

measures -- This class gives Glish to Measures connection (full description)

class measures : public ApplicationObject


Public Members
measures(const measures &other)
measures &operator=(const measures &other)
MeasFrame &getFrame()
Bool doframe(const MeasureHolder &in)
Bool doframe(const String &in)
Bool measure(String &error, MeasureHolder &out, const MeasureHolder &in, const String &outref, const GlishRecord &off)
Bool measures::toUvw(String &error, MeasureHolder &out, Vector<Double> &xyz, Vector<Double> &dot, const MeasureHolder &in)
Bool measures::expand(String &error, MeasureHolder &out, Vector<Double> &xyz, const MeasureHolder &in)
virtual String className() const
virtual Vector<String> methods() const
virtual MethodResult runMethod(uInt which, ParameterSet &parameters, Bool runMethod)
virtual Vector<String> noTraceMethods() const
Private Members
static void getMeasureType(String &out, const GlishRecord &in)


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Distributed Object and measures


The class makes the connection between the Measures module and the Glish distributed object system. It provides a series of Glish callable methods. See Aips++ Note 197 for details.
The parameter interface between Glish and the distributed objects knows about Measures, and can convert them. Operations supported are all the conversion and testing related ones; both in CLI and a GUI related methods.
Caution The class name is measures, the file name DOmeasures, with the actual distributed object in, measures.g


For an example of the class use, see the measures.g application.


To provide a direct user interface between the user and Measures related calculations and conversions; including coordinate and time conversions.

To Do

Member Description


measures(const measures &other)

measures &operator=(const measures &other)


MeasFrame &getFrame()

Create and get a Frame

Bool doframe(const MeasureHolder &in)

Do a frame fill with a measure

Bool doframe(const String &in)

Do a frame fill with a table name (e.g. comet)

Bool measure(String &error, MeasureHolder &out, const MeasureHolder &in, const String &outref, const GlishRecord &off)

Convert measure

Bool measures::toUvw(String &error, MeasureHolder &out, Vector<Double> &xyz, Vector<Double> &dot, const MeasureHolder &in)

Create uvw from baseline

Bool measures::expand(String &error, MeasureHolder &out, Vector<Double> &xyz, const MeasureHolder &in)

Expand vector to baselines

virtual String className() const
virtual Vector<String> methods() const
virtual MethodResult runMethod(uInt which, ParameterSet &parameters, Bool runMethod)

Required Tasking methods

virtual Vector<String> noTraceMethods() const

Stop tracing

static void getMeasureType(String &out, const GlishRecord &in)

Get measure type (or "none") from an input measure