method for returning a polygon with the given world coordinates.


virtual PlotShapeRectanglePtr casa::PlotFactory::shapeRectangle ( const PlotCoordinate &  upperLeft,
const PlotCoordinate &  lowerRight,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Return a new instance of a PlotShapeRectangle for this implementation with the given coordinates.

virtual PlotShapeRectanglePtr casa::PlotFactory::shapeRectangle ( double  left,
double  top,
double  right,
double  bottom,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience method for returning a rectangle with the given world coordinates.


virtual RasterPlotPtr casa::PlotFactory::spectrogramPlot ( PlotRasterDataPtr  data,
const String title = "Spectrogram",
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Returns a new instance of a RasterPlot for this implementation interpreted as a spectrogram with the given data and optional title.


virtual PlotStandardMouseToolGroupPtr casa::PlotFactory::standardMouseTools ( ToolCode  activeTool = NONE_TOOL,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Tool Objects //.

Returns a standard mouse tool group for this implementation. DEFAULT IMPLEMENTATION.

virtual PlotStandardMouseToolGroupPtr casa::PlotFactory::standardMouseTools ( PlotAxis  xAxis,
PlotAxis  yAxis,
PlotCoordinate::System  sys,
ToolCode  activeTool = NONE_TOOL,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Returns a standard mouse tool group for this implementation on the given axes.


virtual PlotSymbolPtr casa::PlotFactory::symbol ( PlotSymbol::Symbol  style,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns a new symbol with the given style.

virtual PlotSymbolPtr casa::PlotFactory::symbol ( char  sym,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Returns a new symbol with the given character.


virtual PlotSymbolPtr casa::PlotFactory::symbol ( const PlotSymbol copy,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [pure virtual]

Make a copy of the given symbol for this implementation.

virtual PlotSymbolPtr casa::PlotFactory::symbol ( const PlotSymbolPtr  copy,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Convenience method for returning a copy of the given symbol.


virtual PlotTrackerToolPtr casa::PlotFactory::trackerTool ( bool  smartDelete = true) const [virtual]
virtual PlotTrackerToolPtr casa::PlotFactory::trackerTool ( PlotAxis  xAxis,
PlotAxis  yAxis,
PlotCoordinate::System  system,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]
virtual PlotSymbolPtr casa::PlotFactory::uSymbol ( unsigned short  unicode,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

Return a new symbol with the given unicode #.


virtual PlotZoomToolPtr casa::PlotFactory::zoomTool ( bool  smartDelete = true) const [virtual]
virtual PlotZoomToolPtr casa::PlotFactory::zoomTool ( PlotAxis  xAxis,
PlotAxis  yAxis,
PlotCoordinate::System  system,
bool  smartDelete = true 
) const [virtual]

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