

PagedImage -- Read, store, and manipulate astronomical images. (full description)

template <class T> class PagedImage: public ImageInterface<T>


Public Members
PagedImage (const TiledShape& mapShape, const CoordinateSystem& coordinateInfo, Table& table, uInt rowNumber = 0)
PagedImage (const TiledShape& mapShape, const CoordinateSystem& coordinateInfo, const String& nameOfNewFile, uInt rowNumber = 0)
PagedImage (const TiledShape& mapShape, const CoordinateSystem& coordinateInfo, const String& nameOfNewFile, TableLock::LockOption, uInt rowNumber = 0)
PagedImage (const TiledShape& mapShape, const CoordinateSystem& coordinateInfo, const String& nameOfNewFile, const TableLock& lockOptions, uInt rowNumber = 0)
explicit PagedImage (Table& table, MaskSpecifier = MaskSpecifier(), uInt rowNumber = 0)
explicit PagedImage (const String& filename, MaskSpecifier = MaskSpecifier(), uInt rowNumber = 0)
PagedImage (const String& filename, TableLock::LockOption, MaskSpecifier = MaskSpecifier(), uInt rowNumber = 0)
PagedImage (const String& filename, const TableLock& lockOptions, MaskSpecifier = MaskSpecifier(), uInt rowNumber = 0)
PagedImage (const PagedImage<T>& other)
PagedImage<T>& operator= (const PagedImage<T>& other)
virtual ImageInterface<T>* cloneII() const
virtual String imageType() const
virtual Bool isPersistent() const
virtual Bool isPaged() const
virtual Bool isWritable() const
virtual Bool hasPixelMask() const
virtual const Lattice<Bool>& pixelMask() const
virtual Lattice<Bool>& pixelMask()
virtual const LatticeRegion* getRegionPtr() const
virtual void setDefaultMask (const String& maskName)
virtual void useMask (MaskSpecifier = MaskSpecifier())
void rename (const String& newName)
virtual String name (Bool stripPath=False) const
uInt rowNumber() const
virtual IPosition shape() const
virtual void resize (const TiledShape& newShape)
virtual Bool doGetSlice (Array<T>& buffer, const Slicer& theSlice)
virtual void doPutSlice (const Array<T>& sourceBuffer, const IPosition& where, const IPosition& stride)
virtual void apply (T (*function)(T))
virtual void apply (T (*function)(const T& ))
virtual void apply (const Functional<T,T>& function)
PagedImage<T>& operator+= (const Lattice<T>& other)
virtual Bool setUnits (const Unit& newUnits)
Table& table()
virtual Bool setCoordinateInfo (const CoordinateSystem& coords)
virtual Bool ok() const
virtual T getAt (const IPosition& where) const
virtual void putAt (const T& value, const IPosition& where)
virtual Bool setMiscInfo (const RecordInterface& newInfo)
virtual Bool setImageInfo(const ImageInfo& info)
virtual void removeRegion (const String& name, RegionHandler::GroupType = RegionHandler::Any, Bool throwIfUnknown = True)
virtual LatticeIterInterface<T>* makeIter (const T& navigator, Bool useRef) const
virtual uInt advisedMaxPixels() const
virtual IPosition doNiceCursorShape (uInt maxPixels) const
virtual uInt maximumCacheSize() const
virtual void setMaximumCacheSize (uInt howManyPixels)
virtual void setCacheSizeFromPath (const IPosition& sliceShape, const IPosition& windowStart, const IPosition& windowLength, const IPosition& axisPath)
virtual void setCacheSizeInTiles (uInt howManyTiles)
virtual void clearCache()
virtual void showCacheStatistics (ostream& os) const
virtual Bool lock (FileLocker::LockType, uInt nattempts)
virtual void unlock()
virtual Bool hasLock (FileLocker::LockType) const
virtual void resync()
virtual void flush()
virtual void tempClose()
virtual void reopen()
Private Members
static Table& getTable (void* imagePtr, Bool writable)
void attach_logtable()
void open_logtable()
void restoreUnits (const TableRecord& rec)
void restoreMiscInfo (const TableRecord& rec)
void restoreImageInfo (const TableRecord& rec)
void restoreAll (const TableRecord& rec)
void check_conformance (const Lattice<T>& other)
void reopenRW()
void doReopenRW()
void setTableType()
void applyMaskSpecifier (const MaskSpecifier&)
void applyMask (const String& maskName)
void makePagedImage (const TiledShape& mapShape, const CoordinateSystem& coordinateInfo, const String& nameOfNewFile, const TableLock& lockOptions, uInt rowNumber)
void makePagedImage (const String& filename, const TableLock& lockOptions, const MaskSpecifier&, uInt rowNumber)
const Table& table() const
See Also
Global functions for PagedImage.


Review Status




The PagedImage name comes from its role as the Image class with paging from persistent memory. Users are thus invited to treat the PagedImage instances like AIPS++ Lattices


All AIPS++ Images are Lattices. They may be treated like any other Lattice; getSlice(...), putSlice(...), LatticeIterator for iterating, etc... ArrayImages contain a map, a mask for that map, and coordinate information. This provides a Lattice interface for images and their respective coordinates. Additional functionality is defined by the ImageInterface class.

You can use the global function imagePixelType to determine what the pixel type of an image is before you open the image if your code can work with Images of many possible types, or for error checking.


This example shows how to create a mask for an image, fill it, and make it known to the image.
   // Open the image (as readonly for the moment).
   PagedImage<Float> myimage ("");
   // Create a mask for the image.
   // The mask will be stored in a subtable of the image.
   LCPagedMask mask (RegionHandler::makeMask (myimage, ""));
   // Fill the mask with whatever values (e.g. all True).
   mask.set (True);
   // Make the mask known to the image (with name mask1).
   myimage.defineRegion ("mask1", mask, RegionHandler::Masks);
   // Make the mask the default mask for this image.
   myimage.setDefaultMask ("mask1");
It is possible to create as many masks as one likes. They can all be defined as masks for the image (with different names, of course). However, only one of them can be the default mask (the mask used by default when the image is opened). When another mask has to be used, one can do two things:


The size of astronomical data can be very large. The ability to fit an entire image into random access memory cannot be guaranteed. Paging from disk pieces of the image appeared to be the way to deal with this problem.

When you make a new PagedImage, and you are transferring information from some other PagedImage, be aware that you must copy, manually, things like miscInfo, imageInfo, units, logSink (history) to the new file.

To Do

Member Description

PagedImage (const TiledShape& mapShape, const CoordinateSystem& coordinateInfo, Table& table, uInt rowNumber = 0)

Construct a new Image from shape and coordinate information. Data will be stored in the argument table.

PagedImage (const TiledShape& mapShape, const CoordinateSystem& coordinateInfo, const String& nameOfNewFile, uInt rowNumber = 0)

Construct a new Image from shape and coordinate information. Table will be stored in the named file.

PagedImage (const TiledShape& mapShape, const CoordinateSystem& coordinateInfo, const String& nameOfNewFile, TableLock::LockOption, uInt rowNumber = 0)
PagedImage (const TiledShape& mapShape, const CoordinateSystem& coordinateInfo, const String& nameOfNewFile, const TableLock& lockOptions, uInt rowNumber = 0)

Construct a new Image from shape and coordinate information. Table will be stored in the named file. The lock options may be specified

explicit PagedImage (Table& table, MaskSpecifier = MaskSpecifier(), uInt rowNumber = 0)

Reconstruct an image from a pre-existing file. By default the default pixelmask (if available) is used.

explicit PagedImage (const String& filename, MaskSpecifier = MaskSpecifier(), uInt rowNumber = 0)

Reconstruct an image from a pre-existing file. By default the default pixelmask (if available) is used.

PagedImage (const String& filename, TableLock::LockOption, MaskSpecifier = MaskSpecifier(), uInt rowNumber = 0)
PagedImage (const String& filename, const TableLock& lockOptions, MaskSpecifier = MaskSpecifier(), uInt rowNumber = 0)

Reconstruct an image from a pre-existing file with Locking. By default the default pixelmask (if available) is used.

PagedImage (const PagedImage<T>& other)

Copy constructor (reference semantics).


PagedImage<T>& operator= (const PagedImage<T>& other)

Assignment operator (reference semantics).

virtual ImageInterface<T>* cloneII() const

Make a copy of the object (reference semantics).

virtual String imageType() const

Get the image type (returns name of derived class).

virtual Bool isPersistent() const

A PagedImage is always persistent.

virtual Bool isPaged() const

A PagedImage is always paged to disk.

virtual Bool isWritable() const

Is the PagedImage writable?

virtual Bool hasPixelMask() const

Does the image object use a pixelmask?

virtual const Lattice<Bool>& pixelMask() const
virtual Lattice<Bool>& pixelMask()

Get access to the pixelmask used. An exception is thrown if the image does not use a pixelmask.

virtual const LatticeRegion* getRegionPtr() const

Get a pointer the default pixelmask object used with this image. It returns 0 if no default pixelmask is used.

virtual void setDefaultMask (const String& maskName)

Set the default pixelmask to the mask with the given name (which has to exist in the "masks" group). If the image table is writable, the setting is persistent by writing the name as a keyword. If the given regionName is the empty string, the default pixelmask is unset.

virtual void useMask (MaskSpecifier = MaskSpecifier())

Use the mask as specified. If a mask was already in use, it is replaced by the new one.

void rename (const String& newName)

Function to change the name of the Table file on disk. PagedImage is given a file name at construction time. You may change that name here.

virtual String name (Bool stripPath=False) const

Return the current Table name. By default this includes the full path. the path preceding the file name can be stripped off on request.

uInt rowNumber() const

Return the current TableColumn row number.

virtual IPosition shape() const

Return the shape of the image.

virtual void resize (const TiledShape& newShape)

Change the shape of the image (N.B. the data is thrown away).

virtual Bool doGetSlice (Array<T>& buffer, const Slicer& theSlice)

Function which extracts an array from the map.

virtual void doPutSlice (const Array<T>& sourceBuffer, const IPosition& where, const IPosition& stride)

Function to replace the values in the map with soureBuffer.

virtual void apply (T (*function)(T))
virtual void apply (T (*function)(const T& ))
virtual void apply (const Functional<T,T>& function)

Replace every element, x, of the lattice with the result of f(x). you must pass in the address of the function -- so the function must be declared and defined in the scope of your program. Both versions of apply require a function that accepts a single argument of type T (the Lattice template actual type) and returns a result of the same type. The first apply expects a function with an argument passed by value; the second expects the argument to be passed by const reference. The first form ought to run faster for the built-in types, which may be an issue for large Lattices stored in memory, where disk access is not an issue.

PagedImage<T>& operator+= (const Lattice<T>& other)

Add a lattice to this image.

virtual Bool setUnits (const Unit& newUnits)

Function which sets the units associated with the image pixels (i.e. the "brightness" unit). setUnits() returns False if it cannot set the unit for some reason (e.g. the underlying file is not writable).

Table& table()

Return the table holding the data.

virtual Bool setCoordinateInfo (const CoordinateSystem& coords)

Flushes the new coordinate system to disk if the table is writable.

virtual Bool ok() const

Check for symmetry in data members.

virtual T getAt (const IPosition& where) const
virtual void putAt (const T& value, const IPosition& where)

These are the true implementations of the paran operator. Not for public use

virtual Bool setMiscInfo (const RecordInterface& newInfo)

Replace the miscinfo in the PagedImage. It can fail if, e.g., the underlying table is not writable.

virtual Bool setImageInfo(const ImageInfo& info)

The ImageInfo object contains some miscellaneous information about the image, which unlike that stored in MiscInfo, has a standard list of things, such as the restoring beam. Note that setImageInfo REPLACES the information with the new information. It can fail if, e.g., the underlying table is not writable.

virtual void removeRegion (const String& name, RegionHandler::GroupType = RegionHandler::Any, Bool throwIfUnknown = True)

Remove a region/mask belonging to the image from the given group (which can be Any). If a mask removed is the default mask, the image gets unmasked.
Optionally an exception is thrown if the region does not exist.

virtual LatticeIterInterface<T>* makeIter (const T& navigator, Bool useRef) const

This is the implementation of the letter for the envelope Iterator class. Not for public use .

virtual uInt advisedMaxPixels() const

Returns the maximum recommended number of pixels for a cursor. This is the number of pixels in a tile.

virtual IPosition doNiceCursorShape (uInt maxPixels) const

Help the user pick a cursor for most efficient access.

virtual uInt maximumCacheSize() const

Maximum size - not necessarily all used. In pixels.

virtual void setMaximumCacheSize (uInt howManyPixels)

Set the maximum (allowed) cache size as indicated.

virtual void setCacheSizeFromPath (const IPosition& sliceShape, const IPosition& windowStart, const IPosition& windowLength, const IPosition& axisPath)

Set the cache size as to "fit" the indicated path.

virtual void setCacheSizeInTiles (uInt howManyTiles)

Set the actual cache size for this Array to be be big enough for the indicated number of tiles. This cache is not shared with PagedArrays in other rows and is always clipped to be less than the maximum value set using the setMaximumCacheSize member function. tiles. Tiles are cached using a first in first out algorithm.

virtual void clearCache()

Clears and frees up the caches, but the maximum allowed cache size is unchanged from when setCacheSize was called

virtual void showCacheStatistics (ostream& os) const

Report on cache success.

virtual Bool lock (FileLocker::LockType, uInt nattempts)
virtual void unlock()
virtual Bool hasLock (FileLocker::LockType) const

Handle the (un)locking. Unlocking also unlocks the logtable and a possible mask table. Locking only locks the image itself.

virtual void resync()

Resynchronize the PagedImage object with the table contents. The logtable and possible mask table are also synchronized if they do not have a readlock.
This function is only useful if no read-locking is used, ie. if the table lock option is UserNoReadLocking or AutoNoReadLocking. In that cases the table system does not acquire a read-lock, thus does not synchronize itself automatically.

virtual void flush()

Flush the data.

virtual void tempClose()

Close the Image and associated files temporarily. It'll be reopened automatically when needed or when reopen is called explicitly.

virtual void reopen()

If needed, reopen a temporarily closed Image..

static Table& getTable (void* imagePtr, Bool writable)

Function to return the internal Table object to the RegionHandler.

void attach_logtable()

This must be called in every constructor and place where the image is attached to a new image.

void open_logtable()

void restoreUnits (const TableRecord& rec)

void restoreMiscInfo (const TableRecord& rec)

void restoreImageInfo (const TableRecord& rec)

void restoreAll (const TableRecord& rec)

void check_conformance (const Lattice<T>& other)

void reopenRW()

void doReopenRW()

void setTableType()

void applyMaskSpecifier (const MaskSpecifier&)

void applyMask (const String& maskName)

void makePagedImage (const TiledShape& mapShape, const CoordinateSystem& coordinateInfo, const String& nameOfNewFile, const TableLock& lockOptions, uInt rowNumber)

void makePagedImage (const String& filename, const TableLock& lockOptions, const MaskSpecifier&, uInt rowNumber)

const Table& table() const