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vishead_pg.vishead_pg_ Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def __call__

Private Attributes


Static Private Attributes

string __name__

Detailed Description

Definition at line 18 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 21 of file

Member Function Documentation

def vishead_pg.vishead_pg_.__call__ (   self,
  vis = None,
  mode = None,
  listitems = None,
  hdkey = None,
  hdindex = None,
  hdvalue = None,
  async = None 
List, summary, get, and put metadata in a measurement set

This task allows the user to manipulate some meta-data parameters in a
measurement set.  The mode='list' shows those keywords that are
presently implemented, with their values.  The contents associated
with the keywords can be obtained (get) and changed (put).

The modes that are available are:

   list    --- List all keywords that are recognized, and list the
       value(s) for each.  Only these keywords can be obtained
       (get) or changed (put) 
   summary --- Equivalent to running taskname='listobs'; verbose=F
   get     --- Get the specified keyword value(s) from the ms
   put     --- Put the specified keyword value(s) into the ms

Parameters currently implemented are (June 1, 2009):

   field                 Field names
   fld_code              Field Observing codes
   observer              Observer name
   project               Project name
   ptcs                  Phase tracking centers for each field
   spw_name              Spectral parameters?
   source_name           Source Names (=Field Names?)
   telescope             Telescope Name

Keyword arguments:

vis  --- Name of input visibility file
  default: none, example: vis=''

mode --- Mode of operation for vishead
  default = 'list'; example: mode='get'

hdkey--- keyword to get or put from the ms (used in get/put mode only)
  ex: hdkey='telescope'

hdindex--- index (counting from 0) if keyword is an array (used in get/put
  mode only)
  ex: hdindex='2'; hdindex=''->put/get full array; 

hdvalue   --- value to be put in the MS (used in put mode only)
  ex: hdvalue=array(['MyTelescope'])


   To transfer the parameters to useful python items requires some care.

   taskname = 'vishead'
   vis = ''
   mode = 'get'
   to get a field name (string),
      hdkey = 'field'; hdindex = '2'; hdvalue=vishead(); 
       print hdvalue[0] = the name for field='2'                    

   to get an phase center (number)
      hdkey = 'ptcs'; hdindex = '1'; hdvalue = vishead();
       hdvalue[0][0] gives the ra, hdvalue[0][1] gives the dec in field '1'

   taskname = 'vishead'
   vis = ''
   mode = 'put'

  To change a string,

      hdkey = 'field'; hdindex = '2'; hdvalue = 'junk'; vishead()
   field='2' is renamed 'junk'

  To change a number, (egs. ra of field=1 to 0.5 radian)
      is too complicated to figure out!

Definition at line 26 of file

References vla_uvfits_line_sf.verify.

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 22 of file

Definition at line 23 of file

string vishead_pg.vishead_pg_.__name__ [static, private]

Definition at line 19 of file

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