- DBeamSkyJones -- Model the polarization leakage in the Sky Jones Matrices (full description)
- Public Members
- DBeamSkyJones(MeasurementSet& ms, Bool makeDefaultPBsFromMS = True, const Quantity ¶llacticAngleIncrement = Quantity(5.0, "deg"), BeamSquint::SquintType doSquint = BeamSquint::NONE)
- Type type()
- virtual Bool isSolveable()
DBeam = sky-position-dependent polarization leakage,
SkyJones = Sky-based Jones matrices.
This class only deals with the off-diagonal elements of the
primary beam jones matrices.
To deal with the polarization leakage beam (mainly Stokes I into
polarization visibilities). The main primary beam response, ie,
the diagonal Jones matrix elements, are handled by VPSkyJones.
The motivation for this split is differing storage requirements
for the unerlying PBMath types, and different methods available
to VPSkyJones and DBeamSkyJones.
To Do
- Waiting for PBMath2D, which requires an HGEOM-like utility.
We can do nothing here until this is in place.
- Need to check the history that PB has been applied before applying DB
(or at least provide for some sort of checking.)
- Details of APPLY procedure may need to be modified
Member Description
DBeamSkyJones(MeasurementSet& ms, Bool makeDefaultPBsFromMS = True, const Quantity ¶llacticAngleIncrement = Quantity(5.0, "deg"), BeamSquint::SquintType doSquint = BeamSquint::NONE)
Note that DBeamSkyJones uses BeamSkyJones' "apply" methods
return SkyJones type
Is this solveable?