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casa::RegionTextList Class Reference

An ordered list of annotations and comments representing an ascii region file. <author>Dave Mehringer</author> More...

#include <RegionTextList.h>

Public Member Functions

 RegionTextList ()
 create an empty list which can be appended to. More...
 RegionTextList (const casacore::CoordinateSystem &csys, const casacore::IPosition shape)
 create an empty list which can be appended to. More...
 RegionTextList (const casacore::String &filename, const casacore::CoordinateSystem &csys, const casacore::IPosition shape, const casacore::String &prependRegion="", const casacore::String &globalOverrideChans="", const casacore::String &globalOverrrideStokes="", const casacore::Int requireAtLeastThisVersion=RegionTextParser::CURRENT_VERSION, casacore::Bool verbose=true, casacore::Bool requireImageRegion=true)
 create a list by reading it from a file. More...
 RegionTextList (const casacore::CoordinateSystem &csys, const casacore::String &text, const casacore::IPosition shape, const casacore::String &prependRegion="", const casacore::String &globalOverrideChans="", const casacore::String &globalOverrrideStokes="", casacore::Bool verbose=true, casacore::Bool requireImageRegion=true)
 create a list by reading it from a text string. More...
 ~RegionTextList ()
void addLine (const AsciiAnnotationFileLine &line)
 add a line to the end of the list More...
casacore::uInt nLines () const
 number of lines in the list More...
AsciiAnnotationFileLine lineAt (const casacore::uInt i) const
 get the line at the specified index More...
const casacore::Vector
< AsciiAnnotationFileLine > & 
getLines () const
 get all lines in the list More...
std::ostream & print (std::ostream &os) const
casacore::CountedPtr< const
getRegion () const
 get the composite region. More...
casacore::Record regionAsRecord () const
 get the composite region as a region record. More...

Private Attributes

< AsciiAnnotationFileLine
std::vector< std::shared_ptr
< const casacore::WCRegion > > 
casacore::CoordinateSystem _csys
casacore::IPosition _shape
casacore::Bool _canGetRegion
std::vector< casacore::Bool_union
 if false, then the corresponding region is complementary to the result of the previous region operations in the sequence More...
std::vector< std::shared_ptr
< const casacore::WCDifference > > 
std::shared_ptr< const

Detailed Description

An ordered list of annotations and comments representing an ascii region file. <author>Dave Mehringer</author>

Intended use:

Public interface

Review Status

Date Reviewed:


An order list of annotations and comments representing an ascii region file.


A list of regions and annotations and comments representing an ascii region file. See the region file format proposal attached to CAS-2285 (

Definition at line 56 of file RegionTextList.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casa::RegionTextList::RegionTextList ( )

create an empty list which can be appended to.

This constructor is used for constructing an annotation list on the fly, possibly to be written to a file when complete. Do not use this constructor if you want to determine the final composite region.

casa::RegionTextList::RegionTextList ( const casacore::CoordinateSystem csys,
const casacore::IPosition  shape 

create an empty list which can be appended to.

This constructor is used for constructing an annotation list on the fly, possibly to be written to a file when complete. It can be used to determine the composite region as well but it is the caller's responsibility to ensure the regions added to this object are constructed in a consistent manner (eg using the same coordinate system). shape is the image shape and is only used if the first region is a difference; in that case, the all pixels in entire shape are set to good initially. globalOverrideChans override all spectral selections in the file or text by using this channel selection <src>globalOverrideStokes override all correlation selections in the file or text by using this polarization selection

casa::RegionTextList::RegionTextList ( const casacore::String filename,
const casacore::CoordinateSystem csys,
const casacore::IPosition  shape,
const casacore::String prependRegion = "",
const casacore::String globalOverrideChans = "",
const casacore::String globalOverrrideStokes = "",
const casacore::Int  requireAtLeastThisVersion = RegionTextParser::CURRENT_VERSION,
casacore::Bool  verbose = true,
casacore::Bool  requireImageRegion = true 

create a list by reading it from a file.

An exception is thrown if the file is not in the correct format or does not exist. The coordinate system is used for setting defaults and reference frames to be used. <src>shape is the image shape and is only used if the first region is a difference; in that case, the all pixels in entire shape are set to good initially. requireImageRegion is passed to the parser so that file lines are added only for regions inside the image.

casa::RegionTextList::RegionTextList ( const casacore::CoordinateSystem csys,
const casacore::String text,
const casacore::IPosition  shape,
const casacore::String prependRegion = "",
const casacore::String globalOverrideChans = "",
const casacore::String globalOverrrideStokes = "",
casacore::Bool  verbose = true,
casacore::Bool  requireImageRegion = true 

create a list by reading it from a text string.

An exception is thrown if the text is not in the correct format. The coordinate system is used for setting defaults and reference frames to be used. shape is the image shape and is only used if the first region is a difference; in that case, the all pixels in entire shape are set to good initially. requireImageRegion is passed to the parser so that file lines are added only for regions inside the image.

casa::RegionTextList::~RegionTextList ( )

Member Function Documentation

void casa::RegionTextList::addLine ( const AsciiAnnotationFileLine line)

add a line to the end of the list

const casacore::Vector<AsciiAnnotationFileLine>& casa::RegionTextList::getLines ( ) const

get all lines in the list

Definition at line 133 of file RegionTextList.h.

References _lines.

casacore::CountedPtr<const casacore::WCRegion> casa::RegionTextList::getRegion ( ) const

get the composite region.

AsciiAnnotationFileLine casa::RegionTextList::lineAt ( const casacore::uInt  i) const

get the line at the specified index

casacore::uInt casa::RegionTextList::nLines ( ) const

number of lines in the list

std::ostream& casa::RegionTextList::print ( std::ostream &  os) const

Referenced by casa::operator<<().

casacore::Record casa::RegionTextList::regionAsRecord ( ) const

get the composite region as a region record.

Member Data Documentation

casacore::Bool casa::RegionTextList::_canGetRegion

Definition at line 150 of file RegionTextList.h.

std::shared_ptr<const casacore::WCRegion> casa::RegionTextList::_composite

Definition at line 155 of file RegionTextList.h.

casacore::CoordinateSystem casa::RegionTextList::_csys

Definition at line 148 of file RegionTextList.h.

casacore::Vector<AsciiAnnotationFileLine> casa::RegionTextList::_lines

Definition at line 146 of file RegionTextList.h.

Referenced by getLines().

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const casacore::WCDifference> > casa::RegionTextList::_myDiff

Definition at line 154 of file RegionTextList.h.

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const casacore::WCRegion> > casa::RegionTextList::_regions

Definition at line 147 of file RegionTextList.h.

casacore::IPosition casa::RegionTextList::_shape

Definition at line 149 of file RegionTextList.h.

std::vector<casacore::Bool> casa::RegionTextList::_union

if false, then the corresponding region is complementary to the result of the previous region operations in the sequence

Definition at line 153 of file RegionTextList.h.

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