casa  5.7.0-16
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Here is a list of all modules:
odisplay package (libdisplay)
ocoordinates package (libcasa_coordinates)The coordinates package handles world coordinates for images
omsfits package (libcasa_msfits)The msfits package handles conversion of MeasurementSets to/from FITS
oplotms package (libplotms)
oscimath package (libcasa_scimath)The scimath package contains the basic mathematical modules
oflagging package (libflagging)
opython package (libcasa_python)The python package contains converters for casacore data types to and from python
ofits package (libcasa_fits)The fits package contains high level interfaces to CFitsIO
oderivedmscal package (libcasa_derivedmscal)The derivedmscal package handles derived (virtual) MS columns and TaQL functions
osynthesis package (libsynthesis)
ocasadbus package (libcasadbus)
odisplay3d package (libdisplay3d)
oimages package (libcasa_images)The images package handles N-dimensional images, their masks, coordinates, and auxiliary info like history
omeasures package (libcasa_measures)The measures package handles conversions of all types of coordinates
olattices package (libcasa_lattices)The lattices package is a generalization of n-dimensional arrays
ocasaqt package (libcasaqt)
onrao package (libnrao)
ographics package (libgraphics)
ocasa package (libcasa_casa)The casa package contains the core modules
otables package (libcasa_tables)The tables package contains the core modules for the Casacore Table System
otableplot package (libtableplot)
oxmlcasa package (libxmlcasa)
oalma package (libalma)
omeas package (libcasa_meas)The meas package contains TaQL functions for measures
oms package (libcasa_ms)The ms package contains definition of and access to MeasurementSets
oatnf package (libatnf)
\Material related to optional values.