The idea behind a plot factory is to produce classes that are useful to the underlying implementation without having to know what the implementation is.
| PlotFactory () |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~PlotFactory () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual bool | canvasHasThreadedDrawing () const =0 |
| Support Methods //. More...
virtual bool | canvasHasCachedLayerDrawing () const =0 |
| Returns true if this implementation's PlotCanvas subclass supports cached layer drawing, false otherwise. More...
virtual bool | canvasHasCachedAxesStack () const =0 |
| Returns true if this implementation's PlotCanvas subclass has a cached axes stack, false otherwise. More...
virtual int | execLoop ()=0 |
| Execution Methods //. More...
virtual Plotter::Implementation | implementation () const =0 |
| Return which implementation this factory is producing. More...
virtual PlotterPtr | plotter (const casacore::String &windowTitle="Plotter", bool showSingleCanvas=true, bool showGUI=true, int logEventFlags=PlotLogger::NO_EVENTS, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| GUI Objects //. More...
virtual PlotterPtr | plotter (unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncols, const casacore::String &windowTitle="Plotter", bool showGUI=true, int logEventFlags=PlotLogger::NO_EVENTS, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Return a new instance of a Plotter for this implementation, with the given rows and columns of canvases and parameters. More...
virtual PlotterPtr | plotter (PlotCanvasPtr canvas, const casacore::String &windowTitle="Plotter", bool showGUI=true, int logEventFlags=PlotLogger::NO_EVENTS, bool smartDelete=true) |
| Convenience method for creating a plotter with a single, given canvas. More...
virtual PlotCanvasPtr | canvas (bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Return a new instance of a PlotCanvas for this implementation. More...
virtual PlotPanelPtr | panel (bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Return a new instance of a PlotPanel for this implementation. More...
virtual PlotButtonPtr | button (const casacore::String &str, bool isText=true, bool toggleable=false, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Return a new instance of a PlotButton with the given text for this implementation. More...
virtual PlotCheckboxPtr | checkbox (const casacore::String &str, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Return a new instance of a PlotCheckbox with the given text for this implementation. More...
virtual ScatterPlotPtr | scatterPlot (PlotPointDataPtr data, const casacore::String &title="Scatter Plot", bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| PlotItem Objects //. More...
virtual MaskedScatterPlotPtr | maskedPlot (PlotMaskedPointDataPtr data, const casacore::String &title="Masked Plot", bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience methods for specialized scatter plot and data classes. More...
virtual ErrorPlotPtr | errorPlot (PlotErrorDataPtr data, const casacore::String &title="Error Plot", bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual ColoredPlotPtr | coloredPlot (PlotBinnedDataPtr data, const casacore::String &title="Colored Plot", bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual BarPlotPtr | barPlot (PlotPointDataPtr data, const casacore::String &title="Bar Plot", bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Returns a new instance of a BarPlot for this implementation with the given PlotPointData and optional title. More...
virtual BarPlotPtr | histogramPlot (PlotSingleDataPtr data, unsigned int numBins, const casacore::String &title="Histogram Plot", bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Returns a new instance of a BarPlot set to use histogram data for this implementation with the given PlotSinglePointData and number of bins. More...
virtual RasterPlotPtr | rasterPlot (PlotRasterDataPtr data, const casacore::String &title="Raster Plot", PlotRasterData::Format format=PlotRasterData::RGB32, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Returns a new instance of a RasterPlot for this implementation with the given data and optional title and format. More...
virtual RasterPlotPtr | contourPlot (PlotRasterDataPtr data, const std::vector< double > &contours, const casacore::String &title="Contour Plot", PlotRasterData::Format format=PlotRasterData::RGB32, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Returns a new instance of a RasterPlot for this implementation with the given data and contour levels and optional title and format. More...
virtual RasterPlotPtr | spectrogramPlot (PlotRasterDataPtr data, const casacore::String &title="Spectrogram", bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Returns a new instance of a RasterPlot for this implementation interpreted as a spectrogram with the given data and optional title. More...
virtual RasterPlotPtr | contouredSpectrogramPlot (PlotRasterDataPtr data, const std::vector< double > &cont, const casacore::String &title="Spectrogram Contours", bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Returns a new instance of a RasterPlot for this implementation interpreted as a spectrogram with the given data and contour levels and optional title. More...
virtual PlotAnnotationPtr | annotation (const casacore::String &text, const PlotCoordinate &coord, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Return a new instance of a PlotAnnotation for this implementation with the given text and coordinates. More...
virtual PlotAnnotationPtr | annotation (const casacore::String &text, double x, double y, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience method for return an annotation with the given world coordinates. More...
virtual PlotShapeRectanglePtr | shapeRectangle (const PlotCoordinate &upperLeft, const PlotCoordinate &lowerRight, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Return a new instance of a PlotShapeRectangle for this implementation with the given coordinates. More...
virtual PlotShapeRectanglePtr | shapeRectangle (double left, double top, double right, double bottom, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience method for returning a rectangle with the given world coordinates. More...
virtual PlotShapeEllipsePtr | shapeEllipse (const PlotCoordinate ¢er, const PlotCoordinate &radii, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Return a new instance of a PlotShapeEllipse for this implementation with the given coordinates and radii. More...
virtual PlotShapeEllipsePtr | shapeEllipse (double x, double y, double xRadius, double yRadius, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience method for returning an ellipse with the given world coordinates. More...
virtual PlotShapePolygonPtr | shapePolygon (const std::vector< PlotCoordinate > &coords, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Return a new instance of a PlotShapePolygon for this implementation with the given coordinates. More...
virtual PlotShapePolygonPtr | shapePolygon (const std::vector< double > &x, const std::vector< double > &y, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience method for returning a polygon with the given world coordinates. More...
virtual PlotShapeLinePtr | shapeLine (double location, PlotAxis axis, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Returns a new instance of a PlotShapeLine for this implementation at the given location. More...
virtual PlotShapeArrowPtr | shapeArrow (const PlotCoordinate &from, const PlotCoordinate &to, PlotShapeArrow::Style fromArrow=PlotShapeArrow::NOARROW, PlotShapeArrow::Style toArrow=PlotShapeArrow::V_ARROW, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Returns a new instance of a PlotShapeArrow for this implementation at the given coordinates with the given arrow style. More...
virtual PlotShapeArrowPtr | shapeArrow (double fromX, double fromY, double toX, double toY, PlotShapeArrow::Style fromArrow=PlotShapeArrow::NOARROW, PlotShapeArrow::Style toArrow=PlotShapeArrow::V_ARROW, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience methods for returning arrows with the given world coordinates. More...
virtual PlotShapeArrowPtr | shapeLineSegment (const PlotCoordinate &from, const PlotCoordinate &to, bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotShapeArrowPtr | shapeLineSegment (double fromX, double fromY, double toX, double toY, bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotShapePathPtr | shapePath (const std::vector< PlotCoordinate > &coords, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Returns a new instance of a PlotShapePath for this implementation with the given coordinates. More...
virtual PlotShapePathPtr | shapePath (const std::vector< double > &x, const std::vector< double > &y, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience method for returning a path with the given world coordinates. More...
virtual PlotShapeArcPtr | shapeArc (const PlotCoordinate &start, const PlotCoordinate &widthHeight, int startAngle, int spanAngle, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Returns a new instance of a PlotShapeArc for this implementation with the given start position, width and height, start angle, and span angle. More...
virtual PlotPointPtr | point (const PlotCoordinate &coord, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Returns a new instance of a PlotPoint for this implementation at the given coordinates. More...
virtual PlotPointPtr | point (double x, double y, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience methods for returning a point with the given world coordinates. More...
virtual PlotPointPtr | point (float x, float y, bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotPointPtr | point (int x, int y, bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotPointPtr | point (unsigned int x, unsigned int y, bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotColorPtr | color (const casacore::String &color, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Customization Objects //. More...
virtual PlotColorPtr | color (const PlotColor ©, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Make a copy of the given color for this implementation. More...
virtual PlotColorPtr | color (const PlotColorPtr copy, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience method for returning a copy of the given color. More...
virtual std::vector
< casacore::String > | allNamedColors () const =0 |
| Returns a list of all the named colors that the implementation supports. More...
virtual PlotFontPtr | font (const casacore::String &family="Arial", double pointSize=12, const casacore::String &color="000000", bool bold=false, bool italics=false, bool underline=false, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Return a new font with the given characteristics. More...
virtual PlotFontPtr | font (const PlotFont ©, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Make a copy of the given font for this implementation. More...
virtual PlotFontPtr | font (const PlotFontPtr copy, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience method for returning a copy of the given font. More...
virtual PlotAreaFillPtr | areaFill (const casacore::String &color, PlotAreaFill::Pattern pattern=PlotAreaFill::FILL, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Returns a new area fill with the given color and pattern. More...
virtual PlotAreaFillPtr | areaFill (const PlotAreaFill ©, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Returns a copy of the given area fill for this implementation. More...
virtual PlotAreaFillPtr | areaFill (const PlotAreaFillPtr copy, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience method for returning a copy of the given area fill. More...
virtual PlotLinePtr | line (const casacore::String &color, PlotLine::Style style=PlotLine::SOLID, double width=1.0, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Returns a new line with the given color, style, and width. More...
virtual PlotLinePtr | line (const PlotLine ©, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Make a copy of the given line for this implementation. More...
virtual PlotLinePtr | line (const PlotLinePtr copy, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience method for returning a copy of the given line. More...
virtual PlotSymbolPtr | createSymbol (const casacore::String &descriptor, int size, const casacore::String &color, const casacore::String &fillPattern, bool outline) |
virtual PlotSymbolPtr | symbol (PlotSymbol::Symbol style, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Returns a new symbol with the given style. More...
virtual PlotSymbolPtr | symbol (char sym, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Returns a new symbol with the given character. More...
virtual PlotSymbolPtr | uSymbol (unsigned short unicode, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Return a new symbol with the given unicode #. More...
virtual PlotSymbolPtr | symbol (const PlotSymbol ©, bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Make a copy of the given symbol for this implementation. More...
virtual PlotSymbolPtr | symbol (const PlotSymbolPtr copy, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Convenience method for returning a copy of the given symbol. More...
PlotStandardMouseToolGroupPtr | standardMouseTools (ToolCode activeTool=NONE_TOOL, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Tool Objects //. More...
PlotStandardMouseToolGroupPtr | standardMouseTools (PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System sys, ToolCode activeTool=NONE_TOOL, bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Returns a standard mouse tool group for this implementation on the given axes. More...
virtual PlotSelectToolPtr | selectTool (bool smartDelete=true) const |
| Returns tools for this implementation. More...
virtual PlotZoomToolPtr | zoomTool (bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotPanToolPtr | panTool (bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotFlagAllToolPtr | flagAllTool (bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotTrackerToolPtr | trackerTool (bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotSelectToolPtr | selectTool (PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System system, bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotZoomToolPtr | zoomTool (PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System system, bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotPanToolPtr | panTool (PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System system, bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotFlagAllToolPtr | flagAllTool (PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System system, bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotTrackerToolPtr | trackerTool (PlotAxis xAxis, PlotAxis yAxis, PlotCoordinate::System system, bool smartDelete=true) const |
virtual PlotMutexPtr | mutex (bool smartDelete=true) const =0 |
| Operations //. More...
virtual PlotPointDataPtr | histogramData (PlotSingleDataPtr data, unsigned int numBins) const |
| Returns data objects for doubles. More...