30 #include <plotms/GuiTabs/PlotMSPlotTab.ui.h>
40 class PlotMSCalibrationTab;
41 class PlotMSCanvasTab;
43 class PlotMSDisplayTab;
44 class PlotMSIterateTab;
45 class PlotMSExportTab;
46 class PlotMSTransformationsTab;
78 int updateFlag) { (void)params,(
void)updateFlag; }
184 bool plot(
bool forceReload);
237 if((t = dynamic_cast<T*>(tab)) != NULL)
return t;
void changeAxisIdentifier(int index, QString id)
A y-axis has changed its internal data.
PlotMSTransformationsTab * insertTransformationsSubtab(int index)
void getLocation(int &rowIndex, int &colIndex)
Return the location on the grid for this plot.
QList< QToolButton * > toolButtons() const
Overrides PlotMSTab::toolButtons().
PlotMSCacheTab * addCacheSubtab()
PlotMSCanvasTab * addCanvasSubtab()
PlotMSPlotParameters * itsCurrentParameters_
Parameters for the currently selected plot.
void addSubtab(PlotMSPlotSubtab *tab)
Adds the given subtab to the end of the tab widget.
PlotMSAxesTab * insertAxesSubtab(int index)
bool itsUpdateFlag_
Whether or not to check for changed parameters and update the GUI accordingly.
void completePlotting(bool success)
This was put in to support overplotting.
PlotMSCacheTab * insertCacheSubtab(int index)
std::vector< PMS::Axis > selectedLoadAxes() const
Returns the axes that the user has selected to load into the cache.
PlotMSAxesTab * addAxesSubtab()
Inserts one of the known subtab types if it is not already present, and returns a pointer to it...
void tabChanged()
Slot for when the user changes the value for any parameters.
virtual void setValue(const PlotMSPlotParameters ¶ms)=0
casacore::String getFileName() const
Subclass of PlotMSTab that handles picking casacore::MS filename, selection, and averaging parameters...
PlotMSPlotTab * itsPlotTab_
Plot tab.
Parameters for a PlotMSPlot.
PlotMSDisplayTab * findDisplayTab()
PlotMSDataTab * insertDataSubtab(int index)
virtual void parametersHaveChanged(const PlotMSWatchedParameters ¶ms, int updateFlag)
Implements PlotMSParametersWatcher::parametersHaveChanged() to do nothing unless overridden in the ch...
casacore::String getAveragingSummary() const
bool plot(bool forceReload)
Slot for doing the plot, using the parameters set on the GUI for the current plot.
void clearAfter(int index)
Clears set subtabs after (and including) the given index.
void changed()
This signal should be emitted whenever the value of the widget changes because of user interaction...
PlotMSAxesTab * findAxesTab()
PlotMSPlotParameters currentlySetParameters() const
Returns the parameters currently set by the user on the GUI (but NOT necessarily set on the underlyin...
PlotMSDataTab * addDataSubtab()
void plotsChanged(const PlotMSPlotManager &manager, int index=-1, bool show=true)
Implements PlotMSPlotManagerWatcher::plotsChanged().
bool managesPlot(PlotMSPlot *plot) const
void insertCanvas(int index)
PlotMSPlot * itsCurrentPlot_
Currently selected plot.
void clearData()
Remove old data from the plot.
void show(const variant &v)
Abstract class for parameters that may be watched by one or more interested classes.
PlotMSPlot * currentPlot() const
Returns the currently selected plot.
void insertDisplay(int index)
virtual void getValue(PlotMSPlotParameters ¶ms) const =0
Gets/Sets the casacore::MS filename, selection, and averaging using a PlotMSPlotParameters.
virtual void update(const PlotMSPlot &plot)=0
Updates the labels and other widgets in the subtab using the given plot to check changes against...
PlotMSTransformationsTab * addTransformationsSubtab()
void parametersHaveChanged(const PlotMSWatchedParameters ¶ms, int updateFlag)
Implements PlotMSParametersWatcher::parametersHaveChanged().
PlotMSCanvasTab * insertCanvasSubtab(int index)
void insertCache(int index)
Subclass of PlotMSPlotSubtab to manage canvas parameters.
void removePlot()
Remove this plot.
std::vector< PMS::Axis > selectedReleaseAxes() const
Returns the axes that the user has selected to release from the cache.
Subclass of PlotMSTab for tabs that are meant to be used as subtabs in a PlotMSPlotTab.
PlotMSCalibrationTab * addCalibrationSubtab()
PlotMSPlotSubtab(PlotMSPlotTab *plotTab, PlotMSPlotter *parent)
Constructor which takes the parent tab and plotter.
PlotMSDataTab * findOrCreateDataTab()
PlotMSIterateTab * findIterateTab() const
PlotMSCalibrationTab * insertCalibrationSubtab(int index)
PlotMSPlotParameters currentlySetParameters() const
See PlotMSPlotTab::currentlySetParameters().
void removeAxisIdentifier(int index)
y-axis data has been removed.
PlotMSIterateTab * addIterateSubtab()
void insertCalibration(int index)
Class for a single "plot" concept.
QString tabName() const
Implements PlotMSTab::tabName().
virtual ~PlotMSPlotSubtab()
Subclass of PlotMSPlotSubtab to manage plot display parameters.
void clearSubtabs()
Clears set subtabs.
void insertData(int index)
void insertAxes(int index)
PlotMSDisplayTab * addDisplaySubtab()
void setupForPlot()
Sets up the GUI to display the parameters for the given plot.
PlotMSDisplayTab * insertDisplaySubtab(int index)
void insertIterate(int index)
void insertSubtab(int index, PlotMSPlotSubtab *tab)
Inserts the given subtab in the tab widget.
bool setGridSize(int rowCount, int colCount)
Returns true if the location of this plot is still valid after the grid size has changed; false other...
PlotMSPlotTab(PlotMSPlotter *parent, int plotIndex=-1)
Constructor which takes the parent plotter.
Subclass of PlotMSPlotSubtab that manages plot axes parameters.
T * subtab()
Returns the first subtab with the given type, or NULL if there are none of that type.
Abstract parent for any widget that goes in the tabbed side panel of the PlotMSPlotter.
QList< PlotMSPlotSubtab * > itsSubtabs_
PlotMSPlotSubtab objects in tab widget.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
PlotMSIterateTab * insertIterateSubtab(int index)
High(ish)-level plotter class that manages the GUI (semi-) transparently to the rest of PlotMS...
Subclass of PlotMSTab that handles using a calibration library (initially settable only from casapy s...
bool isPlottable() const
Returns whether this plot has a valid location on the page where it can be displayed.
Class which manages PlotMSPlots for plotms.
PlotMSDataTab * getData()
Return the data to support overplots.
Subclass of PlotMSPlotSubtab to manage plot display parameters.
Subclass of PlotMSTab that manages PlotMSPlots in the GUI.
PlotMSPlotManager & itsPlotManager_
Reference to plot manager.
std::vector< PMS::Axis > selectedLoadOrReleaseAxes(bool load) const
Returns the axes the user has selected to load or release, depending on the load flag.
void insertTransformations(int index)