CASA Newsletter is sent out twice a year. These Newsletters give an overview of recent, ongoing, and upcoming CASA developments.
An overview of past CASA Newsletters can be found
If you want to receive the CASA Newsletter by email, please subcribe to
Memo Series & Knowledgebase can be found in

. The CASA Memos provide in-depth information on certain aspects of CASA beyond the regular documentation, while the Knowledgebase articles provide other bits of wisdom on CASA.
CASA supports pipelines for calibrating and imaging ALMA and VLA data. More information can be found on the webpages of the
ALMA Science Pipeline and the
VLA Calibration Pipeline.
See also this
reference paper on the ALMA interferometric pipeline heuristics.
CARTA is the Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy, a new image visualization and analysis tool designed for the ALMA, the VLA, and the SKA pathfinders. The
CARTA software is available for users who wish to try visualizing image products outside the CASA Viewer. See
CASA Docs for more information.
CARTA is developed by the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (
ASIAA), the Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy (
IDIA), the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (
NRAO), and the Department of Physics,
University of Alberta.
An overview of CASA outreach materials presented at recent meetings and conferences can be found
Please use the following paper as official citation for the CASA software package:
The CASA Team, et al. 2022, "CASA, the Common Astronomy Software Applications for Radio Astronomy", PASP, 134, 114501. DOI: 10.1088/1538-3873/ac9642
Other relevant CASA publications:
van Bemmel, I., Kettenis, M., Small, D., et al. 2022, "CASA on the fringe -- Development of VLBI processing capabilities for CASA", PASP, 134, 114502. DOI: 10.1088/1538-3873/ac81ed
Emonts, B., Raba, R., Rau, U., et al. 2022, "The CASA software for radio astronomy: status update from ADASS 2020", Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXX, ASP Conf. Ser., 532, 389
Raba, R. 2020, "CASA Next Generation Infrastructure", Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXX, ASP Conf. Ser., 532, 67
Emonts, B., Raba, R., Moellenbrock, G., et al. 2020, "The CASA software for radio astronomy: status update from ADASS 2019", Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIX, ASP Conf. Ser., 527, 267
Raba, R., Schiebel, D., Emonts, B., et al. 2020, "CASA 6: Modular Integration in Python", Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIX, ASP Conf. Ser., 527, 271
Kepley, A., Tsutsumi. T., Brogan, C., et al. 2020, "Auto-multithresh: A General Purpose Automasking Algorithm", PASP, 132, 02505
Rau, U., Naik, N., Braun, T., 2019, "A Joint Deconvolution Algorithm to Combine Single-dish and Interferometer Data for Wideband Multiterm and Mosaic Imaging", AJ, 158, 3
Rau, U., Bhatnagar, S., Owen, F. N., 2016, "Deep Wideband Single Pointings and Mosaics in Radio Interferometry", AJ, 152, 124
Petry, D., CASA Development Team, 2012, "Analysing ALMA Data with CASA", Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI, ASP Conf. Ser., 461, 849
McMullin, J. P., Waters, B., Schiebel, D., Young, W., & Golap, K. 2007, CASA Architecture and ApplicationsAstronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI, ASP Conf. Ser. 376, ed. R. A. Shaw, F. Hill, & D. J. Bell (San Francisco, CA: ASP), 127