The codes using the Error class must include its header file.
To illustrate how to use this class we take here an example defining a class Array with a constraint about a maximum index.
In the test program we begin by showing the default critical limit for acceptable errors:
An array is declared and it is populated by integers for indices from 0 to 100. The opperator [] generate an Error throwing it if the index exceeds the maximum allowed limit, we insert the loop in a try section. When the index j exceeds the upper limit in the indexing, an Error is thrown unless this type type of errors is acceptable.
The out-of-range indexing in the [] operator methods having been declared to be SERIOUS, when j exceeds the maximum size allowed, its severity, SERIOUS (see the method []) is just at the critical when the error become unacceptable. Hence an Error exception is thrown.
The execution proceeds; the following test attests that this error was considered as acceptable:
We now repeat this scenario triggering with the same error but before that we test with a tolerence which is more constraining: any error will be thrown only when it severity reach the FATAL limit: setAcceptableLevel
The scenario is now repeated:
The Error is not catched because with this new contextthe error which is still SERIOUS is considered as acceptable.