This is the complete list of members for casa::PlotMSDrawThread, including all inherited members.
background() | casa::ThreadController | virtual |
cancel() | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | protectedvirtual |
cancelThread() | casa::PlotMSThread | protectedslot |
error | casa::ThreadController | protected |
errorTitle | casa::ThreadController | protected |
errorWarning | casa::ThreadController | protected |
finalizeProgress() | casa::PlotMSThread | signal |
finished() | casa::PlotMSThread | virtual |
finishedOperation(PlotMSThread *thread) | casa::PlotMSThread | signal |
finishProgress() | casa::PlotMSThread | virtual |
getError() const | casa::ThreadController | |
getErrorTitle() const | casa::ThreadController | |
getId() | casa::PlotMSThread | |
getName() const | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | virtual |
getPlot() | casa::ThreadController | |
getResult() const | casa::ThreadController | |
initializeProgress(const casacore::String &operationName) | casa::PlotMSThread | virtual |
initProgress(const QString &operationName) | casa::PlotMSThread | signal |
isCacheThread() const | casa::PlotMSThread | virtual |
isDrawing() const | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | |
isErrorWarning() const | casa::ThreadController | |
isRunning_ | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | private |
itsOperationFlag_ | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | private |
itsOperations_ | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | private |
itsOperationsMutex_ | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | private |
itsPlotter_ | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | private |
itsPostThreadMethod_ | casa::ThreadController | protected |
itsPostThreadObject_ | casa::ThreadController | protected |
itsProgressWidget_ | casa::ThreadController | protected |
operationChanged(const PlotOperation &operation) | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | virtual |
operator=(const PlotMSDrawThread &other) | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | private |
pause() | casa::ThreadController | virtual |
PlotMSDrawThread(PlotMSPlotter *plotter, QtProgressWidget *progress, PMSPTMethod postThreadMethod=NULL, PMSPTObject postThreadObject=NULL) | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | |
PlotMSDrawThread(const PlotMSDrawThread &other) | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | private |
PlotMSThread(QtProgressWidget *progress, PMSPTMethod postThreadMethod=NULL, PMSPTObject postThreadObject=NULL) | casa::PlotMSThread | |
PlotOperationWatcher() | casa::PlotOperationWatcher | inline |
postThreadMethod() | casa::ThreadController | virtual |
resume() | casa::ThreadController | virtual |
setAllowedOperations(bool background, bool pauseResume, bool cancel) | casa::ThreadController | virtual |
setError(const casacore::String &errorMessage) | casa::ThreadController | virtual |
setProgress(unsigned int progress, const casacore::String &status) | casa::PlotMSThread | virtual |
casa::ThreadController::setProgress(unsigned int progress) | casa::ThreadController | virtual |
setStatus(const casacore::String &status) | casa::ThreadController | virtual |
setWorkThread(BackgroundThread *workThread) | casa::ThreadController | |
signalFinishedOperation(PlotMSThread *thread) | casa::PlotMSThread | protected |
startOperation() | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | virtual |
startThread() | casa::ThreadController | protected |
ThreadCommunication() | casa::ThreadCommunication | inlineprotected |
ThreadController(ProgressMonitor *progress, PMSPTMethod postThreadMethod=NULL, PMSPTObject postThreadObject=NULL) | casa::ThreadController | |
threadFinished() | casa::PlotMSThread | inlineprotectedvirtual |
updatePlotterCanvases() | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | |
updateProgress(unsigned int value, const QString &statusStr) | casa::PlotMSThread | signal |
wasCanceled() const | casa::ThreadController | virtual |
wasCanceled_ | casa::ThreadController | protected |
~PlotMSDrawThread() | casa::PlotMSDrawThread | |
~PlotMSThread() | casa::PlotMSThread | virtual |
~PlotOperationWatcher() | casa::PlotOperationWatcher | inlinevirtual |
~ThreadCommunication() | casa::ThreadCommunication | inlineprotectedvirtual |
~ThreadController() | casa::ThreadController | virtual |