ACAPolarizationMod | A namespace to encapsulate the ACAPolarization enumeration |
AccumModeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the AccumMode enumeration |
alma | |
AlmaArg | Extend the option::Arg struct to provide the necessary argument checking for the alma apps for use with the optionparser suite |
AntennaMakeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the AntennaMake enumeration |
AntennaMotionPatternMod | A namespace to encapsulate the AntennaMotionPattern enumeration |
AntennaTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the AntennaType enumeration |
asdm | Length.h generated on 'Thu Feb 04 10:20:05 CET 2010' |
EntityId | Description |
StationRow | Row of a StationTable |
CalReductionTable | Alma table |
CalAppPhaseTable | Alma table |
FieldRow | Row of a FieldTable |
CalSeeingRow | Row of a CalSeeingTable |
DataDescriptionTable | Alma table |
CalHolographyRow | Row of a CalHolographyTable |
TotalPowerTable | Alma table |
CalWVRTable | Alma table |
CalWVRRow | Row of a CalWVRTable |
ScaleTable | Alma table |
RowTransformer | |
CalAntennaSolutionsRow | Row of a CalAntennaSolutionsTable |
AlmaRadiometerRow | Row of a AlmaRadiometerTable |
TableStreamReader | A generic class to read a file containing an ASDM table as a stream |
AntennaTable | Alma table |
EntityRef | Identification of a persistant entity in the ALMA archive |
FlagRow | Row of a FlagTable |
Length | Implements a quantity of length in meters |
Name2Table | |
Boolean | A collection of static classes to perform conversions between strings and bool values |
CalAmpliTable | Alma table |
CalFluxTable | Alma table |
CalPrimaryBeamTable | Alma table |
SubscanTable | Alma table |
CalPointingTable | Alma table |
SquareLawDetectorRow | Row of a SquareLawDetectorTable |
SourceTable | Alma table |
CalDataTable | Alma table |
UniquenessViolationException | Exception occuring when one tries to add a row in table whose all mandatory attributes values except the autoincrementable one are already met in an existing row of the table |
UTCCorrection | |
DopplerTable | Alma table |
Tag | Implementation of a unique index identifying a row of an ASDM table |
StateRow | Row of a StateTable |
StateTable | Alma table |
CalPrimaryBeamRow | Row of a CalPrimaryBeamTable |
DelayModelRow | Row of a DelayModelTable |
DelayModelFixedParametersRow | Row of a DelayModelFixedParametersTable |
DataDescriptionRow | Row of a DataDescriptionTable |
CalAppPhaseRow | Row of a CalAppPhaseTable |
FeedTable | Alma table |
DopplerRow | Row of a DopplerTable |
Double | A collection of static methods to perform conversions between strings and double values |
SBSummaryTable | Alma table |
DelayModelVariableParametersRow | Row of a DelayModelVariableParametersTable |
Entity | Identification of a persistant entity in the ALMA archive |
SwitchCycleTable | Alma table |
Representable | The Representable interface is implemented by all tables and by the container |
TagFormatException | The TagFormatException occurs when a Tag is built from a String which does not represent correctly the content of a Tag |
SeeingRow | Row of a SeeingTable |
Byte | A collection of static methods to perform conversions between strings and byte values (represented as char) |
ArrayTimeInterval | Aggregates an instance of ArrayTime and an instance of Interval |
EndianOSStream | |
EndianIStream | |
EndianISStream | |
EndianIFStream | |
BinaryAttributeReaderFunctor | A pure virtual class whose derived classes are expected to be functors whose behaviours will be to read the differents types of data stored into an EndianIStream |
FieldTable | Alma table |
CalPointingRow | Row of a CalPointingTable |
CalFocusModelTable | Alma table |
HolographyTable | Alma table |
TotalPowerRow | Row of a TotalPowerTable |
CalDeviceRow | Row of a CalDeviceTable |
ConfigDescriptionTable | Alma table |
ReceiverTable | Alma table |
ReceiverRow | Row of a ReceiverTable |
ProcessorRow | Row of a ProcessorTable |
Temperature | Implements a quantity of temperature in degrees Kelvin |
PolarizationRow | Row of a PolarizationTable |
NumberFormatException | Exception when an error occurs in converting a numeric value from a string |
ProcessorTable | Alma table |
SysPowerRow | Row of a SysPowerTable |
PointingModelTable | Alma table |
SquareLawDetectorTable | Alma table |
ScanRow | Row of a ScanTable |
WeatherTable | Alma table |
CalBandpassTable | Alma table |
CalFocusTable | Alma table |
CalPhaseRow | Row of a CalPhaseTable |
StationTable | Alma table |
CalHolographyTable | Alma table |
MainTable | Alma table |
WeatherRow | Row of a WeatherTable |
Integer | |
CalFluxRow | Row of a CalFluxTable |
EphemerisTable | Alma table |
CalAtmosphereRow | Row of a CalAtmosphereTable |
AlmaRadiometerTable | Alma table |
PointingTable | Alma table |
AntennaRow | Row of a AntennaTable |
SourceRow | Row of a SourceTable |
CorrelatorModeTable | Alma table |
IllegalAccessException | Exception when an error occurs in converting a table to its external representation or in restoring a table from one of its external representations |
StringTokenizer | Translation into C++ of the Java class of the same name in Java's util pacakge |
Long | A collection of static methods to perform conversions between strings and int64_t values |
CorrelatorModeRow | Row of a CorrelatorModeTable |
FeedRow | Row of a FeedTable |
CalDelayTable | Alma table |
FocusModelTable | Alma table |
SysCalRow | Row of a SysCalTable |
FlagCmdTable | Alma table |
Parser | A Parser of for XML representation of ASDM datasets |
SBSummaryRow | Row of a SBSummaryTable |
ConversionException | Exception when an error occurs in converting a table to its external representation or in restoring a table from one of its external representations |
DelayModelVariableParametersTable | Alma table |
Short | A collection of static methods to perform conversions between strings and short integer values |
SwitchCycleRow | Row of a SwitchCycleTable |
PointingModelRow | Row of a PointingModelTable |
AngularRate | Implements a quantity of AngularRate in radians per second |
SeeingTable | Alma table |
ScanTable | Alma table |
SysCalTable | Alma table |
FlagCmdRow | Row of a FlagCmdTable |
ExecBlockTable | Alma table |
Angle | Implements a quantity of angle in radians |
ScaleRow | Row of a ScaleTable |
EnumerationParser | |
CalAmpliRow | Row of a CalAmpliTable |
CalSeeingTable | Alma table |
Humidity | Implements a quantity of humidity in percent |
InvalidDataException | Exception when an error occurs in converting a numeric value from a string |
SpectralWindowTable | Alma table |
ObservationRow | Row of a ObservationTable |
PulsarTable | Alma table |
GainTrackingRow | Row of a GainTrackingTable |
AnnotationTable | Alma table |
HolographyRow | Row of a HolographyTable |
Character | A collection of static classes to perform conversions between strings and char values |
CalPointingModelRow | Row of a CalPointingModelTable |
CalDataRow | Row of a CalDataTable |
WVMCalTable | Alma table |
Merger | |
ConfigDescriptionRow | Row of a ConfigDescriptionTable |
CalDeviceTable | Alma table |
Complex | Extends the Complex class in the C++ standard library |
FreqOffsetTable | Alma table |
Interval | Implements an interval of time in units of nanoseconds |
Frequency | Implements a quantity of frequency in hertz |
CalFocusRow | Row of a CalFocusTable |
CalAtmosphereTable | Alma table |
OutOfBoundsException | Exception when an attempt is made to access something outside of its defined bounds |
FocusModelRow | Row of a FocusModelTable |
GainTrackingTable | Alma table |
TagType | A class to represent the type of Tag , i.e |
TagTypeMgr | |
PartId | Description |
PointingRow | Row of a PointingTable |
EphemerisRow | Row of a EphemerisTable |
Pressure | Implements a quantity of pressure in hectopascals |
CalPositionTable | Alma table |
CalPointingModelTable | Alma table |
CalPhaseTable | Alma table |
FreqOffsetRow | Row of a FreqOffsetTable |
CalAntennaSolutionsTable | Alma table |
ArrayTime | Implements the concept of a point in time, implemented as an Interval of time since 17 November 1858 00:00:00 UTC, the beginning of the modified Julian Day |
CalPositionRow | Row of a CalPositionTable |
HistoryRow | Row of a HistoryTable |
HistoryTable | Alma table |
NoSuchRow | Generate an exception when an expected row cannot be found |
ASDMValuesParserException | A class to represent an exception thrown during the parsing of the representation of a basic type value , scalar or array, in the XML representation of an ASDM table |
ASDMValuesParser | |
CalFocusModelRow | Row of a CalFocusModelTable |
WVMCalRow | Row of a WVMCalTable |
CalGainTable | Alma table |
SysPowerTable | Alma table |
DelayModelFixedParametersTable | Alma table |
FlagTable | Alma table |
FocusRow | Row of a FocusTable |
CalDelayRow | Row of a CalDelayTable |
PolarizationTable | Alma table |
Speed | Implements a quantity of speed in meters per second |
CalReductionRow | Row of a CalReductionTable |
DuplicateKey | Generate an exception when a new row cannot be inserted because it contains a duplicate key |
Flux | Implements a quantity of flux in janskys |
FocusTable | Alma table |
CalGainRow | Row of a CalGainTable |
ASDM | Container for all tables |
AnnotationRow | Row of a AnnotationTable |
ExecBlockRow | Row of a ExecBlockTable |
CalCurveRow | Row of a CalCurveTable |
SubscanRow | Row of a SubscanTable |
ByteOrder | A class to represent byte order information |
ASDMUtilsException | |
ASDMUtils | |
DotXMLFilter | |
ASDMParseOptions | A class to define a collection of options regarding the way to consider an ASDM dataset especially when it's about to be read on disk, parsed and transformed into its representation in memory |
XSLTransformerException | A class to represent an exception thrown while an XSL transformation is applied by an instance of XSLTransformer |
XSLTransformer | A class to apply XSL transformations on an XML document |
CharComparator | Functor class of for a comparison between a "given" character and a characted assumed to be read from a file |
CharCompAccumulator | Functor class of for a comparison between a "given" character and a characted assumed to be read in a file with a an accumulation of the characters read in the file into a accumulating string |
Float | A collection of static methods to perform conversions between strings and float values |
MainRow | Row of a MainTable |
PulsarRow | Row of a PulsarTable |
SpectralWindowRow | Row of a SpectralWindowTable |
CalBandpassRow | Row of a CalBandpassTable |
DelayModelTable | Alma table |
CalCurveTable | Alma table |
InvalidArgumentException | Exception when an attempt is made to access something outside of its defined bounds |
ObservationTable | Alma table |
asdmbinaries | The asdmbinaries namespace contains all the classes dedicated to the processing of ALMA binary data |
SDMDataObjectParserException | A class to represent an exception thrown during the parsing of an XML header in a MIME message containing ALMA binary data |
HeaderParser | Class HeaderParser |
CorrSubsetHeaderParser | Class CorrSubsetHeaderParser |
TPSubsetHeaderParser | Class TPSubsetHeaderParser |
SDMDataObjectParser | |
SDMDataObjectStreamReaderException | |
SDMDataObjectStreamReader | |
SDMDataObjectReaderException | A class to represent an exception thrown while reading a MIME message containing ALMA binary data |
SDMDataObjectReader | A class to read a MIME message containing ALMA binary data and provide a view on these binary data through an instance of SDMDataObject |
SDMDataObjectWriterException | A class to represent an exception thrown while writing a MIME message containing ALMA binary data |
SDMDataObjectWriter | A general class to write MIME messages containing ALMA binary data |
SDMDataObjectException | A class to represent an exception thrown during an access to an SDMDataObject |
Optional | A class to embed optional information |
ByteOrder | A class to represent byte order information |
SDMDataObject | SDMDataObject:: declarations |
AutoDataBinaryPart | A subclass of binaryPart to describe the autodata |
Baseband | SDMDataObject::Baseband:: declarations |
BinaryPart | SDMDataObject::BinaryPart:: declarations |
DataStruct | SDMDataObject::DataStruct:: declarations |
SpectralWindow | SDMDataObject::SpectralWindow:: declarations |
ZeroLagsBinaryPart | A subclass of binaryPart to describe the zeroLags |
SDMDataSubset | SDMDataObject:: |
Utils | SDMDataSubset:: declarations |
AssociatedCalNatureMod | A namespace to encapsulate the AssociatedCalNature enumeration |
AssociatedFieldNatureMod | A namespace to encapsulate the AssociatedFieldNature enumeration |
atm | |
constants | |
AtmPhaseCorrectionMod | A namespace to encapsulate the AtmPhaseCorrection enumeration |
AxisNameMod | A namespace to encapsulate the AxisName enumeration |
BasebandNameMod | A namespace to encapsulate the BasebandName enumeration |
BaselineReferenceCodeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the BaselineReferenceCode enumeration |
BinaryDataFlagsMod | A namespace to encapsulate the BinaryDataFlags enumeration |
CalCurveTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the CalCurveType enumeration |
CalDataOriginMod | A namespace to encapsulate the CalDataOrigin enumeration |
CalibrationDeviceMod | A namespace to encapsulate the CalibrationDevice enumeration |
CalibrationFunctionMod | A namespace to encapsulate the CalibrationFunction enumeration |
CalibrationModeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the CalibrationMode enumeration |
CalibrationSetMod | A namespace to encapsulate the CalibrationSet enumeration |
CalTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the CalType enumeration |
casa | -*- mode: c++ -*- |
async | |
Mutex | |
LockGuard | |
LockGuardInverse | |
MutexLocker | |
Condition | |
Semaphore | |
Thread | |
UniqueLock | |
Logger | |
LoggerThread | |
asyncio | |
VlatFunctor | VlatFunctor is an abstract class for functor objects used to encapsulate the various filling methods (e.g., fillVis, fillAnt1, etc.) |
VlatFunctor0 | |
VlatFunctor1 | |
VLAT | VLAT is the Visibility LookAhead Thread. This thread advances a visibility iterator and fills the data indicated by the visibility iterator into the VlaData buffer ring |
FillerDictionary | |
SweepTerminated | |
VlatAndData | |
PrefetchColumns | Used to specify a set of columns that can be prefetched when the (RO)VisibilityIterator is using asynchronous I/O |
RoviaModifier | |
ChannelSelection | |
SelectChannelModifier | |
SetIntervalModifier | |
SetRowBlockingModifier | |
RoviaModifiers | |
SelectVelocityModifier | |
VlaDatum | VlaDatum is a single elemement in the VlaDatum buffer ring used to support the ROVisibilityIteratorAsync |
VlaData | |
Timing | |
WriteData | |
WriteDataImpl | |
WriteDataImpl2 | |
WriteQueue | |
AsynchronousInterface | |
CFDefs | |
dbus | |
record | Todo: o create python to/from record functions o implement compare() o implement record_to_string() o create a thorough test program o verify that std::map<>'s copy ctor does a complete copy o add copy-on-write (w/ reference counting) |
address | |
Diagnostic | |
kernel_t | |
init_diagnostic_object_t | |
Timeout | |
Watch | |
Dispatcher | |
variant | |
error | |
overflow | |
denoising | |
GslLinearModelBase | |
GslPolynomialModel | |
GslMultifitLinearBase | |
GslMultifitWeightedLinear | |
IterativelyReweightedLeastSquares | |
display | |
state | |
stateCleanup | |
functor | |
args | |
args01 | |
args02 | |
args03 | |
args04 | |
invocation_exception | |
f_ | |
f | |
f00 | |
f01 | |
f02 | |
f03 | |
f04 | |
linefinder | |
memory | |
cptr | |
kernel | |
ms | |
CachedArrayBase | |
CachedPlane | |
CachedColumn | |
Vbi2MsRow | |
SpectralChannel | |
SpectralWindow | |
SpectralWindows | |
MsRow | Class MsRowAttributes { |
MsRows | |
MSTransformations | Casacore::MS Transform Framework utilities |
MThWorkID | |
FluxStdBaars | FluxStdBaars: The Baars flux standard |
FluxStdPerley90 | FluxStdPerley90: The Perley90 flux standard |
FluxStdPerleyTaylor95 | FluxStdPerleyTaylor95: The PerleyTaylor95 flux standard |
FluxStdPerleyTaylor99 | FluxStdPerleyTaylor99: The PerleyTaylor99 flux standard |
FluxStdPerleyButler2010 | FluxStdPerleyButler2010: The PerleyButler2010 flux standard |
FluxStdPerleyButler2013 | FluxStdPerleyButler2013: The PerleyButler2013 flux standard |
FluxStdScaifeHeald2012 | FluxStdScaifeHeald2012: The Scaife & Heald (2012) flux standard |
FluxStdStevensReynolds2016 | FluxStdStevensReynolds: The StevensReynolds2016 flux standard |
FluxStdPerleyButler2017 | FluxStdPerleyButler2017: The PerleyButler2017 flux standard |
pvt | |
init_qtstringmap | |
QtMouseToolNames | |
refim | Class EVLAAperture : public ATerm |
CFDefs | |
SynthesisUtils | |
VisModelData | Object to provide MODEL_DATA visibilities on demand |
WPConvFunc | A class to support FTMachines get their convolution casacore::Function |
SIMapperImageMosaic | Class that contains functions needed for imager |
BeamSkyJones | Beam-like sky-plane effects for the SkyEquation |
SimplePBConvFunc | |
ATerm | The base class to represent the Aperture-Term of the Measurement Equation |
PhaseGrad | |
AWConvFuncEPJones | |
PointingOffsets | |
SDGrid | An FTMachine for Gridding Single Dish data |
VPSkyJones | Model the diagonal elements of the Voltage Pattern Sky Jones Matrices |
WProjectFT | An FTMachine for Gridded Fourier transforms |
TabulatedConvFunc | |
AWVisResampler | |
VLACalcIlluminationConvFunc | Casacore::Int getVLABandID(casacore::Double& freq,casacore::String&telescopeName); |
ComponentFTMachine | ComponentFTMachine: a abstract base class defining the interface for a Fourier Transform Machine to be used in the SkyEquation for the transformation of SkyComponents |
PSTerm | A class to apply the W-Term to the given image |
EVLAAperture | |
IlluminationConvFunc | |
HetArrayConvFunc | |
MosaicFT | |
AWProjectWBFTNew | |
EVLAConvFunc | |
CFStore2 | |
VisibilityResampler | |
BriggsCubeWeightor | |
SkyJones | Sky Jones: Model sky-plane instrumental effects for the SkyEquation |
VisibilityResamplerBase | |
CFStore | |
VB2CFBMap | |
SIMapperCollection | |
AzElAperture | |
CFTerms | The base class to represent the Aperture-Term of the Measurement Equation |
ConvolutionFunction | The base class to compute convolution functions for convolutional gridding |
SetJyGridFT | An FTMachine for Gridded Fourier transforms specializing in setjy frequency scaling |
PolOuterProduct | |
MultiTermFTNew | |
IChangeDetector | |
ParAngleChangeDetector | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
WTerm | A class to apply the W-Term to the given image |
VLAIlluminationConvFunc | |
SynthesisImager | |
MosaicFTNew | |
CFBStruct | |
CFBuffer | |
FTMachine | Defines interface for the Fourier Transform Machine |
AWProjectFT | |
AWConvFunc | |
SimpleComponentFTMachine | Does the simplest Fourier transform on SkyComponents |
SIMapper | |
NoOpATerm | |
CFCacheTable | An object to manage the caches of pre-computed convolution functions on the disk and in the memory |
CFCache | |
VBStore | |
AWProjectWBFT | |
GridFT | An FTMachine for Gridded Fourier transforms |
sdfiller | |
SysCalRecord | |
SysCalTableRecord | |
SpectralWindowRecord | |
Mutex | |
PCondition | |
ProducerConsumerModelContext | Implementation of producer consumer model |
SourceRecord | |
FieldRecord | |
ProcessorRecord | |
DataRecord | |
MSDataRecord | |
DataChunk | |
DataAccumulator | |
DataAccumulatorKey | |
AntennaRecord | |
NRODataObsHeader | |
NRODataScanData | |
WeatherRecord | |
Deleter | |
ObservationRecord | |
subms | |
SynthesisUtils | |
tb | |
utilj | |
AipsErrorTrace | |
Strings | |
FirstFunctor | |
SecondFunctor | |
MemoryStatistics | |
IoStatistics | |
ThreadTimes | |
DeltaThreadTimes | |
ComposedFunctor | Prints out 104 116 136 |
UnaryFunctor | |
Z | |
vi | A class to support FTMachines get their convolution casacore::Function |
avg | |
pd_cache | |
TimeLevelEntry | |
TimeLevelCache | |
AntennaLevelCache | |
tavg | |
IteratingParameters | |
VbCacheItemBase | |
VbCacheItem | |
VbCacheItemArray | |
VisBufferCache | |
VisBufferState | |
FrequencyCache | |
ViImplementation2 | VisibilityIterator2 iterates through one or more readonly MeasurementSets |
PassThroughTVI | |
PassThroughTVILayerFactory | |
SubtableColumns | |
WeightScaling | |
WeightScalingImpl | |
SortColumns | |
ViFactory | |
VisibilityIterator2 | VisibilityIterator2 iterates through one or more readonly MeasurementSets |
Factory | |
PolAverageTVI | PolAverageTVI |
GeometricPolAverageTVI | |
StokesPolAverageTVI | |
PolAverageVi2Factory | A factory for generating ViImplementation2 for polarization averaging |
PolAverageTVILayerFactory | |
StatWtTVI | |
BaselineChanBin | |
ChanBin | |
SimpleSimVi2Parameters | |
SimpleSimVi2 | |
SimpleSimVi2Factory | |
SimpleSimVi2LayerFactory | |
VisibilityIteratorImplAsync2 | VisibilityIterator2 iterates through one or more readonly MeasurementSets |
PointingInterpolationTVI | |
Interpolator | |
PointingInterpolationVi2Factory | |
PointingInterpolationTVILayerFactory | |
CalibratingVi2Factory | A top level class defining the data handling interface for the CalibratingTvi2 module |
HanningSmoothTVI | |
HanningSmoothTVIFactory | |
HanningSmoothTVILayerFactory | |
StatWtTVILayerFactory | |
FinalTvi2 | FinalTvi2 - Class that serves as the final Tvi2 in a pipeline; it adds simple write functionality that allows writing back the data contained in the associated VB2 |
LayeredVi2Factory | A factory for generating ViImplementation2 layers that optionally include calibration (via CalibratingVi2) and time-averaging (via AveragingTvi2) |
FilteringType | Filtering type |
FiltrationTVI | FiltrationTVI is an implementation of data filtering |
FiltrationTVIFactory | Factory |
FiltrationTVILayerFactory | |
StatWtTVIFactory | |
FreqAxisTransformEngine2 | |
FreqAxisTVI | |
FreqAxisTransformEngine | |
AveragingTvi2 | |
UVContSubTVI | |
UVContSubTVIFactory | |
UVContSubTVILayerFactory | |
UVContSubTransformEngine | |
UVContSubKernel | |
UVContSubtractionKernel | |
UVContEstimationKernel | |
UVContSubtractionDenoisingKernel | |
UVContEstimationDenoisingKernel | |
CalibratingParameters | |
CalibratingVi2 | |
CalVi2LayerFactory | |
CalSolvingVi2 | |
CalSolvingVi2LayerFactory | |
CalSolvingVi2LayerFactoryByVE | |
ChannelAverageTVI | |
ChannelAverageTVIFactory | |
ChannelAverageTVILayerFactory | |
ChannelAverageTransformEngine | |
ChannelAverageKernel | |
PlainChannelAverageKernel | |
FlaggedChannelAverageKernel | |
WeightedChannelAverageKernel | |
LogicalANDKernel | |
ChannelAccumulationKernel | |
MsIterInfo | |
VisBufferImplAsync2 | |
VisibilityIteratorImpl2 | |
BackWriter | +========================| | | | Output Related Methods | | | +========================| |
BackWriterImpl | A simple BackWriterImpl2 uses a nullary accessor on a VisBuffer |
BackWriterImpl2 | BackWriterImpl2 is slightly more complicated in that it uses a unary accessor |
Cache | Void convertVisFromStokes(const casacore::Matrix<CStokesVector> & visibilityStokes, casacore::Cube<casacore::Complex> & visCube); |
PendingChanges | |
RowBounds | |
VisBufferComponents2 | This class encapsulates an enum with values corresponding to the various data components accessible via a VisBuffer. Its current usage is to specify the VisBuffer components to be prefetched when asynchronous I/O is in use or to specify the VisBuffer components that have been modified when a Visibility Processing Framework bucket-brigade is operating on a VisBuffer. This implementation should be replaced by a C++11 when the standard matures a bit |
PhaseShiftTvi | |
VisBufferImpl2 | VisBufferImpls encapsulate one chunk of visibility data for processing |
VisBufferWrapperAsync2 | VisBuffers encapulsate one chunk of visibility data for processing |
ConvolutionTVI | |
ConvolutionTVIFactory | |
ConvolutionTransformEngine | |
ConvolutionKernel | |
ConvolutionDataKernel | |
ConvolutionLogicalORKernel | |
ConvolutionWeightPropagationKernel | |
VisBufferImpl | VisBufferImpls encapsulate one chunk of visibility data for processing |
NoSuchElementException | |
TryBase | TryBase exists to enable tests in Try template methods of whether Try::value_type is a Try type |
Try | |
PhaseShiftingTVI | |
PhaseShiftingTVIFactory | |
PhaseShiftingTVILayerFactory | |
PhaseShiftingTransformEngine | |
MSSmartInterval | Class ROMSColumns; class TableIterator; |
MSIter2 | An iterator class for MeasurementSets |
ViColumns2 | |
VisBuffer2Adapter | |
ViiLayerFactory | |
RoviaModifier | |
ChannelSelection | |
SelectChannelModifier | |
SetIntervalModifier | |
SetRowBlockingModifier | |
RoviaModifiers | |
SelectVelocityModifier | |
VlaDatum | VlaDatum is a single elemement in the VlaDatum buffer ring used to support the VisibilityIterator2Async |
VlaData | |
Timing | |
WriteData | |
WriteDataImpl | |
WriteDataImpl2 | |
WriteQueue | |
AsynchronousInterface | |
RegriddingTVI | |
RegriddingTVIFactory | |
RegriddingTVILayerFactory | |
RegriddingTransformEngine | |
RegriddingKernel | |
DataInterpolationKernel | |
DataFFTKernel | |
DataCubeHolderBase | |
DataCubeHolder | |
DataCubeMap | |
AveragingOptions | AveragingOptions |
AveragingParameters | |
AveragingVi2Factory | The AveragingVi2Factory is used to initialize a VisibilityIterator2 so that it performs time averaging |
AveragingVi2LayerFactory | |
FutureBase | FutureBase exists to enable tests in Future template methods of whether Future::value_type is a Future type |
Future | |
SDDoubleCircleFilter | |
CalibratingVi2FactoryI | |
Pointing | |
PointingSource | |
PointingColumns | |
PointingDirectionCache | |
VisBuffer2 | VisBuffer2s encapsulate one chunk of visibility data for processing |
VisBufferUtil2 | |
TransformingVi2 | VisibilityIterator2 iterates through one or more readonly MeasurementSets |
FrequencySelection | |
FrequencySelectionUsingFrame | |
Element | |
FrequencySelections | |
viewer | |
dvo | |
param | Entry of flexible VO parameters.. |
hidden | |
display_panel_gui_status | Qt's meta object features not supported for nested classes.. |
qt | |
stats_t | |
image_stats_t | |
ms_stats_t | |
SliceStats | |
pvline_stats_t | |
region | |
PointInfo | |
RangeLimiter | Class for applying a range limit to values.. |
filter | |
ds9context | |
ViewerPreferences | |
RegionSourceKernel | |
RegionSource | |
Position | Why not use casacore::MDirection? It's limited by valid astronomical coordinates on the sky Hz vs arcsec does not fly |
ImageRegion_state | |
Region | All regions are specified in "linear coordinates", not "pixel coordinates" |
PointMarkerState | Used to pass point specific marker information (marker type and scaling) to generic region creation routines RegionTool::create(...) |
QtRegionDock | |
ds9parser | |
Polyline | |
CleanGui | |
RegionInfo | |
MsRegionInfo | |
ImageRegionInfo | |
SliceRegionInfo | |
PVLineRegionInfo | |
dtorNotifiee | |
dtorNotifier | |
guiwait | |
RegionToolManager | RegionCreator class now has static members which allow for the retrieval of lists of RegionCreator objects for creating each type of region (currently rectangle, polygon, ellipse, and point) |
Polygon | |
Options | |
Kernel | |
options_init_ | |
QtRegionSourceKernel | |
QtRegionSource | |
DisplayDataOptions | |
ds9writer | |
cs | |
PVLine | All regions are specified in "linear coordinates", not "pixel coordinates" |
display_element | One display_element is created for each image created from this PVLine.. |
QtRegionStats | |
Rectangle | All regions are specified in "linear coordinates", not "pixel coordinates" |
SlicerGen | |
RegionCreator | |
Ellipse | All regions are specified in "linear coordinates", not "pixel coordinates" |
internal_error | |
runtime_error | |
ImageProperties | This class provides a priori image information derived from the image itself |
Point | All regions are specified in "linear coordinates", not "pixel coordinates" |
RegionSourceFactory | |
QtRegionState | |
QtPVLineState | |
QtSliceCutState | |
QtPointState | |
QtOptionsKernel | |
ds9lex | Scanner is a derived class to add some extra function to the scanner class |
QtRegionSourceFactory | |
StatusSink | |
viscal | Parameter axis slicer for caltables (experimental) |
vpf | |
asyncio | |
SubchunkIndex | |
VbPtr | |
VpPort | |
VpPorts | |
VpData | |
VisibilityProcessor | |
VisibilityProcessorStub | |
SplitterVp | Class SimpleVp: public VisibilityProcessor { |
WriterVp | |
VpContainer | |
VpSet | |
VpEngine | |
xerces | |
Reweighter | Reweighter reweights a selected part of an casacore::MS based on the properties of a (possibly different) selection of it |
PSPixelCanvas | Implementation of the PixelCanvas for PostScript devices |
PixelRangeDialog | Displays a histogram that allows the user to set a include/exclude pixel range for the fit |
CanvasModeZoom | |
QtDBusViewerAdaptor | |
data_desc | |
panel_desc | |
Vi2StatisticsIteratee | This class is used to encapsulate the action(s) taken on a sequence of casacore::StatisticsAlgorithm instances that are generated by the Vi2DataProvider::foreachDataset() method, which can be used to compute statistics for each dataset of possibly merged casacore::MS chunks provided by a VisibilityIterator2 instance |
HetArrayConvFunc | |
ImageRebinner | |
WCSimpleResampleHandler | Class which implements simple resampling for the WorldCanvas |
ActionQuit | |
Vi2FlagCubeDataProvider | |
nPBWProjectFT | |
FitWidget | Main class for handling the pluggable fit functionality for the histogram |
SepImageConvolverTask | This class is the high level interface to image convolving |
SkyJonesDesc | SkyJonesDesc: Define the format of SkyJones calibration tables |
ActionSummaryDialog | Displays a dialog allowing the user to specify the data that they want summarized |
CalStatsFitter | Start of CalStatsFitter class definition |
FIT | FIT nested class |
ClarkCleanImageSkyModel | Clark Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing the Clark Clean algorithm |
ImageDecomposer | A tool to separate a complex image into individual components |
SpectralFit | Least Squares fitting of spectral elements to spectrum |
RFATimeMedian | RFATimeMedian: RedFlagger Agent for clipping relative to median over time |
RFAFreqMedian | RFAFreqMedian: RedFlagger Agent for clipping relative to median over frequency |
QtMouseToolButton | |
QtPointToolButton | |
QtMouseToolBar | |
GaussianEstimateDialog | |
RFASelector | RFASelector: flags pixels/rows based on a specified selection |
ClipInfo | |
MWCRTRegion | WorldCanvas event-based rectangle region drawer |
VLAIlluminationConvFunc | |
SynthesisDeconvolver | Forward declarations |
CubeSkyEquation | |
TimeVarMJonesDesc | TimeVarMJonesDesc: Define the format of TimeVarMJones cal tables |
SDAlgorithmClarkClean | |
CubePartitionMixin | Parameter and input data partitioning for parallel cube imaging (in ParallelImagerMixin) |
PlotServerProxy | |
QPExporter | Utility class for exporting plots |
VisBuffAccumulator | A class to average VisBuffers in time |
CanvasModeAnnotation | |
MSAsRaster | Class for displaying data within an casacore::MS as a raster (gridded) image |
FlagEdit_ | |
MSpos_ | |
MSAsRasterDM | (Minimal) DisplayMethod for MSAsRaster |
PlotMSCalibration | Specifies calibration parameters for an MS |
IncEntropy | Base class for incremental entropies used by incremental MEM algorithm |
IncEntropyI | Thermodynamic or Information entropy for incremental MEM |
IncEntropyEmptiness | Emptiness measure for incremental MEM |
GLPixelCanvas | OpenGL implementation of PixelCanvas |
GLPCColorValue | Holds both a color index and RGBA values |
WedgeDD | A DisplayData to draw color wedges |
ScrollingRasterDD | |
ImageFit1D | Fit spectral components to a casacore::Vector of data from an image |
FindSourcesDialog | Displays a dialog that allows the user to find and edit a source list that can be used as estimates for a 2D fit |
CanvasModeChannel | |
DParameterFontChoice | Implementation of DParameterChoice to store font selection parameters |
FeatherPlot | |
ImageMaskAttacher | Contains tatic method to attach a mask to an image |
PlotItem | PlotItem is the superclass of any object that is meant to be placed on the canvas (plots, annotations, shapes, etc.) |
DataSampling | Provides sampling of data for esimation algorithms |
MultiPolyToolImpl | WorldCanvas event-based polygon region drawer |
DelayFFT | |
CrossDelayFFT | |
KJones | Forward declarations |
KcrossJones | (sbd) K for cross-hand solve |
KMBDJones | KMBD Jones provides support for multi-band delays |
KAntPosJones | |
ImageFFT | FFT an image |
ImageFFTer | |
QtProgressWidget | GUI for displaying progress information |
ImageMoments | This class generates moments from an image |
CollapseResult | |
MomentCollapseThreadRadio | Note: ImageMomentsProgressMonitor is an interface that provides this class with updates concerning the progress of the moment calculation task |
MomentSettingsWidgetRadio | Note: ProfileTaskFacilitator abstracts out some of the common functionality needed for calculating moments and spectral line fitting into a single base class |
PBMath1DPoly | PBMath1DPoly is a 1-D casacore::Polynomial Expansion for a Primary Beam |
LatticePADisplayData | Partial implementation of PrincipalAxesDD for casacore::Lattice-based data |
LatticePADMMarker | Class to draw a single vector map of a slice from an AIPS++ Lattice |
MosaicFT | |
DirModel | |
AniPosEH | WorldCanvas position event handler for Animator |
ImageView | Displays properties of an image for manipulation such as color and display type |
PlotMSParameters | Subclass of PlotMSWatchedParameters that hold parameters for the whole plotter |
DummyClass | Removal of compile warnings for unused variables |
DirectionAxisParams | |
ImageProfileFitterResults | |
Plotter | A Plotter can be thought of as a frame that holds one or more PlotCanvases in a configuration determined by a given PlotCanvasLayout |
ActionAnnotateText | |
VisBuffGroup | A class to store a group of VisBuffers |
SliceStatisticsFactory | Returns SliceStatistics appropriate to what is displayed on the x-axis and the units being used |
ATAtmosphere | This class implements opacity/atmospheric brightness temperature model equivalent to the model available in MIRIAD |
Vi2StatsAmplitudeIterator | |
QtApp | Management of the QApp object needed by any Qt application |
HeaderItemData | |
PageHeaderCache | |
NRO2MSReader | |
NROArrayData | |
NROOptionalTables | OptionalTables class for NRO data |
ImageCollapser | |
GridFT | An FTMachine for Gridded Fourier transforms |
PlotMSDataCollapsible | Represents a single plot's properties that can be shown maximized or minimized; handles whether a plot will be shown on the display |
ActionLocate | |
MomentsBase | This class is a base class for generating moments from an image or a spectral data |
MomentCalcBase | Abstract base class for moment calculator classes |
ImageMaskHandler | |
X11Util_global_functions_X11_Utility_Functions | X Utilities to assist the X11 classes |
RFFloatLatticeIterator | |
RFFloatLattice | RFFloatLatice: a cubic lattice |
WCPTRegion | WorldCanvas event-based polygon region drawer |
FlagAgentRFlag | A flag agent that implements the 'rflag' flagdata mode |
EPointDesc | EPointDesc: Define the format of GJones cal tables |
SpectralCollapser | |
PBMath1DGauss | PBMath1DGauss is a 1-D Gaussian Primary Beam |
PCInvisTool | Base implementation of PCTool for invisible (non-drawing) tools |
ActionStackForward | |
EPointVisJonesMRec | EPointVisJonesMRec: EPointVisJones cal_main table record access/creation |
DSWorldArrow | |
QProgressPanel | Convenience class with a label and progress meter |
ProgressHelper | Wrapper around a QProgressPanel or other QLabel/QProgressBar pairing |
BinPlotWidget | Display a histogram of intensity vs count |
CTInterface | |
ConvFuncDiskCache | An object to manage the caches of pre-computed convolution functions on the disk and in the memory |
SynthesisIterBot | Class that contains functions needed for imager |
SynthesisIterBotWithOldGUI | |
HogbomCleanModel | A Class for performing Hogbom Clean's of Arrays |
QtIndexChooser | Widget that allows the user to pick an index, with a number of choices on how the index can be chosen |
Jones | |
JonesGenLin | |
JonesDiag | |
JonesScal | |
BJonesPoly | |
ActionPan | |
MultiEllipseToolImpl | WorldCanvas event-based ellipse region drawer |
QtExportManager | |
MS2ASDM | MS2ASDM provides functionalities to create an ASDM (ALMA science data model) from an existing MS |
ImageTotalPolarization | Compute total polarization intensity |
DisplayPoint3 | |
TBTableView | Current "view" or state of a single table |
TBView | Current "view" or state of the browser that can be serialized |
CalAnalysis | Start of CalAnalysis class definition |
INPUT | INPUT nested class (allowed T: CalStats::NONE, CalStatsFitter::FIT, or CalStatsHist::HIST), used to hold the vector output of stats<T>() |
OUTPUT | OUTPUT nested class (allowed T: CalStats::NONE, CalStatsFitter::FIT, or CalStatsHist::HIST), used to hold the vector output of stats<T>() |
SPW_INFO | SPW_INFO nested class |
VisBufferAsyncWrapper | VisBuffers encapulsate one chunk of visibility data for processing |
VisJonesMBuf | VisJonesMBuf: VisJones calibration main table buffer |
SliceSegment | |
MomentSettingsWidgetOptical | |
PBMath1DIPoly | PBMath1DIPoly is a 1-D Inverse casacore::Polynomial Expansion for a Primary Beam |
ProgressTimer | |
DParameterRange | A helper class to deal with data ranges to support options |
DSMarker | Implementation of a marker |
DSPixelEllipse | |
FixVis | Performs for MeasurementSets various fixes which do not involve calibrating. This includes (in order of implementation): |
SearchMoleculesResultsWidget | |
ROSolvableCalSetMCol | ROSolvableVisJonesMCol: Read-only SolvableVisJones cal_main column access |
SolvableCalSetMCol | SolvableCalSetMCol: RW SolvableCalSet cal_main column access |
BJonesMBuf | BJonesMBuf: BJones calibration main table buffer |
BJonesPolyMBuf | BJonesPolyMBuf: BJonesPoly calibration main table buffer |
QtDisplayDataGui | Qt options widget for single DisplayData |
AxesDisplayData | Interface and simple implementation of axis labelling |
PlotAnnotation | PlotAnnotation is an abstraction of text written directly on the canvas |
SIMapperImageMosaic | Class that contains functions needed for imager |
ImageFactory | |
MSCleanImageSkyModel | Casacore::MS Clean Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing the casacore::MS Clean algorithm |
VWBT | |
Fitter | Base class for classes performing histogram fits |
QtExportBrowser | |
AsdmIndex | An index entry for the ASDM Storage Manager |
VisImagingWeight | Object to hold type of imaging weight scheme to be used on the fly and to provide facilities to do that |
PlotWidget | Abstract superclass for any widget that goes on a PlotPanel |
PlotButton | Generic class for a button that goes on a PlotPanel |
PlotCheckbox | Generic class for a checkbox that goes on a PlotPanel |
PlotPanel | A PlotPanel is a panel that goes on the bottom of the plot window |
PSDriver | Low level interface between PSPixelCanvas{ColorTable} and PostScript |
PageInfo | The PageInfo struct is used internally to supply descriptions of the various page types |
PSInfo | PSInfo is used to supply comment fields for the PostScript header and other information that needs to be available when the PSDriver object is created |
PSState | Holds our copy of the current transformation matrix |
TwoSidedShape | Base class for component shapes with two sides |
SakuraUtils | |
SakuraDriver | |
CasaImageBeamSet | Represents a set of restoring beams associated with an image. Implements getCommonBeam() |
SolvableVisJonesDesc | SolvableVisJonesDesc: Define the format of SolvableVisJones cal tables |
GJonesDesc | GJonesDesc: Define the format of GJones cal tables |
GJonesDelayRateSBDesc | GJonesDelayRateSBDesc: Define the format of GJonesDelayRateSB cal tables |
DJonesDesc | DJonesDesc: Define the format of DJones cal tables |
TJonesDesc | TJonesDesc: Define the format of TJones cal tables |
PlotMSExportParam | Specifies export parameters for plotms |
PrincipalAxesDM | Interface for DisplayMethods which have data arranged in "axes." |
DSWorldRectangle | |
VisCalEnum | |
ConverterWavelengthVelocity | |
QtPlotter | |
PixelatedConvFunc | |
GaussianDeconvolver | Deconvolve a gaussian source from a gaussian beam |
ParallelImagerAdaptor | Adaptor for ParallelImagerMixin implementation classes as ParallelImager instances |
LinearModel | Provides a model for use in model fitting applications |
IPLatConvEquation | Implements the image plane lattice convolution equation |
ImageConcatenator | |
DSBasic | Base class for all "basic" shapes |
ThreadController | |
LinkedCursorEH | |
cursor_info_t | |
QtDisplayPanelGui | The main display window for the Qt version of the viewer |
OutputDestinationChecker | |
OutputStruct | Struct for checking output file writability |
TBConnection | Dialog for opening/connecting to a table with options |
TBSorter | Widget to configure a multi-field sort ordering |
TextEditor | |
SIIterBot_callback | |
SIIterBot_state | |
SIIterBot_adaptor | |
TblAsXYDM | A DisplayMethod to draw XY plots from table data |
MultiWCHolder | A holder of WorldCanvasHolders to use for panelling applications |
GJonesSpline | |
PlotMSLabelFormat | Class for generating labels based upon axes, units, etc |
SpectralElement | Describes (a set of related) spectral lines |
VisJonesMRec | VisJonesMRec: VisJones cal_main table record access and creation |
ImageMomentsProgressMonitor | This is just an interface class for monitoring the progress of collapsing and image through calculating a moment |
DisplayTool | Base class for event-based tools in the display classes |
MWCPositionVelocityTool | Multi WorldCanvas event-based position velocity tool |
ActionIterPrev | |
ROCalMainColumns | ROCalMainColumns: Read-only cal_main calibration table column access |
CalMainColumns | CalMainColumns: Read-write cal_main calibration table column access |
PlotDrawWatcher | Abstract parent for any class that wants to be notified when the canvas is about to start drawing |
PlotCanvas | PlotCanvas is an area for different PlotItems to be attached and drawn |
MultiTermFT | |
TrackBox | Helper class for QtDisplayPanelGui, for display of tracking information |
PlotMutex | Abstract class, for a synchronization mutex specific to the threading library used by the plotting implementations |
PlotOperation | Simple object to synchronize operation progress information across threads |
PlotOperationWatcher | Abstract interface for any object that wants to watch a PlotOperation object for changes |
PlotMSTransformationsWidget | Widget for editing a PlotMSTransformations object |
RegionShapeLabel | Text label associated with a RegionShape |
RegionShape | Parent class for all RegionShapes |
RegionShapeDM | Implementation of CachingDisplayMethod to be used by RegionShapes |
TblAsRasterDM | A DisplayMethod to draw Raster images from table data |
XMLtoken | Representation of a single XML token |
HistogramMarkerGaussian | Marks initial (center,peak) and FWHM Gaussian estimates on the histogram |
WCInvisTool | Base implementation of WCTool for invisible (non-drawing) tools |
SearcherSQLite | Searches a local sqlite database for molecular lines meeting the specified search criteria |
SDMaskHandler | |
ExternalAxisControlRight | |
ImageDecimatorData | |
MSUtil | |
DDDPolygon | Implementation of aan ellipse object for DrawingDisplayData class |
LatticePADisplayMethod | Partial implementation of PrincipalAxesDM for casacore::Lattice-based data |
DTVisible | Class providing draw style settings for visible DisplayTools |
CEMemModel | Implements the Cornwell & Evans MEM Algorithm on Lattices |
FileLoader | |
BeamSkyJones | Beam-like sky-plane effects for the SkyEquation |
CalInterpolation | CalInterpolation: a class to hold calibration interpolation parameters |
CrosshairEvent | WorldCanvasEvent:contains info on the WC point selected by MWCCrosshairTool |
ActionAnnotateRectangle | |
grpcPMSShutdown | |
grpcPlotMS | |
grpcPlotMSState | |
CalDescRecord | CalDescRecord: Cal_desc table record access and creation |
PSPixelCanvasColorTable | Implementation of PixelCanvasColorTable for PostScript device |
FeatherThread | Gathers up the data from the feathering process and stores it |
SearchMoleculesDialog | |
ConverterFrequencyWavelength | |
PlotMSCacheTab | |
WOnlyConvFunc | |
VBRemapper | VBRemappers remap VisBuffers |
DSCircle | Circle implementation;extends DSEllipse, adding general circle functions |
Vi2DataDescriptionIdsDataProvider | |
AnnPolyline | This class represents a single polyline (in position coordinates) annotation specified in an ascii region file as proposed in CAS-2285 |
EVLAConvFunc | |
GJonesPolyMBuf | GJonesPolyMBuf: GJonesPoly calibration main table buffer |
GJonesSplineMBuf | GJonesSplineMBuf: GJonesSpline calibration main table buffer |
SpecFitGaussian | |
ChannelRangeWidget | |
Vi2StatsDataIterator | Vi2StatsDataIterator is designed to support an on-the-fly application of a transformation between the values in the source array and the values provided by the iterator |
DataIteratorMixin | Simple non-transforming (widening excepted) data iterator types |
SkyCompRep | A model component of the sky brightness |
MSTransformIteratorFactory | A top level class defining the data handling interface for the MSTransform module |
SlicePlotPreferences | |
Vi2FloatVisDataProvider | Note that, contrary to Vi2CorrectedVisDataProvider and friends, this class does not support transformations of the visibility data as that data is handed off to the statistics algorithm |
ListConverter | Converts a list or lists dumped from the splatalogue web interface to a casa table |
ExternalAxisWidgetHorizontal | Common code for drawing a horizontal axis external to the plot |
Gaussian2DFitter | Performs a 2DGaussian fit of an image in a background thread |
VPManager | Forward declarations |
LatticeModel | Models with an internal & external representation as an casacore::Lattice |
MWCAnimator | Animator for MultiWCHolder class |
WCRTRegion | WorldCanvas event-based rectangle region drawer |
CalHistoryRecord | CalHistoryRecord: Cal_ table record access and creation |
PBMath1DCosPoly | PBMath1DCosPoly is a 1-D casacore::Polynomial Cosine Expansion for a Primary Beam |
CalTableDesc2 | CalTableDesc: Define the format of calibration tables |
SegmentTracer | |
Vi2Feed1DataProvider | Casacore::Data provider for feed1 column |
Vi2Feed2DataProvider | Casacore::Data provider for feed2 column |
VbDirtyComponents | VbDirtyComponents allows marking portions of a VisBuffer as modified (aka dirty). This feature is needed for the Visibility Processing Framework (VPF) which allows a sequence of data processing nodes to work as a bucket brigade operating sequentially on a VisBuffer. A downstream output node needs to know what data, if any, needs to be written out |
VisBuffer | VisBuffers encapsulate one chunk of visibility data for processing |
VisBufferAutoPtr | A convenience class to assist in migrating code to potentially use asynchronous I/O |
ResamplerWorklet | |
PlotEngine | Abstracts the interface DBUS uses to talk to the main PlotMS application |
EPointTable | |
LineFinderUtils | |
DLFont | A class designed to manage several representations of the same font |
ROCalHistoryColumns | ROCalHistoryColumns: Read-only cal_history calibration table column access |
CalHistoryColumns | CalHistoryColumns: Read-write cal_history calibration table column access |
Vi2StatsFlagsIterator | Vi2StatsFlagsIterator has the form of a CRTP base class to promote efficiency in iterator operations |
Vi2StatsFlagsCubeIterator | Mask iterator over flag cube |
Vi2StatsFlagsRowIterator | Mask iterator over row flags |
FlagAgentClipping | |
MWCRectTool | Base class for MultiWorldCanvas event-based rectangle tools |
CalMainColumns2 | |
CEMemProgress | Class to monitor progress in MEM deconvolution |
AnnRectBox | This class represents an annotation for rectangular (in position coordinates) region specified in an ascii region file as proposed in CAS-2285 <author>Dave Mehringer</author> |
SIMinorCycleController | |
QtFlowLayout | |
QtBorderLayout | |
ItemWrapper | |
DisplayDataHolder | Manages and controls access to a lit of QtDisplayDatas |
ImagePadder | |
PreferencesColor | Manages the display properties of all the curves that can be shown on the plots |
ViewerProxy | |
ImageFitterResults | |
GJonesPolyTable | GJonesPolyTable: GJonesPoly calibration table access/creation |
GJonesSplineTable | GJonesSplineTable: GJonesSpline calibration table access/creation |
CalStatsReal | Start of CalStatsReal class definition |
CalStatsAmp | End of CalStatsReal class definition |
CalStatsPhase | End of CalStatsAmp class definition |
MultiParamFieldIterator | |
ActionExport | |
SpecFitSettingsWidgetOptical | |
WCToolPosEH | WorldCanvas position event handler for WCTool |
WCToolMotEH | WorldCanvas motion event handler for WCTool |
WCToolRefEH | WorldCanvas refresh event handler for WCTool |
WCTool | Base class for WorldCanvas event-based tools |
WCSizeControlHandler | Base class defining the interface to controlling the WorldCanvas size |
ROCalDescColumns | ROCalDescColumns: Read-only cal_desc calibration table column access |
CalDescColumns | CalDescColumns: Read-write cal_desc calibration table column access |
SpecFitLogDialog | |
DummyBufferImpl | |
CTCache | |
CTBuffer | |
FlagCalTableHandler | Flag casacore::Data Handler class definition |
QtXmlRecord | |
QtOldMWCTool | |
QtOldPolyTool | |
QtOldEllipseTool | |
QtOldRectTool | |
QtOldCrossTool | |
AWConvFunc2 | |
Converter | |
ImageMask | Static functions for interrogating image masks |
AnnLine | Represents a line annotation |
FlagAgentManual | |
FeatherPlotWidget | |
WTerm | A class to apply the W-Term to the given image |
CalInterp | |
ImageHistograms | Displays histograms of regions from an image |
ImageSkyModel | Image Sky Model: Image-based Model for the Sky Brightness |
PlotLayoutCoordinate | |
PlotCanvasLayout | Base class for any layout |
PlotLayoutSingle | |
PlotGridCoordinate | |
PlotLayoutGrid | An n x m grid of canvases |
SDAlgorithmMSClean | |
CachingDisplayData | Base class for auto-caching DisplayData objects |
ActionSelectFlag | |
DiskShape | A disk model for the spatial distribution of emission |
QtDBusPlotSvrAdaptor | |
data_desc | |
panel_desc | |
ImagePolTask | Begin moving polarization tasks to ImageTask framework |
SliceColorPreferences | |
TBTableInfo | Displays general information about a table |
ParallelImagerFactory | Factory class for ParallelImager instances |
AnnCircle | This class represents an annotation for a circular (in position coordinates) region specified in an ascii region file as proposed in CAS-2285. It is specified by its center position and radius. <author>Dave Mehringer</author> |
QtDrawer | |
MomentWindow | Computes moments from a windowed profile |
DatabaseConnector | Maintains a connection to an SQLite database |
CanvasModeFactory | |
PCFSpectralElement | Abstract base class that describes a spectral profile that can be parameterized by a peak value (amplitude), center, and width |
AttributeValue | Type-dependent interface for values of Attributes |
RegionTool | |
State | |
GLVColorTableEntry | Implementation of PixelCanvasColorTable for OpenGL |
GLPixelCanvasColorTable | |
Applicator | Class which provides an interface to the parallelization infrastructure |
ImageFitter | |
NoOpATerm | The base class to represent the Aperture-Term of the Measurement Equation |
Vi2WeightSpectrumDataProvider | |
AppRC | |
SingleDishMSFiller | Forward decleration |
WCMotionEvent | Class which stores WorldCanvas motion event information |
PlotMSDrawThread | Subclass of PlotMSThread that handles following the progress of canvas drawing |
PlotMSAveragingWidget | GUI widget for editing a PlotMSAveraging object |
rGridFT | An FTMachine for Gridded Fourier transforms |
LatticePADMRaster | Class to draw a raster image of a slice of an AIPS++ Lattice |
LatticeAsRaster | Class to manage the drawing of raster images of slices from AIPS++ Lattices |
FlagAgentElevation | |
ParallelImagerParams | Collection of parameters for parallel imaging, categorized roughly by imaging component |
ImageLoader | Loads image files when the histogram runs as a standalone app |
NullOptionalTables | Forward declaration |
NonCopyable | NonCopyable Mixin (CRTP) |
ReaderInterface | |
CalHistoryBuffer | CalHistoryBuffer: Calibration table cal_history buffer |
PCTestPattern | PixelCanvas test pattern display refresh event handler |
MFCleanImageSkyModel | MF Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing the MF Clean algorithm |
LineFinderParameter | |
BLParameterSet | |
BLParameterParser | |
BLIdSet | |
BLTableParser | |
SpectralEstimate | Get an initial estimate for spectral lines |
PlotLogMessage | Superclass for all messages going through the PlotLogger |
PlotLogMeasurement | Used to report time and memory measurements |
PlotLogLocate | Used to report located indices |
PlotLogMethod | Subclass of PlotLogMessage to unify messages for method entering/exiting |
PlotLogObject | Subclass of PlotLogMessage to unify messages for object creation/deletion |
PlotLoggerFilter | Subclass of casacore::LogFilterInterface to filter on both event flags and minimum priority |
PlotLogger | A PlotLogger is used to log messages to an underlying CASA log object, as well as provide access to different logging functionality like measurements |
ROCTMainColumns | |
CTMainColumns | |
VisCal | |
VisMueller | |
VisJones | |
ImageMetaDataRW | A class in which to store and allow read-write access to image metadata |
MultiPointToolImpl | WorldCanvas event-based point region drawer |
TBField | Representation of a table field |
DDDRectangle | Implementation of a rectangular object for DrawingDisplayData class |
ActionStackBase | |
QtActionSynchronizer | This class is used to synchronize the checked state of actions with checkable buttons or other actions |
QtActionGroup | This class meant to be used almost identically to an exclusive QActionGroup |
QtLELEdit | |
QtAdjustmentTop | |
QtSliderBase | Base class for QtAutoGui slider interface elements |
QtSliderEditor | |
QtSliderLabel | |
QtMinMaxEditor | |
QtLineEditor | |
QtCombo | |
QtBool | |
QtPushButton | |
QtCheck | |
QtRegionEditor | |
QtPairEditor | |
QtNumberEditor | Can use PairItem because it's just a frame |
SIMapperCollection | |
ImageNACleaner | A class interfacing images to MatrixNACleaner |
ROCTColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to new CalTable columns |
CTColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to NewCalTable columns |
BJonesMRec | BJonesMRec: BJones cal_main table record access & creation |
MFCEMemImageSkyModel | MF CE Mem Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing the MF Mem algorithm |
ROVisIterator | |
Factory | |
VisIterator | |
Factory | |
WCPositionEvent | Class which stores WorldCanvas position event information |
Image2DConvolver | This class does 2D convolution of an image by a functional form |
MultiWCTool | Base class for MultiWorldCanvas event-based tools |
MakeMask | |
DistributedSynthesisIterBot | Class that contains functions needed for imager |
DistributedSynthesisIterBotWithOldGUI | |
ExternalAxisControlBottom | |
QtRegionShapeManager | Region Shape Manager |
QtRSFileLoader | Class for loading region shape files |
QtRSFileSaver | Class for saving region files |
LatticeAsContour | Class to manage the drawing of contour maps of slices from AIPS++ Lattices |
LatticePADMContour | Class to draw a single contour map of a slice from an AIPS++ Lattice |
MapWithDefault | MapWithDefault adds a default value to the std::map class. This default value is used by the [] operator when the key is not already known |
LinearPolarizationAngleCalculator | Compute linear polarization angle |
PanelDisplay | A class which creates and manages "panelled" displays |
VisCalSolver2 | VisCalSolver2: Default solver for calibration using visibility data |
Vi2StatsRealIterator | |
DisplayOptionsDialog | Opens up a dialog showing the display options that can be tweaked for a particular images |
ColorDistribution_global_functions_Color_Distribution_interface | Global functions for generating color cube dimensions |
colorDistItem | |
TJonesPolyTable | TJonesPolyTable: TJonesPoly calibration table access/creation |
TJonesSplineTable | TJonesSplineTable: TJonesSpline calibration table access/creation |
SimpleSubMS | SimpleSubMS provide a simpler subset of SubMS. The purpose of this class to avoid unnecessary IO for some simplistic selection and subMSsing No averaging no fanciness...simple time and channel subsets |
ROTJonesPolyMCol | ROTJonesPolyMCol: Read-only TJonesPoly cal_main column access |
TJonesPolyMCol | TJonesPolyMCol: RW TJonesPoly cal_main column access |
ROTJonesSplineMCol | ROTJonesSplineMCol: Read-only TJonesSpline cal_main column access |
TJonesSplineMCol | TJonesSplineMCol: RW TJonesSpline cal_main column access |
ConverterVelocity | |
Vi2CorrectedVisDataProvider | Casacore::Template class for corrected visibilities data provider |
VBStore | |
ImageInputProcessor | |
DS9 | Contains common enums, constants, and methods for DS9 files |
DS9Coordinate | Class to represent a single coordinate (value + unit) |
DS9Region | Holds information for read DS9 regions |
DS9FileReader | Implementation of RSFileReader for DS9 regions |
FeatherCurve | Represents a curve on one of the plots |
ColormapManager | Class to manage registration of colormaps on PixelCanvasColorTables |
SearcherFactory | |
Vi2ObservedVisDataProvider | Casacore::Template class for observed visibilities data provider |
RegionTextParser | Parse and store regions and annotations from an ascii region file <author>Dave Mehringer</author> |
ParamValue | Because of nonstandard access patterns, be careful when using ParamValue and ParamSet outside this class |
PlotParams | Parameters for a single field for collecting plotting data |
TBPlotData | Casacore::Data for plotting |
PlotSlicer | Small widget to provide a variable number of spinners to create a slice |
TBPlotter | Widget to collect plot parameters and plot on the canvas |
TBSlicer | Widget to display and change the current array slice |
PlotHolder | |
DSClosed | DSClosed provides common functionality for all "closed" shapes |
FlagIDS | Class for flaging and extend flagging |
FlagID | |
ExtendFlagger | |
FluxStdSrcs | Basic calibrator data used in the flux standards |
AWConvFuncEPJones | |
AttributeValuePoi | Templated class for storing a pointer to the value of an Attribute |
SakuraArrayConverter | |
DSWorldPoly | |
ComponentShape | Base class for component shapes |
SplatalogueTable | Representation of a Splatalogue casacore::Table |
Annotation | |
DBusThreadedBase | |
DBusService | |
ServiceProxy | |
Annotations | Control class for a collection of DisplayShapeInterfaces |
Vi2StatsSigmasIterator | Vi2StatsSigmasIterator has the form of a CRTP base class to promote efficiency in iterator operations |
Vi2StatsSigmasCubeIterator | Weights iterator over sigma cube |
Vi2StatsSigmasRowIterator | Weights iterator over row sigmas |
ImageMomentsTask | |
ImageRotator | This class rotates an image through a specified angle |
XMueller | X: position angle calibration (for circulars!) (rendered as a Mueller for now) |
XJones | X: Cross-hand phase (generic) |
XfJones | Xf: position angle calibration (for circulars!) (channel-dependent) |
XparangJones | Cross-hand phase solved from data with parang coverage |
XfparangJones | Freq-dep cross-hand phase |
PosAngJones | PosAng: Basis-agnostic position angle |
GlinXphJones | X-Y phase for ALMA – ORIGINAL ad hoc version as GJones specialization, but in Xf position |
GlinXphfJones | Freq-dep XY-phase |
GraphLabel | |
QtCanvas | |
PBMath1DEVLA | |
PointingDirectionCalculator | |
SplineInterpolation |
RFFlagCube | RFFlagCube: a cube of flags |
SolNorm | |
SolvableVisCal | |
fluxScaleStruct | |
SolvableVisMueller | |
SolvableVisJones | |
VBContinuumSubtractor | Fits and optionally subtracts the continuum in visibility spectra |
RFCubeLattice | RFCubeLatticeIterator: iterator over a cubic buffer |
RFCubeLatticeIterator | |
FVisJonesDesc | FVisJonesDesc: Define the format of FVisJones cal tables |
FVisJonesIonoDesc | FVisJonesIonoDesc: Define the format of FVisJonesIono cal tables |
Simulator | Simulates MeasurementSets from SkyModel and SkyEquation |
BJonesTable | BJonesTable: BJones calibration table access/creation |
BJonesPolyTable | BJonesPolyTable: BJonesPoly calibration table access/creation |
ImageStatsData | |
DSPixelPoly | |
ActionMarkRegions | |
PCMotionEH | PixelCanvas Event Handler for managing pointer motion events |
SDGrid | An FTMachine for Gridding Single Dish data |
LineOverlaysSearchResultsDialog | |
PlotMSPages | Represents (potentially) multiple pages for PlotMS, with one being current (visible) at a time |
MWCPolyTool | Base class for WorldCanvas event-based polygon tools |
CTMainRecord | CTMainRecord: Calibration table record access and creation |
channelInfo | Struct definition |
channelContribution | |
spwInfo | |
MSTransformManager | MSTransformManager definition |
WorldCanvasPGPlotDriver_global_functions_Driver_functions_called_by_FORTRAN_PgPlot_library | Global driver functions need to support PgPlot on the WorldCanvas |
WorldCanvasPGPlotDriver_global_functions_Global_functions_to_attach_to_existing_WorldCanvases | Global utility functions need to support PgPlot on the WorldCanvas |
QFontColor | QFont color is a convenience class containing a QFont and a QColor |
TBFormat | Rules used to format displayed values for fields |
TBFormatter | Widget for entering format rules for a given field |
PCMotionEvent | Class which stores PixelCanvas motion event information |
ROTimeVarVisJonesMCol | ROTimeVarVisJonesMCol: Read-only TimeVarVisJones cal_main column access |
TimeVarVisJonesMCol | TimeVarVisJonesMCol: RW TimeVarVisJones cal_main column access |
ROPJonesMCol | ROPJonesMCol: Read-only PJones cal_main column access |
PJonesMCol | PJonesMCol: RW PJones cal_main column access |
ROCJonesMCol | ROCJonesMCol: Read-only CJones cal_main column access |
CJonesMCol | CJonesMCol: RW CJones cal_main column access |
StatWT | StatWT sets WEIGHT and SIGMA statistically |
EditlineGuiProxy | |
QtViewerPrintGui | |
QtViewerPrintCtl | Viewer print widget |
AttributeValuePoiTol | Templated class for aliased, tolerant AttributeValues |
QtFileDialog | Subclass of QFileDialog with additional functionality |
QtDataManager | |
tab_state | |
validation_msg | |
PlotMSAxesTab | Subclass of PlotMSPlotSubtab that manages plot axes parameters |
ColorHistogramScale | Overrides QwtLinearColorMap in order to provide QwtPlot color lookups based on a casa ColormapDefinition |
RSEllipse | Subclass of RegionShape used for drawing ellipses |
RSCircle | Subclass of RSEllipse used for drawing circles |
RSRectangle | Subclass of RegionShape used for drawing rectangles |
RSPolygon | Subclass of RegionShape used for drawing polygons |
RSLine | Subclass of RegionShape used for drawing lines |
Histogram2dDM | A DisplayMethod to draw histograms |
Projector | Partially projection code from ASAP GenericEdgeDetector |
OrthographicProjector | |
PlotMSSummaryDialog | Contains controls for customizing and producing a summary of the plot |
SimplePlotter | SimplePlotter is a concrete class that uses the abstract plotting classes to perform common tasks |
CompiledSpectralElement | Describes a compiled function for describing a spectral profile |
window | MIRIAD dataset casacore::MeasurementSet filler |
Importmiriad | Helper class |
SDDataSampling | Provides sampling of single dish data for esimation algorithms |
ColorTransferWidget | |
QtCanvasManagerOptions | Options widget for single DisplayPanel |
CursorLink | |
QtCanvasManager | |
SynthesisImager | Class that contains functions needed for imager |
AWProjectWBFTNew | |
SettingsWidget | |
FlagAgentShadow | |
StandardTsys | Not yet: class TJonesCorruptor; |
MsAverager | |
PlotMSCalibrationWidget | Widget for editing a PlotMSCalibration object |
VisibilityIteratorReadImpl | ROVisibilityIterator iterates through one or more readonly MeasurementSets |
Cache | |
Channels | |
Columns | |
MeasurementSetChannels | |
Velocity | |
VisibilityIteratorWriteImpl | VisibilityIterator iterates through one or more writable MeasurementSets |
BackWriter | A BackWriter is a functor that will extract a piece of information out of its VisBuffer argument and write it out using a "set" method on the supplied VisibilityIterator |
BackWriterImpl | A simple BackWriterImpl uses a nullary accessor on a VisBuffer |
BackWriterImpl2 | BackWriterImpl2 is slightly more complicated in that it uses a unary accessor |
Columns | |
grpcShutdown | |
grpcImageViewer | |
data_desc | |
panel_desc | |
grpcViewerState | |
AttributeBuffer | Buffer for storing Attributes |
QtViewer | Qt implementation of main viewer supervisory object – Gui level |
ProfileTaskFacilitator | |
SDAlgorithmClarkClean2 | |
ActionTracker | |
MakeRegion | |
FFT2D | |
CTDesc | CTDesc: Define the format of calibration tables |
DSPixelMarker | |
FeatherPlotWidgetSlice | A specialization of FeatherPlotWidget for displaying line plots |
ImagerMultiMS | |
PlotMSSelection | Specifies an casacore::MS selection |
WFCleanImageSkyModel | WF Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing the WF Clean algorithm |
FJones | |
VisModelData | Object to provide MODEL_DATA visibilities on demand |
RFANewMedianClip | RFANewMedianClip:RedFlagger Agent;clips relative to median over time slots |
PlotMSAnnotatorTab | Subclass of PlotMSTab that handles interaction with the PlotMSAnnotator |
PlotMSCanvasTab | Subclass of PlotMSPlotSubtab to manage canvas parameters |
SynthesisDeconvolverMixin | Simple mixin class to put SynthesisDeconvolver into ParallelImagerMixin framework |
RFAFlagCubeBase | Abstract RedFlagger Agent class with a flag cube |
Colorbar | |
PlotMSAnnotator | Subclass of PlotMouseTool for drawing/managing annotations on the plot canvases of PlotMSApp |
SubMS | |
QtDisplayPanel | |
panel_state | |
colormap_state | |
ZoomWidget | |
TBArray | Holds a potentially multi-dimensional array |
SkyCatOverlayDM | Class to draw catalogue overlays for SkyCatOverlayDD |
DBeamSkyJones | Model the polarization leakage in the Sky Jones Matrices |
PredictAlgorithm | Parallel model visibility prediction |
DisplayShapeWithCoords | |
DSSquare | Implementation of a square |
PBMathInterface | Virtual base class defining the Primary Beam interface |
AnimatorHolder | Manages the Animator display on the viewer that allows users to scroll through either the channels withen an image or between loaded images |
MWCETRegion | WorldCanvas event-based elliptical region drawer |
PassiveTableDD | Class adding casacore::Table-specific support functions to PassiveCachingDD |
MSChecker | Putting checks here, since Ger objected to them going in casacore |
FluxCalcLogFreqPolynomial | FluxCalcLogFreqPolynomial: Implementation base class for flux standards which are polynomials of log10(frequency) |
FluxCalcLogFreqBrokenPolynomial | FluxCalcLogFreqBrokenPolynomial: Implementation base class for flux standards which are broken polynomials of log10(frequency) |
FluxCalcLogFreqPolynomialSH | FluxCalcLogFreqPolynomialSH: Implementation base class for flux standards which are polynomials of log10(frequency) following Scaife & Heald (2012) |
VersionInfo | |
FitterPoisson | Fits casacore::Poisson curves to the histogram |
AWProjectWBFT | |
DSScreenPoly | |
SolvableVisJonesTable | SolvableVisJonesTable: SolvableVisJones calibration table access/creation |
GJonesTable | GJonesTable: GJones calibration table access and creation |
GJonesDelayRateSBTable | GJonesDelayRateSBTable: GJonesDelayRateSB calibration table access and creation |
DJonesTable | DJonesTable: DJones calibration table access and creation |
TJonesTable | TJonesTable: TJones calibration table access and creation |
ImageMomentsProgress | |
MaskedHogbomCleanModel | A Class for performing Hogbom Clean's of Arrays |
PCPositionEvent | Class which stores PixelCanvas position event information |
ImagePrimaryBeamCorrector | |
DrawingDisplayMethod | DisplayMethod which provides actual drawing for DrawingDisplayData class |
SolveDataBuffer | SolveDataBuffer is a container for VisBuffer2 data and related residual and differentiation results related to generic calibration solving |
SDBList | |
ExternalAxisWidgetLeft | |
MultiPolyTool | Base class for WorldCanvas event-based polygon tools |
ImageHanningSmoother | |
CalLibraryParse | Class to hold values from cal library file parser |
ActionZoom | |
ImageMaxFitter | |
LatticeAsMarker | Class to manage the drawing of vector maps of slices from AIPS++ Lattices |
BeamSquint | Encapsulates beam squint (RR and LL beams at different directions) |
Flux | A class that represents the Flux (reference semantics) |
SkyCompBase | Base class for model components of the sky brightness |
FlowLayout | |
BorderLayout | |
ItemWrapper | |
DisplayEvent | Class describing the most basic event information in the display classes |
SimpleComponentGridMachine | |
WCCrosshairTool | Base class for WorldCanvas event-based crosshair tools |
FeatherPlotWidgetScatter | A specialization of FeatherPlotWidget for scatter plots |
ImageHistogramsCalculator | This class computes histograms of image pixel values |
DSScreenArrow | |
QtProfile | Note: The purpose of the SpecFitMonitor interface is to provide a communications interface between the class doing spectral line fitting and this class |
spectra_info | |
IncCEMemModel | Performs MEM algorithm incrementally |
GaussianSpectralElement | Describes a Gaussian spectral line |
VisibilityResamplerBase | |
ViReadImplAsync | |
ViWriteImplAsync | |
StatImageCreator | |
SynDataSampling | Provides sampling of synthesis data for estimation algorithms |
DisplayMethod | Base class for drawing a particular element (view) of a DisplayData |
TimeVarVisJonesTable | TimeVarVisJonesTable: TimeVarVisJones calibration table access and creation |
PJonesTable | PJonesTable: PJones calibration table access and creation |
CJonesTable | CJonesTable: CJones calibration table access and creation |
ImageConvolver | This class does convolution of an image by an casacore::Array or Lattice |
IChangeDetector | |
ParAngleChangeDetector | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
QtAnnotatorGui | Annotating widget for a display panel |
QtMarkerGui | |
RFRowClipper | RFRowClipper: flags rows based on their noise level |
LJJones | LJJones (pointing errors) |
MJonesMRec | MJonesMRec: MJones cal_main table record access and creation |
TBTableTabs | Collection of table backend and display tabs |
CalVisBuffer | CalVisBuffer extends VisBuffer to support storage and recall of associated residual and differentiated residual data |
RFAFlagExaminer | RFAFlagExaminer: Examine the flags and get statistics. perform extensions too |
ROVisJonesMCol | ROVisJonesMCol: Read-only VisJones cal_main calibration table column access |
VisJonesMCol | VisJonesMCol: Read-write VisJones cal_main calibration table column access |
SmoothPreferences | |
SingleDishSkyCal | |
SingleDishPositionSwitchCal | |
SingleDishRasterCal | |
SingleDishOtfCal | |
BeamCalcGeometry | |
ApertureCalcParams | |
calcAntenna | |
Pathology | |
Ray | |
BeamCalc | |
MultiEllipseTool | Base class for MultiWorldCanvas event-based rectangle tools |
WorldCanvas | Implementation of drawing in world coordinates on top of a PixelCanvas |
ColorIndexedImage_ | ColorIndexedImage_ stores the state of a WorldCanvas::drawImage() rendering after the chosen data plane has been resampled to screen (Pixelcanvas) pixels and scaled to indices within a fixed-size Colormap, but prior to mapping to actual colors for display |
HistogramMain | Used when the histogram needs to come up as a main window |
FlagAgentBase | A top level class defining the interface for flagging agents |
FlagAgentList | |
TBFilterRule | Rule that can be used to filter rows based upon field values |
TBFilterRuleSequence | A sequence of TBFilterRules that can be used to filter rows |
TBFilterRules | Widget to allow the user to enter a filter rule sequence |
ColorProvider | Interface class for decoupling of a parent from a child |
DSScreenEllipse | |
GLLogIO | GLLogIO adds tracing support to the AIPS++ casacore::LogIO object |
PlotTool | |
PlotMouseTool | A PlotMouseTool is a specialization of PlotTool that handles all mouse events |
PlotSelectTool | A PlotSelectTool is a concrete subclass of PlotMouseTool that mainly handles select events |
PlotZoomToolNotifier | Interface for objects that want to be notified when the zoom tool changes |
PlotPanToolNotifier | Interface for objects that want to be notified when the pan tool changes |
PlotTrackerToolNotifier | Interface for objects that want to be notified when the tracker tool changes |
CFCStruct | |
CFCell | Template <class t>=""> |
SpecFitPolynomial | |
VisBufferUtil | |
DSPixelRectangle | |
ResidualAlgorithm | Parallel residual image formation |
SliceEH | An event handler to negotiate between three different PanelDisplays |
SlicePanelDisplay | An application provide displays of three axis combinations of data in a cube |
Vi2ArrayIdDataProvider | |
GridBoth | An FTMachine for Gridding Single Dish data |
FlagActionUtil | FlagActionUtil is a set of flagging methods that are accessed from multiple classes |
AnnEllipse | This class represents an annotation of an elliptical (in position coordinates) region specified in an ascii region file as proposed in CAS-2285. It is specified by its center position semi-major and semi-minor axes, and position angle. <author>Dave Mehringer</author> |
WCCoordinateHandler | Base class defining a set of transformations for WorldCanvas coordinates |
QtButtonGroup | This class meant to be used almost identically to an exclusive QButtonGroup |
IDL | A class to start IDL and execute commands, etc |
ActionTool | |
PCToolPosEH | PixelCanvas position event handler for PCTool |
PCToolMotEH | PixelCanvas motion event handler for PCTool |
PCToolRefEH | PixelCanvas refresh event handler for PCTool |
PCTool | Base class for PixelCanvas event-based tools |
Vi2ModelVisDataProvider | Casacore::Template class for model visibilities data provider |
AsdmStMan | The Storage Manager for the main table of a raw ASDM casacore::MS |
Colormap | Describes a method of generating a table of colors |
PlotMSPlotter | High(ish)-level plotter class that manages the GUI (semi-) transparently to the rest of PlotMS |
PTransport | Base class for parallel data transport models |
SerialTransport | Putting in the MPI Transport stuff only makes sense if we have MPI |
DJones | |
DfJones | DfJones (freq-dep D) (general) |
DlinJones | |
DflinJones | DflinJones (freq-dep, linearized DJones) |
DllsJones | |
DfllsJones | DfllsJones (freq-dep, LLS DJones solve, General apply) |
ColorDelegate | |
ExternalAxisControl | Base class for classes that use the QwtScaleDiv information to draw their own axis |
TimeVarVisJonesMBuf | TimeVarVisJonesMBuf: TimeVarVisJones calibration main table buffer |
PJonesMBuf | PJonesMBuf: PJones calibration main table buffer |
CJonesMBuf | CJonesMBuf: CJones calibration main table buffer |
MWCPannerTool | |
SerialPartitionMixin | Parameter and input data partitioning for serial imaging (in ParallelImagerMixin) |
ExternalAxis | Overrides methods of QwtScaleDraw so that the axis can be enabled (supported) but the one drawn by the plot will take up no space and be invisible so that we can draw our own |
MSCalEnums | |
ROGJonesPolyMCol | ROGJonesPolyMCol: Read-only GJonesPoly cal_main column access |
GJonesPolyMCol | GJonesPolyMCol: RW GJonesPoly cal_main column access |
ROGJonesSplineMCol | ROGJonesSplineMCol: Read-only GJonesSpline cal_main column access |
GJonesSplineMCol | GJonesSplineMCol: RW GJonesSpline cal_main column access |
ThreadCommunication | Defines communication mechanisms that the model and data can use to communicate with the UI concerning progress and status |
QtAutoGui | General-purpose Qt options widget created from Record |
QtPlotWidget | Parent for plot widgets |
PlotColorWidget | Widget for choosing a plot color |
PlotFillWidget | Widget for choosing a plot area fill |
PlotLineWidget | Widget for choosing a plot line |
PlotSymbolWidget | Widget for choosing a plot symbol |
PlotFontWidget | Widget for choosing a plot font |
Attribute | Arbitrary name-value pairs used in the display classes |
TBTypes | (Not finished) Widget for entering a value based on its type |
ActionCacheRelease | |
PBMath1DAiry | PBMath1DAiry is a 1-D Airy Disk voltage pattern & Primary Beam |
MSCacheVolMeter | |
ActionPlot | |
Vi2FieldIdDataProvider | |
DSText | Implementation of text |
PlotMSExportThread | Subclass of PlotMSThread for exporting a plot |
ResidualEquation | Interface class containing functions returning "Domain" type |
Deconvolver | A simple deconvolver operating on images (no SkyEquation) |
SynthesisUtilMethods | |
SynthesisParams | |
SynthesisParamsSelect | |
SynthesisParamsImage | |
SynthesisParamsGrid | |
SynthesisParamsDeconv | |
ActionClearRegions | |
SliceStatistics | Computes the angle and distance for a single line segment in the slice |
ResidualHistogramDialog | |
SimACohCalc | SimACohCalc: Model additive noise errors for the VisEquation |
SynthesisImagerMixin | Simple mixin class to put SynthesisImager into ParallelImagerMixin framework |
VBGContinuumSubtractor | VBGContinuumSubtractors subtract the continuum out of VisBuffGroups |
FeatherManager | FeatherWorker1 (SD, INT) |
PixelValueManipulator | |
TBHelp | Widget for displaying and updating the browser help files |
MWCEllipseTool | Base class for MultiWorldCanvas event-based ellipse tools |
SetJyGridFT | An FTMachine for Gridded Fourier transforms specializing in setjy frequency scaling |
PCPositionEH | PixelCanvas Event Handler for managing keyboard and mouse button events |
MeasurementSet2 | |
CalIntpMatch | CalIntpMatch: a class to hold calibration interpolation index maps |
DisplayData3 | |
ConverterIntensity | Converts intensity units: Jy/Beam, Kelvin, Fraction of Peak, etc |
MFMSCleanImageSkyModel | Image Sky Model implementing the MultiScale, MultiField Clean algorithm |
Vi2UVRangeDataProvider | The Vi2UVRangeDataProvider iterates over the uvw column, providing hypot(u, v) as sample data to the statistics algorithm |
ConverterVelocityFrequency | |
ExternalAxisWidgetRight | |
AccorJones | Accor (normalization) VisCal |
PlotData | |
PlotSingleData | A single source of data that basically provides indexing of its values |
PlotPointData | A source of data used to supply x and y values |
PlotMaskedPointData | Casacore::Data that adds masking functionality on top of normal point data |
PlotSingleDataImpl | |
PlotPointDataImpl | Default implementation of PlotPointData that supports raw arrays, vectors, and CASA Vectors |
PlotHistogramData | Specialized subclass of PlotPointData that creates histogram data from single point data |
PlotMaskedPointDataImpl | Default implementation of PlotMaskedPointData using default containers |
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl | Default implementation of PlotErrorData using standard containers, plus scalars for the four errors |
PlotErrorDataImpl | Default implementation of PlotErrorData using standard containers, plus PlotPointDataImpls for the errors |
PlotRasterMatrixData | Implementation of raster data using casa::Matrix |
ImageMaskedPixelReplacer | |
ComponentList | A class for manipulating groups of components |
TBOptions | Widget to edit the browsing options |
QtSingleRegionShape | Widget for displaying a single region in the list of a QtRegionShapeManager |
QtRSOption | Widget that can be used to input a casacore::String, casacore::String choice, double, bool, casacore::String array, or casacore::String choice array |
QtEditRegionShape | Dialog for editing a single region shape |
ROCalMainColumns2 | |
PlotMSCacheThread | Subclass of PlotMSThread for loading axes in a PlotMSCache |
MWCPolylineTool | Base class for WorldCanvas event-based polyline tools |
RFATimeFreqCrop | RFATimeFreqCrop : 2-Dimensional casacore::Time Frequency Autoflag agent |
TimeRangeKey | |
Less | |
TimeRangeListTool | |
SDDoubleCircleGainCalImpl | |
RFError | |
RSFileReaderWriter | Superclass for readers and writers containing common definitions and operations |
RSFileReader | Abstract superclass for any class that reads a format that produces RegionShapes from a file |
RSFileWriter | Abstract superclass for any class that writes RegionShapes to a region file format |
WCCSAxisLabeller | Base class for WorldCanvas axis labelling using a DisplayCoordinateSystem |
Plot | A Plot basically consists of data and customization information |
ScatterPlot | Scatter plot abstract class |
MaskedScatterPlot | Subclass of ScatterPlot that adds masking functionality |
ErrorPlot | An error plot is a scatter plot with error bars drawn |
ColoredPlot | An color plot is a scatter plot with differentiated colors for points in different bins |
BarPlot | Bar plot abstract class |
RasterPlot | Plot used to show raster (image-like) data |
Vi2StatsUVRangeIterator | |
MSUVWGenerator | Generates and inserts the (u, v, w)s of a casacore::MS that may or may not already have them. Includes antenna offsets when known |
PlotMSDisplayTab | Subclass of PlotMSPlotSubtab to manage plot display parameters |
Mueller | |
MuellerDiag | |
MuellerDiag2 | |
MuellerScal | |
AddMuellerDiag2 | Parallel-hands only "additive Mueller" |
AddMuellerDiag | Full polarization "additive Mueller" |
TBViewArray | Widget for viewing array data in TBArray format |
TBArrayPanel | Panel that can hold multiple TBViewArray widgets |
TBViewRecord | Widget for viewing record data |
VLACalcIlluminationConvFunc | Casacore::Int getVLABandID(casacore::Double& freq,casacore::String&telescopeName); |
SIImageStoreMultiTerm | |
ImageStatsCalculator | |
QtUtilities | |
ActionCache | |
SDAlgorithmHogbomClean | |
ALMACalcIlluminationConvFunc | |
ImageTwoPtCorr | Compute two point correlation functions from images |
FluxRep | A class that represents the Flux (copy semantics) |
WCPositionEH | Base class for handling WorldCanvas position events |
PlotMSAtm | PlotMSAtm: plotms class for calculating atmospheric transmission curve for bandpass plots |
TBTableDriver | Driver for interacting with the table on disk |
TBTableDriverDirect | TBTableDriver implementation that directly accesses the table on disk |
TBTableDriverXML | NOTE: the TBTableDriverXML has been disabled |
AnnotationEditorText | |
NBody | Simple class which provides brute force n-body simulation and display |
QtDrawSettings | |
SDPosInterpolator | |
SliceAxisDraw | Overriding QwtScaleDraw in order to provide custom (smaller) fonts for the tick labels on a plot axis |
QtViewerBase | |
ProfileFit1D | Fit spectral components to a casacore::Vector of data |
MSTransformIterator | |
PlotMSIterateTab | Subclass of PlotMSPlotSubtab to manage plot display parameters |
SelectedItemsDataModel | |
AvailableItemsDataModel | |
EVLAAperture | Class EVLAAperture : public ATerm |
PlotMSDBusApp | Class PlotEngine; |
ActionIterFirst | |
PixelCanvasEvent | Base class describing event information for PixelCanvases |
PlotMSLoggerWidget | Widget to set log events and priority filter |
SepImageConvolver | This class does separable convolution of an image |
CStokesVector | Two specialized 4-vector classes for polarization handling |
StokesVector | |
BeamManipulator | |
RegionTextList | An ordered list of annotations and comments representing an ascii region file. <author>Dave Mehringer</author> |
PGPLOT_global_functions_interface | PGPLOT interface calls |
SDMSManager | |
LogTransformedPolynomialSpectralElement | Describes the often used for determining spectral index plus higher order terms: y = log (S_x) = ln(c_0) + c_1*ln(x) + c_2*ln(x)**2 + c_3*ln(x)**3 +... where c_1 is the traditional spectral index (alpha) |
DBusSession | |
init_dispatcher | |
ComponentListWrapper | Provides convenient accessors and functionality for a ComponentList |
CalTable2 | CalTable: Calibration table access and creation |
ROBJonesMCol | ROBJonesMCol: Read-only BJones cal_main column access |
BJonesMCol | BJonesMCol: RW BJones cal_main column access |
ROBJonesPolyMCol | ROBJonesPolyMCol: Read-only BJonesPoly cal_main column access |
BJonesPolyMCol | BJonesPolyMCol: RW BJonesPoly cal_main column access |
LatticePADMVector | Class to draw a single vector map of a slice from an AIPS++ Lattice |
SolvableVisJonesMBuf | SolvableVisJonesMBuf: SolvableVisJones calibration main table buffer |
GJonesMBuf | GJonesMBuf: GJones calibration main table buffer |
DJonesMBuf | DJonesMBuf: DJones calibration main table buffer |
TJonesMBuf | TJonesMBuf: TJones calibration main table buffer |
Vi2FlagRowDataProvider | |
TrackerKeyHandler | Registered with all Canvases so Tracker can act upon key presses |
PlotMSToolsTab | Subclass of PlotMSTab that handles the tools for the current plot |
SkyJones | Sky Jones: Model sky-plane instrumental effects for the SkyEquation |
NewCalTable | |
RFASpectralRej | RFASpectralRej: Spectral rejection agent |
Segment | Spectral region specifications |
ImageSourceFinder | Provides functionality to find sources in an image |
TBDataItem | Subclass of QTableWidgetItem that allows for custom sorting |
TBDataTab | Widget used to display table data |
DisplayOptions | Class to provide option parsing routines for display classes |
AWConvFunc | |
AMueller | |
ANoise | Additive noise In practice, this is not really solvable, but it is a SVM because we need access to general simulation methods |
PreferencesFunction | Displays, handles persistence, and stores display properties for a particular curve that can be shown on the plot |
CurveDisplay | Contains display information about a specific curve in the plot such as color, name, and whether it should be shown |
PlotSelectEventHandler | Base class for a handler for PlotSelectEvent |
PlotClickEventHandler | Base class for a handler for PlotClickEvent |
PlotMousePressEventHandler | Base class for a handler for PlotMousePressEvent |
PlotMouseReleaseEventHandler | Base class for a handler for PlotMouseReleaseEvent |
PlotMouseDragEventHandler | Base class for a handler for PlotMouseDragEvent |
PlotMouseMoveEventHandler | Base class for a handler for a PlotMouseMoveEvent |
PlotWheelEventHandler | Base class for a handler for PlotWheelEvent |
PlotKeyEventHandler | Base class for a handler for PlotKeyEvent |
PlotResizeEventHandler | Base class for a handler for PlotResizeEvent |
PlotButtonEventHandler | Base class for a handler for PlotButtonEvent |
PlotCheckboxEventHandler | Base class for a handler for PlotCheckboxEvent |
Imager | Class that contains functions needed for imager |
AWProjectFT | |
ExternalAxisWidget | Base class for classes that use the QwtScaleDiv information to draw their own axis |
CacheFactory | |
WPConvFunc | |
TblAsXYDD | Class for displaying data within a table as a xy image |
MWCRTZoomer | Multi WorldCanvas event-based zoomer |
FeatherMain | |
RFADiffBase | RFADiffBase: abstract class for deviation-based flagging |
RFADiffMapBase | Abstract base class for deviation-based flagging with a data mapper |
ActionSummary | |
HistogramGraph | Displays a histogram specific to a region and an image; contains a "Next" button that toggles to a histogram displaying the same region, but a different image |
ColorSummaryWidget | |
CCList | |
WorldCanvasHolder | A holder to interface between DisplayDatas and a WorldCanvas |
PlotMSCalibrationTab | Subclass of PlotMSTab that handles using a calibration library (initially settable only from casapy session) |
PMS | Container class for useful constants/methods |
PercentageCalculator | Designed as a separaclass so if it needs to go into a different thread, it can be put there |
RangeControlsWidget | Pluggable functionality that allows users to specify a range on the histogram |
TblAsRasterDD | Class for displaying data within a table as a raster image |
ImageDecimator | |
Scantable2MSReader | |
CasacRegionManager | Image component class |
PlotMSDataSymbolWidget | Represents how symbols are colored and drawn on the plot |
QtDrawCanvas | |
PWFCleanImageSkyModel | Parallelized version of class WFCleanImageSkyModel |
ActiveCaching2dDD | Class providing active behaviour for 2d CachingDisplayDatas |
SkyComponent | A component of a model of the sky |
ConverterWavelength | |
GJonesPolyDesc | GJonesPolyDesc: Define the format of GJonesPoly cal tables |
GJonesSplineDesc | GJonesSplineDesc: Define the format of GJonesSpline cal tables |
CalTable | CalTable: Calibration table access and creation |
SIMapper | Class that contains functions needed for imager |
QtWCBox | |
SimpComponentGridMachine | SimpComponentFTMachine: does the simplest Fourier transform on SkyComponents |
MPIError | Base error class for MPI |
ActionStack | |
CachingDisplayMethod | Assistance class for auto-caching of DisplayData objects |
AnnAnnulus | This class represents an annotation for an annular (in position coordinates) region specified in an ascii region file as proposed in CAS-2285. It is specified by its center position and inner and outer radii. <author>Dave Mehringer</author> |
MultiRectToolImpl | WorldCanvas event-based rectangle region drawer |
AnnotationBase | Base class for annotations |
WorldToPixelConversionError | Just need a identifiable exception class for exception handling |
BinCountWidget | |
ReadMSAlgorithm | Test class to read in parallel a MS |
TBKeyword | Representation of a keyword attached to a table or field |
TBPlotFormat | Casacore::Format for the curves on the plot canvas |
TBPlotCanvas | Canvas for data plotting using a given plotting implementation |
DSEllipse | Implementation of a ellipse |
AnimatorRefEH | WorldCanvas refresh event handler for Animator class |
Animator | Animation controller for WorldCanvasHolders |
SkyEquation | |
RectRegionEvent | Contains info on the WC rectanglar area selected by MWCRTRegion mouse tool |
CalStats | Start of CalStats class definition |
ARG | Statistics ARG nested class (allowed T: CalStats::NONE, CalStatsFitter::FIT, or CalStatsHist::HIST), used as an input to stats<T>() and statsWrap<T>() |
ARG< CalStats::NONE > | End of CalStats class definition |
ARG< CalStatsFitter::FIT > | Specialization for the CalStatsFitter::FIT() class |
AXES | AXES nested class |
DATA | DATA nested class |
NONE | NONE nested class |
OUT | Statistics OUT nested class (allowed T: CalStats::NONE, CalStatsFitter::FIT, or CalStatsHist::HIST), used to hold the output of statsWrap<T>() |
PlotMSPlotManager | Class which manages PlotMSPlots for plotms |
PlotMSPlotManagerWatcher | Interface for any class that wants to be notified when the plots in the manager have changed |
DSPixelPolyLine | |
FlagMSHandler | Flag casacore::Data Handler class definition |
Vi2DataProvider | Casacore::StatsDataProvider template class backed by VisibilityIterator2 instances |
PVGenerator | |
Image1DSmoother | |
DlTarget | |
ParamFieldIterator | |
PlotMSPage | Represents a single page of PlotCanvases, arranged in a grid |
DParameterMapKeyChoice | Implementation of DParameterChoice to store parameter and associated key |
SDAlgorithmTest | |
ActionSelect | |
AxisListener | Interface implemented by classes wanting to receive notice when a plot property changes |
CTTimeInterp1 | |
ConvolutionEquation | Implements the convolution equation |
MultiPVTool | Base class for MultiWorldCanvas event-based rectangle tools |
SLog | |
TBValidityChecker | Widget for running TBTests on opened tables |
ConverterFrequency | |
LegendItemRect | Custom QwtLegendItem that draws a rectangular legend symbol in a color matching the curve |
TJonesPolyDesc | TJonesPolyDesc: Define the format of TJonesPoly cal tables |
TJonesSplineDesc | TJonesSplineDesc: Define the format of TJonesSpline cal tables |
DSWorldMarker | |
RegionBox | |
SliceWorker | Responsible for computing the (x,y)-values that represent a slice cut |
ComponentListImage | Read, store, and manipulate an astronomical image based on a component list |
OverWriteFileDialog | Warns the user that they will be overwriting the output file and provides them with the ability to change to a different output file |
ExportThread | Exports a plot to a specific format in a background thread |
AntennaResponses | AntennaResponses provides access to antenna response data |
VisEquation | |
LatConvEquation | Implements the convolution equation |
PlotMSIndexer | |
PlotMSRaDecIndexer | |
PlotMSIndexerFactory | |
ImageHistory | |
SingleDishMS | |
ConverterFrequencyVelocity | |
AnnText | Represents a text annotation |
ColorPreferences | Allows user specification of the colors used in drawing the histogram and pluggable functionality |
DSScreenMarker | |
TabularSpectrum | Models the spectral variation with a spectral index |
DSWorldText | |
QtNewRegionShape | Dialog for creating a new region shape |
QtNewRSPolygon | Specialized widget for creating a new polygon |
QtNewRSComposite | Specialized widget for creating a new composite |
ActionAnnotate | |
PlotMSPageHeaderDataModel | A Qt Data Model for the table(view) displayed in PlotMS's page header Implements header items layout rules specifications: |
PeakIntensityFluxDensityConverter | |
Calibrater | |
OldCalibrater | Preserve old-fashioned Calibrater here: |
TwoPointCorrelator | |
FitterGaussian | Manages Gaussian initial guesses and fits Gaussian curves to the histogram |
GroupWorkerBase | Abstract base class for GroupWorkers |
ROGroupWorker | ROGroupWorkers process VisBuffGroups without modifying the input casacore::MS(es) |
GroupWorker | A base class for GroupWorkers that can modify their input MS |
GroupWriteToNewMS | A base class for ROGroupWorkers that write to a new MS |
PlotterImplementations | |
WCRTZoomer | WorldCanvas event-based zoomer |
PlotMSPlotParameters | Parameters for a PlotMSPlot |
Group | Static // |
BJonesDesc | BJonesDesc: Define the format of BJones cal tables |
BJonesPolyDesc | BJonesPolyDesc: Define the format of BJonesPoly cal tables |
ConvolutionFunction | The base class to compute convolution functions for convolutional gridding |
ClarkCleanLatModel | A Class for performing the Clark Clean Algorithm on Arrays |
QtProfilePrefs | |
MultiTermFTNew | |
FeatherCurveType | An enumeration of the different curves that a user can ask to be displayed on the plot |
PSWorldCanvasApp | Simple PostScript WorldCanvas application |
Vi2StatsImaginaryIterator | |
VisVector | |
ConverterVelocityWavelength | |
PixonProcessor | Allows processing via the Pixon algorithm |
PlotMSPlotSubtab | Subclass of PlotMSTab for tabs that are meant to be used as subtabs in a PlotMSPlotTab |
PlotMSPlotTab | Subclass of PlotMSTab that manages PlotMSPlots in the GUI |
SakuraAlignedArray | |
WorldCanvasTranslator | |
PJones | |
TJones | |
TfJones | TfJones (freq-dep T) |
GJones | |
BJones | |
JJones | |
SDAlgorithmBase | |
PlotMSSelectionWidget | Widget for editing a PlotMSSelection object |
CalCorruptor | For simulating corruptions |
ANoiseCorruptor | |
DJonesCorruptor | D is like ANoise but has a complex amplitude (different sigma in real/imag), and a systematic offset |
fBM | This generates fractional brownian motion aka generalized 1/f noise class fBM : public casacore::Array<casacore::Double> { |
AtmosCorruptor | |
GJonesCorruptor | |
ACoh | |
DirItem | |
QtPanelBase | |
SmoothSpinBox | Adds non-editability to a standard QSpinBox |
DefaultWCCoordinateHandler | Class to provide default coordinate handling for WorldCanvases |
ConverterChannel | Purpose of this class is to convert from channels= pixels to the world units/pixels used by the spectral axis |
StatWtColConfig | This class is necessary to ensure partial initialization of SIGMA_SPECTRUM and WEIGHT_SPECTRUM in the MS is not done |
ColormapInfo | ColormapInfo stores information about the dynamic mapping of a Colormap |
ScrollingRasterDM | Base class for scrolling DisplayData objects |
SDAlgorithmAAspClean | |
AnnCenterBox | This class represents a annotation for rectangular (in position coordinates) region specified in an ascii region file as proposed in CAS-2285. It is specified by its center position and side widths. <author>Dave Mehringer</author> |
SearchMoleculesResultDisplayer | Interface provides decoupling between classes that initialize a search such as SearchMoleculesWidget and classes that display the results of a search such as SearchMoleculesResultsWidget |
DDModEvent | Class used by DisplayDatas to signal change in data |
AttributeValueTol | Templated class for storing Attributes which have a tolerance |
MatrixNACleaner | A simple deconvolver that masks by memory of previous peaks |
SynthesisNormalizerMixin | Simple mixin class to put SynthesisNormalizer into ParallelImagerMixin framework |
Client | Abstraction for the interface between the client (possibly a GUI) and the model (plot engine) that is performing the work |
TBTaQL | GUI for entering a TaQL command |
MWCPTRegion | WorldCanvas event-based polygon region drawer |
ToolTipPicker | |
ExternalAxisWidgetTop | |
ImageConvolverTask | This class is the high level interface to image convolving |
CalIter | CalIter: Sequential calibration table iterator |
CTSelection | CTSelection: Class to represent a selection on a CASA CalTable |
VisibilityResampler | |
CalIterBase | CalIterBase: Base class for calibration table iterators |
FitterEstimatesFileParser | Class for parsing a file which holds initial estimates for 2-D components. Used by imfit |
LinearPolarizationCalculator | Compute linear polarization intensity |
PCVGBuffer | |
Entropy | Base class for entropy functions as used by MEM |
EntropyI | Thermodynamic or Information entropy used by MEM |
EntropyEmptiness | Maximum Emptiness measure used by MEM |
DSRectangle | Implementation of a rectangle |
ImageTask | |
CTSummary | Provides and lists information about the header of a calibration table. Based on MSSummary |
ExpCache | |
AttValue | Provision of type identification services for Attribute classes |
AttributeValueBase | Base class for values of Attributes used in the display classes |
SpectralImageUtil | |
CTPatchedInterp | |
SkyCal | |
VisJonesTable | VisJonesTable: VisJones calibration table access and creation |
Vi2TimeDataProvider | |
QtDBusXML | Subclass of QDomDocument that represents an XML scheme that is to be used with CASA's Qt dbus communication |
DDDHandle | A class to draw and detect handles on a DDDObject |
QtRegionManager | |
ALMAAperture | Class ALMAAperture : public ATerm |
CanvasMode | |
AnnPolygon | This class represents a single polygon (in position coordinates) annotation specified in an ascii region file as proposed in CAS-2285 <author>Dave Mehringer</author> |
PlotMSParametersWatcher | Interface for classes that wish to be notified when PlotMSWatchedParameters have changed |
PlotMSWatchedParameters | Abstract class for parameters that may be watched by one or more interested classes |
FlagReport | Everything going into the FlagReport is by value Everything going out of it is by reference |
WCDataScaleHandler | Class implementing simple data scaling for the WorldCanvas |
ATCAFiller | |
SingleDishBeamUtil | |
QtMWCTool | |
QtPolyTool | |
QtPolylineTool | |
QtEllipseTool | |
QtRectTool | |
QtCrossTool | |
QtPVTool | |
PlotMSOptionsTab | Subclass of PlotMSTab that handles options for PlotMSPlotter |
PlotMSCacheBase | |
DDDObject | Base class describing interface for objects supported by DrawingDisplayData |
FTMachine | Defines interface for the Fourier Transform Machine |
SpectralIndex | Models the spectral variation with a spectral index |
DParameterSwitch | Implementation of DisplayParameter to store choice parameters |
ColorComboDelegate | |
QtPlotSettings | |
ExternalAxisWidgetVertical | Common code for drawing a vertical axis external to the plot |
QPExportCanvas | Interface implemented by classes that can export their draw area (QPAxis & QPCanvas) |
ActionInformation | |
SkyCatOverlayDD | Simple implementation of a cached DisplayData for sky catalogue overlays |
LegendCurve | Custom QwtPlotCurve that provides the capability of a thicker (rectangular) legend rather than a hard-to-see line that mirrors the thickness of the curve |
WorldCanvasEvent | Base class describing event information for WorldCanvases |
PixelCanvasColorTable | Abstract interface to underlying graphics library's colortable |
DSPolyLine | Implementation of a polyline |
PlotMSFlaggingTab | Subclass of PlotMSTab that handles flagging |
QPArrow | Used by the viewer's region shapes, so have it outside the ifdefs in case the flag isn't on |
LimbDarkenedDiskShape | A limb-darkened disk model for the spatial distribution of emission |
QtEditingWidget | A simple parent for editing widgets |
QtLabelWidget | Widget for choosing a label |
QtFileWidget | Widget for choosing a file |
VisSet | |
FileCatalog | |
AnnRegion | This class represents a annotation referring to a region specified in an ascii region file as proposed in CAS-2285 <author>Dave Mehringer</author> |
ToLCRegionConversionError | Just need a identifable expection class, compiler can generate implementation implicitly |
ConstantSpectrum | Model the spectral variation with a constant |
CursorTrackingHolder | Dock widget which manages the cursor tracking dialogs.. |
Vi2Antenna1DataProvider | Casacore::Data provider for antenna1 column |
Vi2Antenna2DataProvider | Casacore::Data provider for antenna2 column |
AboutDialog | Displays information about Feather to the user |
DefaultWCSizeControlHandler | Default WorldCanvas SizeControl handler |
SkyModel | Sky Model: Model the Sky Brightness for the SkyEquation |
CalSummary | Provides and lists information about the header of a calibration table. Based on MSSummary and CTSummary |
MWCRulerlineTool | Multi WorldCanvas event-based ruler line tool |
MSTransform | MSTransform: Apply transformations to data on the fly |
GroupProcessor | GroupProcessor goes through one or more MeasurementSets, feeding VisBuffGroups to a GroupWorker |
SimACoh | SimACoh: Model additive noise errors for the VisEquation |
Result | Convenience class for a casacore::String/bool tuple |
TBLocatedRows | Results of a row locate on at least one table |
TBConstants | Constants, defaults, and commonly-used functions for the table browser |
new_interactive_clean_callback | |
InteractiveMasking | |
DSScreenRectangle | |
VisModelDataI | |
TimeVarMJonesMRec | TimeVarMJonesMRec: TimeVarMJones cal_main table record access & creation |
TabulatedConvFunc | |
GLPCTextureParams | Holds parameters for setting glTexParameteri variables. <visibility=local> |
GLPCTexturedImage | |
TBNewKeyword | |
TBTableKeywordsTab | Widget used to display table keywords |
TBFieldKeywordsTab | Widget used to display field keywords |
ComponentListDeconvolver | |
SpectralList | A set of SpectralElements |
SpectralList_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
ROCTIter | ROCTIter: Read-only iterating interface to New Calibration tables |
CTIter | Writable version (limited to certain 'columns') |
Galaxy | Simple class to represent a Galaxy as a collection of Stars |
Star | Simple class which represents a star as a point mass |
ParallelImager | High level interface to parallel imaging classes, instances of which are returned from ParallelImagerFactory::make |
EditlineGui | |
EditlineGuiAdaptor | |
ThresholdingBinPlotDialog | This dialog displays a histogram that allows the user to set a minimum/maximum moment collapse threshold graphically |
FVisJonesMRec | FVisJonesMRec: FVisJones cal_main table record access/creation |
FVisJonesIonoMRec | FVisJonesIonoMRec: FVisJonesIono cal_main table record access/creation |
EPJones | EPJones (pointing errors) |
DisplayDataEvent | Class for events sent by DisplayDatas |
SolvableMJonesMRec | SolvableMJonesMRec: SolvableMJones cal_main table record access/creation |
MIfrMRec | MIfrMRec: MIfr cal_main table record access & creation |
PropertyListener | |
WCMotionEH | Base class for handling WorldCanvas motion events |
LinearMosaic | Forward declaration |
AnnRotBox | This class represents an annotation for rectangular (in position coordinates) region specified in an ascii region file as proposed in CAS-2285. It is specified by its center position and side widths and a position angle. <author>Dave Mehringer</author> |
WCPGFilter | Interface between the WorldCanvas and its PGPLOT driver |
CanvasCurve | |
PointShape | A shape where emission comes from only one direction |
QtMouseTool | |
QtRTRegion | |
QtPointRegion | |
QtELRegion | |
QtPTRegion | |
QtPolylineToolRegion | |
QtPVToolRegion | |
SideBandSeparatorBase | The base class of side band separation algorithm using FFT |
SideBandSeparatorII | Data model dependent side band separator class |
CalSet | |
TimeVarVisJonesDesc | TimeVarVisJonesDesc: Define the format of TimeVarVisJones cal tables |
PJonesDesc | PJonesDesc: Define the format of PJones cal tables |
CJonesDesc | CJonesDesc: Define the format of CJones cal tables |
SDAlgorithmMEM | |
ActionExportDialog | Exports the plots based on the information entered in the export dialog |
MultiPolylineToolImpl | WorldCanvas event-based polyline region drawer |
DisplayShapeInterface | Class PixelCanvas; class WorldCanvas; |
LegendPreferences | Allows the user to customize properties of the spectral profile legend |
LogViewer | |
PGPlotterLocal | Plot to a PGPLOT device "local" to this process |
FlagVersion | Class to generate and manage flag versions for Tables containing flag columns |
Histogram2dDD | A DisplayData to draw histograms |
CanvasHolder | Holds the QtCanvas where the spectral profile is drawn |
MaskedArrayModel | Base class for models with an internal & external representation as a casacore::MaskedArray |
ActionStackBack | |
ComponentType | Enumerators common to the ComponentsModels module |
DParameterColorChoice | Implementation of DParameterChoice to store color selection parameters |
ActionCacheLoad | |
ActionTrackerDisplay | |
DSPoly | Implementation of a Polygon |
ProfileFitResults | |
PlotColor | |
PlotFont | Abstract class for fonts |
PlotAreaFill | Abstract class for area fill |
PlotLine | Abstract class for a line |
PlotSymbol | Abstract class for a symbol |
PlotRegion | A PlotRegion is basically just a wrapper for two PlotCoordinates: an upper left coordinate and a lower right coordinate |
PlotAxesStack | A PlotAxesStack is basically a list of PlotRegions as well as axis information that provides stack functionality such as a current index, and moving up and down the stack |
PlotExportFormat | PlotExportFormat contains parameters for exporting a canvas to a file |
FlagAgentAntennaIntegrations | A flag agent that implements the 'antint' flagdata mode |
PClarkCleanImageSkyModel | Clark Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing the Clark Clean algorithm |
ProgressBar | |
QtDataOptionsPanel | |
RIorAPArray | |
CalMainBuffer | CalMainBuffer: Calibration main table buffer |
PlotMSIterParam | Specifies iteration parameters for plotms |
SigHandler | |
AnnVector | Represents a vector annotation which has a start and ending point |
ImageTransposer | |
AWVisResampler | |
BackgroundThread | Manages a thread to do a background operation and communicates back to its controller with regard to work status |
SearchRedshiftDialog | |
DSPixelText | |
VisBufferComponents | This class encapsulates an enum with values corresponding to the various data components accessible via a VisBuffer. Its current usage is to specify the VisBuffer components to be prefetched when asynchronous I/O is in use or to specify the VisBuffer components that have been modified when a Visibility Processing Framework bucket-brigade is operating on a VisBuffer. This implementation should be replaced by a C++11 when the standard matures a bit |
Vi2StatsBoolIterator | |
PrincipalAxesDD | Interface for DisplayDatas which have data arranged in axes |
SubChunkPair | |
ROVisibilityIterator | ROVisibilityIterator iterates through one or more readonly MeasurementSets |
AsyncEnabler | |
Factory | VLAT should not access private parts, especially variables |
VisibilityIterator | VisibilityIterator iterates through one or more writable MeasurementSets |
RSUtils | Common utilities/constants for region shapes |
QtColorWidget | A widget that lets the user select a color: either one from a list, or a custom color |
RSValue | Convenience class for the different units available for coordinates/sizes |
RSOption | Convenience class for a casacore::String, bool, or double |
RSHandle | A "handle" is a four-point structure (usually a rectangle) that describes the boundaries in screen pixels that a RegionShape takes on a canvas |
FeatherDataType | An enumeration of the different kinds of data that can be graphed on the plot |
FileBox | |
DlHandleBase | |
DlHandle | |
DSScreenText | |
HistogramTab | Manages a stack widget that displays histograms for a single region but multiple images |
PBMath | Primary beam envelope class, derived from PBMathInterface |
DDMapper | Abstract Derived casacore::Data Mapper class |
DDDummy | DDDummy: dummy mapper, throws an excpetion if any methods are called |
DDFunc | DDFunc: maps correlation A into func(A) |
DDSumFunc | DDSumFunc: maps two correlations A and B into func(A)+func(B) |
DDFuncSum | DDFuncSum: maps two correlations A and B into func(A+B) |
DDFuncDiff | DDFuncDiff: maps two correlations A and B into func(A-B) |
DDDiffFunc | DDDiffFunc: maps two correlations A and B into func(A)-func(B) |
EGainCurve | |
WorldAxesDM | Class to draw a single set of axis labels for AxesDisplayData |
AsciiAnnotationFileLine | Represents a line in an ascii region file <author>Dave Mehringer</author> |
WOnlyProjectFT | |
SDDoubleCircleGainCal | |
ImageMetaData | A class in which to store and allow read-only access to image metadata |
ClientFactory | Creates an appropriate client (script, GUI) for communicating with the plot engine |
Fit2DTool | |
SpecFitSettingsWidgetRadio | |
PlotMSVBAverager | A class to average VisBuffers for PlotMS |
ImageBoxcarSmoother | |
WProjectFT | An FTMachine for Gridded Fourier transforms |
PlotMSFlaggingWidget | GUI widget for editing a PlotMSFlagging object |
LogItem | |
PBMath2DImage | 2-D Image Primary Beam Model |
RSXML | Constants and methods for reading/writing RS XML files |
XMLFileReaderWriter | Implementation of RegionFileReader/RegionFileWriter for reading/writing CASA-XML files |
UVMod | VisCal: Model multiplicative errors for the VisEquation |
PlotEvent | Base class for an event |
PlotSelectEvent | Event for when the user selects a region on a plot canvas with the mouse |
PlotMouseEvent | Generic mouse event where the canvas is the origin, and the type, button, and location of the event are provided |
PlotClickEvent | Convenience class for mouse clicks |
PlotMousePressEvent | Convenience class for mouse presses |
PlotMouseReleaseEvent | Convenience class for mouse releases |
PlotMouseDragEvent | Convenience class for mouse drags |
PlotMouseMoveEvent | Convenience class for mouse moves |
PlotWheelEvent | Event for when the user scrolls the scroll wheel |
PlotKeyEvent | Event for when the user makes a keyboard command when a canvas has focus |
PlotResizeEvent | Event for when a canvas or plotter is resized |
PlotButtonEvent | Event for when a PlotButton is pressed |
PlotCheckboxEvent | Event for when a PlotCheckbox is clicked |
IlluminationConvFunc | |
InvisibleAxis | |
MWCCrosshairTool | Base class for MultiWorldCanvas event-based crosshair tools |
InActiveDock | Allows the dock widget z-position to be behind the main window instead of the default behavior of always being in front |
FeatheredData | Casacore::Data structure class to collect related feather data in one location |
ImageMSCleaner | A class interfacing images to MatrixCleaner |
StatWt | This class implements reweighting of visibilities based on the statwt algorithm |
ImageSliceColorBar | Draws a colored rectangular bar across the top of the image slice statistics as an identifier when the image slice is closed |
EVLASwPow | EVLA switched power Gain and Tsys |
IterationControl | |
FileWatcher | |
ParallelImagerMixin | ParallelImagerMixin |
ImageExprCalculator | |
SlicerMainWindow | |
FootPrintWidget | |
WCLinearScaleHandler | Linear scaling of data for WorldCanvases |
QtLayeredLayout | Subclass of QLayout to have multiple widgets layered on top of each other |
TBBrowser | Browser widget for managing opened tables |
DSWorldEllipse | |
ClarkCleanModel | A Class for performing the Clark Clean Algorithm on Arrays |
SpectralFitter | |
StokesUtil_global_functions_StokesVector_ancillary_Functions | For use with StokesVectors and related classes |
GLPCDisplayListElement | Base class for the various display list subclasses |
GLPCDisplayListEntry | Returns a Display casacore::List Element for recording GL commands |
GLPCDisplayList | DisplayListElement that can contain lists of other DisplayListElements |
CTRateAwareTimeInterp1 | Rate-aware time interpolation engine |
SDBListGridManager | A utility class that provides an API that allows clients to find grid indices in time and frequency from a SBDList that can include multiple spectral windows |
DelayRateFFT | DelayRateFFT is responsible for the two-dimensional FFT of visibility phases to find an estimate for deay |
FringeJones | Fringe-fitting (parametrized phase) VisCal |
PlotFactory | The idea behind a plot factory is to produce classes that are useful to the underlying implementation without having to know what the implementation is |
RangePicker | Handles drawing the range selection rectangle for the bin plot |
PCRefreshEvent | Class which stores PixelCanvas refresh event information |
DisplayShape | The abstract base class for all "DisplayShapes" |
QtId | |
VPSkyJones | Model the diagonal elements of the Voltage Pattern Sky Jones Matrices |
ROSolvableVisJonesMCol | ROSolvableVisJonesMCol: Read-only SolvableVisJones cal_main column access |
SolvableVisJonesMCol | SolvableVisJonesMCol: RW SolvableVisJones cal_main column access |
ROGJonesMCol | ROGJonesMCol: Read-only GJones cal_main column access |
GJonesMCol | GJonesMCol: RW GJones cal_main column access |
RODJonesMCol | RODJonesMCol: Read-only DJones cal_main column access |
DJonesMCol | DJonesMCol: RW DJones cal_main column access |
ROTJonesMCol | ROTJonesMCol: Read-only TJones cal_main column access |
TJonesMCol | TJonesMCol: RW TJones cal_main column access |
GaussianEstimateWidget | |
PlotMSPlot | Class for a single "plot" concept |
TCLParams | Simple class to hold parameter to resume updating after a threaded cache loading |
RFAUVBinner | RFAUVBinner: flagging via UV binning |
SDAlgorithmMSMFS | |
FlaggerEnums | FlaggerEnums: collection of enums for various flagger classes |
QtMouseToolState | |
Vi2StatsWeightsIterator | Vi2StatsWeightsIterator has the form of a CRTP base class to promote efficiency in iterator operations |
Vi2StatsWeightsCubeIterator | Weights iterator over weights cube |
Vi2StatsWeightsRowIterator | Weights iterator over row weights |
PlotMSThread | Abstract class to control a threaded operation from the GUI |
QtCleanPanelGui2 | |
ProgressMonitor | Abstraction for a display widget that can show the progress of an operation |
AxesDisplayMethod | Class to draw a single set of axis labels for AxesDisplayData |
ExternalAxisControlLeft | |
CalDescBuffer | CalDescBuffer: Calibration table cal_desc buffer |
ImageStatsBase | |
AlgConf | |
SpectralModel | Base class for spectral models |
QtComboCheckBoxDelegate | Subclass of QItemDelegate for use with QtComboCheckBox |
QtComboCheckBox | Subclass of QComboBox that uses the item delegate above |
SpectralPositioningWidget | |
ColormapDefinition | |
QtDisplayData | |
SynthesisNormalizer | Forward declarations |
PlotMSRegion | A single region; basically just a container class for four doubles |
PlotMSRegions | PlotMSRegions is a class that holds information about selected regions for a single PlotMSPlot |
DriverParams | Parameters to indicate what driver should be used for the table backend |
TableParams | Parameters that define all table data and meta-deta |
TBTable | Primary interface for the rest of the browser to a table |
FlagAgentQuack | |
MSMetaInfoForCal | |
MolecularLine | |
PixelCanvas | Base class defining interface to pixel-based output devices |
CalPatchKey | A specialized key class for Calibration patch panel elements |
MSCalPatchKey | |
CTCalPatchKey | |
CalMap | A base class for calmaps |
FieldCalMap | |
CalLibSlice | A class to parse the contents of a single CalLib slice i.e., for one caltable, one setup |
CLPPResult | |
CLPatchPanel | |
ImagePol | Implementation of the image polarimetry functionality available from casapy |
Util | |
QtPlotServer | |
ImageTracker | Interface class designed to reduce the coupling between the GUI class, ImageManager and the DisplayDataHolder |
ImageDisplayer | Interface implemented by QtDisplayPanel that can add/remove registered DDs and set the controlling QtDisplayData's |
PCITFiddler | Colormap fiddling on the PixelCanvas |
ImagerControl | |
SearchEngine | Performs a query on a splatalogue spectral line table |
AgentFlagger | AgentFlagger: high-performance automated flagging |
VisSetUtil | Utilities for operating on VisSets |
PMS_PP | Container class to hold constants for groups |
PMS_PP_MSData | Subclass of PlotMSPlotParameters::Group to handle subparameters for casacore::MS data |
PMS_PP_Cache | Subclass of PlotMSPlotParameters::Group to handle cache parameters |
PMS_PP_Axes | Subclass of PlotMSPlotParameters::Group to handle axes parameters |
PMS_PP_Canvas | Subclass of PlotMSPlotParameters::Group to handle canvas parameters |
PMS_PP_Display | Subclass of PlotMSPlotParameters::Group to handle display parameters |
PMS_PP_PageHeader | Subclass of PlotMSPlotParameters::Group to handle page header parameters |
PMS_PP_Iteration | Subclass of PlotMSPlotParameters::Group to handle iteration parameters |
StokesImageUtil | |
ActionSelectUnflag | |
GLWidget | |
Vi2StatsPhaseIterator | |
QtRasterData | |
structMinMax | |
structXY | |
MatrixCleaner | A copy of casacore::LatticeCleaner but just using 2-D matrices |
WCAxisLabeller | Abstract class for drawing grids, axes, ticks and tick labels on a WorldCanvas |
TBExportThread | Thread that exports a table to VOTable XML format |
ActionIterLast | |
CSCleanImageSkyModel | CS Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing the CS Clean algorithm |
ProfileFitterEstimatesFileParser | Class for parsing a file which holds initial estimates for 1-D components. Used by ImageProfileFitter |
ActionSubtractRegions | |
PBMosaicFT | Class nPBWProjectFT; |
SlicePlot | |
FluxCalcVQS | Class Flux; |
PlotMSTransformationsTab | Subclass of PlotMSTab that handles picking casacore::MS filename, selection, and averaging parameters |
SpecFit | |
MultiRectTool | Base class for MultiWorldCanvas event-based rectangle tools |
MosaicFTNew | |
BaselineTable | |
PictureViewer | |
QtDBusXmlApp | Abstract parent of classes that want to register themselves with CASA's DBus server |
QtDBusXmlAppAdaptor | Subclass of QDBusAbstractAdaptor for use with CASA's QtDBusXmlApp class |
WCResampleHandler | Base class for resampling data pixels to World/PixelCanvas pixels |
RFDataMapper | RFDataMapper: maps complex visibilities to a single real value |
ComponentImager | |
SaveHistogramWidget | |
FlagAgentExtension | |
MultiTermAWProjectWBFT | |
TblAsContourDD | Class for displaying data within a table as a contour image |
LineOverlaysTab | |
ImageDecomposerTask | |
PlotMSApp | Controller class for plotms |
PlotMSPolSelection | |
HogbomCleanImageSkyModel | Hogbom Clean Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing the Hogbom Clean algorithm |
ATerm | The base class to represent the Aperture-Term of the Measurement Equation |
ROEPointMCol | |
EPointMCol | EPointJonesMCol: RW SolvableVisJones cal_main column access |
C11Timer | |
PlotRangeWidget | Widget for selecting a plot axis range |
FlagAgentDisplay | |
VisBufferAsync | |
PolynomialSpectralElement | Describes a polynomial spectral profile |
PolynomialSpectralElement_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
CFStore | |
ActionClearPlotter | |
DisplayEH | Class for handling any type of DisplayEvent |
ColorSummaryDelegate | |
QtDrawColors | |
Vi2ScanDataProvider | |
MSTransformRegridder | MSTransformRegridder definition |
DisplayData | Base class for display objects |
Fit2DLogDialog | |
ImageRegridderBase | |
ClientScript | Implementation of Client built for user scripting (non-GUI) user interface |
DSArrow | Arrow implementation;adds a polygon to a DSLine to represent the arrow head |
Iterate | Base class for Iteration |
AboutDialogViewer | Displays information to the user about the viewer |
Feather | Forward declaration |
CalSetMetaInfo | |
LogFilterParallel | |
PBMath2D | Base class for 1D PBMath objects |
SpectralElementFactory | FIXME fix documentation |
PassiveCachingDD | Class providing passive behaviour for CachingDisplayDatas |
ArrayModel | Models with an internal & external representation as an array |
TBMain | Main window which is mainly responsible for menu actions |
PSTerm | A class to apply the W-Term to the given image |
ScantableIteratorInterface | |
ScantableFrequenciesIterator | |
ScantableFieldIterator | |
ScantableSourceIterator | |
ParameterParser | Parse various common input parameters to image analysis tasks and tool methods <author>Dave Mehringer</author> |
TBRowLocate | Displays results of a row locate |
CanvasModeContextMenu | |
ImageManagerDialog | Allows users to manipulate the images loaded in the viewer |
SliceStatisticsDistance | |
SkyComponentFactory | |
SolvableVisJonesMRec | SolvableVisJonesMRec: SolvableVisJones cal_main table record access/creation |
GJonesMRec | GJonesMRec: GJones cal_main table record access & creation |
DJonesMRec | DJonesMRec: DJones cal_main table record access & creation |
TJonesMRec | TJonesMRec: TJones cal_main table record access & creation |
ConverterWavelengthFrequency | |
WCRefreshEvent | Class which stores WorldCanvas refresh event information |
MSTransformDataHandler | MSTransformDataHandler definition |
PlotMSDataSummaryTab | Handles adding multiple plots to the GUI |
RFABase | Abstract RedFlagger Agent base class |
WorldAxesDD | A DisplayData to setup a World coordinate plot |
PlotMSExportTab | Subclass of PlotMSPlotSubtab to manage exporting plots |
CalBuffer | CalBuffer: Calibration table buffer |
CalCache | |
MomentClip | Computes simple clipped, and masked moments |
XCorr | Model non-linear correlator function for the VisEquation |
DParameterButton | Implementation of DisplayParameter to package interface to button autoguis |
ProtoVR | |
PBMath1DNumeric | 1-D Numeric Primary Beam Model |
SplatResult | |
TblAsContourDM | A DisplayMethod to draw Contours from table data |
DrawingDisplayData | DisplayData which provides interactive drawing capabilities |
VisChunkAverager | |
FlagAgentTimeFreqCrop | |
CanvasModeRangeSelection | |
PlotMSAxisWidget | Widget for choosing a single axis |
ExternalAxisWidgetBottom | |
ImageScroll | Displays a list of images, allowing the user to reorder them |
PlotMSTab | Abstract parent for any widget that goes in the tabbed side panel of the PlotMSPlotter |
ActionFlagAll | |
DParameterString | Implementation of DisplayParameter to store casacore::String parameters |
DisplayCoordinateSystem | |
AnnotationEditor | |
LogFile | |
MultiPointTool | Base class for MultiWorldCanvas event-based rectangle tools |
ColorHistogram | Displays a histogram that allows the user to set the color scale for an image |
CleanImageSkyModel | Image Sky Model: Image-based Model for the Sky Brightness |
PlotMSFlagging | Specifies flagging parameters (including possibly flag extension) for an MS |
VisJonesDesc | VisJonesDesc: Define the format of VisJones calibration tables |
Barrier | |
RFChunkStats | RFChunkStats: vital information and flagging stats for a visibility chunk |
PowerLogPolynomialSpectralElement | Describes the function most often used for determining spectral index plus higher order terms: y = c_0 * x**(c_1 + c_2*ln(x) + c_3*ln(x)**2 +...) where c_1 is the traditional spectral index (alpha) |
ImageRegridder | |
PixelValueManipulatorData | |
AsdmColumn | A column in the ASDM Storage Manager |
AsdmDataColumn | DATA column in the ASDM Storage Manager |
AsdmFloatDataColumn | FLOAT_DATA column in the ASDM Storage Manager |
AsdmFlagColumn | FLAG column in the ASDM Storage Manager |
AsdmWeightColumn | WEIGHT column in the ASDM Storage Manager |
AsdmSigmaColumn | SIGMA column in the ASDM Storage Manager |
NewMultiTermFT | |
FeatherPreferences | |
ProfileTaskMonitor | |
QtCleanPanelGui | |
NNLSImageSkyModel | Briggs' Non-Negative Least Squares deconvolution algorithm |
Partition | Partition makes a subset of an existing casacore::MS without remapping any indices or resizing any subtables (unlike SubMS) |
Profile2dDM | A DisplayMethod to draw Profiles |
ImageDataSampling | Provides sampling of single dish data for esimation algorithms |
HistogramMarkerPoisson | Marks a lambda estimate on the graph |
SIImageStore | |
ImageCropper | |
FlagPlotServerProxy | |
Profile2dDD | A DisplayData to draw Profiles |
TimeVarVisJonesMRec | TimeVarVisJonesMRec: TimeVarVisJones cal_main table record access & creation |
PJonesMRec | PJonesMRec: PJones cal_main table record access & creation |
CJonesMRec | CJonesMRec: CJones cal_main table record access & creation |
QtPageHeaderDataModel | Qt-based implementation of PageHeaderDataModel |
MSContinuumSubtractor | Fits and subtracts or models the continuum in spectra |
TBAction | Abstract parent class of any action that can be performed |
TBActionList | Contains an list of performed actions and a list of undone actions |
TBEditDataAction | TBAction for when non-array data in the table is edited |
TBEditArrayDataAction | TBAction for when array data in the table is edited |
FlagAgentSummary | |
summary | |
FluxStandard | FluxStandard: Compute flux densities for standard reference sources |
AnnSymbol | Represents a symbol annotation |
PlotMSAveraging | Specifies averaging parameters for an MS |
WCRefreshEH | Base class for handling WorldCanvas refresh events |
FluxCalc_SS_JPL_Butler | Declare a template |
PageHeaderDataModel | The purpose of this class is simply to provide a base for implementations, and not to define an abstract interface of what should be a 'Data Model' for a 'Page Header' |
GaussianShape | A Gaussian model for the spatial distribution of emission |
X11Intrinsic_global_functions_definitions | Make sure some definitions ok |
CalSolVi2Organizer | |
ActionIterNext | |
QPHeaderTable | Widget for displaying header items in a table |
Flagger | Flagger: high-performance automated flagging |
EPointMBuf | EPointMBuf: EPoint calibration main table buffer |
MomentFit | Compute moments from a Gaussian fitted to a profile |
SteepestDescentSolver | |
ROCalDescColumns2 | ROCalDescColumns: Read-only cal_desc calibration table column access |
CalDescColumns2 | CalDescColumns2: Read-write cal_desc calibration table column access |
MJonesDesc | MJonesDesc: Define the format of MJones calibration tables |
QtPlotFrame | |
DistSIIterBot_state | |
ExecRecord | |
DetailsRecord | |
ControlRecord | |
CFStore2 | |
PBMath1D | Base class for 1D PBMath objects |
AnnotationText | |
QtDBusApp | |
TBTest | Tests to check the validity of a table |
TBIDFieldsTest | Tests whether fields ending in _ID have a corresponding subtable |
TBSubtablesTest | Tests whether subtables exist on disk |
TBValidSubtablesTest | Tests whether subtables can be opened and have data |
ProfileFitMarker | |
WCPowerScaleHandler | Linear, logarithmic and exponential scaling of data for the WorldCanvas |
CExp | Call this inline as f(arg/PI2) |
WCCSNLAxisLabeller | Class which provides non-linear axis labelling using a DisplayCoordinateSystem |
CEMemImageSkyModel | Image Sky Model for the Cornwell-Evens maximum entropy algorithm |
ImageProfileFitter | |
MakeApproxPSFAlgorithm | Parallelized version of approximate PSF formation |
DSWorldPolyLine | |
TBData | Casacore::Data types used for loaded data |
TBDataString | Implementation of TBData for casacore::String data |
TBDataDouble | Implementation of TBData for double data |
TBDataFloat | Implementation of TBData for float data |
TBDataInt | Implementation of TBData for integer data |
TBDataUInt | Implementation of TBData for unsigned int data |
TBDataBool | Implementation of TBData for boolean data |
TBDataChar | Implementation of TBData for character data |
TBDataUChar | Implementation of TBData for unsigned character data |
TBDataShort | Implementation of TBData for short data |
TBDataComplex | Implementation of TBData for complex data |
TBDataDComplex | Implementation of TBData for double complex data |
TBDataTable | Implementation of TBData for casacore::Table data |
TBDataRecord | Implementation of TBData for casacore::Record data |
TBDataDate | Implementation of TBData for date data |
TBArrayData | Casacore::Data type that holds an array |
TBArrayDataString | Implementation of TBArrayData for casacore::String array data |
TBArrayDataDouble | Implementation of TBArrayData for double array data |
TBArrayDataFloat | Implementation of TBArrayData for float array data |
TBArrayDataInt | Implementation of TBArrayData for int array data |
TBArrayDataUInt | Implementation of TBArrayData for unsigned int array data |
TBArrayDataBool | Implementation of TBArrayData for boolean array data |
TBArrayDataChar | Implementation of TBArrayData for character array data |
TBArrayDataUChar | Implementation of TBArrayData for unsigned character array data |
TBArrayDataShort | Implementation of TBArrayData for short array data |
TBArrayDataComplex | Implementation of TBArrayData for complex array data |
TBArrayDataDComplex | Implementation of TBArrayData for double complex array data |
CTMainColInterface | |
MSCache | |
TJonesPolyMBuf | TJonesPolyMBuf: TJonesPoly calibration main table buffer |
TJonesSplineMBuf | TJonesSplineMBuf: TJonesSpline calibration main table buffer |
TBParser | Parses the XMLDriver-generated XML into data in a TBTable |
TBHomeParser | TBParser subclass that uses a "home" parsing method |
TBXercesDOMParser | TBParser subclass that uses a DOM parser in the XERCES library |
TBXercesSAXParser | TBParser subclass that uses a SAX parser in the XERCES library |
WBCleanImageSkyModel | WB Clean Image Sky Model: Image Sky Model implementing a Wide-Band multi frequency synthesis algorithm |
GaussianMultipletSpectralElement | Describes a multiplet of Gaussian shaped spectral lines |
ComponentFTMachine | |
ImageCollapserData | |
CFCacheTable | An object to manage the caches of pre-computed convolution functions on the disk and in the memory |
CFCache | |
CFTerms | The base class to represent the Aperture-Term of the Measurement Equation |
HeightSource | |
ActionFactory | |
CalTableFromAIPS | CalTableFromAIPS: Calibration table creation from AIPS casacore::FITS file |
DParameterChoice | Implementation of DisplayParameter to store choice parameters |
MultiTermMatrixCleaner | |
Searcher | Interface needed to support molecular line searching and identification |
FluxCalcQS | Class Flux; |
LinearEquation | Defines a relationship between Domain and Range objects |
DSLine | Implementation of a line |
DataCubeHolderBase | |
DataCubeHolder | |
DataCubeMap | |
MSTransformBufferImpl | |
SynthesisError | |
SynthesisFTMachineError | Error thrown by the classes in the Synthesis module |
PSFZero | |
NoSenPattern | |
CFNotCached | |
Histogram | Generates and Manages the data corresponding to a histogram |
Window3D | |
QCloseableWidget | Wrapper around a QWidget with a "Close" button |
ImageMetaDataConstants | Base class for image metadata access |
ImageMetaDataBase | |
LatticeAsVector | Class to manage the drawing of vector maps of slices from AIPS++ Lattices |
SubImageFactory | Static methods for subimage creation |
FluxStdBaars | FluxStdBaars: The Baars flux standard |
FluxStdPerley90 | FluxStdPerley90: The Perley90 flux standard |
FluxStdPerleyTaylor95 | FluxStdPerleyTaylor95: The PerleyTaylor95 flux standard |
FluxStdPerleyTaylor99 | FluxStdPerleyTaylor99: The PerleyTaylor99 flux standard |
FluxStdPerleyButler2010 | FluxStdPerleyButler2010: The PerleyButler2010 flux standard |
FluxStdPerleyButler2013 | FluxStdPerleyButler2013: The PerleyButler2013 flux standard |
VisBuffGroupAcc | A class to group separately averaged VisBuffers |
AnimatorWidget | Manages an individual panel of the viewer animator |
SynthesisImagerVi2 | |
QtPlotSvrMain | |
QtPlotSvrPanel | |
row_desc | |
plot_desc | |
win_desc | |
PolOuterProduct | |
LorentzianSpectralElement | Describes a single Lorentzian spectral profile |
CacheThread | |
SliceStatisticsPosition | |
ClarkCleanAlgorithm | |
CalMainRecord | CalMainRecord: Calibration table record access and creation |
QtOldMouseTool | |
QtOldRTRegion | |
QtOldELRegion | |
QtOldPTRegion | |
PlotMSDataTab | Subclass of PlotMSTab that handles picking casacore::MS filename, selection, and averaging parameters |
ImageSlice | Represents a slice cut of an image |
WCPolyTool | Base class for WorldCanvas event-based polygon tools |
DSScreenPolyLine | |
MultiPVToolImpl | WorldCanvas event-based rectangle region drawer |
ContinuumPartitionMixin | Parameter and input data partitioning for parallel continuum imaging (in ParallelImagerMixin) |
Vi2IntervalDataProvider | |
SolvableMJonesDesc | SolvableMJonesDesc: Define the format of SolvableMJones cal tables |
MIfrDesc | MIfrDesc: Define the format of MIfr cal tables |
ImagePolarimetry | Polarimetric analysis of images |
SearchThread | Responsible for running the search algorithm in the background so that we don't freeze the GUI |
SearchMoleculesWidget | |
SpectralListFactory | Create a SpectralList |
ActionHoldReleaseDrawing | |
DS9FileWriter | Implementation of RegionFileWriter for writing to DS9 files |
QtPCColorTable | |
AzElAperture | |
Algorithm | Defines a computational unit for parallel processing |
ResetCrosshairEvent | Event sent to tell MWCCrosshairTool to reset |
ResetRTRegionEvent | Event sent to tell MWCRTRegionTool to reset |
CFBStruct | |
CFBuffer | |
PlotMSTransformations | Specifies averaging parameters for an MS |
WedgeDM | The DisplayMethod to draw Wedges |
ThreadCoordinatorBase | |
ThreadCoordinator | |
CExp3 | |
DDDEllipse | Implementation of an ellipse/rectangle object for DrawingDisplayData class |
CalTableDesc | CalTableDesc: Define the format of calibration tables |
PCRefreshEH | WorldCanvas Event Handler for managing events |
CubeView | We need to have the CubeView definition here because its type is used by FlagDataHandler class |
VectorView | |
VisMapper | |
FlagMapper | |
FlagDataHandler | A top level class defining the data handling interface for the flagging module |
MultiPolylineTool | Base class for WorldCanvas event-based polyline tools |
SimpleComponentFTMachine | |
WCRectTool | Base class for WorldCanvas event-based rectangle tools |
DisplayLabel | Provides a quick view of a particular display property that has been set |
CTEnums | |
MSUVBin | |
CrashReporter | |
MultiThreadedVisibilityResampler | |
LogModel | |
VisCalSolver | VisCalSolver: Default solver for calibration using visibility data |
ClarkCleanProgress | Abstract base class to monitor progress in lattice operations |
Display | Enumerate constants for the display classes |
DisplayEnums_global_functions_DisplayEnums_to_string_functions | Global functions (operators) to print display class enumerations |
DisplayParameter | Base class for storing and parsing of parameters for display classes |
CalInterpolator | CalInterpolator: a class to interpolate calibration information |
SliceZoomer | |
PlotShape | Abstract class for any shape which contains common functionality |
PlotShapeRectangle | Specialization of PlotShape for a rectangle |
PlotShapeEllipse | Specialization of PlotShape for an ellipse |
PlotShapePolygon | Specialization of PlotShape for a polygon |
PlotShapeLine | Specialization of PlotShape for a line |
PlotShapeArrow | Specialization of PlotShape for an arrow |
PlotShapePath | Specialization of PlotShape for a path |
PlotShapeArc | Specialization of PlotShape for an arc |
PlotPoint | Abstract class for a single point on the canvas (not descended from PlotShape) |
ActionTrackerHover | |
SimplePBConvFunc | |
HeaderItemInfo | |
PageHeaderItemsDef | Definition of supported Page Header Items |
GetName | |
Reverse | |
PageHeaderItems | Ordered selection of distinct (no duplicates) page header items |
SlideEditor | |
DSPixelArrow | |
casac | |
CrashReportHelper | |
record | Todo: o create python to/from record functions o implement compare() o implement record_to_string() o create a thorough test program o verify that std::map<>'s copy ctor does a complete copy o add copy-on-write (w/ reference counting) |
Quantity | |
array | |
variant | |
error | |
overflow | |
casacore | For temporary backward namespace compatibility, use casa as alias for casacore |
C | |
OMP | |
python | |
numpy | |
array_scalar_from_python | Struct with static functions to convert a numpy array scalar to the templated type (e.g |
casa_value_to_python | A class to convert a ValueHolder to/from Python objects |
casa_value_from_python | |
convert_casa_valueholder | Register the ValueHolder conversion |
pyregistry | Prevent a converter from being registered multiple times |
casa_string_to_python_str | Convert a String object to python |
casa_string_from_python_str | Convert a String object from python |
default_policy | Default operations on all containers for conversion from Python container to C++ one |
stl_variable_capacity_policy | Operations on containers that have variable capacity for conversion from Python container to C++ one |
casa_variable_capacity_policy | |
casa_reversed_variable_capacity_policy | |
to_list | A wrapper of a conversion function to convert a STL vector to a Python list |
to_list< casacore::IPosition > | |
to_list< std::vector< bool > > | |
to_list< std::vector< casacore::String > > | |
to_list< casacore::Array< casacore::String > > | |
to_list< casacore::Vector< casacore::String > > | |
std_vector_to_list | Converts an STL vector or casa Array of T objects to Python list |
casa_array_to_list | |
casa_vector_to_list | |
casa_iposition_to_list | |
from_python_sequence | Conversion of Python sequence to C++ container |
convert_casa_string | Register the String conversion |
convert_casa_iposition | Register the IPosition conversion |
convert_std_vector | Register the std::vector conversions |
convert_casa_vector | Register the casacore::Vector conversions |
casa_array_from_python | |
casa_array_to_python | Convert Array to Python |
casa_record_to_python | A class to convert a (Table)Record to/from Python objects |
casa_record_from_python | |
convert_casa_record | Register the Record conversion |
Block | Simple 1-D array |
ExtendSpecifier | Specification of new and stretched lattice axes |
ArrayColumn | Read and write access to an array table column with arbitrary data type |
WrapperBase | Aid in constructing function objects from C++ functions |
TSMIdColumn | An id column in Tiled Storage Manager |
Plus | Functor to add variables of possibly different types |
Minus | Functor to subtract variables of possibly different types |
Multiplies | Functor to multiply variables of possibly different types |
Divides | Functor to divide variables of possibly different types |
Modulo | Functor to take modulo of (integer) variables of possibly different types in the C way |
FloorMod | Functor to take modulo of variables of possibly different types using the floor modulo (% as used in Python) |
BitAnd | Functor for bitwise and of (integer) values |
BitOr | Functor for bitwise or of (integer) values |
BitXor | Functor for bitwise xor of (integer) values |
BitNegate | Functor for bitwise negate of (integer) values |
IsNaN | Functor to test for NaN |
IsInf | Functor to test for infinity |
IsFinite | Functor to test for finiteness |
Near | Functor to test if two values are relatively near each other |
NearAbs | Functor to test for if two values are absolutely near each other |
Sin | Functor to apply sin |
Sinh | Functor to apply sinh |
Asin | Functor to apply asin |
Cos | Functor to apply cos |
Cosh | Functor to apply cosh |
Acos | Functor to apply acos |
Tan | Functor to apply tan |
Tanh | Functor to apply tanh |
Atan | Functor to apply atan |
Atan2 | Functor to apply atan2 |
Sqr | Functor to apply sqr (power of 2) |
Pow3 | Functor to apply a power of 3 |
Sqrt | Functor to apply sqrt |
Exp | Functor to apply exp |
Log | Functor to apply log |
Log10 | Functor to apply log10 |
Abs | Functor to apply abs |
Floor | Functor to apply floor |
Ceil | Functor to apply ceil |
Round | Functor to apply round (e.g |
Sign | Functor to apply sign (result is -1, 0, or 1) |
MakeComplex | Functor to form a complex number from the left and right value |
MakeComplexReal | Functor to form a complex number from the real part of the left value and the right value |
MakeComplexImag | Functor to form a complex number from the left value and the imaginary part of the right value |
MakeComplexRealImag | Functor to form a complex number from the real part of the left value and the imaginary part of the right value |
Conj | Functor to apply complex function conj |
Real | Functor to apply complex function real |
Imag | Functor to apply complex function imag |
CArg | Functor to apply complex function arg |
CAbs | Functor to apply complex function fabs |
Pow | Functor to apply pow |
Fmod | Functor to apply fmod |
Min | Functor to get minimum of two values |
Max | Functor to get maximum of two values |
SumSqr | Functor to add square of right to left |
SumSqrDiff | Functor to add squared diff of right and base value to left |
SumSqrDiff< std::complex< T > > | Specialize for complex values |
SumAbsDiff | Functor to add absolute diff of right and base value to left |
Downcase | Functor to downcase a std::string |
Upcase | Functor to upcase a std::string |
Capitalize | Functor to capitalize a std::string |
Trim | Functor to trim a std::string |
Vector | A 1-D Specialization of the Array class |
ImageInterface | A base class for astronomical images |
Matrix | A 2-D Specialization of the Array class |
TableExprNodeArrayEQBool | Bool Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayEQInt | Int Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayEQDouble | Double Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayEQDComplex | DComplex Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayEQString | String Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayEQRegex | Regex Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayEQDate | Date Array comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayNEBool | Bool Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayNEInt | Int Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayNEDouble | Double Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayNEDComplex | DComplex Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayNEString | String Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayNERegex | Regex Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayNEDate | Date Array comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayGTInt | Int Array comparison > in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayGTDouble | Double Array comparison > in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayGTDComplex | DComplex Array comparison > in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayGTString | String Array comparison > in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayGTDate | Date Array comparison > in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayGEInt | Int Array comparison >= in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayGEDouble | Double Array comparison >= in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayGEDComplex | DComplex Array comparison >= in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayGEString | String Array comparison >= in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayGEDate | Date Array comparison >= in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayINInt | Int Array comparison IN in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayINDouble | Double Array comparison IN in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayINDComplex | DComplex Array comparison IN in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayINString | String Array comparison IN in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayINDate | Date Array comparison IN in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayOR | Logical or in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayAND | Logical and in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayNOT | Logical not in table select expression tree |
ImageStatistics | Displays various statistics from an image |
WCConcatenation | Combine multiple ImageRegion's into a new dimension |
MSDoppler | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet DOPPLER table |
GaussianNDParam | A Multi-dimensional Gaussian parameter handling |
MSFlagCmdEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet FLAG_CMD table |
LogSinkInterface | Accepts LogMessages and posts them to some destination |
FITSCoordinateUtil | |
Array | Template <class T, class U> class vector; |
BaseIteratorSTL | See the function begin() and end() for a detailed description of the STL iterator capability |
ConstIteratorSTL | |
IteratorSTL | |
MSFlagger | MSFlagger specifies selections on a MeasurementSet |
Lattice | A templated, abstract base class for array-like objects |
MaskedLattice | A templated, abstract base class for array-like objects with masks |
MaskedArray | Class for masking an Array for operations on that Array |
LatticeUtilities | Static functions for Lattices |
SubLattice | A subset of a Lattice or MaskedLattice |
RO_LatticeIterator | A readonly iterator for Lattices |
TiledColumnStMan | Tiled Column Storage Manager |
HyperPlane | A hyper plane function |
HyperPlane_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of HyperPlane for AutoDiff |
LCComplement | Make the complement of a region |
TempImage | Temporary astronomical images |
SubImage | A (masked) subset of an ImageInterface object |
CountedPtr | Referenced counted pointer for constant data |
Deleter | Helper class to make deletion of object optional |
TableExprRange | Select range of a column in an select expression |
MSCalEngine | Engine to calculate derived MS values |
MCFrame | Measure frame calculations proxy |
PositionEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF Position conversions |
BucketBase | Abstract base class for Bucket classes |
IncrementalStMan | The Incremental Storage Manager |
MSSpWindowIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS SPECTRAL_WINDOW subtable |
OddPolynomial | A one dimensional odd polynomial class |
OddPolynomial_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of OddPolynomial for AutoDiff |
VectorIterator | Iterate an Vector cursor through another Array |
ReadOnlyVectorIterator | Iterate a Vector cursor through another Array |
Cube | A 3-D Specialization of the Array class |
RigidVector | Fast Vector classes with fixed (templated) length |
SquareMatrix | Fast Square Matrix class with fixed (templated) size |
FFTW | C++ interface to the FFTWw library |
LogOrigin | LogOrigin: The source code location of the originator of a LogMessage |
LogOrigin_global_functions_LogOrigin_ostream | Write a LogOrigin to an ostream |
LogOrigin_global_functions_SourceLocation | Helper struct to get the source line |
SourceLocation | |
TSMShape | Expanded IPosition for shapes |
MSMIndColumn | Mmeory storage manager for variable shaped table arrays |
Data | |
LELFunction1D | This LEL class handles numerical (real and complex) 1-argument functions |
LELFunctionReal1D | This LEL class handles numerical (real only) 1-argument functions |
LELFunctionND | This LEL class handles functions with a variable number of arguments |
LELFunctionFloat | This LEL class handles numerical functions whose return type is a Float |
LELFunctionDouble | This LEL class handles numerical functions whose return type is a Double |
LELFunctionComplex | This LEL class handles complex numerical functions |
LELFunctionDComplex | This LEL class handles double complex numerical functions |
LELFunctionBool | This LEL class handles logical functions |
CoordinateUtil | Functions for creating default CoordinateSystems |
AppState | Base class for application state |
AppStateSource | Allow configuration of casacore without environment variables |
ImageAttrHandler | Abstract base class for an image attributes handler |
ROMSObservationColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSObservation columns |
MSObservationColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSObservation columns |
TiledStMan | Base class for Tiled Storage Manager classes |
LatticeFFT | Functions for Fourier transforming Lattices |
FITSTimedTable | |
MSUvDistGram_global_functions_MSUvDistGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSUvDistGram |
TableCache | Cache of open tables |
ConvertScalar_global_functions_Scalar_conversion | Templated functions to convert scalars from one type to another |
UnitVal | Describes any valid unit as a factor and a dimenion of SI units |
UnitVal_global_functions_output | Global output function |
UnitVal_static_initializer | Static initialisation of UnitVal constants |
TableMeasType | Definition of a Measure column in a Table |
Functional | Map a domain object into a range object via operator() |
MatrixMathLA_global_functions_Linear_Algebra | Linear algebra functions on Vectors and Matrices |
LogiCube_global_functions_LogicalCube | Logical valued Cubes |
TaQLConstNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a constant value |
TaQLRegexNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a constant regex value |
TaQLUnaryNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a unary operator |
TaQLBinaryNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a binary operator |
TaQLMultiNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a list of nodes |
TaQLFuncNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a function |
TaQLRangeNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a range |
TaQLIndexNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an index in a array |
TaQLJoinNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a join operation |
TaQLKeyColNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a keyword or column name |
TaQLTableNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a table |
TaQLColNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a select column expression |
TaQLColumnsNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a select column list |
TaQLGroupNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a groupby list |
TaQLSortKeyNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a sort key |
TaQLSortNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a sort list |
TaQLLimitOffNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a limit/offset expression |
TaQLGivingNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a giving expression list |
TaQLUpdExprNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a column update expression |
TaQLQueryNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a selection command |
TaQLSelectNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a select command |
TaQLCountNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a count command |
TaQLUpdateNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an update command |
TaQLInsertNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an insert command |
TaQLDeleteNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a delete command |
TaQLCalcNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a calc command |
TaQLCreTabNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a create table command |
TaQLColSpecNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a create column specification |
TaQLRecFldNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a record field |
TaQLUnitNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a unit |
TaQLAltTabNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table command |
TaQLAddColNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table add column command |
TaQLRenDropNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table rename or drop command |
TaQLSetKeyNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table set keyword command |
TaQLAddRowNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table add rows command |
TaQLConcTabNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining an alter table command |
TaQLShowNodeRep | Raw TaQL parse tree node defining a show command |
FITSQualityImage | Class providing native access to FITS Quality Images |
Function1D | Numerical functional interface class for 1 dimension |
LatticeFractile | Static functions to get median and fractiles of a lattice |
SSMIndStringColumn | An Indirect String Array Column in the Standard Storage Manager |
MArray | Class to handle an Array with an optional mask |
MArrayMathBase_global_functions_Array_basic_functions | Basic functions and classes for math on MArray objects |
MArrayFunctorBase | Define the base class for functors to perform a reduction function on an MArray object |
WrapperParam | Parameter handling for wrapped function objects |
BaseSlicesFunctor | Abstract baseclass for slices functors |
GetCellSlices | Functor to get irregular array slices from a cell |
GetColumnSlices | Functor to get irregular array slices from a column |
PutCellSlices | Functor to put irregular array slices into a cell |
PutColumnSlices | Functor to get irregular array slices from a column |
TableExprConeNode | Class representing a cone search in table select expression |
TableExprConeNodeArray | |
LogFilterTaql | Filter LogMessages using a TaQL expression |
FunctionFactory | Class for creating Function objects from Records |
TileStepper | Traverse a tiled Lattice optimally with a tile cursor |
UnaryFunction | A one dimensional unary function |
ScalarColumn | Access to a scalar table column with arbitrary data type |
MSFitsOutput | Write a MeasurementSet to a random group uvfits file |
MSSelectableMainColumn | |
MSMainColInterface | |
HDF5Group | A class representing an HDF5 group |
assert_ | Utility class for Assert macros |
MVDouble | Class to distinguish external and Measure internal Double |
StatsData | |
Adios2StManColumn | |
Adios2StManColumnT | |
WCPolygon | Class to define a 2-D polygonal world coordinate region in an image |
MCFrequency | MFrequency conversion routines |
CASATask | Task interface |
AipsrcValue | Class to read values from the Aipsrc general resource files |
AipsrcVector | Read multiple values from the Aipsrc resource files |
Aipsrc | Class to read the casa general resource files |
JsonValue | Class to hold any JSON value |
SincParam | A one dimensional sin(x)/x |
DynBuffer | Store data in dynamically allocated buffers |
SPolynomial | A one dimensional scaled polynomial class |
BucketFile | File object for BucketCache |
EarthMagneticEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF EarthMagnetic conversions |
StatsDataProvider | Abstract base class which defines interface for providing "datasets" to the statistics framework in cases where the data structure involved does not allow for a trivial means of doing so (eg, in the case of a Lattice) |
LCDifference | Make the difference of 2 regions |
LSQReal | Typing support classes for LSQ classes |
LSQComplex | Type of complex numeric class indicator |
LSQNull | Non relevant class indicator |
LSQType | Determine if pointer type |
PointerTraits | |
PointerTraits< U * > | |
LSQTraits | Traits for numeric classes used |
LSQTraits_F< Float > | LSQTraits specialization for Float |
LSQTraits_D< Double > | LSQTraits specialization for Double |
LSQTraits_CD< std::complex< Double > > | LSQTraits specialization for DComplex |
LSQTraits_CF< std::complex< Float > > | LSQTraits specialization for Complex |
SparseDiffX | Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation |
HourangleColumn | Hourangle derived from TIME, etc |
LASTColumn | Local sidereal time derived from TIME, etc |
ParAngleColumn | Parallactic angle derived from TIME, etc |
HaDecColumn | Hourangle/declination derived from TIME, etc |
AzElColumn | Azimuth/elevation derived from TIME, etc |
ItrfColumn | Pointing ITRF coordinate derived from TIME, etc |
UVWJ2000Column | UVW J2000 derived from TIME, etc |
Quantum | Quantities (i.e. dimensioned values) |
QuantumHolder | A holder for Quantums to enable record conversions |
MMapfdIO | Memory-mapped IO on a file |
MCEarthMagnetic | MEarthMagnetic conversion routines |
RegionHandler | Base class for handling regions in images |
MeasConvert | Conversion of Measures |
ArrayMeasColumn | Read only access to table array Measure columns |
ScalarMeasColumn | Read only access to table scalar Measure columns |
MDirection | A Measure: astronomical direction |
TempLattice | A Lattice that can be used for temporary storage |
FunctionTraits | Function data types for parameters and arguments |
FunctionTraits_P< AutoDiff< T > > | FunctionTraits specialization for AutoDiff |
FunctionTraits_PA< AutoDiffA< T > > | FunctionTraits specialization for AutoDiffA |
FunctionTraits_PX< AutoDiffX< T > > | FunctionTraits specialization for AutoDiffX |
FrequencyEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF Frequency conversions |
Compare_global_functions_ObjCompareFunc | Signature of comparison functions |
BaseCompare | Abstract base class for comparing two objects |
ObjCompare | Compare two objects |
CompareIntervalInt | Integer comparison class with intervals |
CompareIntervalReal | Real comparison class with intervals |
CompareNoCase | Case-insensitive string comparison class |
TSMCoordColumn | A coordinate column in Tiled Storage Manager |
MSProcessor | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet PROCESSOR table |
MSDopplerIndex | |
ForwardColumnIndexedRow | Virtual column forwarding to another row/column |
ForwardColumnIndexedRowEngine | Virtual column engine forwarding to other columns/rows |
MSFitsIDI | MSFitsIDI: Convert FITS-IDI data to MS format |
SDFITSTable | SDFITSTable is a FITSTable which follows the Single Dish FITS Convention |
Input | Input.h: A simple command-line argument method for applications |
ROMSHistoryColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSHistory columns |
MSHistoryColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSHistory columns |
ROMSFreqOffsetColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSFreqOffset columns |
MSFreqOffsetColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSFreqOffset columns |
ArrayError | The base class for all Array exception classes |
ArrayIndexError | An error thrown when an index is out of range |
ArrayConformanceError | An error thrown when two arrays do not conform |
ArrayNDimError | Thrown when two arrays have different dimensionality |
ArrayShapeError | An error thrown when two arrays have different shapes |
ArrayIteratorError | An error thrown by an ArrayIterator |
ArraySlicerError | An error thrown by an Slicer member function |
ClassicalStatisticsData | Non-templated data related to ClassicalStatistics class |
ImageConcat | Concatenates images along a specified axis |
ColumnDesc | Envelope class for the description of a table column |
GenSort | General in-place sort functions |
GenSortIndirect | General indirect sort functions |
SDPolarizationHandler | |
LELScalar | This LEL class holds a scalar with a mask |
LELArray | This LEL class holds an array with a mask |
LELArrayRef | This LEL class holds a possible referenced array with a mask |
LELInterface | This base class provides the interface for Lattice expressions |
MSPointingIndex | |
RegionHandlerMemory | Class for keeping regions in memory |
MeasTable | MeasTable provides Measure computing database data |
Statics_dUTC | Calculate time related conversion data |
UMaps | Define a struct containing the static data members |
UnitMap | All simple known physical units |
MeasRef | Reference frame for physical measures |
RefRep | Representation class |
Fit2D | Fit 2-D objects to 2-D Lattices or Arrays |
Function | Numerical functional interface class |
LELConvert | Class to convert a LEL node from one numerical type to another |
Interpolate1D | Interpolate in one dimension |
TabularCoordinate | Table lookup 1-D coordinate, with interpolation |
StreamLogSink | Send log messages to an ostream |
LELLattCoord | The base letter class for lattice coordinates in LEL |
TableLocker | Class to hold a (user) lock on a table |
ROMSColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MeasurementSet columns |
MSColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MeasurementSet columns |
FunctionalProxy | |
MSStateParse | Class to hold values from field grammar parser |
MaskArrMath_global_functions_MaskedArray_mathematical_operations | Mathematical operations for MaskedArrays (and with Arrays) |
MaskedSumFunc | |
MaskedProductFunc | |
MaskedMinFunc | |
MaskedMaxFunc | |
MaskedMeanFunc | |
MaskedVarianceFunc | |
MaskedStddevFunc | |
MaskedAvdevFunc | |
MaskedRmsFunc | |
MaskedMedianFunc | |
MaskedMadfmFunc | |
BFEngineMask | Non-templated Helper class to handle the mask |
BitFlagsEngine | Templated virtual column engine to map bit flags to a Bool |
BoolToFlags | Functor to convert Bools to flags using a mask |
FlagsToBool | Functor to and an array and mask and convert to Bool |
RadialVelocityEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF RadialVelocity conversions |
CoordinateSystem | Interconvert pixel and world coordinates |
MappedArrayEngine | Templated virtual column engine to map the data type of a table array |
FITSMask | Provides an on-the-fly mask for FITS images |
MArrayMath_global_functions_MArray_mathematical_operations | Mathematical operations for MArray objects |
MAvdevFunc | |
MFractileFunc | |
MMaxFunc | |
MMeanFunc | |
MMedianFunc | |
MMinFunc | |
MProductFunc | |
MRmsFunc | |
MStddevFunc | |
MSumFunc | Define functors to perform a reduction function on an MArray object |
MSumSqrFunc | |
MVarianceFunc | |
LogMessage | Informational log messages with with time, priority, and origin |
LogMessage_global_functions_LogMessage_ostream | Write a LogMessage to an ostream |
StreamIO | Class for IO on connection oriented socket |
MMapIO | Memory-mapped IO on a file |
MatrixSolver | MatrixSolver.h: the base class for solvers of linear equations AX=B |
AppInfo | General information for applications |
ByteIO | Abstract base class for IO on a byte stream |
FITSReader | |
RecordExpr_global_functions_RecordExpr | Global functions to make a expression node for a record field |
STLIO_global_functions_Container_IO | Input/output operators for STL-like containers |
SincFunction | A one dimensional sin(x)/x |
FunctionOrder | Container of function description details |
FunctionOrder_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
ISMIndColumn | A column of Incremental storage manager for indirect arrays |
WCCompound | Base class for compound WCRegion objects |
OrderedMap | Map with keys ordered |
OrderedMapRep | Representation class for an Ordered Map |
OrderedMapIterRep | OrderedMap iterator "letter" |
OrderedMapNotice | Message used for OrderedMap notification |
TableKeyword | Keyword value representing a table |
LCRegionSingle | Abstract base class to define a single region |
AxesMapping | Info about mapping array axes to another order |
LatticeStatistics | Compute and display various statistics from a lattice |
SparseDiff | Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation |
SparseDiffIO_global_functions_SparseDiff_IO_operations | Implements all IO operators and functions for SparseDiff |
StatsTiledCollapser | Generate statistics, tile by tile, from a masked lattice NOTE this version was moved from LatticeStatistics (early Dec 2014 version) and slightly modified mostly for style issues (no significant semantic differences from that version). For a large number of statistics sets that need to be computed simultaneously, this version is more efficient than using the new stats framework, because creating large numbers of eg ClassicalStatistics objects is much less efficient than the direct manipulation of pointers to primitive types that this class does |
MSFieldParse | Class to hold values from field grammar parser |
MSSelectionKeywords | MSSelectionKeywords specifies selection keywords for the MeasurementSet |
ColumnSlicer | |
HelpMsCalUDF | |
CompoundParam | Parameters for sum of parameterized Functions |
ROMSFeedColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSFeed columns |
MSFeedColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSFeed columns |
Queue | A First-In-First-Out (FIFO) data structure |
ValTypeId_global_functions_typeid | The id-string of a value type |
TiledFileAccess | Tiled access to an array in a file |
Gaussian1DParam | Parameter handling for one dimensional Gaussian class |
SDPointingHandler | |
MRBase | Base for Reference frame for physical measures |
MRBase_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
Math_global_functions_Math_interface_for_casacore | Casacore interface to math.h and other scalar math functions |
Sequence | Virtual templated base class for sequences |
uIntSequence | UInt sequence for general use |
ISMColumn | A Column in the Incremental Storage Manager |
FITSKeywordUtil | A class with static functions to help deal with FITS Keywords |
MapIO_global_functions_Map_IO | Input/output operators for Maps |
TableMeasDescBase | Definition of a Measure in a Table |
Sinusoid1DParam | Parameter handling for one dimensional Sinusoid class |
FITSErrorImage | Class providing native access to FITS Error images |
ROMSWeatherColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSWeather columns |
MSWeatherColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSWeather columns |
SDObservationHandler | |
LCBox | Class to define a rectangular box of interest |
TiledFileHelper | Helper class for tiled access to an array in a file |
MSHistoryEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet HISTORY table |
RecordRep | The representation of a Record |
GaussianConvert | Converts Gaussian parameters between pixel and world |
MaskLogiArrFwd_global_functions_MaskedLogicalArray_forwards | Forward declarations for MaskedLogicalArrays |
Array | |
MaskedArray | |
RO_MaskedLatticeIterator | A readonly iterator for masked Lattices |
LatticeFit | Fit every line of pixels parallel to any axis in a Lattice |
PowerLogarithmicPolynomial | A one dimensional power logarithmic polynomial class of form y = c_0 * x**(c_1 + c_2*ln(x) + c_3*ln(x)**2 +... c_n*ln(x)**(n-1)) |
PowerLogarithmicPolynomial_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of PowerLogarithmicPolynomial for AutoDiff |
TableExprFuncNodeArray | Class representing an array function in table select expression |
ISMBase | Base class of the Incremental Storage Manager |
SDWeatherHandler | |
MSSelectionError | |
MSSelectionNullSelection | |
MSSelectionNullExpr | |
MSSelectionNullTEN | |
MSSelectionTimeError | |
MSSelectionTimeParseError | |
MSSelectionAntennaError | |
MSSelectionAntennaParseError | |
MSSelectionFieldError | |
MSSelectionFieldParseError | |
MSSelectionFieldWarning | |
MSSelectionUvDistError | |
MSSelectionUvDistParseError | |
MSSelectionSpwError | |
MSSelectionSpwParseError | |
MSSelectionSpwWarning | |
MSSelectionScanError | |
MSSelectionScanParseError | |
MSSelectionScanWarning | |
MSSelectionArrayError | |
MSSelectionArrayParseError | |
MSSelectionArrayWarning | |
MSSelectionPolnError | |
MSSelectionPolnParseError | |
MSSelectionPolnWarning | |
MSSelectionStateError | |
MSSelectionStateParseError | |
MSSelectionStateWarning | |
MSSelectionObservationError | |
MSSelectionObservationParseError | |
MSSelectionObservationWarning | |
MSSelectionFeedError | |
MSSelectionFeedParseError | |
MSPolarization | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet POLARIZATION table |
MeasMath | Measure conversion aid routines |
TableExprNodeConstBool | Constant Bool in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeConstInt | Constant Int64 in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeConstDouble | Constant Double in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeConstDComplex | Constant DComplex in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeConstString | Constant String in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeConstRegex | Constant Regex or StringDistance in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeConstDate | Constant Date in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeColumn | Scalar column in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeRownr | Rownumber in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeRowid | Rowid in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeRandom | Random number in table select expression tree |
TableExprGroupArrayAny | Aggregate class counting if any array value in a group is true |
TableExprGroupArrayAll | Aggregate class counting if all array values in a group are true |
TableExprGroupArrayNTrue | Aggregate class counting the number of true array values in a group |
TableExprGroupArrayNFalse | Aggregate class counting the number of false array values in a group |
TableExprGroupMinArrayInt | Aggregate class determining the minimum integer array value in a group |
TableExprGroupMaxArrayInt | Aggregate class determining the maximum integer array value in a group |
TableExprGroupSumArrayInt | Aggregate class determining the sum of integer array values in a group |
TableExprGroupProductArrayInt | Aggregate class determining the product of integer array values in a group |
TableExprGroupSumSqrArrayInt | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of integer array values in a group |
TableExprGroupMinArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the minimum double array value in a group |
TableExprGroupMaxArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the maximum double array value in a group |
TableExprGroupSumArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the sum of double array values in a group |
TableExprGroupProductArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the product of double array values in a group |
TableExprGroupSumSqrArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of double array values in a group |
TableExprGroupMeanArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the mean of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupVarianceArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the variance of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupStdDevArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the standard devation of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupRmsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the RMS of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupFractileArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the fractile of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupSumArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the sum of complex array values in a group |
TableExprGroupProductArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the product of complex array values in a group |
TableExprGroupSumSqrArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of complex array values in a group |
TableExprGroupMeanArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the mean of complex array values in a group |
TableExprGroupVarianceArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the variance of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupStdDevArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the standard devation of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupArrayAnys | Aggregate class counting per array index in a group if any is true |
TableExprGroupArrayAlls | Aggregate class counting per array index in a group if all are true |
TableExprGroupArrayNTrues | Aggregate class counting per array index in a group the nr of true values |
TableExprGroupArrayNFalses | Aggregate class counting per array index in a group the nr of false values |
TableExprGroupMinsArrayInt | Aggregate class determining per array index in a group the minimum value |
TableExprGroupMaxsArrayInt | Aggregate class determining per array index in a group the maximum value |
TableExprGroupSumsArrayInt | Aggregate class determining per array index in a group the sum of values |
TableExprGroupProductsArrayInt | Aggregate class determining per array index in a group the product of values |
TableExprGroupSumSqrsArrayInt | Aggregate class determining per array index in a group the sum of value squares in a group |
TableExprGroupMinsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the minimum double array value in a group |
TableExprGroupMaxsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the maximum double array value in a group |
TableExprGroupSumsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the sum of double array values in a group |
TableExprGroupProductsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the product of double array values in a group |
TableExprGroupSumSqrsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of double array values in a group |
TableExprGroupMeansArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the mean of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupVariancesArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the variance of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupStdDevsArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the standard devation of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupRmssArrayDouble | Aggregate class determining the RMS of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupSumsArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the sum of complex array values in a group |
TableExprGroupProductsArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the product of complex array values in a group |
TableExprGroupSumSqrsArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of complex array values in a group |
TableExprGroupMeansArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the mean of complex array values in a group |
TableExprGroupVariancesArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the variance of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupStdDevsArrayDComplex | Aggregate class determining the standard devation of array values in a group |
TableExprGroupHistBase | Base aggregate class determining the histogram of values in a group |
TableExprGroupHistScalar | Aggregate class determining the histogram of scalar values in a group |
TableExprGroupHistInt | Aggregate class determining the histogram of integer array values in a group |
TableExprGroupHistDouble | Aggregate class determining the histogram of double array values in a group |
Fallible_global_functions_invalid_access | Throw exception on access of an invalid object This function gets called when an invalid object is accessed. It just throws an exception. Since we have inline functions, let's keep the throw out of them to keep them from moving out of line |
Fallible | Mark a value as valid or invalid |
LatticeIndexer | A helper class for stepping through Lattices |
MarshButterworthBandpass | A Butterworth function class that supports serialization |
LinearSearch_global_functions_linearsearch | Linear search a linear data structure |
FitGaussian | Multidimensional fitter class for Gaussians |
Polynomial | A one dimensional polynomial class |
Polynomial_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of Polynomial for AutoDiff |
SimpleOrderedMap | Simple map with keys ordered |
PtrBlock | A drop-in replacement for Block<T*> |
ExternalLockSync | Class to hold table lock data |
MSPolnParse | Class to hold values from field grammar parser |
SymLink | Get information about, and manipulate symbolic links |
FiledesIO | Class for unbuffered IO on a file |
TabVecRep | Templated base class for table vectors |
TVecLogic_global_functions_vectorComparison | Comparison between two table vectors |
TVecLogic_global_functions_scalarComparison | Comparison between a table vector and a scalar |
RegularFileIO | Class for IO on a regular file |
ListIter | Doubly linked non-constant list iterator The List class above only provides for the list framework |
ConstListIter | Doubly linked constant list iterator |
List | Doubly linked list |
ListNotice | Linked list update notice |
MVTime | Class to handle date/time type conversions and I/O |
Format | Format structure |
RefColumn | A column in a reference table |
UnitDim | Describes a unit in basic SI unit dimensions |
ConcatTable | Class to view a concatenation of tables as a single table |
TableRecord | A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types |
EclecticFunctionFactory | |
ColumnDescSet | Set of table column descriptions |
BucketMapped | Use file mapping for buckets in a part of a file |
SubString | SubString help class to be used in at, before,.. |
String | String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters |
String_global_functions_concatenator | Global concatenation operators |
String_global_functions_comparitor | Global comparison operators |
String_global_functions_split | Splitting Global function which splits the String into string array res at separator and returns the number of elements |
String_global_functions_common | Some general functions Functions to find special patterns, join and replicate |
String_global_functions_case | Casing and related functions Case conversion and rearrangement functions |
String_global_functions_io | IO |
MSFieldGram_global_functions_MSFieldGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSFieldGram |
LatticeExpr | Class to allow C++ expressions involving lattices |
LCPolygon | Define a 2-dimensional region by a polygon |
NumericTraits | Relationships between numeric data types |
NumericTraits_F< Float > | NumericTraits specialization for Float |
NumericTraits_D< Double > | NumericTraits specialization for Double |
NumericTraits_C< Complex > | NumericTraits specialization for Complex |
NumericTraits_DC< DComplex > | NumericTraits specialization for DComplex |
MSFlagCmd | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FLAG_CMD table |
TaQLNode | Envelope class for a node in the raw TaQL parse tree |
TaQLConstNode | Envelope class for a node containing a constant value |
TaQLRegexNode | Envelope class for a node containing a constant regex value |
TaQLMultiNode | Envelope class for a node containing a list of nodes |
TaQLQueryNode | Envelope class for a node containing a selection command |
LattStatsSpecialize | |
UVWMachine | Converts UVW coordinates between coordinate systems |
MSSpectralWindowEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet SPECTRAL_WINDOW table |
LCSlicer | Class to define a rectangular box of interest with strides |
MVEarthMagnetic | A 3D Earth magnetic field vector |
FITSHistoryUtil | A class with static functions to help deal with FITS History cards |
ImageAttrGroupCasa | Attribute group for a CASA image |
LELCoordinates | Envelope class to handle Lattice Coordinates in LEL |
QLogical_global_functions_Quantum_logical_operations | Logical operations for the Quantum class |
MSWeatherIndex | |
EpochUDF | TaQL UDFs for Epoch conversions |
Quantum_global_functions_output | Global functions |
LogFilter | Filter LogMessages on message priority |
TiledShape | Define the shape and tile shape |
DataManager_global_functions_DataManagerCtor | Define the type of the static construction function |
DataManager | Abstract base class for a data manager |
DataManagerColumn | Abstract base class for a column in a data manager |
SampledFunctional | A base class for indexing into arbitrary data types |
LattStatsProgress | Provides a progress meter for the LatticeStatistics class |
TaQLNodeRep | Representation of a node in the raw TaQL parse tree |
TypeIO | Abstract base class for IO of data in a type-dependent format |
MSAntennaGram_global_functions_MSAntennaGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSAntennaGram |
NNLSMatrixSolver | NNLSMatrixSolver.h: the base class for NNLS solvers of linear equations AX=B |
EarthMagneticUDF | TaQL UDFs for EarthMagnetic conversions |
VectorKernel | Make a Vector smoothing kernel from a kernel specification |
TiledCollapser | Abstract base class to collapse chunks for LatticeApply |
TSMDataColumn | A data column in Tiled Storage Manager |
LELImageCoord | The letter class for image coordinates |
HeaderDataUnit | Base class that defines a HDU |
PrimaryArray | Templated primary array base class of given type |
ImageExtension | IMAGE extension of given type |
PrimaryGroup | Random Group datastructure |
PrimaryTable | Primary Table structure |
ExtensionHeaderDataUnit | Base class for generalized exentensions HDU |
FitsBase | Helper class |
FitsField | Helper class Note: Note that FitsField does not allocate space for the data; Space is external to FitsField and its address is set via the setaddr function; |
FitsField< FitsBit > | Helper class |
FitsArray | FITS array of given type |
FitsArray< FitsBit > | FITS array of FitsBit type Note: We must specify a FitsArray<FitsBit> as a specialization; |
BinaryTableExtension | BINTABLE extension |
AsciiTableExtension | (ascii) TABLE extension |
MVAngle | Class to handle angle type conversions and I/O |
Format | Format structure |
MVAngle_global_functions_output | Global functions |
AipsIOReaderWriter | Implementation of CASA region AipsIO file reader and writer |
DirectoryIterator | Traverse the contents of a directory |
JsonKVMap | Class to hold a collection of JSON key:value pairs |
CanonicalDataConversion | A class with virtual functions to convert canonical format |
MUString | Pointed String class to aid analysis of quantity strings |
MUString_global_functions_output | Global functions |
BaseTable | Abstract base class for tables |
CombiFunction | Form a linear combination of function objects |
CombiFunction_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of CombiFunction for AutoDiff |
DiracDFunction | A one dimensional Dirac delta function |
GenericL2Fit | Generic base class for least-squares fit |
FittingProxy | This class gives Proxy to Fitting connection |
FitType | Class to aid in distributing different fitters |
MSSSpwErrorHandler | |
LatticeIterInterface | A base class for Lattice iterators |
TSMColumn | A column in the Tiled Storage Manager |
TableRowProxy | Proxy for table row access |
LogiArrayFwd_global_functions_LogicalArray_forwards | Forward declarations for LogicalArrays |
Array | |
ArraySampledFunctional | Index into an array using the longest axis |
MVDoppler | Internal value for MDoppler |
BinaryTable | BinaryTable is used to translate a FITS binary table to a Casacore Table |
PositionUDF | TaQL UDFs for Position conversions |
MConvertBase | Conversion of Measures Base |
MConvertBase_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
ChauvenetCriterionStatistics | Class to calculate statistics using the so-called Chauvenet criterion |
LatticeStatsDataProvider | Data provider which allows stats framework to iterate through an unmasked lattice |
FITS2_global_functions_ReadFITSin | Helper function for ReadFITS and WriteFITS |
MSSysCalEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet SYSCAL table |
ArrayPartMath_global_functions_Array_partial_operations | Mathematical and logical operations for Array parts |
AvdevFunc | |
FractileFunc | |
InterFractileRangeFunc | |
InterHexileRangeFunc | |
InterQuartileRangeFunc | |
MadfmFunc | |
MaxFunc | |
MeanFunc | |
MedianFunc | |
MinFunc | |
ProductFunc | |
RmsFunc | |
StddevFunc | |
SumFunc | Define functors to perform a reduction function on an Array object |
SumSqrFunc | |
VarianceFunc | |
TableExprNodeArrayPlus | Array addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayPlusInt | Int Array addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayPlusDouble | Double Array addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayPlusDComplex | DComplex Array addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayPlusString | String Array addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayPlusDate | Date Array addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayMinus | Array addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayMinusInt | Int Array subtraction in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayMinusDouble | Double Array subtraction in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayMinusDComplex | DComplex Array subtraction in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayMinusDate | Date Array subtraction in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayTimes | Array addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayTimesInt | Int Array multiplication in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayTimesDouble | Double Array multiplication in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayTimesDComplex | DComplex Array multiplication in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayDivide | Array addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayDivideDouble | Double Array division in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayDivideDComplex | DComplex Array division in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayModulo | Array addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayModuloInt | Int Array modulo in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayModuloDouble | Double Array modulo in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayBitAndInt | Int Array bitwise and in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayBitOrInt | Int Array bitwise or in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayBitXorInt | Int Array bitwise xor in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayMIN | Unary minus in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayBitNegate | Bitwise negate in table select expression tree |
LECanonicalDataConversion | A class with virtual functions to convert little endian canonical format |
ArrayColumnDesc | Templated class for description of table array columns |
ArrayColumnData | Access to a table column containing arrays |
TableIndexProxy | Proxy for table index access |
HingesFencesQuantileComputer | QuantileComputer used by HingesFencesStatistics for computing quantile-like statistics |
FilebufIO | Class for buffered IO on a file |
StokesCoordinate | Interconvert between pixel and Stokes value |
TSMCubeMMap | Tiled hypercube in a table |
Lorentzian1DParam | Parameter handling for one dimensional Lorentzian class |
HDF5Record | A class to write/read a record into HDF5 |
PagedImage | Read, store, and manipulate astronomical images |
ConcatColumn | A column in a concatenated table |
MSMColumn | Column in the Memory table storage manager class |
RetypedArrayEngine | Virtual column engine to retype and reshape arrays |
MSSourceEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet SOURCE table |
BitVector | Bit vectors of any size |
BitVectorHelper | Helper class for BitVector |
MeasData | MeasData provides Measure computing data |
ChebyshevEnums | Define enums for Chebyshev classes |
ChebyshevParam | Parameter handling for Chebyshev polynomial parameters |
ChebyshevParamModeImpl | A ChebyshevParam with the get/setMode implementation |
ChebyshevParamModeImpl_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of ChebyshevParamModeImpl for AutoDiff |
ChebyshevParamModeImpl_PSA< AutoDiffA< T > > | Partial specialization of ChebyshevParamModeImpl for AutoDiff |
COWPtr | Copy-On-Write-Pointer class - allows control of copy based on constness |
CompositeNumber | This class generates composite numbers |
LatticeProgress | Abstract base class to monitor progress in lattice operations |
SparseDiffRep | Representation of data for the spare automatic differentiation calss |
ImageExprParse | Class to hold values from image expression parser |
ROMSProcessorColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSProcessor columns |
MSProcessorColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSProcessor columns |
QBase | Base for Quantities (i.e. dimensioned values) |
QBase_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
MaskedLatticeStatsDataProvider | Data provider which allows stats framework to iterate through a masked lattice |
TableExprNodePlus | Addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodePlusInt | Int addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodePlusDouble | Double addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodePlusDComplex | DComplex addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodePlusString | String addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodePlusDate | Date addition in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeMinus | Subtraction in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeMinusInt | Int subtraction in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeMinusDouble | Double subtraction in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeMinusDComplex | DComplex subtraction in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeMinusDate | Date subtraction in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeTimes | Multiplication in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeTimesInt | Int multiplication in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeTimesDouble | Double multiplication in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeTimesDComplex | DComplex multiplication in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeDivide | Division in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeDivideDouble | Double division in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeDivideDComplex | DComplex division in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeModulo | Modulo in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeModuloInt | Int modulo in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeModuloDouble | Double modulo in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeBitAndInt | Bitwise and in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeBitOrInt | Bitwise or in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeBitXorInt | Bitwise xor in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeMIN | Unary minus in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeBitNegate | Bitwise negate in table select expression tree |
LatticeIterator | A read/write lattice iterator |
RecordGram_global_functions_RecordGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for RecordGram |
RecordGramVal | Helper class for values in RecordGram |
RecordGram | Select-class for flex/bison scanner/parser for RecordGram |
MVRadialVelocity | Internal value for MRadialVelocity |
BaseColumnDesc | An abstract base class for table column descriptions |
Directory | Get information about, and manipulate directories |
MSTimeGram_global_functions_MSTimeGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSTimeGram |
LinearFitSVD | Linear least-squares fit using Singular Value Decomposition method |
LECanonicalConversion | A class with static functions to convert little endian canonical format |
SSMIndex | The bucket index for a group of columns in the Standard Storage Manager |
StManColumn | Base table column storage manager class |
STLMath_global_functions_Container_Math | Math operations on STL-like containers |
MSAntennaIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS ANTENNA subtable |
BaseColumn | Abstract base class for a table column |
TableExprData | Abstract base class for data object in a TaQL expression |
IterError | Iteration error class |
IterBoundaryError | Iteration Boundary error class |
IterInitError | Iteration initialization error |
InvalidIterError | Invalide iteration error class |
MSPointingEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet POINTING table |
SDSourceHandler | |
ScaledArrayEngine | Templated virtual column engine to scale a table array |
StokesConverter | StokesConverter converts any set of polarizations into any other one |
LELArrayBase | Base class for LELArray holding the mask |
StatisticsAlgorithmFactoryData | Define data structures used by tatisticsAlgorithmFactory |
BiweightData | |
ChauvenetData | |
FitToHalfData | |
TableExprFuncNode | Class representing a function in table select expression |
CompressFloat | Virtual column engine to scale a table float array |
LELBinaryEnums | Each LEL binary operation is described in this enum |
TableLogSink | Save log messages in a Casacore Table |
TableAttr | Some attributes of a table |
UDFBase | Abstract base class for a user-defined TaQL function |
DiracDParam | A one dimensional Dirac delta function |
AutoDiffMath_global_functions_AutoDiff_mathematical_operations | Implements all mathematical operators and functions for AutoDiff |
Adios2StMan | |
impl | |
FITSQualityMask | Provides an on-the-fly mask for FITS quality images |
DataManError | Base error class for table data manager |
DataManInternalError | Internal table data manager error |
DataManUnknownCtor | Table DataManager error; invalid data manager |
DataManInvDT | Table DataManager error; invalid data type |
DataManInvOper | Table DataManager error; invalid operation |
DataManUnknownVirtualColumn | Table DataManager error; unknown virtual column |
TSMError | Table DataManager error; error in TiledStMan |
EarthField | EarthField class model calculations |
TableDesc | Define the structure of a Casacore table |
MSSelector | MSSelector specifies selections on a MeasurementSet |
LatticeHistograms | Displays histograms of regions from a lattice |
HistTiledCollapser | Generate histograms, tile by tile, from a masked lattice |
UDFMSCal | TaQL UDFs to calculate derived MS values |
UDFMSCalErrorHandler | Error handler class for MSSel selection |
WCIntersection | Make the intersection of 2 or more image regions |
MeasIERS | Interface to IERS tables |
LCIntersection | Make the intersection of 2 or more regions |
Copy_global_functions_throw | Copy objects from one C-style array to another |
Copy_global_functions_test | Test routines |
Copy_global_functions_copy | Copy methods |
ROIncrementalStManAccessor | Give access to some IncrementalStMan functions |
MSArrayParse | Class to hold values from array grammar parser |
MVEpoch | A class for high precision time |
ROMSMainColumns | A class for easy read-only access to MeasurementSet main table columns |
MSMainColumns | A class for easy read-write access to MeasurementSet main table columns |
MSFreqOffsetEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet FREQ_OFFSET table |
HDF5HidProperty | A class representing an HDF5 property hid |
HDF5HidDataType | A class representing an HDF5 datatype hid |
HDF5HidDataSpace | A class representing an HDF5 dataspace hid |
HDF5HidAttribute | A class representing an HDF5 attribute hid |
TableTrace | Class with static functions for tracing column IO |
QC | Physical constants (i.e. dimensioned values) |
RebinLattice | Rebin a masked lattice |
RebinImage | Rebin an image |
StIndArray | Read/write indirect arrays |
CurvedLattice2D | A lattice crosscut based on a curve in a plane |
LELBinary | This LEL class handles numerical binary operators |
LELBinaryCmp | This LEL class handles relational binary numerical operators |
LELBinaryBool | This LEL class handles logical binary operators |
ReadAsciiTable_global_functions_readAsciiTable | Filling a table from an Ascii file |
ReadAsciiTable | Helper class for readAsciiTable |
MSWeatherEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet WEATHER table |
LCRegion | Abstract base class to define a region of interest in lattice coordinates |
MSDataDescIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS DATA_DESC subtable |
TiledDataStManAccessor | Give access to some TiledDataStMan functions |
LELUnaryConst | This LEL class handles scalar (unary) constants |
LELUnary | This LEL class handles numerical unary operators |
LELUnaryBool | This LEL class handles logical unary operators |
SortKey | Define a Sort key |
Sort | Sort on one or more keys, ascending and/or descending |
DirectionCoordinate | Interconvert pixel positions and directions (e.g. RA/DEC) |
TableProxy | High-level interface to tables |
CompiledParam | Parameters for a compiled string function object |
MathFuncError | Error class for MathFunc class |
MathFunc_global_functions_spheriodal_functions | Fred Schwab function to calculate spheriodal functions |
MathFunc_global_functions_FUNCTYPE_enum | Enum used to identify function type for MathFunc class |
FuncId | Function ID, for use by MathFunc class |
MathFunc | A class to generate values of mathematical functions |
Unary | Unary |
GaussianConv | Gaussian |
KB_Conv | A Kaiser-Bessel function |
Mod_KB_Conv | A Kaiser-Bessel function multiplied by a Gaussian |
Sinc_Conv | Sine x / x function |
Sph_Conv | Spheroidal function |
ExpSincConv | Exponential times a Sinc |
QualityCoordinate | Interconvert between pixel and Quality value |
BucketBuffered | Use buffered file IO for buckets in a part of a file |
Primes | Creates a reference table of prime numbers, and some functions |
ArrayBase | Non-templated base class for templated Array class |
TableRecordRep | The representation of a TableRecord |
TabVecLogic_global_functions_vectorComparison | Comparison between two table vectors |
TabVecLogic_global_functions_scalarComparison | Comparison between a table vector and a scalar |
SSMColumn | A Column in the Standard Storage Manager |
Function_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
BaseEngine | Abstract base class for the TaQL UDF conversion engines |
StatisticsAlgorithm | Base class of statistics algorithm class hierarchy |
TableLockData | Class to hold table lock data |
HDF5DataSet | A class representing an HDF5 data set |
IBMDataConversion | A class with virtual functions to convert IBM format |
MSFeed | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FEED table |
Template | Canonicalise, format and other actions on Casacore template definitions |
EvenPolynomial | A one dimensional odd polynomial class |
EvenPolynomial_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of EvenPolynomial for AutoDiff |
MultiFileBuffer | Helper class for MultiFileInfo holding a data buffer |
MultiFileInfo | Helper class for MultiFileBase containing info per internal file |
MultiFileBase | Abstract base class to combine multiple files in a single one |
MRadialVelocity | A Measure: radial velocity |
LatticeExprNode | Bridging class to allow C++ expressions involving lattices |
ObsInfo | Store miscellaneous information related to an observation |
LattRegionHolder | Class to hold a region of interest in an image |
ROMSSpWindowColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSASpectralWindow columns |
MSSpWindowColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSSpectralWindow columns |
SpecificFunctionFactory | |
BaseMappedArrayEngine | Templated virtual column engine for a table array of any type |
GaussianBeam | Represents a Gaussian restoring beam associated with an image |
PGPlotterNull | Plot to a PGPLOT device "local" to this process |
TableCopy | Class with static functions for copying a table |
StatisticsAlgorithmFactory | Provides a single interface for creation of stats algorithm objects |
MrsEligibility | |
MeasurementSet | A Table intended to hold astronomical data (a set of Measurements) |
TableExprNode | Handle class for a table column expression tree |
MarshallableChebyshev | A Chebyshev function class that supports serialization |
StManArrayFile | Read/write array in external format for a storage manager |
OddPolynomialParam | Parameter handling for odd polynomials |
TableParse | Class to hold values from table grammar parser |
TableParseSort | Helper class for sort keys in TableParse |
TableParseUpdate | Helper class for updates in TableParse |
TableParseSelect | Select-class for flex/bison scanner/parser for TableParse |
LogiArray_global_functions_LogicalArray | Logical valued Arrays |
MEarthMagnetic | A Measure: Magnetic field on Earth |
ConstantNDParam | Parameter handling for a constant function in a space of arbitrary dimensionality |
ColumnCache | A caching object for a table column |
LinearCoordinate | Interconvert between pixel and a linear world coordinate |
DopplerUDF | TaQL UDFs for Doppler conversions |
Aberration | Aberration class and calculations |
ROMSPointingColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSPointing columns |
MSPointingColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSPointing columns |
MSLister | List visibility records from a Measurement Set |
LatticeMathUtil | Static math functions for Lattices |
LatticeMathUtil_global_functions_LatticeMathUtil | Global functions on Lattices |
MatrixIterator | Iterate a Matrix cursor through another Array |
ReadOnlyMatrixIterator | Iterate a Matrix cursor through a R/O Array |
LatticeRegion | An optionally strided region in a Lattice |
EmptyStackError | Error class for the Stack class |
Gaussian1D | A one dimensional Gaussian class |
Gaussian1D_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of Gaussian1D for AutoDiff |
LatticeBase | A non-templated, abstract base class for array-like objects |
WCUnion | Make the union of 2 or more image regions |
MeasuresProxy | |
DefaultValue_global_functions_defval | A templated function which sets a variable to a default value |
LatticeAddNoise | Add noise from specified distribution to a lattice |
ImageRegrid | This regrids one image to match the coordinate system of another |
LatticeConvolver | A class for doing multi-dimensional convolution |
ImageAttrGroup | Abstract base class for an image attributes group |
ByteSource | Class for read-only access to data in a given format |
SSMBase | Base class of the Standard Storage Manager |
LSQaips | Interface for Casacore Vectors in least squares fitting |
TableMeasOffsetDesc | Definition of a Measure Offset in a Table |
SDSpWindowHandler | |
TableMeasColumn | Read only access to table scalar Measure columns |
LELLattCoordBase | The base letter class for lattice coordinates in LEL |
ROMSFieldColumns | A class to provide easy access to MSField columns |
MSFieldColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSField columns |
PrecTimer | Precision timer to measure elapsed times in a cumulative way |
TimeStruct | |
Union1 | |
Union2 | |
TableExprAggrNodeArray | TaQL node representing an array aggregate function |
AipsError | Base class for all Casacore library errors |
AllocError | Allocation errors |
IndexError | Base class for all indexing errors |
indexError | Index errors returning the bad index |
DuplError | Duplicate key errors |
duplError | Duplicate key errors where the bad key is returned |
SystemCallError | Exception for an error in a system call |
AbortError | Exception which halts execution |
InitError | Initialization error, typically of static data shared between objects |
TVecMath_global_functions_basicMath | Basic math for table vectors |
TVecMath_global_functions_basicTransMath | Transcendental math for table vectors |
TVecMath_global_functions_advTransMath | Further transcendental math for table vectors |
TVecMath_global_functions_miscellaneous | Miscellaneous table vector operations |
TVecMath_global_functions_vectorMath | Vector operations on a table vector |
ROTableRow | Readonly access to a table row |
TableRow | Read/write access to a table row |
MSHistoryHandler | A class to provide a simple interface to history writing |
RadialVelocityUDF | TaQL UDFs for RadialVelocity conversions |
Precession | Precession class and calculations |
ClassicalQuantileComputer | This class is used internally by ClassicalStatistics objects |
ScalarQuantColumn | Provides access to Scalar Quantum Columns in Tables |
FrequencyAligner | Aligns spectra in frequency space |
NNGridder | A non-negative gridding class |
StatsHistogram | Represents an unfilled histogram with equal width bins for binning used for quantile computations |
QMath_global_functions_Quantum_mathematical_operations | Mathematical operations for the Quantum class |
TableIterator | Iterate through a Table |
LCHDF5Mask | Class to define a rectangular mask as a region |
Timer | Measure the time it takes to execute parts of a program |
DirectionEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF Direction conversions |
PlainColumn | Base class for a column in a plain table |
Interpolate2D | A two dimension interpolator for Matrices or Arrays |
Quality | Quality parameter definitions |
ArrayOpsDiffShapes_global_functions_OpsDiff_functions | Operations for 2 Arrays with possibly different shapes |
ImageOpener | Definition of image types and handlers |
PtrHolder | Hold and delete pointers not deleted by object destructors |
ClassicalStatistics | Class to calculate statistics in a "classical" sense, ie using accumulators with no special filtering beyond optional range filtering etc |
MSSysCalIndex | |
MSTimeParse | Class to hold values from time grammar parser |
TableExprAggrNode | TaQL node representing a scalar aggregate function |
MPosition | A Measure: position on Earth |
LCExtension | Extend an LCRegion along straight lines to other dimensions |
MSSpwGram_global_functions_MSSpwGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSSpwGram |
SDDataDescHandler | |
Gaussian2DParam | Parameter handling for 2 dimensional Gaussian class |
HDF5Image | Read, store, and manipulate astronomical images in HDF5 format |
VirtualTaQLColumn | Virtual scalar column using TaQL |
Slicer | Specify which elements to extract from an n-dimensional array |
Slicer_global_functions_Slicer_IO | IO functions for Slicer's |
LogiMatrix_global_functions_LogicalMatrix | Logical valued Matrices |
TaQLNodeVisitor | Class to visit the nodes in the raw TaQL parse tree |
Gridder | A base class for gridding |
LatticeLocker | Class to hold a (user) lock on a lattice |
re_pattern_buffer | This data structure is used to represent a compiled pattern |
re_registers | Data structure to store register contents data in |
ArrayIterator | Iterate an Array cursor through another Array |
Dummy_Constants_class | Mathematical and numerical constants |
RefRows | Class holding the row numbers in a RefTable |
RefRowsSliceIter | Class to iterate through a RefRows object |
TempLatticeImpl | The class implementing TempLattice |
FunctionMarshallable | Class for serializing/reconstituting Function objects to/from Records |
MatrixMath_global_functions_Linear_Algebra | Linear algebra functions on Vectors and Matrices |
RotMatrix | A 3x3 rotation matrix |
RegionType | Define the various region types |
MSDerivedValues | MSDerivedValues calculates values derived from a MS |
TSMOption | Options for the Tiled Storage Manager Access |
LineCollapser | Abstract base class for LatticeApply function signatures |
MSPolarizationEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet POLARIZATION table |
CopyRecordToTable | Copies fields from a Record to columns of a Table |
CopyRecordToRecord | Copies fields between Records, possibly to fields with another name |
NumericTraits< Float > | A specialisation for T=Float of the NumericTraits class |
NumericTraits< Double > | A specialisation for T=Double of the NumericTraits class |
NumericTraits< Complex > | A specialisation for T=Complex of the NumericTraits class |
NumericTraits< DComplex > | A specialisation for T=DComplex of the NumericTraits class |
LogiVector_global_functions_LogicalVector | Logical valued Vectors |
ScaledComplexData | Templated virtual column engine to scale a complex table array |
TabVecTemp | Templated table vectors held in memory as a temporary |
TableMeasDesc | Definition of a Measure column in a Table |
MSFeedGram_global_functions_MSFeedGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSFeedGram |
SetupNewTableRep | Representation for handle class SetupNewTable |
SetupNewTable | Create a new table - define shapes, data managers, etc |
PGPlotterInterface | Abstract base class for PGPLOT style plotting |
MeasFrame | Container for Measure frame |
MeasFrame_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
MSCorrGram_global_functions_MSCorrGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSCorrGram |
Measure | Physical quantities within reference frame |
Measure_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
HashMapIO_global_functions_hashmapio | HashMap/HashMapIter IO functions |
StatisticsUtilities | Various statistics related methods for the statistics framework |
GNoiseFunction | A one dimensional normal distribution |
LinearXform | Perform a linear transform between input and output vectors |
LELUnaryEnums | Each LEL unary operation is described in this enum |
MSFeedEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet FEED table |
SimButterworthBandpass | Class for evaluating a Butterworth filter transfer function |
MeasTableMul | MeasTableMul provides thread-safe access to time-dependent multiplier matrices |
MeasTableMulSCBase | Base class for standard and B1950 nutation multipliers |
MeasTableMulSC | Class calculating the standard nutation multipliers |
MeasTableMulSC1950 | Class calculating the B1950 nutation multipliers |
MeasTableMulSC2000Base | Base class for J2000 nutation multipliers |
MeasTableMulSC2000A | Class calculating the J2000A nutation multipliers |
MeasTableMulSC2000B | Class calculating the J2000B nutation multipliers |
MeasTableMulAber | Class calculating the standard aberration multipliers |
MeasTableMulAber1950 | Class calculating the B1950 aberration multipliers |
MeasTableMulPosSunXY | Class calculating the XY solar position multipliers |
MeasTableMulPosSunZ | Class calculating the Z solar position multipliers |
MeasTableMulPosEarthXY | Class calculating the XY earth position multipliers |
MeasTableMulPosEarthZ | Class calculating the Z earth position multipliers |
MSObservation | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet OBSERVATION table |
SSMStringHandler | Store strings in the Standard Storage Manager |
TabVecScaCol | Templated table scalar column vectors |
MSSelectableTable | MSSelectableTable: An interface class used by MSSelection module to access the sub-tables and main-table columns of MS-like tables |
MSInterface | MSInterface: A specialization of MSSelectableTable for accessing MS |
ArrayFunctorBase | Basic class for math on Array objects |
LatticeCleanProgress | Abstract base class to monitor progress in lattice operations |
ModcompConversion | Static functions to convert Modcomp numeric formats |
MSConcat | A class with functions for concatenating MeasurementSets |
MSMetaData | Class to interrogate an MS for metadata. Interrogation happens on demand and resulting metadata are stored for use by subsequent queries if the cache has not exceeded the specified limit. Caching of MS main table columns has been removed because the cache can be swamped by columns for large MSes, meaning that smaller data structures, which are more computationally expensive to create, aren't cached. Also, the column data is usually only needed temporarily to compute smaller data structures, and the column data is not particularly expensive to recreate if necessary. Parallel processing is enabled using openmp |
ColumnStats | |
ScanProperties | |
SourceProperties | Non-primary key data for a SOURCE table row |
SpwProperties | |
SubScanProperties | |
TimeStampProperties | |
ConversionIO | Class for IO in a converted format |
MedianSlider | Class to compute sliding median |
VirtualColumnEngine | Abstract base class for virtual column handling |
SCSL | C++ Interface to the Sgi/Cray Scientific Library (SCSL) |
LCPixelSet | Class to define a rectangular mask as a region |
MSMDirColumn | Memory storage manager for table arrays |
MSMBase | Base class for memory-based table storage manager class |
HDF5Object | An abstract base class representing an HDF5 object |
MVPosition | A 3D vector in space |
DOos | DO for accessing os-specific functions |
ValType | Data types and their undefined values |
ImageInfo | Miscellaneous information related to an image |
ImageInfo_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
MSDataDescription | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet DATADESCRIPTION table |
HDF5Error | Base error class for HDF5 wrapper classes |
TaQLNodeResultRep | Abstract base class to hold the result of a visit to the node tree |
TaQLNodeResult | Envelope class to hold the result of a visit to the node tree |
TableVectorHelper | |
TableVector | Templated readonly table column vectors |
ROStandardStManAccessor | Give access to some StandardStMan functions |
Time | Date and time enquiry functions, with some operations |
ConstHashMapIter | |
HashMapIter | Step through a non-const HashMap |
JsonError | |
ConvEnums | Lists the different types of Convolutions that can be done |
TableExprNodeRecordField | Scalar field in record select expression tree |
TableExprNodeRecordFieldArray | Array field in record select expression tree |
SubTableDesc | Description of columns containing tables |
BasicFITS_global_functions_ReadFITS | Read a FITS file from a Casacore array |
BasicFITS_global_functions_WriteFITS | Write a FITS file to a Casacore array |
WCComplement | Make the complement of an image region |
MCDoppler | MDoppler conversion routines |
SquareMatrix_global_functions_SqM_global_functions | Various global math and IO functions |
MCDirection | MDirection conversion routines |
MSPrimaryTableHolder | A helper class for MSFitsInput |
MSPrimaryGroupHolder | A helper class for MSFitsInput |
MSFitsInput | UV FITS to MeasurementSet filler |
LatticeSlice1D | Extract a 1-D slice from a Lattice |
LCRegionMulti | Make the intersection of 2 or more regions |
MSPolnGram_global_functions_MSPolnGramFunctions | Global functions to drive the MSPolnParse class. These, for Polarization selection, need not be global functions, but are done this way to keep the interface uniform for the various selection expressions |
RecordFieldPtr | Access to an individual field in a record |
ColumnsIndex | Index to one or more columns in a table |
DynLib | Class to handle loading of dynamic libraries |
CompiledFunction | Form a linear combination of function objects |
TaqlRegex | Class to handle a Regex or StringDistance |
TableExprNodeRep | Abstract base class for a node in a table column expression tree |
TableExprNodeBinary | Abstract base class for a node having 0, 1, or 2 child nodes |
TableExprNodeMulti | Abstract base class for a node having multiple child nodes |
BiweightStatisticsData | |
StatisticsIncrementer | Utility functions used for incrementing pointers in a data set used by the stats framework |
TableError | Base error class for storage manager |
TableInternalError | Internal table error |
TableDuplFile | Table error; table (description) already exists |
TableNoFile | Table error; table (description) not found |
TableDescNoName | Table error; no name given to table description |
TableInvOpt | Table error; invalid table (description) option |
TableNoDir | Table error; path is not a directory |
TableNoDatFile | Table error; table.dat file not found |
TableInvType | Table error; table type mismatch |
TableInvColumnDesc | Table error; invalid column description |
TableInvHyperDesc | Table error; invalid hypercolumn description |
TableUnknownDesc | Table error; unknown column description |
TableInvDT | Table error; invalid data type |
TableInvOper | Table error; invalid operation |
TableArrayConformanceError | Table error; non-conformant array |
TableConformanceError | Table error; table length conformance error |
TableInvSort | Table error; invalid sort |
TableInvLogic | Table error; invalid logical operation |
TableInvExpr | Table error; invalid select expression |
TableVectorNonConform | Table error; non-conformant table vectors |
TableParseError | Table error; invalid table command |
TableGramError | Table grammar error; invalid table command |
TableExprGroupKey | Class representing a key in the groupby clause |
TableExprGroupKeySet | Class representing all keys in the groupby clause |
TableExprGroupResult | Class holding the results of groupby and aggregation |
TableExprGroupFuncBase | Abstract base class for classes calculating an aggregated group result |
TableExprGroupNull | Class derived from TableExprGroupFuncBase representing a no function |
TableExprGroupFirst | Class derived from TableExprGroupFuncBase for the first value in a group |
TableExprGroupLast | Class derived from TableExprGroupFuncBase for the first value in a group |
TableExprGroupExprId | Class derived from TableExprGroupFuncBase collecting the ids in a group |
TableExprGroupRowid | Class collecting the rowids of entries in a group |
TableExprGroupAggr | Class collecting the arrays in a group |
TableExprGroupFuncBool | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a bool scalar |
TableExprGroupFuncInt | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving an integer scalar |
TableExprGroupFuncDouble | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a double scalar |
TableExprGroupFuncDComplex | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a dcomplex scalar |
TableExprGroupFuncDate | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a date/time scalar |
TableExprGroupFuncString | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a string scalar |
TableExprGroupFuncArrayBool | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a bool array |
TableExprGroupFuncArrayInt | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving an integer array |
TableExprGroupFuncArrayDouble | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a double array |
TableExprGroupFuncArrayDComplex | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a dcomplex array |
TableExprGroupFuncArrayDate | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a date/time array |
TableExprGroupFuncArrayString | Abstract base class for aggregate functions giving a string array |
TableExprGroupFuncSet | Class containing the results of aggregated values in a group |
LogIO | Ostream-like interface to creating log messages |
LogIO_global_functions_command | Functions to send commands to a LogIO object |
LogIO_global_functions_output | Functions to accumulate text in the output message |
ArrayBaseAccessor | Axis independent base for the ArrayAccessor classes |
ArrayAccessor | |
ArrayAccessor< T, Axis< U > > | Fast 1D accessor/iterator for nD array classes |
ArrayAccessor_RT< T, AxisN > | Specialization for run-time axes |
MemoryLogSink | Save log messages in memory |
Combinatorics | Combinatorics related functions |
ISMBucket | A bucket in the Incremental Storage Manager |
TiledLineStepper | Step a Vector cursor optimally through a tiled Lattice |
WCBox | Class to define a world coordinate box region of interest in an image |
ReadOnlyArrayIterator | Iterate a const Array cursor through a const Array |
ImageProxy | |
MCEpoch | MEpoch conversion routines |
Param | A simple keyword/value pair with internal help Strings |
ISMIndex | The Index of the Incremental Storage Manager |
RegionManager | |
FuncExpression | An expression executable as function |
FuncExpression_global_functions_output | Output function |
FuncExpression_global_functions_execute | Execute function |
ForwardColumn | Virtual column forwarding to another column |
ForwardColumnEngine | Virtual column engine forwarding to other columns |
ROMSDataDescColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSDataDesc columns |
MSDataDescColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSDataDescription columns |
FitToHalfStatisticsData | Various data for FitToHalfStatistics |
AipsrcVector_String< String > | Specialization of AipsrcVector for String |
AipsrcVector_Bool< Bool > | Specialization of AipsrcVector for Bool |
NonLinearFitLM | Solve non-linear fit with Levenberg-Marquardt method |
WCEllipsoid | Class to define an n-dimensional ellipsoid in world coordinates |
RawIO | Class for IO in local format |
TiledCellStMan | Tiled Cell Storage Manager |
LCMask | Class to define a rectangular mask as a temporary region |
MSSelUtil2 | |
LatticeHistSpecialize | Specialized functions for LatticeHistograms |
LinearFit | Class for linear least-squares fit |
ImageExpr | Hold mathematical expressions involving ImageInterface objects |
WCLELMask | Class to define a mask as a LEL expression |
BaseTableIterator | Base class for table iterator |
LatticeTwoPtCorr | Compute two point auto-correlation functions from a lattice |
LCEllipsoid | Define an N-dimensional ellipsoidal region of interest |
MSSpwIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS Data_Desc_ID and SpectralWindow subtables |
AutoDiff | Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation |
LatticeHistProgress | Provides a progress meter for the LatticeHistograms class |
MBaseline | A Measure: Baseline on Earth |
PolynomialParam | Parameter handling for one-dimensional polynomials |
SparseDiffA | Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation |
Casarc | |
meta_entry_ | |
CasarcCleanup | |
Record | A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types |
StandardStMan | The Standard Storage Manager |
ArrayUtil_global_functions_stringToVector | Split a String into its elements |
ArrayUtil_global_functions_concatenateArray | Concatenate two Arrays |
ArrayUtil_global_functions_partialFuncHelper | Helper function for partialX functions |
ArrayUtil_global_functions_reverseArray | Reverse the order of one or more axes of an array |
ArrayUtil_global_functions_reorderArray | Reorder the axes of an array |
ArrayUtil_global_functions_reorderArrayHelper | Helper function for function reorderArray |
MSStateEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet STATE table |
ScalarColumnDesc | Templated class to define columns of scalars in tables |
ScalarColumnData | Access to a table column containing scalars |
WCDifference | Make the difference of 2 image regions |
ScalarSampledFunctional | A unified interface for indexing into Vectors or Blocks |
HistAcc | Makes a histogram from input values |
FITSFieldCopier | Virtual base class for copying RORecordFields to FitsFields |
ScalarFITSFieldCopier | A FITSFieldCopier for copying scalar non-string RecordFields to FitsFields |
StringFITSFieldCopier | A FITSFieldCopier for copying String RecordFields to FitsFields |
ArrayFITSFieldCopier | A FITSFieldCopier for copying Array RecordFields to FitsFields |
VariableArrayFITSFieldCopier | |
CanonicalIO | Class for IO in canonical format |
RefTable | Class for a table as a view of another table |
Geometry | Geometry related methods |
LELAttribute | Ancillary information for the LEL letter classes |
ROTiledStManAccessor | Give access to some TiledStMan functions |
CompressComplex | Virtual column engine to scale a table Complex array |
CompressComplexSD | Virtual column engine to scale a table Complex array for Single Dish data |
Link | Doubly linked list primitive |
BucketCache_global_functions_BucketCache_CallBack | Define the type of the static read and write function |
BucketCache | Cache for buckets in a part of a file |
RegexBase | Abstract interface class to regular expressions for String |
MSMainEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet main table |
LCLELMask | Class to define a mask as a LEL expression |
LatticeConcat | Concatenates lattices along a specified axis |
ModcompDataConversion | A DataConversion class to convert between Modcomp format |
MSCorrParse | Class to hold values from UV dist grammar parser |
MSFieldIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS FIELD subtable |
Gaussian2D | A two dimensional Gaussian class |
Gaussian2D_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of Gaussian2D for AutoDiff |
MSObservationGram_global_functions_MSObservationGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSObservationGram |
TableExprNodeArray | Base class for arrays in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumn | Base class for Array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumnBool | Bool array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumnuChar | UChar array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumnShort | Short array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumnuShort | UShort array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumnInt | Int array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumnuInt | UInt array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumnInt64 | Int64 array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumnFloat | Float array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumnDouble | Double array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumnComplex | Complex array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumnDComplex | DComplex array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayColumnString | String array column in table select expression |
TableExprNodeIndex | The index of an array element in a table select expression |
TableExprNodeArrayPart | Array column part in table select expression |
FunctionHolder | A holder for Functions to enable record conversions |
FuncStat | Structure to hold functional status |
MeasEngine | Templated base class for the TaQL UDF conversion engines |
MSFreqOffIndex | |
IPosition | A Vector of integers, for indexing into Array<T> objects |
IPositionComparator | |
IPosition_global_functions_IPosition_Arithmetic | Arithmetic Operations for IPosition's Element by element arithmetic on IPositions |
IPosition_global_functions_IPosition_Logical | Logical operations for IPosition's Element by element boolean operations on IPositions |
IPosition_global_functions_IPosition_Indexing | Indexing functions for IPosition's Convert between IPosition and offset in an array |
MCuvw | Muvw conversion routines |
PixelCurve1D | Arbitrary 1-dim curve in a lattice plane |
OrderedPair | Ordered pair class |
ArrayLattice | A memory resident Lattice |
MSPolarizationIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into an MS POLARIZATION subtable |
Table | Main interface class to a read/write table |
CompoundFunction | Sum of a collection of Functions which behaves as one Function object |
CompoundFunction_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial AutoDiff specialization of CompoundFunction |
UnaryParam | Parameter handling for one dimensional unary function |
RecordDescRep | Representation of a RecordDesc |
ImageRegion | Class to hold a region of interest in an image |
TableExprId | The identification of a TaQL selection subject |
SDSysCalHandler | |
MSFieldEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet FIELD table |
Projection | Geometric parameters needed for a sky projection to a plane |
BaseSinkSource | Shared base class for ByteSink and ByteSource |
NoConvert | FITS templated helper class |
FitsLogical | FITS helper class |
FitsBit | Helper class for FITS Binary Tables |
FitsVADesc | Variable Length Array Descriptor |
FITS | Static functions and enumerations |
ReservedFitsKeyword | Reserved FITS keyword |
ReservedFitsKeywordCollection | Collection of reserved FITS keywords |
FitsNameResult | Analyse the name of a header card |
FitsValueResult | Analyse the value of a header card |
FitsParse | Parse a header card |
FitsKeyword | FITS keyword |
FitsKeywordList | Linked list of FITS keywords |
ConstFitsKeywordList | List of read-only FITS keywords |
FitsKeyCardTranslator | Translator between Keyword lists and fixed FITS cars |
FitsFPUtil | Utility functions for floating point values |
SPolynomialParam | Parameter handling for scaled 1-D polynomials |
SSMIndColumn | A column of Standard storage manager for indirect arrays |
MSStateIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into a MS FIELD subtable |
FFTEnums | Lists the different types of FFT's that can be done |
FFTServer | A class with methods for Fast Fourier Transforms |
JsonOut | Class to fill a file or stream in JSON format |
TaQLResult | Class to hold the result of a TaQL command |
IBMConversion | A class with static functions to convert IBM format |
SortError | Generic Sort exception |
SortInvDT | Invalid data type used for this sort key |
SortInvIncr | Invalid increment used for this sort key |
SortNoData | No data array given to Sort constructor |
SortInvOpt | Invalid sort option given to routine dosort |
MaskArrLogi_global_functions_MaskedArray_logical_operations | Logical operations for MaskedArrays, and between MaskedArrays and Arrays |
ROMSStateColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSState columns |
MSStateColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSState columns |
TimeFields | |
TableSyncData | Class to hold table synchronization data |
MSField | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FIELD table |
LSQFit | Basic class for the least squares fitting |
AsReal | |
Complex | |
Conjugate | |
Real | Simple classes to overload templated memberfunctions |
Separable | |
LELSpectralIndex | This LEL class handles calculation of the spectral index |
CanonicalConversion | LDOUBLE is 8 bytes on SUN, but 16 bytes canonical |
TiledShapeStMan | Tiled Data Storage Manager using the shape as id |
RORecordFieldPtr | Read-Only access to an individual field from a Record |
SDMainHandler | |
TableExprNodeEQBool | Bool comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeEQInt | Int comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeEQDouble | Double comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeEQDComplex | DComplex comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeEQString | String comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeEQRegex | Regex comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeEQDate | Date comparison == in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeNEBool | Bool comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeNEInt | Int comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeNEDouble | Double comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeNEDComplex | DComplex comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeNEString | String comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeNERegex | Regex comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeNEDate | Date comparison != in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeGTInt | Int comparison > in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeGTDouble | Double comparison > in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeGTDComplex | DComplex comparison > in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeGTString | String comparison > in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeGTDate | Date comparison > in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeGEInt | Int comparison >= in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeGEDouble | Double comparison >= in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeGEDComplex | DComplex comparison >= in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeGEString | String comparison >= in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeGEDate | Date comparison >= in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeINInt | Int comparison IN in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeINDouble | Double comparison IN in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeINDComplex | DComplex comparison IN in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeINString | String comparison IN in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeINDate | Date comparison IN in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeOR | Logical or in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeAND | Logical and in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeNOT | Logical not in table select expression tree |
ArrayIO_global_functions_Array_IO | Input/output operators for Arrays |
ArrayIO_global_functions_Array_binary_IO | Global functions to read/write binary arrays from/to a file |
ArrayIO_global_functions_Array_Ascii_IO | Global functions for Matrix/Vector input/output using ASCII format |
SimOrdMapIO_global_functions_inoutput | Global IO functions |
MArrayUtil_global_functions_reorderMArray | Reorder the axes of the data in an MArray object |
MArrayUtil_global_functions_reverseMArray | Reverse the order of one or more axes of an MArray |
CountedPtr_global_functions_dereference_error | Act on dereference error |
StatisticsAlgorithmQuantileComputer | This is the virtual base class from which concrete QuantileComputer classes are derived |
LittleEndianConversion | A class with static functions to convert littleEndian format |
MSFitsOutputAstron | Write a MeasurementSet to a random group uvfits file |
ArrayMath_global_functions_Array_mathematical_operations | Mathematical operations for Arrays |
FITSSpectralUtil | A class with static functions to help deal with FITS spectral axes |
ArrayQuantColumn | Provides read/write access to Array Quantum columns in Tables |
NullTable | Class indicating a null Table object |
HelpMeasUDF | |
StatisticsDataset | Representation of a statistics dataset used in statistics framework calculatations |
ChunkData | Holds information about a data chunk |
MS1ToMS2Converter | Class to convert a MeasurementSet v1 to v2 |
Conversion | A class with general conversion definitions |
CasaErrorTools | |
RawDataConversion | A class with virtual functions to copy without conversion |
MeasJPL | Interface to JPL DE tables |
StManColumnAipsIO | AipsIO table column storage manager class |
StManAipsIO | AipsIO table storage manager class |
VSCEngine | Base virtual column for a scalar column with any type |
CLIPNearest2D | Arbitrarily shaped 1-dim lattice crosscut |
CleanEnums | Lists the different types of Convolutions that can be done |
LatticeCleaner | A class for doing multi-dimensional cleaning |
RecordDesc | Description of the fields in a record object |
StManColumnArrayAipsIO | AipsIO storage manager for direct table arrays |
StringDistance | Class to deal with Levensthein distance of strings |
MFrequency | A Measure: wave characteristics |
MVBaseline | A 3D vector on Earth |
Choice | Class to ask a user a choice |
Gaussian3D | A three dimensional Gaussian class |
Gaussian3D_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of Gaussian3D for AutoDiff |
LogSink | Distribute LogMessages to their destination(s) |
LsiIntermediate | LsiIntermediate is a helper class to allow LogSinkInterface to implement semantics that allow causing all classes accessing the log sink to be aimed at a different sink object |
MCBase | Base for specific measure conversions |
WCRegion | Base class to define world coordinate regions of interest in an image |
SerialHelper | |
ParAngleMachine | Converts a direction into parallactic angle |
MSFreqOffset | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet FREQ_OFFSET table |
RecordFieldWriter | Record field writer. Base class for the copiers |
RecordFieldCopier | Record field copier |
UnequalShapeCopier | Unequal shape copier |
MultiRecordFieldWriter | Multi field writer |
TableMeasValueDesc | Definition of a Measure Value in a Table |
MSSpectralWindow | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SPECTRAL_WINDOW table |
ObjectID | ObjectID: A unique identifier for distributed and other objects |
MSSelUtil | Helper class for MSFlagger with templated static function |
FrequencyUDF | TaQL UDFs for Frequency conversions |
MSTableMaps | A struct holding the maps used in MSTable |
MSTable | A Table intended to hold astronomical data |
FuncExprData | Data and enumerations for functional expressions |
ExprCompState | The compilation state descriptor |
ExprOperator | The operator description: code; priority; # of arguments; # of arguments used up (or produced for functions) |
FuncExprData_global_functions_output | Output function |
TableInfo | Table type, subtype and further info |
Path | Path name of a file |
VAXDataConversion | A class with virtual functions to convert VAX format |
Convolver | Forward Declarations |
MSProcessorEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet PROCESSER table |
StatAcc | A statistics accumulator |
MIRIADImage | Class providing native access to MIRIAD images |
DirectionUDF | TaQL UDFs for Direction conversions |
RegSequence | Sequence for the Register() template functions |
TableIterProxy | Proxy for table iterator access |
SSMDirColumn | A Direct Array Column in the Standard Storage Manager |
NewFile | Do checks for a new (non-existent) file |
MSInterval | Small helper class to specify an 'interval' comparison |
MSIter | An iterator class for MeasurementSets |
BiweightStatistics | The biweight algorithm is a robust iterative algorithm that computes two quantities called the "location" and the "scale", which are analogous to the mean and the standard deviation |
TableExprGroupCountAll | Aggregate class counting number of rows in a group |
TableExprGroupCount | Aggregate class counting number of rows in a group containing a value |
TableExprGroupAny | Aggregate class counting if any value in a group is true |
TableExprGroupAll | Aggregate class counting if all values in a group are true |
TableExprGroupNTrue | Aggregate class counting the number of true values in a group |
TableExprGroupNFalse | Aggregate class counting the number of false values in a group |
TableExprGroupMinInt | Aggregate class determining the minimum integer value in a group |
TableExprGroupMaxInt | Aggregate class determining the maximum integer value in a group |
TableExprGroupSumInt | Aggregate class determining the sum of integer values in a group |
TableExprGroupProductInt | Aggregate class determining the product of integer values in a group |
TableExprGroupSumSqrInt | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of integer values in a group |
TableExprGroupMinDouble | Aggregate class determining the minimum double value in a group |
TableExprGroupMaxDouble | Aggregate class determining the maximum double value in a group |
TableExprGroupSumDouble | Aggregate class determining the sum of double values in a group |
TableExprGroupProductDouble | Aggregate class determining the product of double values in a group |
TableExprGroupSumSqrDouble | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of double values in a group |
TableExprGroupMeanDouble | Aggregate class determining the mean of values in a group |
TableExprGroupVarianceDouble | Aggregate class determining the variance of values in a group |
TableExprGroupStdDevDouble | Aggregate class determining the standard deviation of values in a group |
TableExprGroupRmsDouble | Aggregate class determining the RMS of values in a group |
TableExprGroupFractileDouble | Aggregate class determining the fractile of values in a group |
TableExprGroupSumDComplex | Aggregate class determining the sum of complex values in a group |
TableExprGroupProductDComplex | Aggregate class determining the product of complex values in a group |
TableExprGroupSumSqrDComplex | Aggregate class determining the sum of squares of complex values in a group |
TableExprGroupMeanDComplex | Aggregate class determining the mean of complex values in a group |
TableExprGroupVarianceDComplex | Aggregate class determining the variance of values in a group |
TableExprGroupStdDevDComplex | Aggregate class determining the standard deviation of values in a group |
FunctionFactoryError | |
UnrecognizedFunctionError | |
InvalidSerializationError | |
FieldNotFoundError | |
WCExtension | Make the extension of an image region |
ZScoreCalculator | This class contains static methods related to z-scores |
MeasBase | Base class for all measures |
MeasValue | Base class for values in a Measure |
MeasValue_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
EvenPolynomialParam | Parameter handling for even polynomials |
MSSummary | Provides and lists information about the header of an image |
ValueHolder | A holder for a value of any basic Casacore data type |
Stokes | Stokes parameter definitions for interface to table data |
RecordInterface | Abstract base class for Record classes |
RecordNotice | Helper class to notify class Record about changes |
SDFieldHandler | |
ROMSPolarizationColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSPolarization columns |
MSPolarizationColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSPolarization columns |
TableMeasRefDesc | Definition of a Measure Reference in a Table |
ArrayLogical_global_functions_Array_logical_operations | Logical operations for Arrays |
AllFunc | Define logical Functors |
AnyFunc | |
NTrueFunc | |
NFalseFunc | |
MemoryIO | Class for IO to a memory buffer |
MSWeather | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet WEATHER table |
BlockIO_global_functions_BlockIO | IO functions for Block |
ImageBeamSet | Represents a set of restoring beams associated with an image |
FITSTabular | Simplified interface to FITS tables with Casacore Look and Feel |
FITSTable | Attach a FITSTabular to a binary or ASCII table |
FITSTableWriter | Simplified interface to create and write to a FITS Binary Table |
FITSGroupWriter | Simplified interface to create and write to FITS random groups |
Gaussian3DParam | Parameter handling for 3 dimensional Gaussian class |
ImageSummary | Provides and lists information about the header of an image |
AipsIOCarray_global_functions_AipsIOCarray | Templated functions to get/put a C-style array from/into AipsIO |
FitsIO | Sequential FITS I/O |
FitsInput | Fixed-length sequential blocked FITS input |
FitsOutput | Fixed-length sequential blocked FITS output |
FitsDiskInput | FITS input from disk |
FitsDiskOutput | FITS output to disk |
FitsStdInput | FITS input from standard input |
FitsStdOutput | FITS output to standard output |
FitsTape9Input | FITS input from 9-track tape |
FitsTape9Output | FITS output to 9-track tape |
MSArrayGram_global_functions_MSArrayGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSArrayGram |
MultiTermLatticeCleaner | |
TableExprNodeSetElem | Class to hold the table expression nodes for an element in a set |
TableExprNodeSet | Class to hold multiple table expression nodes |
MSDopplerUtil | A utility class for MS Doppler tracking information |
MSTileLayout | An helper class for deciding on tile shapes in MeasurementSets |
ImageAttrGroupHDF5 | Attribute group for a HDF5 image |
ColumnsIndexArray | Index to an array column in a table |
RigidVector_global_functions_math | Mathematical operations involving RigidVectors |
ObjectStack | A stack of re-usable objects |
LCStretch | Stretch length 1 axes in an LCRegion along straight lines |
KaiserBFunction | A one dimensional Kaiser-Bessel function |
CombiParam | Parameters for a linear combination of function objects |
VirtualArrayColumn | Templated base class for virtual array column |
RegularFile | Manipulate and get information about regular files |
MVuvw | A 3D vector on Earth |
ColumnSet | Class to manage a set of table columns |
MSDataDescriptionEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet DATA_DESCRIPTION table |
LELRegion | Class to hold a region as a LEL node |
LELRegionAsBool | Class to convert a region to a boolean node |
AutoDiffA | Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation |
ConcatRows | Class holding the row numbers in a ConcatTable |
ConcatRowsIter | Class to iterate through a ConcatRows object |
ByteSinkSource | Class for read/write access to data in a given format |
DataManInfo | Class with static functions to manipulate a datamanager record |
HDF5LattIter | A read/write Lattice iterator for PagedArrays |
MSReader | Read from an MS, coordinating all of the subtables in the process |
MSSelectionErrorHandler | |
MSSelectionLogError | |
TableExprNodeArrayConstBool | Bool Array constant in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayConstInt | Int Array constant in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayConstDouble | Double Array constant in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayConstDComplex | DComplex Array constant in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayConstString | String Array constant in table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayConstDate | Date Array constant in table select expression tree |
ArrayInitPolicy | A global enum used by some Array/Block constructors |
ArrayInitPolicies | |
casacore_allocator | |
rebind | |
new_del_allocator | |
rebind | |
Allocator_private | |
AllocSpec | Allocator specifier |
BulkAllocator | |
BulkAllocatorImpl | |
AbstractAllocator | |
BaseAllocator | |
NewDelAllocator | An allocator behaves like operator new[]/delete[] |
AlignedAllocator | An allocator which allocates aligned memory |
DefaultAllocator | An aligned allocator with the default alignment |
AllocSpec | Allocator specifier |
MSAntennaParse | Class to hold values from antenna grammar parser |
ArrayPositionIterator | Iterate an IPosition through the shape of an Array |
ImageAttrHandlerHDF5 | Abstract base class for an image attributes handler |
Muvw | A Measure: uvw on Earth |
TVec_global_functions_enum | Enumeration of possible table vectors |
JsonParser | Class for parsing Json-style key:value lines |
MSTableIndex | |
MaskArrIO_global_functions_MaskedArray_IO | Ascii input/output operations for MaskedArrays |
Euler | Vector of Euler rotation angles |
LatticeNavigator | Abstract base class to steer lattice iterators |
MapIterRep | Abstract base class for associative array iterators |
ConstMapIter | Const associative array iterator |
Map | Abstract base class for associative arrays |
MapRep | Map representation class |
MapIter | Associative array iterator |
MSDopplerEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet DOPPLER table |
MSSpwParse | Class to hold values from field grammar parser |
Sinusoid1D | A one dimensional Sinusoid class |
Sinusoid1D_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of Sinusoid1D for AutoDiff |
StorageOption | Options defining how table files are organized |
DopplerEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF Doppler conversions |
HingesFencesStatistics | Class to calculate statistics using the so-called hinges and fences algorithm |
FunctionWrapper | Construct nD function objects from C++ functions |
MSScanParse | Class to hold values from scan grammar parser |
SDHistoryHandler | |
BlockTrace | Simple 1-D array |
Block_internal_IsFundamental | |
Block_internal_IsPointer | |
MaskLogiArr_global_functions_MaskedLogicalArray | Masked LogicalArrays |
AipsrcValue< Bool > | Specialization of AipsrcValue for Bool |
SparseDiffMath_global_functions_SparseDiff_mathematical_operations | Implements all mathematical operators and functions for SparseDiff |
ScalarRecordColumnData | Access to a table column containing scalar records |
MSValidIds | |
MSPointing | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet POINTING table |
TaQLNodeHandler | Class to handle the nodes in the raw TaQL parse tree |
TaQLNodeHRValue | Class containing the result value of the handling of a TaQLNode |
SubScanKey | A sub scan is a unique combination of observation ID, array ID, scan number, and field ID |
ScanKey | A scan is a unique combination of observation ID, array ID, and scan number Negative values are allowed to indicate all values of the particular ID are desired |
ArrayKey | An ArrayKey is a unique combination of observation ID and array ID Negative values are allowed to indicate all values of the particular ID are desired |
SourceKey | Primary key in the SOURCE table |
TableExprNodeUnit | Unit for scalar values in a table select expression tree |
TableExprNodeArrayUnit | Unit for array values in a table select expression tree |
SpectralCoordinate | Interconvert pixel and frequency values |
MSObservationEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet OBSERVATION table |
MSParse | Class to hold values from an ms grammar parser |
ExtendLattice | An extension of a Lattice or MaskedLattice |
TaQLShow | Class to show various TaQL-related info |
ValueHolderRep | A holder for a value of any basic type |
MSAntenna | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet ANTENNA table |
LELLattice | This LEL class handles access to Lattices |
VanVleck | A class of static functions to aid with vanVleck corrections of lag data |
MSFeedParse | Class to hold values from feed grammar parser |
ImageFITSHeaderInfo | Struct holding information derived from the image and its header |
ImageFITSConverter | Interconvert between Casacore Images and FITS files |
ImageFITSConverterImpl | This class is an internal class for ImageFITSConverter |
RecordTransformable | Interface class for converting to/from records |
EnvironmentVariable | This class allows for getting enviroment variables |
LatticeStatsDataProviderBase | Abstract base class of data providers which allows stats framework to iterate through a lattice |
VAXConversion | A class with static functions to convert VAX format |
LogFilterInterface | Abstract base class for filtering LogMessages |
MaskSpecifier | Class to specify which mask to use in an image |
File | Class to get file information and a base for other file classes |
LatticeStatsBase | Base class for LatticeStatistics class |
MSFeedIndex | |
SolarPos | Solar position class and calculations |
HDF5Lattice | A Lattice that is read from or written to an HDF5 dataset |
ScalarRecordColumnDesc | Class to define columns of scalar records in tables |
MSObservationIndex | Class to handle lookup or indexing into an MS OBSERVATION subtable |
FitToHalfStatistics | Class to calculate statistics using the so-called fit to half algorithm |
LCRegionFixed | Abstract base class to define a fixed region |
TableLock | Class to hold table lock options |
MArrayLogical_global_functions_MArray_logical_operations | Logical operations for MArray objects |
MAllFunc | |
MAnyFunc | |
MNFalseFunc | |
MNTrueFunc | Define functors to perform a reduction function on an MArray object |
Stack | This class, Stack<t>, defines an implementation of a stack using the doubly linked list primitive, Link<t> |
ROMSDopplerColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSDoppler columns |
MSDopplerColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSDoppler columns |
Chebyshev | A function class that defines a Chebyshev polynomial |
ProgressMeter | Visual indication of a tasks progress |
MSAntennaEnums | Enums for the MeasurementSet ANTENNA table |
Memory | Memory related information and utilities. use visibility=export> |
PGPlotter | Standard plotting object for application programmers |
HDF5DataType | A class representing an HDF5 data type |
ROMSSysCalColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSSysCal columns |
MSSysCalColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSSysCal columns |
ListIO_global_functions_List_IO | Input/output operators for Lists |
MFFileIO | Class for IO on a virtual file in a MultiFileBase |
DataConversion | Abstract base class with functions to convert any format |
MSScanGram_global_functions_MSScanGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSScanGram |
GNoiseParam | A one dimensional normal distribution |
ROMSFlagCmdColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSFlagCmd columns |
MSFlagCmdColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSFlagCmd columns |
TableExprUDFNode | Class representing a scalar UDF in select expression |
SDAntennaHandler | |
MCPosition | MPosition conversion routines |
DerivedMSCal | Virtual column engine to return derived MS values |
TapeIO | Class for IO on a tape device |
BinarySearch_global_functions_binarysearch | Binary search a sorted, linear, data structure |
UnitName | Handles physical units |
MeasureHolder | A holder for Measures to enable record conversions |
LELCondition | Class to make a mask from a condition |
Register_global_functions_register | Primitive Run Time Type Information (RTTI) |
EpochEngine | Engine for TaQL UDF Epoch conversions |
FITSError | Default FITS error handling function, typdef, and enumeration |
Slice | Define a (start,length,increment) along an axis |
LoggerHolder | Class holding a hierarchy of loggers |
LoggerHolderRep | Representation of the class holding a hierarchy of loggers |
LogHolderIterEntry | Class representing an entry in a LoggerHolder |
LogHolderIter | Class doing the actual iteration through an LoggerHolder |
LoggerHolderIterator | Class to iterate through an LoggerHolder |
LatticeCache | Class for caching image access via tiles |
PoissonParam | A one dimensional Poisson function |
VirtualScalarColumn | Templated base class for virtual scalar column |
VirtScaCol_global_functions_getVirtualScalarColumn | Global functions to get or put data of a virtual column |
RODataManAccessor | Base class for the Data Manager Accessor classes |
MSSource | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SOURCE table |
LockFile | Class to handle file locking and synchronization |
MaskedArray_global_functions_MaskedArray_general_global_functions | General global functions for MaskedArrays, and MaskedArrays and Arrays |
RFError | Convenience class for a String/bool pair |
RFReaderWriter | Superclass for readers and writers containing common definitions and operations |
RFReader | Abstract superclass for any class that reads a format that produces Regions from a file |
RFWriter | Abstract superclass for any class that writes Regions to a region file format |
StManColumnIndArrayAipsIO | AipsIO storage manager for indirect table arrays |
TabVecMath_global_functions_basicMath | Basic math for table vectors |
TabVecMath_global_functions_basicTransMath | Transcendental math for table vectors |
TabVecMath_global_functions_advTransMath | Further transcendental math for table vectors |
TabVecMath_global_functions_miscellaneous | Miscellaneous table vector operations |
TabVecMath_global_functions_vectorMath | Vector operations on a table vector |
MSUvDistParse | Class to hold values from UV dist grammar parser |
CLInterpolator2D | Abstract base class for interpolator used by CurvedLattice2D |
ConcatScalarColumn | A typed column in a concatenated table |
MemoryTrace | Memory usage tracing mechanism |
MemoryTraceBlock | Class to write begin and end block message |
MSStateGram_global_functions_MSStateGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for MSStateGram |
MultiFile | Class to combine multiple files in a single one |
WrapperData | Aid in constructing function objects from C++ functions |
WrapperData_TT< T, T, T, True, True > | Specialization for calls with argument and parameter |
WrapperData_VT< T, Vector< T >, T, True, True > | Specialization for calls with argument and parameter |
WrapperData_TV< T, T, Vector< T >, True, True > | Specialization for calls with argument and parameters |
WrapperData_VV< T, Vector< T >, Vector< T >, True, True > | Specialization for calls with argument and parameters |
WrapperData_FT< T, T, T, False, True > | Specialization for calls with no arguments and parameter |
WrapperData_FV< T, T, Vector< T >, False, True > | Specialization for calls with no arguments and parameters |
WrapperData_TF< T, T, T, True, False > | Specialization for calls with argument and no parameters |
WrapperData_VF< T, Vector< T >, T, True, False > | Specialization for calls with argument and no parameters |
WrapperData_FF< T, T, T, False, False > | Specialization for calls with no arguments and no parameters |
LogFilterExpr | Class to deal with a TaQL expression to filter messages |
RecordFieldId | The identification of a record field |
DFTError | Error class for DFTServer class |
DFTServer | Class containing methods for doing n-D slow Fourier transforms |
ImageAttrHandlerCasa | Abstract base class for an image attributes handler |
InterpolateArray1D | Interpolate in one dimension |
MArrayBase | Base class for an array with an optional mask |
MSTableImpl | An implementation class for the MeasurementSet to share code |
ByteSink | Class for write-only access to data in a given format |
CurvedImage2D | An image crosscut based on a curve in a plane |
ConvolveGridder | Does convolutional gridding |
EarthMagneticMachine | Calculates magnetic field in a direction |
TabPath | Search path for table files |
RNG | Base class for random number generators |
ACG | Additive number generator |
MLCG | Multiplicative linear congruential generator |
Random | Base class for random number distributions |
Binomial | Binomial distribution |
DiscreteUniform | Discrete uniform distribution |
Erlang | Erlang distribution |
Geometric | Discrete geometric distribution |
HyperGeometric | Hypergeometric distribution |
Normal | Normal or Gaussian distribution |
LogNormal | Logarithmic normal distribution |
NegativeExpntl | Negative exponential distribution |
Poisson | Poisson distribution |
Uniform | Uniform distribution |
Weibull | Weibull distribution |
PowerLogarithmicPolynomialParam | Parameter handling for one-dimensional power logarithmic polynomials |
TSMCube | Tiled hypercube in a table |
HyperPlaneParam | Parameter handling for a hyper plane function |
LCPagedMask | Class to define a rectangular mask as a region |
LELFunctionEnums | Each LEL function is described in this enum |
IComplex | Integer complex numbers |
LSQMatrix | Support class for the LSQ package |
AxesSpecifier | Specification of axes to keep or remove |
MVDirection | Vector of three direction cosines |
Notice | Abstract base class for notices |
NoticeSource | Base class for notice originators |
NoticeTarget | Abstract base class for notice receptors |
NewMSSimulator | Create an empty MeasurementSet from observation and telescope descriptions |
Regex | Regular expression class |
Complex_global_functions_Complex_desc | Single and double precision complex numbers |
FunctionParam | Container of function parameters with masking flags |
FunctionParam_global_functions_Output | Global functions |
Unit | Defines physical units |
FITSImgParser | Class for handling FITS Image extensions |
FITSExtInfo | Class FitsKeywordList; |
KaiserBParam | A one dimensional Kaiser-Bessel function |
FileLocker | Class to handle file locking |
LECanonicalIO | Class for IO in little endian canonical format |
MSSelection | MSSelection: Class to represent a selection on an MS |
MSObservationParse | Class to hold values from scan grammar parser |
RowCopier | RowCopier copies all or part of a row from one table to another |
GaussianND | A Multi-dimensional Gaussian functional |
MSHistory | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet OBSERVATIONLOG table |
AipsIO | AipsIO is the object persistency mechanism of Casacore |
ConstantND | A constant function |
ConstantND_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of ConstantND for AutoDiff |
TaQLStyle | Class with static members defining the TaQL style |
ConstrainedRangeStatistics | Abstract base class for statistics algorithms which are characterized by a range of good values |
Coordinate | Interface for converting between world and pixel coordinates |
PagedArray | A Lattice that is read from or written to disk |
TableQuantumDesc | A class for defining Quantum columns in Tables |
PagedArrIter | A read/write Lattice iterator for PagedArrays |
SDFITSHandler | |
HashMap_global_functions_hashfunc | Hash functions for standard types |
HashMap_global_functions_defaulthashvalue | Specify the default values for HashMap keys |
HashClass | Hash function with state |
HashMap | Associative Array with a hash table implementation |
MCRadialVelocity | MRadialVelocity conversion routines |
Lorentzian1D | A one dimensional Lorentzian class |
Lorentzian1D_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of Lorentzian1D for AutoDiff |
RegionHandlerHDF5 | Class for keeping regions in an HDF5 file |
TableGram_global_functions_TableGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for TableGram |
Smooth | Smooth a Vector or the rows of a 2D Array taking into account flags which are supplied in a Vector/Array of the same shape. Modify the flags as necessary to mark channels for which the smoothing could not be done because needed channels were flagged |
ImageExprGram_global_functions_ImageExprGramFunctions | Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for ImageExprGram |
RetypedArraySetGet_global_functions_RetypedArrayEngineSetGet | Helper functions for users of RetypedArrayEngine |
PlainTable | Class defining a plain regular table |
TableExprIdAggr | The Table Expression Selection id used with aggregation |
ImageUtilities | Utility functions for Image manipulation |
ExtendImage | An extension of an ImageInterface object |
MultiHDF5 | Class to combine multiple files in a single HDF5 file |
FITSImage | Class providing native access to FITS images |
MeasComet | Position for comets and other solar system bodies |
MemoryStMan | Memory-based table storage manager class |
generic_global_functions_def | Generic gnu macros |
MDoppler | A Measure: Doppler shift |
LatticeStepper | Traverse a Lattice by cursor shape |
HostInfo | Miscellaneous information about this host and process |
MSState | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet STATE table |
TiledDataStMan | Tiled Data Storage Manager |
NonLinearFit | Class for non-linear least-squares fit |
MCBaseline | MBaseline conversion routines |
RegionHandlerTable | Class for keeping regions in memory |
SDFeedHandler | |
MEpoch | A Measure: instant in time |
TSMCubeBuff | Tiled hypercube in a table |
MVFrequency | Internal value for MFrequency |
TSMFile | File object for Tiled Storage Manager |
QuantumType_global_functions_QuantumType | Get an integer type for a Qunatum<T> |
VelocityMachine | Converts between velocities and frequencies |
Mutex | Wrapper around a pthreads mutex |
ScopedMutexLock | Exception-safe lock/unlock of a mutex |
CallOnce0 | Wrapper around std::call_once |
CallOnce | CallOnce: func has one arg |
TableExprUDFNodeArray | Class representing an array UDF in select expression |
OrdPairIO_global_functions_inoutput | These need to be left out SUN BUG |
DataType_global_functions_DataType | Data types (primarily) in the table system |
BlockIO | |
BlockInput | Fixed-length blocked sequential input base class |
BlockOutput | Fixed-length blocked sequential output base class |
FITSIDItoMS1 | FITSIDItoMS converts a FITS-IDI file to a CASA Measurement Set |
MSSourceIndex | |
ConstrainedRangeQuantileComputer | Basic concrete QuantileComputer class for data constrained to be in a specified range |
AutoDiffX | Class that computes partial derivatives by automatic differentiation |
TableColumn | Read/write access to a table column |
PoissonFunction | A one dimensional Poisson function |
PoissonFunction_PS< AutoDiff< T > > | Partial specialization of PoissonFunction for AutoDiff |
QVector | Specialization for Quantum<Vector<T> > |
FITSMultiTable | View multiple FITS files as a single table |
LCConcatenation | Combine multiple LCRegion's into a new dimension |
MemoryTable | Class for a table held in memory |
HDF5File | A class representing an HDF5 file |
VectorSTLIterator | Casacore Vector iterator |
ROMSAntennaColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSAntenna columns |
MSAntennaColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSAntenna columns |
AutoDiffIO_global_functions_AutoDiff_IO_operations | Implements all IO operators and functions for AutoDiff |
MSSysCal | A Table intended to hold a MeasurementSet SYSCAL table |
FITSDateUtil | A class with static functions to help deal with FITS dates |
AlignMemory | Referenced counted pointer for constant data |
MSRange | MSRange determines ranges of values in a MeasurementSet |
LCUnion | Make the union of 2 or more regions |
StatisticsData | This class defines the enum of supported statistics types in the statistics framework |
ROMSSourceColumns | A class to provide easy read-only access to MSSource columns |
MSSourceColumns | A class to provide easy read-write access to MSSource columns |
FFTPack | C++ interface to the Fortran FFTPACK library |
Nutation | Nutation class and calculations |
NullLogSink | Throw away all messages |
LatticeApply | Optimally iterate through a Lattice and apply provided function object |
casatools | |
OptionValue | |
opt | |
ServiceId | Namespace for CASAtools classes within "CASA code" |
Registrar | |
State | Namespace for CASAtools classes within "CASA code" |
Complexfwd_global_functions_Complexfwd | |
casacore | |
CorrelationBitMod | A namespace to encapsulate the CorrelationBit enumeration |
CorrelationModeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the CorrelationMode enumeration |
CorrelatorCalibrationMod | A namespace to encapsulate the CorrelatorCalibration enumeration |
CorrelatorNameMod | A namespace to encapsulate the CorrelatorName enumeration |
CorrelatorTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the CorrelatorType enumeration |
DataContentMod | A namespace to encapsulate the DataContent enumeration |
DataScaleMod | A namespace to encapsulate the DataScale enumeration |
DetectorBandTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the DetectorBandType enumeration |
DifferenceTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the DifferenceType enumeration |
DirectionReferenceCodeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the DirectionReferenceCode enumeration |
DopplerReferenceCodeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the DopplerReferenceCode enumeration |
DopplerTrackingModeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the DopplerTrackingMode enumeration |
enumerations | |
IDLConversionException | Exception when an error occurs in converting in restoring an Enumeration constant from its IDL representation |
XMLConversionException | Exception when an error occurs in converting in restoring an Enumeration constant from its XML representation |
FieldCodeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the FieldCode enumeration |
FilterModeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the FilterMode enumeration |
FluxCalibrationMethodMod | A namespace to encapsulate the FluxCalibrationMethod enumeration |
FocusMethodMod | A namespace to encapsulate the FocusMethod enumeration |
FrequencyReferenceCodeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the FrequencyReferenceCode enumeration |
HolographyChannelTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the HolographyChannelType enumeration |
HSV_casacore__Conversion_Functions | |
casa | |
InvalidatingConditionMod | A namespace to encapsulate the InvalidatingCondition enumeration |
NetSidebandMod | A namespace to encapsulate the NetSideband enumeration |
option | The namespace of The Lean Mean C++ Option Parser |
Descriptor | Describes an option, its help text (usage) and how it should be parsed |
Option | A parsed option from the command line together with its argument if it has one |
Arg | Functions for checking the validity of option arguments |
Stats | Determines the minimum lengths of the buffer and options arrays used for Parser |
CountOptionsAction | |
Parser | Checks argument vectors for validity and parses them into data structures that are easier to work with |
Action | |
StoreOptionAction | |
PrintUsageImplementation | |
FunctionWriter | |
IStringWriter | |
LinePartIterator | |
LineWrapper | |
OStreamWriter | |
StreamWriter | |
SyscallWriter | |
TemporaryWriter | |
PointingMethodMod | A namespace to encapsulate the PointingMethod enumeration |
PointingModelModeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the PointingModelMode enumeration |
PolarizationTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the PolarizationType enumeration |
PositionMethodMod | A namespace to encapsulate the PositionMethod enumeration |
PositionReferenceCodeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the PositionReferenceCode enumeration |
PrimaryBeamDescriptionMod | A namespace to encapsulate the PrimaryBeamDescription enumeration |
PrimitiveDataTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the PrimitiveDataType enumeration |
ProcessorSubTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the ProcessorSubType enumeration |
ProcessorTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the ProcessorType enumeration |
RadialVelocityReferenceCodeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the RadialVelocityReferenceCode enumeration |
ReceiverBandMod | A namespace to encapsulate the ReceiverBand enumeration |
ReceiverSidebandMod | A namespace to encapsulate the ReceiverSideband enumeration |
SBTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the SBType enumeration |
ScanIntentMod | A namespace to encapsulate the ScanIntent enumeration |
SchedulerModeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the SchedulerMode enumeration |
sdmbin | Enumerations used to select data: |
SDMData | A structure containing the data from a single SDM BLOB (origin: version for TP FBT, FV 12 Avril 2007) with the view of one row in the SDM Main table |
MSState | A structure containing state information following the MSv2.0 data model |
MSData | A structure containing a block of data for a single MS Main table row |
VMSData | A structure containing the data from a single SDM BLOB |
VMSDataWithSharedPtr | This struct, using boost::shared_array, is not used by CASA |
DataDescParams | |
DataDescriptionsSet | Definition of the first level in the tree hierarchy: set of spectro-polarization descriptions, basebands |
DataStructure | A class which gathers the attributes required to define data structures |
DataDump | The class DataDump extends the class DataStructure by adding time information to assign to the dump the observation date etc.. |
Integration | The class Integration extends the DataDump class by adding an attribute to tag the dump with an integration number |
Subintegration | The class Subintegration extends the DataDump by adding two attributes the integration number and the subintegration number |
SDMBinData | Accessor to the SDM binary data |
BaselineMetadata | Class for baseline-based metadata objects, one type of component in SDM data objects |
SwitchCyclesList | Definition of the root of the tree hierarchy |
BaselinesSet | Definition of the second level (the top level) in the tree hierarchy: include the antenna baseline configuration |
SidebandProcessingModeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the SidebandProcessingMode enumeration |
SourceModelMod | A namespace to encapsulate the SourceModel enumeration |
SpectralResolutionTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the SpectralResolutionType enumeration |
StationTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the StationType enumeration |
std | Define real & complex conjugation for non-complex types and put comparisons into std namespace |
StokesParameterMod | A namespace to encapsulate the StokesParameter enumeration |
SubscanIntentMod | A namespace to encapsulate the SubscanIntent enumeration |
SwitchingModeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the SwitchingMode enumeration |
SynthProfMod | A namespace to encapsulate the SynthProf enumeration |
SyscalMethodMod | A namespace to encapsulate the SyscalMethod enumeration |
TimeSamplingMod | A namespace to encapsulate the TimeSampling enumeration |
TimeScaleMod | A namespace to encapsulate the TimeScale enumeration |
vi | |
VlatFunctor | VlatFunctor is an abstract class for functor objects used to encapsulate the various filling methods (e.g., fillVis, fillAnt1, etc.) |
VlatFunctor0 | |
VlatFunctor1 | |
VLAT | VLAT is the Visibility LookAhead Thread. This thread advances a visibility iterator and fills the data indicated by the visibility iterator into the VlaData buffer ring |
FillerDictionary | |
SweepTerminated | |
VlatAndData | |
WeightTypeMod | A namespace to encapsulate the WeightType enumeration |
WindowFunctionMod | A namespace to encapsulate the WindowFunction enumeration |
WVRMethodMod | A namespace to encapsulate the WVRMethod enumeration |
ALMAAbsInput | Casacore::Data inputs for coefficient retrieval from absolute temperatures |
ALMARes_Basic | |
alone_display_applications | Definitions of functions needed for stand-alone display applications |
Angle | Defines a Class for those parameters being angles |
ArrayCopy | Copy/convert the array data as needed |
ArrayCopy< Complex > | |
ArrayCopy< DComplex > | |
ArrayCopy< String > | |
ASDM2MSException | A class to describe ASDM2MS Exceptions |
ASDM2MSFiller | Class ASDM2MSFiller |
ASDMVerbatimFiller | |
AtmException | Manage exceptions that raises in ATM |
AtmProfile | Class for an atmospheric profile object |
Base64 | Base64 encode/decode |
BDF2AsdmStManIndex | |
CACAPolarization | A helper class for the enumeration ACAPolarization |
CAccumMode | A helper class for the enumeration AccumMode |
CallBack | |
CAntennaMake | A helper class for the enumeration AntennaMake |
CAntennaMotionPattern | A helper class for the enumeration AntennaMotionPattern |
CAntennaType | A helper class for the enumeration AntennaType |
CAssociatedCalNature | A helper class for the enumeration AssociatedCalNature |
CAssociatedFieldNature | A helper class for the enumeration AssociatedFieldNature |
CAtmPhaseCorrection | A helper class for the enumeration AtmPhaseCorrection |
CAxisName | A helper class for the enumeration AxisName |
CBasebandName | A helper class for the enumeration BasebandName |
CBaselineReferenceCode | A helper class for the enumeration BaselineReferenceCode |
CBinaryDataFlags | A helper class for the enumeration BinaryDataFlags |
CCalCurveType | A helper class for the enumeration CalCurveType |
CCalDataOrigin | A helper class for the enumeration CalDataOrigin |
CCalibrationDevice | A helper class for the enumeration CalibrationDevice |
CCalibrationFunction | A helper class for the enumeration CalibrationFunction |
CCalibrationMode | A helper class for the enumeration CalibrationMode |
CCalibrationSet | A helper class for the enumeration CalibrationSet |
CCalType | A helper class for the enumeration CalType |
CCorrelationBit | A helper class for the enumeration CorrelationBit |
CCorrelationMode | A helper class for the enumeration CorrelationMode |
CCorrelatorCalibration | A helper class for the enumeration CorrelatorCalibration |
CCorrelatorName | A helper class for the enumeration CorrelatorName |
CCorrelatorType | A helper class for the enumeration CorrelatorType |
CDataContent | A helper class for the enumeration DataContent |
CDataScale | A helper class for the enumeration DataScale |
CDetectorBandType | A helper class for the enumeration DetectorBandType |
CDifferenceType | A helper class for the enumeration DifferenceType |
CDirectionReferenceCode | A helper class for the enumeration DirectionReferenceCode |
CDopplerReferenceCode | A helper class for the enumeration DopplerReferenceCode |
CDopplerTrackingMode | A helper class for the enumeration DopplerTrackingMode |
CFieldCode | A helper class for the enumeration FieldCode |
CFilterMode | A helper class for the enumeration FilterMode |
CFluxCalibrationMethod | A helper class for the enumeration FluxCalibrationMethod |
CFocusMethod | A helper class for the enumeration FocusMethod |
CFrequencyReferenceCode | A helper class for the enumeration FrequencyReferenceCode |
CHolographyChannelType | A helper class for the enumeration HolographyChannelType |
CInvalidatingCondition | A helper class for the enumeration InvalidatingCondition |
CNetSideband | A helper class for the enumeration NetSideband |
Complexfwd_global_functions_Complexfwd | Forward declaration complex classes |
ConstMirPolSetup | Static container for a set of Miriad polarization correlation types |
CPointingMethod | A helper class for the enumeration PointingMethod |
CPointingModelMode | A helper class for the enumeration PointingModelMode |
CPolarizationType | A helper class for the enumeration PolarizationType |
CPositionMethod | A helper class for the enumeration PositionMethod |
CPositionReferenceCode | A helper class for the enumeration PositionReferenceCode |
CPrimaryBeamDescription | A helper class for the enumeration PrimaryBeamDescription |
CPrimitiveDataType | A helper class for the enumeration PrimitiveDataType |
CProcessorSubType | A helper class for the enumeration ProcessorSubType |
CProcessorType | A helper class for the enumeration ProcessorType |
CRadialVelocityReferenceCode | A helper class for the enumeration RadialVelocityReferenceCode |
CReceiverBand | A helper class for the enumeration ReceiverBand |
CReceiverSideband | A helper class for the enumeration ReceiverSideband |
CSBType | A helper class for the enumeration SBType |
CScanIntent | A helper class for the enumeration ScanIntent |
CSchedulerMode | A helper class for the enumeration SchedulerMode |
CSidebandProcessingMode | A helper class for the enumeration SidebandProcessingMode |
CSourceModel | A helper class for the enumeration SourceModel |
CSpectralResolutionType | A helper class for the enumeration SpectralResolutionType |
CStationType | A helper class for the enumeration StationType |
CStokesParameter | A helper class for the enumeration StokesParameter |
CSubscanIntent | A helper class for the enumeration SubscanIntent |
CSwitchingMode | A helper class for the enumeration SwitchingMode |
CSynthProf | A helper class for the enumeration SynthProf |
CSyscalMethod | A helper class for the enumeration SyscalMethod |
CTimeSampling | A helper class for the enumeration TimeSampling |
CTimeScale | A helper class for the enumeration TimeScale |
CWeightType | A helper class for the enumeration WeightType |
CWindowFunction | A helper class for the enumeration WindowFunction |
CWVRMethod | A helper class for the enumeration WVRMethod |
DataBlock | |
DataDescComponents | Pair of indicies identifying the spectral window and polarization ids that make up a data description ID |
DataLoadingBuf | Container for data buffers used to fill a measurement set |
ddMgr | Class ddMgr is a utility to help for the management of DataDescription, SpectralWindow and Polarization ids |
enum_map_traits< ACAPolarizationMod::ACAPolarization, void > | |
enum_map_traits< AccumModeMod::AccumMode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< AntennaMakeMod::AntennaMake, void > | |
enum_map_traits< AntennaMotionPatternMod::AntennaMotionPattern, void > | |
enum_map_traits< AntennaTypeMod::AntennaType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< AssociatedCalNatureMod::AssociatedCalNature, void > | |
enum_map_traits< AssociatedFieldNatureMod::AssociatedFieldNature, void > | |
enum_map_traits< AtmPhaseCorrectionMod::AtmPhaseCorrection, void > | |
enum_map_traits< AxisNameMod::AxisName, void > | |
enum_map_traits< BasebandNameMod::BasebandName, void > | |
enum_map_traits< BaselineReferenceCodeMod::BaselineReferenceCode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< BinaryDataFlagsMod::BinaryDataFlags, void > | |
enum_map_traits< CalCurveTypeMod::CalCurveType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< CalDataOriginMod::CalDataOrigin, void > | |
enum_map_traits< CalibrationDeviceMod::CalibrationDevice, void > | |
enum_map_traits< CalibrationFunctionMod::CalibrationFunction, void > | |
enum_map_traits< CalibrationModeMod::CalibrationMode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< CalibrationSetMod::CalibrationSet, void > | |
enum_map_traits< CalTypeMod::CalType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< CorrelationBitMod::CorrelationBit, void > | |
enum_map_traits< CorrelationModeMod::CorrelationMode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< CorrelatorCalibrationMod::CorrelatorCalibration, void > | |
enum_map_traits< CorrelatorNameMod::CorrelatorName, void > | |
enum_map_traits< CorrelatorTypeMod::CorrelatorType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< DataContentMod::DataContent, void > | |
enum_map_traits< DataScaleMod::DataScale, void > | |
enum_map_traits< DetectorBandTypeMod::DetectorBandType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< DifferenceTypeMod::DifferenceType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< DirectionReferenceCodeMod::DirectionReferenceCode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< DopplerReferenceCodeMod::DopplerReferenceCode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< DopplerTrackingModeMod::DopplerTrackingMode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< FieldCodeMod::FieldCode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< FilterModeMod::FilterMode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< FluxCalibrationMethodMod::FluxCalibrationMethod, void > | |
enum_map_traits< FocusMethodMod::FocusMethod, void > | |
enum_map_traits< FrequencyReferenceCodeMod::FrequencyReferenceCode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< HolographyChannelTypeMod::HolographyChannelType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< InvalidatingConditionMod::InvalidatingCondition, void > | |
enum_map_traits< NetSidebandMod::NetSideband, void > | |
enum_map_traits< PointingMethodMod::PointingMethod, void > | |
enum_map_traits< PointingModelModeMod::PointingModelMode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< PolarizationTypeMod::PolarizationType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< PositionMethodMod::PositionMethod, void > | |
enum_map_traits< PositionReferenceCodeMod::PositionReferenceCode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< PrimaryBeamDescriptionMod::PrimaryBeamDescription, void > | |
enum_map_traits< PrimitiveDataTypeMod::PrimitiveDataType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< ProcessorSubTypeMod::ProcessorSubType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< ProcessorTypeMod::ProcessorType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< RadialVelocityReferenceCodeMod::RadialVelocityReferenceCode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< ReceiverBandMod::ReceiverBand, void > | |
enum_map_traits< ReceiverSidebandMod::ReceiverSideband, void > | |
enum_map_traits< SBTypeMod::SBType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< ScanIntentMod::ScanIntent, void > | |
enum_map_traits< SchedulerModeMod::SchedulerMode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< SidebandProcessingModeMod::SidebandProcessingMode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< SourceModelMod::SourceModel, void > | |
enum_map_traits< SpectralResolutionTypeMod::SpectralResolutionType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< StationTypeMod::StationType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< StokesParameterMod::StokesParameter, void > | |
enum_map_traits< SubscanIntentMod::SubscanIntent, void > | |
enum_map_traits< SwitchingModeMod::SwitchingMode, void > | |
enum_map_traits< SynthProfMod::SynthProf, void > | |
enum_map_traits< SyscalMethodMod::SyscalMethod, void > | |
enum_map_traits< TimeSamplingMod::TimeSampling, void > | |
enum_map_traits< TimeScaleMod::TimeScale, void > | |
enum_map_traits< WeightTypeMod::WeightType, void > | |
enum_map_traits< WindowFunctionMod::WindowFunction, void > | |
enum_map_traits< WVRMethodMod::WVRMethod, void > | |
enum_set_traits< ACAPolarizationMod::ACAPolarization > | |
enum_set_traits< AccumModeMod::AccumMode > | |
enum_set_traits< AntennaMakeMod::AntennaMake > | |
enum_set_traits< AntennaMotionPatternMod::AntennaMotionPattern > | |
enum_set_traits< AntennaTypeMod::AntennaType > | |
enum_set_traits< AssociatedCalNatureMod::AssociatedCalNature > | |
enum_set_traits< AssociatedFieldNatureMod::AssociatedFieldNature > | |
enum_set_traits< AtmPhaseCorrectionMod::AtmPhaseCorrection > | |
enum_set_traits< AxisNameMod::AxisName > | |
enum_set_traits< BasebandNameMod::BasebandName > | |
enum_set_traits< BaselineReferenceCodeMod::BaselineReferenceCode > | |
enum_set_traits< BinaryDataFlagsMod::BinaryDataFlags > | |
enum_set_traits< CalCurveTypeMod::CalCurveType > | |
enum_set_traits< CalDataOriginMod::CalDataOrigin > | |
enum_set_traits< CalibrationDeviceMod::CalibrationDevice > | |
enum_set_traits< CalibrationFunctionMod::CalibrationFunction > | |
enum_set_traits< CalibrationModeMod::CalibrationMode > | |
enum_set_traits< CalibrationSetMod::CalibrationSet > | |
enum_set_traits< CalTypeMod::CalType > | |
enum_set_traits< CorrelationBitMod::CorrelationBit > | |
enum_set_traits< CorrelationModeMod::CorrelationMode > | |
enum_set_traits< CorrelatorCalibrationMod::CorrelatorCalibration > | |
enum_set_traits< CorrelatorNameMod::CorrelatorName > | |
enum_set_traits< CorrelatorTypeMod::CorrelatorType > | |
enum_set_traits< DataContentMod::DataContent > | |
enum_set_traits< DataScaleMod::DataScale > | |
enum_set_traits< DetectorBandTypeMod::DetectorBandType > | |
enum_set_traits< DifferenceTypeMod::DifferenceType > | |
enum_set_traits< DirectionReferenceCodeMod::DirectionReferenceCode > | |
enum_set_traits< DopplerReferenceCodeMod::DopplerReferenceCode > | |
enum_set_traits< DopplerTrackingModeMod::DopplerTrackingMode > | |
enum_set_traits< FieldCodeMod::FieldCode > | |
enum_set_traits< FilterModeMod::FilterMode > | |
enum_set_traits< FluxCalibrationMethodMod::FluxCalibrationMethod > | |
enum_set_traits< FocusMethodMod::FocusMethod > | |
enum_set_traits< FrequencyReferenceCodeMod::FrequencyReferenceCode > | |
enum_set_traits< HolographyChannelTypeMod::HolographyChannelType > | |
enum_set_traits< InvalidatingConditionMod::InvalidatingCondition > | |
enum_set_traits< NetSidebandMod::NetSideband > | |
enum_set_traits< PointingMethodMod::PointingMethod > | |
enum_set_traits< PointingModelModeMod::PointingModelMode > | |
enum_set_traits< PolarizationTypeMod::PolarizationType > | |
enum_set_traits< PositionMethodMod::PositionMethod > | |
enum_set_traits< PositionReferenceCodeMod::PositionReferenceCode > | |
enum_set_traits< PrimaryBeamDescriptionMod::PrimaryBeamDescription > | |
enum_set_traits< PrimitiveDataTypeMod::PrimitiveDataType > | |
enum_set_traits< ProcessorSubTypeMod::ProcessorSubType > | |
enum_set_traits< ProcessorTypeMod::ProcessorType > | |
enum_set_traits< RadialVelocityReferenceCodeMod::RadialVelocityReferenceCode > | |
enum_set_traits< ReceiverBandMod::ReceiverBand > | |
enum_set_traits< ReceiverSidebandMod::ReceiverSideband > | |
enum_set_traits< SBTypeMod::SBType > | |
enum_set_traits< ScanIntentMod::ScanIntent > | |
enum_set_traits< SchedulerModeMod::SchedulerMode > | |
enum_set_traits< SidebandProcessingModeMod::SidebandProcessingMode > | |
enum_set_traits< SourceModelMod::SourceModel > | |
enum_set_traits< SpectralResolutionTypeMod::SpectralResolutionType > | |
enum_set_traits< StationTypeMod::StationType > | |
enum_set_traits< StokesParameterMod::StokesParameter > | |
enum_set_traits< SubscanIntentMod::SubscanIntent > | |
enum_set_traits< SwitchingModeMod::SwitchingMode > | |
enum_set_traits< SynthProfMod::SynthProf > | |
enum_set_traits< SyscalMethodMod::SyscalMethod > | |
enum_set_traits< TimeSamplingMod::TimeSampling > | |
enum_set_traits< TimeScaleMod::TimeScale > | |
enum_set_traits< WeightTypeMod::WeightType > | |
enum_set_traits< WindowFunctionMod::WindowFunction > | |
enum_set_traits< WVRMethodMod::WVRMethod > | |
Error | List of exceptions that may happen when errors occur |
file | Defines nreal time structures used by the VLA table filler |
FillMetadata | Container for storing the Miriad metadata that must be tracked while filling |
FlexLexer | |
Frequency | Defines a frequency value with units |
HSV_casacore__Conversion_Functions | Utilities for converting between color spaces |
IDIndex | Simple mapping from one indexing system to another |
InverseLength | Class for those physical parameters having dimensions of Inverse Length [L^-1] |
Length | Class for those physical parameters having dimensions of Length [L] |
LUdecomp | On suns, at least, this needs to link with: lapack.a blas.a Since this links fortran libraries, check also whether "underscores" are needed for FORTRAN on your machine, and whether a FORTRAN MAIN is needed to initialize the fortran libraries (as it is on suns) |
mallinfo | |
Marker | |
MassDensity | Mass Density value with units |
MfMueller | |
MirDataBuffer | Buffer for data read in from a Miriad datatset |
MirDataRecord | Container for a data record read in from a Miriad datatset |
MirField | Container for field information |
mirfiller | A Distributed Object for filling MIRIAD uv data into an MS |
MirFiller | BIMA MIRIAD dataset to MeasurementSet2 filler |
MirFreqSetup | A description of a Miriad spectroscopy (correlator) setup |
MirHisReader | Miriad history reader |
MiriadFormatError | Exception indicating that a non-recoverable format error was detected in the input Miriad dataset |
MiriadMemoryAssumptionError | Exception indicating that assumptions about the size of primitive types are not satisfied |
MiriadUnsupportedFeatureError | Exception indicating that further processing is dependent on an unsupported feature of a Miriad dataset |
MirInfo | Abstract base for classes that contain information about some part of a Miriad Dataset |
MirPolCorr | Container for a single Miriad polarization correlation |
MirPolRecps | Container for a set of Miriad (single-) polarization receptor types |
MirPolSetup | Editable container for a set of Miriad polarization correlation types |
MirSource | Container for source information |
MirTypeAssert | Base for classes that rely on assumptions regarding privitive type sizes |
MirVarHandler | |
MirVisReader | Miriad visibility dataset reader |
MMueller | M: baseline-based (closure) |
negateFunctor | A template functor which returns -|v| |
NumberDensity | Number Density value with units |
Opacity | Class for opacities [no dimensions] |
OrdMapIO_global_functions_OrderedMap_IO | Input/output operators for OrderedMaps |
ParserContext | |
Percent | Defines a class for quantities that may be expressed in percent |
Pressure | Defines pressure with units |
QtDS9RFWOptions | Widget used for entering options specific to the DS9 format |
QtPlotHistogram | |
RefractiveIndex | RefractiveIndex allows to extract absorption and Phase coefficient(s) at a given frequency and P/T/gas densities |
RefractiveIndexProfile | Profile of the absorption and Phase coefficient(s) at given frequency(ies) for an atmospheric profile (P/T/gas densities) |
rowsInAScanbyTimeFunctor | |
rowsInAScanbyTimeIntervalFunctor | |
RSComposite | Subclass of RegionShape used for drawing composite regions |
RSMarker | Subclass of RegionShape used for drawing markers |
RSText | Subclass of RegionShape used for drawing text |
RSVector | Subclass of RSLine that takes a length and angle instead of a second point |
s_overTheTop | A structure to define a range of rows in the Pointing table where the attribute overTheTop is defined and with which value |
size_lt | A boolean template functor which returns the value of the expression x.size() < y |
SkyStatus | From the layerThickness and layerTemperature arrays (from AtmProfile), the RefractiveIndexProfile array, and a brightness temperature measured to the sky at the corresponding frequency, this Class retrieves the water vapor column that corresponds to the measurement |
SpecFitSettingsFixedTableCell | |
SpectralGrid | Spectral grid defined as a list of frequencies with basic complementary informations |
SPtrHolder | Hold and delete pointers not deleted by object destructors |
TableSAXReader | |
TapeHeader | |
Temperature | Temperature value with units |
TfOpac | |
TOpac | TOPac |
TypeConvTraits | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::Bool > | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::Char > | This one is only used to convert numpy BYTE and SBYTE to casa short |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::Complex > | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::DComplex > | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::Double > | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::Float > | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::Int > | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::Int64 > | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::Short > | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::String > | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::uChar > | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::uInt > | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::uInt64 > | |
TypeConvTraits< casacore::uShort > | |
UnavailableMiriadDataSelectionError | Exception indicating that a requested data selection from a Miriad dataset is not available |
use | |
SelectAverageSpw | |
UvwCoords | SDM UVW engine: compute the uvw these being not present in the SDM but required to build casacore::MS main table |
ArrayParam | (Sub-)array parameters constraining order and size of the output vector of 3D UVW coords triplets |
Viff | |
VLAADA | Interprets the data in an antenna data area of a VLA logical record |
VLAArchiveInput | This class reads VLA archive records from a Tape |
VLABaselineRecord | |
VLACalibratorFilter | |
VLAContinuumRecord | |
VLADiskInput | This class reads VLA archive records from a Disk file |
VLAEnum | Enumerators common to the VLA module |
VLAFiller | Functions to convert from VLA archive format to a casacore::MeasurementSet |
VLAFilter | |
VLAFilterSet | |
VLAFrequencyFilter | |
VLALogicalRecord | This class interprets a VLA logical record |
VLAObsModeFilter | |
VLAOnlineInput | This class reads VLA archive records from the online computers |
VLAProjectFilter | |
VLASDA | Interprets the data in an sub-array data area of a VLA logical record |
VLASourceFilter | |
VLASpectralLineRecord | |
VLASubarrayFilter | |
VLATapeInput | This class reads VLA archive records from a Tape |
VLATapeIO | |
VLATimeFilter | |
VOID | |
WaterVaporRadiometer | This is an axuliary class to SkyStatus that allows to identify the spectral windows that actually correspond to a dedicated water vapor radiometry system, and also to associate to those spectral windows some instrumental caracteristics such as the signal side band gain, the sky coupling or the spillover temperature |
WVRMeasurement | This is an auxiliary class that allows to create objects corresponding to measurements (and their analysis) of a multichannel water vapor radiometer system |
X_enter_global_functions_Definitions_for_Enter_X_Namespace | |
X_exit_global_functions_Definitions_for_Exiting_X_Namespace | Include file to exit X name space |
yyFlexLexer |