

WCUnion -- Make the union of 2 or more image regions. (full description)

class WCUnion: public WCCompound


Public Members
WCUnion (const ImageRegion& region1, const ImageRegion& region2)
WCUnion (const ImageRegion* region1, const ImageRegion* region2 = 0, const ImageRegion* region3 = 0, const ImageRegion* region4 = 0, const ImageRegion* region5 = 0, const ImageRegion* region6 = 0, const ImageRegion* region7 = 0, const ImageRegion* region8 = 0, const ImageRegion* region9 = 0, const ImageRegion* region10 = 0)
WCUnion (const PtrBlock<const ImageRegion*>& regions)
WCUnion (Bool takeOver, const PtrBlock<const WCRegion*>& regions)
WCUnion (const WCUnion& other)
virtual ~WCUnion()
WCUnion& operator= (const WCUnion& other)
virtual Bool operator== (const WCRegion& other) const
virtual WCRegion* cloneRegion() const
static String className()
virtual String type() const
virtual TableRecord toRecord (const String& tableName) const
static WCUnion* fromRecord (const TableRecord&, const String& tableName)
Protected Members
virtual LCRegion* doToLCRegion (const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const IPosition& shape, const IPosition& pixelAxesMap, const IPosition& outOrder) const




The WCUnion class is a specialization of class WCCompound. It makes it possible to take the union of 2 or more image regions. Note that only world coordinate regions can be used in a compound, thus an LCSlicer object is not allowed in a union.

The union of regions is the collection of the pixels masked-on in any region. Note that the bounding box of a union is determined by the outermost pixels. It means that if regions are very far apart, the bounding box of the union is very large and therefore inefficient.

The regions in a union can have different axes and dimensionalities. The axes and dimensionality of a union are determined by the collection of all different axes in its regions. Each individual region will be auto-extended along the axes not being part of the region. E.g. one can define a WCBox with axis RA and another WCBox with axis DEC. The union will be 2-dim with axes RA and DEC. The first box will be auto-extended to cover the DEC axis, which results in a 2-dim box with its DEC axis the length of the image's DEC axis. Similarly the second box will be auto-extended to cover the RA axis.



Member Description

WCUnion (const ImageRegion& region1, const ImageRegion& region2)
WCUnion (const ImageRegion* region1, const ImageRegion* region2 = 0, const ImageRegion* region3 = 0, const ImageRegion* region4 = 0, const ImageRegion* region5 = 0, const ImageRegion* region6 = 0, const ImageRegion* region7 = 0, const ImageRegion* region8 = 0, const ImageRegion* region9 = 0, const ImageRegion* region10 = 0)
WCUnion (const PtrBlock<const ImageRegion*>& regions)

Construct the union of one or more image regions. The image regions have to contain WCRegion objects, otherwise an exception is thrown.

WCUnion (Bool takeOver, const PtrBlock<const WCRegion*>& regions)

Construct from multiple regions given as a Block. When takeOver is True, the destructor will delete the given regions. Otherwise a copy of the regions is made.

WCUnion (const WCUnion& other)

Copy constructor (copy semantics).

virtual ~WCUnion()

WCUnion& operator= (const WCUnion& other)

Assignment (copy semantics).

virtual Bool operator== (const WCRegion& other) const


virtual WCRegion* cloneRegion() const

Make a copy of the derived object.

static String className()

Get the class name (to store in the record).

virtual String type() const

Get the region type. Returns className()

virtual TableRecord toRecord (const String& tableName) const

Convert the (derived) object to a record.

static WCUnion* fromRecord (const TableRecord&, const String& tableName)

Convert correct object from a record.

virtual LCRegion* doToLCRegion (const CoordinateSystem& cSys, const IPosition& shape, const IPosition& pixelAxesMap, const IPosition& outOrder) const

Convert to an LCRegion using the given coordinate system and shape. pixelAxesMap(i) gives the pixel axis in cSys of axes i in the axesDesc.