35 #include <qwt_plot_picker.h>
36 #include <qwt_plot_panner.h>
46 class QPSelectTool :
public PlotSelectTool {
49 QPSelectTool(PlotCoordinate::System sys = PlotCoordinate::WORLD);
53 PlotCoordinate::System sys = PlotCoordinate::WORLD);
65 QPZoomTool(PlotCoordinate::System sys = PlotCoordinate::WORLD);
69 PlotCoordinate::System sys = PlotCoordinate::WORLD);
78 class QPPanTool :
public QObject,
public PlotPanTool {
83 QPPanTool(PlotCoordinate::System sys = PlotCoordinate::WORLD);
87 PlotCoordinate::System sys = PlotCoordinate::WORLD);
109 void attach(PlotCanvas* canvas);
115 QwtPlotPanner* m_panner;
119 void panned(
int dx,
int dy);
127 QPTrackerTool(PlotCoordinate::System sys = PlotCoordinate::WORLD);
131 PlotCoordinate::System sys = PlotCoordinate::WORLD);
161 void attach(PlotCanvas* canvas);
172 class QPTracker :
public QwtPlotPicker {
177 QPTracker(QPTrackerTool& tracker, QwtPlotCanvas* canvas);
194 QwtText trackerText(
const QPoint& pos)
const {
195 return trackerText(invTransform(pos)); }
196 QwtText trackerText(
const QwtDoublePoint& pos)
virtual void attach(PlotCanvas *canvas)
Overrides PlotTool::attach().
virtual PlotAnnotationPtr getAnnotation()
Returns the annotation used to store the coordinates/text.
virtual void setDrawText(bool draw=true)
Sets whether the tracker will draw the text on the canvas or not.
virtual void handleMouseEvent(const PlotEvent &event)
Implements PlotMouseTool::handleMouseEvent().
PlotTrackerToolPtr m_tracker
INHERITANCE_POINTER(PlotZoomTool, PlotZoomToolPtr, PlotMouseTool, PlotMouseToolPtr, PlotTool, PlotToolPtr) class PlotPanTool PlotPanTool(PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System sys=PlotCoordinate::WORLD)
A PlotPanTool is a concrete subclass of PlotMouseTool that provides convenient panning functionality...
virtual void setActive(bool active=true)
Overrides PlotTool::setActive().
static casacore::String formattedString(const casacore::String &format, double x, double y, PlotCanvas *canvas, PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis)
A PlotTrackerTool is a concrete subclass of PlotMouseTool that provides convenient tracker functional...
Enum for the four plot axes.
INHERITANCE_POINTER(PlotSelectTool, PlotSelectToolPtr, PlotMouseTool, PlotMouseToolPtr, PlotTool, PlotToolPtr) class PlotZoomTool PlotZoomTool(PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System sys=PlotCoordinate::WORLD)
A PlotZoomTool is a concrete subclass of PlotMouseTool that provides convenient zooming functionality...
PlotAnnotationPtr m_annotation
Annotation that holds current position (even if not drawn on canvas).
PlotTrackerTool(PlotCoordinate::System sys=PlotCoordinate::WORLD)
Non-Static //.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
virtual void detach()
Overrides PlotTool::detach().