A Measure: astronomical direction.
void storeImageParams(const casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Complex > &iimage, const VisBuffer &vb)
casacore::MDirection direction1_p
virtual casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > findPointingOffset(const casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Complex > &image, const VisBuffer &vb)
Container for Measure frame.
AWConvFuncEPJones & operator=(const AWConvFuncEPJones &other)
Store miscellaneous information related to an observation.
void toPix(const VisBuffer &vb)
casacore::DirectionCoordinate dc_p
casacore::CoordinateSystem csys_p
LatticeExprNode pa(const LatticeExprNode &left, const LatticeExprNode &right)
This function finds 180/pi*atan2(left,right)/2.
Referenced counted pointer for constant data.
Interconvert pixel positions and directions (e.g. RA/DEC).
casacore::MDirection::Convert pointToPix_p
casacore::MEpoch::Types timeMType_p
virtual void makeConvFunction(const casacore::ImageInterface< casacore::Complex > &image, const VisBuffer &vb, const casacore::Int wConvSize, const casacore::CountedPtr< PolOuterProduct > &pop, const casacore::Float pa, const casacore::Float dpa, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &uvScale, const casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &uvOffset, const casacore::Matrix< casacore::Double > &vbFreqSelection, CFStore2 &cfs, CFStore2 &cfwts, casacore::Bool fillCF=true)
MosaicFT related.
casacore::Unit timeUnit_p
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
casacore::ObsInfo imageObsInfo_p
casacore::MeasFrame pointFrame_p
casacore::Int directionIndex_p
AWConvFuncEPJones(const casacore::CountedPtr< ATerm > ATerm, const casacore::CountedPtr< PSTerm > psTerm, const casacore::CountedPtr< WTerm > wTerm, const casacore::Bool wbAWP=false, const casacore::Bool conjPB=casacore::True)
The base class to represent the Aperture-Term of the Measurement Equation.
VisBuffers encapsulate one chunk of visibility data for processing.
casacore::DirectionCoordinate imageDC_p
MosaicFT related.
Types of known MEpochs Caution: The order defines the order in the translation matrix in the MCEpoch...
casacore::MDirection direction2_p
Interconvert pixel and world coordinates.