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00001 //# PBMath1D.h: Definitions of interface for 1-D PBMath objects
00002 //# Copyright (C) 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2003
00003 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
00004 //#
00005 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
00007 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
00008 //# option) any later version.
00009 //#
00010 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00011 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00012 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
00013 //# License for more details.
00014 //#
00015 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
00016 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
00017 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
00018 //#
00019 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be adressed as follows:
00020 //#        Internet email:
00021 //#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
00022 //#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
00023 //#                        520 Edgemont Road
00024 //#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
00025 //#
00026 //#
00027 //# $Id$
00029 #ifndef SYNTHESIS_PBMATH1D_H
00030 #define SYNTHESIS_PBMATH1D_H
00032 #include <casa/aips.h>
00033 #include <synthesis/TransformMachines/PBMathInterface.h>
00035 namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
00037 //#forward
00038 class Table;
00039 class SkyComponent;
00040 class ImageRegion;
00041 class CoordinateSystem;
00043 // <summary> base class for 1D PBMath objects </summary>
00046 // <use visibility=export>
00048 // <reviewed reviewer="" date="" tests="" demos="">
00050 // <prerequisite>
00051 // <li> <linkto class="SkyJones">SkyJones</linkto> class
00052 // <li> <linkto class="BeamSkyJones">BeamSkyJones</linkto> class
00053 // <li> <linkto class="PBMathInterface">PBMathInterface</linkto> class
00054 // </prerequisite>
00055 //
00056 // <etymology>
00057 // PBMath types do the mathematical operations of the PB's or VP's.
00058 // This is the base class for the 1D (ie, rotationally symmetric) PB's.
00059 // </etymology>
00060 //
00061 // <synopsis> 
00062 // PBMath1D,  the virtual base class for 1D PBMath objects, is
00063 // derived from PBMathInterface.  Its cousin, PBMath2D, can deal with
00064 // inherently 2D voltage patterns or primary beams.  PBMath1D can deal
00065 // with beam squint, (ie, the offset of the LL and RR beams on opposite
00066 // sides of the pointing center) which rotates on the sky with parallactic angle.
00067 // 
00068 // The 1D PB philosophy is to specify the Voltage pattern or Primary Beam
00069 // via a small number of
00070 // parameters via one of the derived types (PBMath1DGauss, for example).  The
00071 // derived type knows how to instantiate itself from a row in a beam subTable,
00072 // and how to convert itself into a lookup vector.  The lookup vector is
00073 // fine enough that no interpolation need be done when finding the nearest
00074 // PB or VP value for a particular pixel (currently, there are 1e+4 elements
00075 // in the lookup vector, so on average, an error on order of 1e-4 is made
00076 // when applying the primary beam).
00077 //
00078 // There are two ways of creating the derived PB types:
00079 // 1) explicitly create one of the babies.  You have control
00080 // over the details such as PB size and total extent, the reference
00081 // frequency at which this size is true (the size scales inversely
00082 // with wavelength), the squint orientation, and whether a mean
00083 // symmetrized beam will be calculated from the squinted beam.
00084 // (Nice defaults can reduce the arguments in most cases.)
00085 // <example>
00086 // <srcblock>
00087 //  PBMath1DGauss myPB  (Quantity(1.0, "'"), Quantity(3.0, "'"), Quantity(1.0, "GHz"),
00088 //                       False,   // these are PB parameters, not VP
00089 //                       BeamSquint(MDirection(Quantity(2.0, "\""),
00090 //                                                      Quantity(0.0, "\""),
00091 //                                                      MDirection::Ref(MDirection::AZEL)),
00092 //                                  Quantity(2.0, "GHz")),
00093 //                       False);
00094 //  PBMath1DGauss myPB2  (Quantity(1.0, "'"), Quantity(3.0, "'"), Quantity(1.0, "GHz"));
00095 // 
00096 // </srcblock>
00097 // </example>
00098 // 2) via the envelope class PBMath's enumerated CommonPB type.  This is much simpler,
00099 // and will deal with a majority of the cases required:
00100 // <example>
00101 // <srcblock>
00102 // PBMath wsrtPB(PBMath::WSRT);
00103 // PBMath vla_LPB(PBMath::VLA_L);  // has L band squint built in
00104 // </srcblock>
00105 // </example>
00106 //
00107 // The main thing you want to do with a primary beam or voltage pattern is
00108 // to apply it to an image.  The top level "apply" methods are defined in
00109 // PBMathInterface.  They are applyPB, applyPB2, applyVP.  These top level
00110 // apply's then call a lower level private polymorphic apply, which are defined
00111 // in PBMath1D and in PBMath2D.  These two different apply's deal with the
00112 // different details of 1D and 2D primary beam application.
00113 // <example>
00114 // <srcblock>
00115 //
00116 //    PagedImage<Float> in;
00117 //    PagedImage<Complex> out;
00118 //    MDirection pointingDir(Quantity(135.0, "deg"), Quantity(60.0, "deg"), 
00119 //                           MDirection::Ref(MDirection::J2000));
00120 //    Quantity parallacticAngle(26.5, "deg");
00121 //    PBMath wsrtPB(PBMath::WSRT_LOW);
00122 //    wsrtPB.applyPB(in, out, pointingDir);   // multiply by primary beam
00123 //    wsrtPB.applyPB(in, out, pointingDir, parallacticAngle, BeamSquint::GOFIGURE, 
00124 //                   True, 0.02); // divide by primary beam
00125 //    wsrtPB.applyVP(in, out, pointingDir);   // multiply by voltage pattern
00126 //
00127 // </srcblock>
00128 // </example>
00129 // </synopsis> 
00130 //
00131 // <motivation>
00132 // All of the 1-D PB types have everything in common except for the
00133 // details of their parameterization.
00134 // </motivation>
00135 //
00136 // lower level helping apply methods: reduce code by this bundling
00137 // <thrown>
00138 // <li> AipsError - in apply(Image...), if in and out images are 
00139 //      inconsistent in shape or coordinates
00140 // <li> AipsError - in  apply(SkyComponent...), if doSqiont==RR or LL
00141 // </thrown>
00142 // <todo asof="98/010/21">
00143 // <li> SymmetrizeBeam doesn't do anything yet.  (It should calculate
00144 //      the mean symmetric beam about the pointing center when
00145 //      squint is present, slightly larger than the symmetric beam 
00146 //      about the squint position.
00147 // </todo>
00150 class PBMath1D : public PBMathInterface {
00151 public:
00153   // required so PBMath can see the protected "apply" method
00154   // Other derivatives of PBMathInterface, such as PBMath2D, will
00155   // also require friend class PBMath;
00156   friend class PBMath;  
00158   PBMath1D(Quantity maximumRadius,
00159            Quantity refFreq,
00160            Bool isThisVP,
00161            BeamSquint squint,
00162            Bool useSymmetricBeam);
00164   virtual ~PBMath1D() = 0;
00166   // Get the PB in a vector to look at
00167   // Concerning n_elements: they are evenly spaced between 0 and maxradius.
00168   // r is in units of arcminutes at 1 GHz
00169   void viewPB(Vector<Float>& r, Vector<Float>& PB, Int n_elements);
00171   // Summarize the Voltage Pattern;
00172   // For PBMath1D, list nValues worth of the VP array
00173   virtual void summary(Int nValues=0);
00175   // Is state of PBMath OK?
00176   virtual Bool ok();
00178   // Get the ImageRegion of the primary beam on an Image for a given pointing
00179   // Note: ImageRegion is not necesarily constrained to lie within the
00180   // image region (for example, if the pointing center is near the edge of the
00181   // image).  fPad: extra fractional padding, beyond Primary Beam support
00182   // (note: we do not properly treat squint yet, this will cover it for now)
00183   // iChan: frequency channel to take: lowest frequency channel is safe for all
00184   //
00185   // Potential problem: this ImageRegion includes all Stokes and Frequency Channels
00186   // present in the input image.
00187   ImageRegion* extent (const ImageInterface<Complex>& in, 
00188                        const MDirection& pointing,
00189                        const Int irow,  
00190                        const Float fPad,  
00191                        const Int iChan,  
00192                        const SkyJones::SizeType sizeType);
00193   ImageRegion* extent (const ImageInterface<Float>& in, 
00194                        const MDirection& pointing,
00195                        const Int irow,  
00196                        const Float fPad,  
00197                        const Int iChan,  
00198                        const SkyJones::SizeType sizeType);
00201   virtual Int support(const CoordinateSystem& cs);
00204 protected:
00206   // Protect default constructor: this will do you no good
00207   PBMath1D();
00209   // calculate the limited box of the Primary Beam model's support,
00210   // return in blc and trc (which are NOT contrained to be inside
00211   // the image
00212   void extentguts (const CoordinateSystem& coords, const MDirection& pointing,
00213                     const Float fPad,  const Int iChan, Vector<Float> &blc, Vector<Float>& trc);
00215   // push blc lower, trc higher such that they define an image which is
00216   // a power of 2 in size.
00218   // Adjust blc and trc such that they are within the image and such that they
00219   // create an image with power of 2 (SkyJones::POWEROF2) shape or
00220   // composite number  (SkyJones::COMPOSITE) shape 
00221   void refineSize(Vector<Float>& blc, Vector<Float>& trc, 
00222                   const IPosition& shape, SkyJones::SizeType);
00225   ImageInterface<Complex>& apply(const ImageInterface<Complex>& in,
00226                                  ImageInterface<Complex>& out,
00227                                  const MDirection& sp,
00228                                  const Quantity parAngle,             
00229                                  const BeamSquint::SquintType doSquint,
00230                                  Bool inverse,
00231                                  Bool conjugate,
00232                                  Int ipower,  // ie, 1=VP, 2=PB, 4=PB^2
00233                                  Float cutoff,
00234                                  Bool forward); 
00237   ImageInterface<Float>& apply(const ImageInterface<Float>& in,
00238                                ImageInterface<Float>& out,
00239                                const MDirection& sp,
00240                                const Quantity parAngle,       
00241                                const BeamSquint::SquintType doSquint,
00242                                Float cutoff, 
00243                                const Int ipower=4); //only 2 values allowed 2 and 4
00244                                               //PB and PB^2
00246   SkyComponent& apply(SkyComponent& in,
00247                       SkyComponent& out,
00248                       const MDirection& sp,
00249                       const Quantity frequency,       
00250                       const Quantity parAngle,        
00251                       const BeamSquint::SquintType doSquint,
00252                       Bool inverse,
00253                       Bool conjugate,
00254                       Int ipower,  // ie, 1=VP, 2=PB, 4=PB^2
00255                       Float cutoff,
00256                       Bool forward); 
00259   // Fill in PB_p array from construction parameters, rescale construction
00260   // parameters to the 1 GHz internal reference frequency
00261   // Eventually: create it as its needed; we've got 4 arrays to fill;
00262   // only create and store as they are required
00263   // Right now: just construct all arrays
00264   virtual void fillPBArray()=0;
00266   // Helper method to fit a circularly symmetric beam to the
00267   // squinted RR + LL beam.  Called upon construction.  Build this later.
00268   // PB' = azimuthal fit to: ( VP(x+s)**2 + VP(x-s)**2 )/2
00269   // VP' = sqrt(PB')
00270   void symmetrizeSquintedBeam();
00272   // The parameterized representation is for the VP, not the PB.
00273   // Internally, a reference frequency of 1 GHz is used, and the
00274   // radius is in units of arcminutes.
00275   // That said, you can specify the voltage pattern in any
00276   // units, at any frequency, but they will be converted
00277   // into (1 GHz * arcminutes) for storage and internal use.
00278   // We fill in the lookup vectors VP, PB, esVP, esPB,
00279   // as they are asked for
00280   // <group>
00281   // Tabulated voltage pattern
00282   Vector<Complex> vp_p;
00284   // Tabulated effective az-symmetrical voltage pattern
00285   // ( optional, depending upon useSymmetric_p )
00286   Vector<Complex> esvp_p;
00287   // </group>
00289   // Maximum radius allowed in tabulated model
00290   Quantity maximumRadius_p;
00292   // reference frequency: used for squint and other
00293   // beam paramaters such as width, found in derived types.
00294   // Internally, we rescale everything
00295   // to a reference frequency of 1 GHz
00296   Quantity refFreq_p;
00298   // internal scaling from refFreq_p to 1GHz; used during construction
00299   Double fScale_p;
00301   // Increment in radius
00302   Double inverseIncrementRadius_p;
00304   // Scale to convert to tabulated units
00305   Double scale_p;
00307   // CompositeNumber (for beam application and the like)
00308   CompositeNumber composite_p;
00310 private:    
00312 };
00315 } //# NAMESPACE CASA - END
00317 #endif