- quanta -- This class gives Glish to Quantity connection (full description)
- Public Members
- quanta()
- quanta(const quanta &other)
- quanta &operator=(const quanta &other)
- ~quanta()
- static GlishRecord mapit(const String &tp)
- static Quantity constants(const String &in)
- static Int makeFormT(const GlishArray &in)
- static Int makeFormA(const GlishArray &in)
- virtual String className() const
- virtual Vector<String> methods() const
- virtual MethodResult runMethod(uInt which, ParameterSet ¶meters, Bool runMethod)
- virtual Vector<String> noTraceMethods() const
- Private Members
- static void mapInsert(GlishRecord &out, const String &type, const map<String, UnitName> &mp)
Review Status
- Date Reviewed:
- yyyy/mm/dd
Distributed Object and quanta
The class makes the connection between Units
and Quantity classes and the Glish
distributed object system. It provides a series of Glish callable
methods. See Aips++ Note 197 for details.
The parameter interface between Glish and the distributed objects
knows about Quantities, and can convert them. Operations supported
are mathematical (+-*/), comparison and conversion related;
both in CLI and a GUI related methods.
The class name is quanta, the file name DOquanta,
with the actual distributed object in, quanta.g
For an example of the class use, see the quanta.g application.
To provide a direct user interface between the user and
Quanta related calculations and
To Do
- Change to/fromRecord conversions after new Parameter interface
Member Description
quanta(const quanta &other)
quanta &operator=(const quanta &other)
List known units
static Quantity constants(const String &in)
Give a constant named by the string
Make time format from String array
Make angle format from String array
Required Tasking methods
Stop tracing
Add a unit name entry to table