

SolvableVisJonesMBuf -- SolvableVisJonesMBuf: SolvableVisJones calibration main table buffer (full description)
GJonesMBuf -- GJonesMBuf: GJones calibration main table buffer (full description)
DJonesMBuf -- DJonesMBuf: DJones calibration main table buffer (full description)
TJonesMBuf -- TJonesMBuf: TJones calibration main table buffer (full description)

class SolvableVisJonesMBuf : public TimeVarVisJonesMBuf


Public Members
SolvableVisJonesMBuf (const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const Block<Vector<Int> >& indexValues)
SolvableVisJonesMBuf (CalIterBase& calIter)
virtual Int append (CalTable& calTable)
virtual Int nRow()
virtual Vector<Bool>& totalSolnOk()
virtual Vector<Float>& totalFit()
virtual Vector<Float>& totalFitWgt()
virtual Array<Bool>& solnOk()
virtual Array<Float>& fit()
virtual Array<Float>& fitWgt()
Protected Members
virtual SolvableVisJonesMCol* newCalMainCol (CalTable& calTable)
virtual SolvableVisJonesMCol* calMainCol()
virtual void invalidate()
virtual void fillAttributes(const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const VisBuffer& vb)
virtual void fillAttributes(const Vector<Int>& calIndices)




From "solvable visibility Jones matrix", "cal main table" and "buffer"


The SolvableVisJonesMBuf class holds a buffer, optionally connected to a SolvableVisJones calibration main table iterator (of base type CalIterBase). Specializations for different solvable Jones matrix types are provided through inheritance.




Encapsulate SolvableVisJones calibration main table data buffers.

To Do

Member Description


Default constructor. No connection to an underlying calibration table iterator in this case.

SolvableVisJonesMBuf (const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const Block<Vector<Int> >& indexValues)

Construct from a set of calibration buffer indices and their specified values. Non-index columns will be set to default values, and there is no connection to an underlying calibration table iterator in this case.

SolvableVisJonesMBuf (CalIterBase& calIter)

Construct from a calibration table iterator. The calibration buffer will remain synchronized with the iterator.

virtual Int append (CalTable& calTable)

Write the current buffer at the end of a specified cal table; returns the number of rows appended

virtual Int nRow()

Maximum number of rows in the calibration buffer

virtual Vector<Bool>& totalSolnOk()

Data field accessors

virtual Vector<Float>& totalFit()

virtual Vector<Float>& totalFitWgt()

virtual Array<Bool>& solnOk()

virtual Array<Float>& fit()

virtual Array<Float>& fitWgt()

virtual SolvableVisJonesMCol* newCalMainCol (CalTable& calTable)

Factory method to create a columns accessor object of the appropriate type

virtual SolvableVisJonesMCol* calMainCol()

Calibration table columns accessor

virtual void invalidate()

Invalidate the current cache.

virtual void fillAttributes(const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const VisBuffer& vb)

Fill the cal buffer attribute columns in an empty cal buffer, after the cal indices have been set using fillIndices(). The cal indices, specified as enums from class MSCalEnums, are excluded as non-attribute columns

Use a visibility buffer to define the attribute values (NYI)

virtual void fillAttributes(const Vector<Int>& calIndices)

Set default attribute values

class GJonesMBuf : public SolvableVisJonesMBuf


Public Members
GJonesMBuf (const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const Block<Vector<Int> >& indexValues)
GJonesMBuf (CalIterBase& calIter)
virtual Bool fillMatchingRows (const Vector<Int>& matchingRows, const String& sFreqGrpName, const Complex& sGain, const MFrequency& sRefFreq, const Int& sRefAnt)




From "GJones matrix", "cal main table" and "buffer"


The GJonesMBuf class holds a buffer, optionally connected to a GJones calibration main table iterator (of base type CalIterBase). The GJones matrix contains electronic gain correction terms.




Encapsulate GJones calibration main table data buffers.

To Do

Member Description


Default constructor. No connection to an underlying calibration table iterator in this case.

GJonesMBuf (const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const Block<Vector<Int> >& indexValues)

Construct from a set of calibration buffer indices and their specified values. Non-index columns will be set to default values, and there is no connection to an underlying calibration table iterator in this case.

GJonesMBuf (CalIterBase& calIter)

Construct from a calibration table iterator. The calibration buffer will remain synchronized with the iterator.

virtual Bool fillMatchingRows (const Vector<Int>& matchingRows, const String& sFreqGrpName, const Complex& sGain, const MFrequency& sRefFreq, const Int& sRefAnt)

Update the calibration solution in each of a set of buffer rows

class DJonesMBuf : public SolvableVisJonesMBuf


DJonesMBuf (const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const Block<Vector<Int> >& indexValues)
DJonesMBuf (CalIterBase& calIter)




From "DJones matrix", "cal main table" and "buffer"


The DJonesMBuf class holds a buffer, optionally connected to a DJones calibration main table iterator (of base type CalIterBase). The DJones matrix contains instrumental polarization corrections.




Encapsulate DJones calibration main table data buffers.

To Do

Member Description


Default constructor. No connection to an underlying calibration table iterator in this case.

DJonesMBuf (const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const Block<Vector<Int> >& indexValues)

Construct from a set of calibration buffer indices and their specified values. Non-index columns will be set to default values, and there is no connection to an underlying calibration table iterator in this case.

DJonesMBuf (CalIterBase& calIter)

Construct from a calibration table iterator. The calibration buffer will remain synchronized with the iterator.

class TJonesMBuf : public SolvableVisJonesMBuf


TJonesMBuf (const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const Block<Vector<Int> >& indexValues)
TJonesMBuf (CalIterBase& calIter)




From "TJones matrix", "cal main table" and "buffer"


The TJonesMBuf class holds a buffer, optionally connected to a TJones calibration main table iterator (of base type CalIterBase). The TJones matrix contains atmospheric corrections.




Encapsulate TJones calibration main table data buffers.

To Do

Member Description


Default constructor. No connection to an underlying calibration table iterator in this case.

TJonesMBuf (const Vector<Int>& calIndices, const Block<Vector<Int> >& indexValues)

Construct from a set of calibration buffer indices and their specified values. Non-index columns will be set to default values, and there is no connection to an underlying calibration table iterator in this case.

TJonesMBuf (CalIterBase& calIter)

Construct from a calibration table iterator. The calibration buffer will remain synchronized with the iterator.