- CalIntpMatch -- CalIntpMatch: a class to hold calibration interpolation index maps (full description)
ANTENNA_ID and SPECTRAL_WINDOW_ID to match identically
Custom mapping between arbitrary visibility and calibration selections
- Public Members
- CalIntpMatch (const MatchType& matchType = MATCHING_ANT_SPW, const uInt& indexDim = 2)
- virtual ~CalIntpMatch()
- CalIntpMatch (const CalIntpMatch& other)
- virtual CalIntpMatch& operator= (const CalIntpMatch& other)
- void setType (const MatchType& matchType, const uInt& indexDim)
- void setVisBuffer (VisBuffer& vb)
- void setCalBuffer (CalMainBuffer& cb)
- Int matchIndex (const Int& row, const uInt& pos)
- Vector<Int> calRows (const Int& matchIndex, LogicalArray& calRowMask)
- Private Members
- void copy (const CalIntpMatch& other)
- void free()
- void reset()
- void resetVisIndex()
- void resetCalIndex()
- Int matchOrAddKey (const Record& key)
From "calibration", "interpolation index" and "match".
The CalIntpMatch class holds calibration interpolation index maps.
These define which subset of calibration table rows are associated
with any given visibility row, i.e. which data and calibration
indices need to match in selecting calibration for a given visibility
record. The map type is defined in terms of an enumerated set of
possibilities, including for example, requiring an exact match between
the antenna and spectral window id.'s. The most general interpolation
map is defined by a matching set of synthesis selections (as defined
by class MSSelection). The CalIntpMatch class has a match methods,
matchIndex() and calRows() which determine, for associated calibration
and visibility buffers, the calibration row mapping for a given visibility.
Encapsulate match operations for calibration and visibility data indices.
To Do
(i) Expand the range of enumerated mappings.
Member Description
Basic interpolation index match type
CalIntpMatch (const MatchType& matchType = MATCHING_ANT_SPW, const uInt& indexDim = 2)
Construct from an index match type and an index dimension. The
index dimension is one for baseline-based calibration and two
for antenna-based calibration.
CalIntpMatch (const CalIntpMatch& other)
Copy constructor and assignment operator
virtual CalIntpMatch& operator= (const CalIntpMatch& other)
void setType (const MatchType& matchType, const uInt& indexDim)
Reset the mapping type
Add a selection mapping (NYI)
void add (const MSSelection& msIndex, const MSSelection& calIndex);
Set the current visibility buffer to be used in interpolation matches
Set the current calibration buffer to be used in interpolation matches
Int matchIndex (const Int& row, const uInt& pos)
Return the match index for a given visibility buffer
row and offset position (0,1)
Vector<Int> calRows (const Int& matchIndex, LogicalArray& calRowMask)
Return the calibration buffer rows (and equivalent row mask)
associated with a given match index
void copy (const CalIntpMatch& other)
Common code for the assignment operator and the copy constructor
Reset functions for the local index mappings
Match index keys