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casacore::Slicer Class Reference

Specify which elements to extract from an n-dimensional array. More...

#include <Slicer.h>

Public Types

enum  { MimicSource }
 Define the "MimicSource" value which defines the open start or end. More...
enum  LengthOrLast {
 Define the possible interpretations of the end-value. More...

Public Member Functions

 Slicer ()
 Construct a 1-dimensional Slicer. More...
 Slicer (const IPosition &start, const IPosition &end, const IPosition &stride, LengthOrLast endInterpretation=endIsLength)
 The member function inferShapeFromSource (invoked as a callback by the source array) will use the shape of the source array for the unspecified values: IPosition elements with the value Slicer::MimicSource. More...
 Slicer (const IPosition &start, const IPosition &end, LengthOrLast endInterpretation=endIsLength)
 Slicer (const IPosition &start)
 Slicer (const Slice &x, LengthOrLast endInterpretation=endIsLength)
 Create a Slicer object from Slice objects. More...
 Slicer (const Slice &x, const Slice &y, LengthOrLast endInterpretation=endIsLength)
 Create a Slicer for a 2-dim array. More...
 Slicer (const Slice &x, const Slice &y, const Slice &z, LengthOrLast endInterpretation=endIsLength)
 Create a Slicer for a 3-dim array. More...
 Slicer (const Slicer &)
 Copy constructor (copy semantics). More...
Sliceroperator= (const Slicer &)
 Assignment (copy semantics). More...
Bool operator== (const Slicer &) const
 Equality. More...
uInt ndim () const
 Return the number of dimensions of the Slicer. More...
IPosition inferShapeFromSource (const IPosition &shape, IPosition &startResult, IPosition &endResult, IPosition &strideResult) const
 This function checks all of the start, length (or end), and stride IPositions, and fills in missing values by getting the corresponding values from the shape of the source array. More...
const IPositionstart () const
 Report the defined starting position. More...
const IPositionend () const
 Report the defined ending position. More...
const IPositionstride () const
 Report the defined stride. More...
const IPositionlength () const
 Report the length of the resulting axes. More...
Bool isFixed () const
 Are all values fixed (i.e., no MimicSource given)? More...
void setStart (const IPosition &start)
 Set the start and end positions. More...
void setEnd (const IPosition &end)

Private Member Functions

 Slicer (ssize_t)
 Define a private constructor taking an ssize_t. More...
void fillEndLen ()
 Check the given start, end/length and stride. More...
void fillSlice (const Slice &, ssize_t &start, ssize_t &length, ssize_t &stride)
 Fill in start, len and stride from a Slice. More...
void fillFixed ()
 Fill the fixed flag. More...

Private Attributes

LengthOrLast asEnd_p
IPosition start_p
IPosition end_p
IPosition stride_p
IPosition len_p
Bool fixed_p

Detailed Description

Specify which elements to extract from an n-dimensional array.

Review Status

Reviewed By:
Paul Shannon
Date Reviewed:
Test programs:

The review and modification of this class were undertaken, in part, with the aim of making this class header an example – this is what the Casacore project thinks a class header should look like.



The class name "Slicer" may be thought of as a short form of "n-Dimensional Slice Specifier." Some confusion is possible between class "Slice" and this class.


If you need to extract or operate upon a portion of an array, the Slicer class is the best way to specify the subarray you are interested in.

Slicer has many constructors. Of these, some require that the programmer supply a full specification of the array elements he wants to extract; other constructors make do with partial information. In the latter case, the constructor will assume sensible default values or, when directed, infer missing information from the array that's getting sliced (hereafter, the "source" array).

Constructing With Full Information

To fully specify a subarray, you must supply three pieces of information for each axis of the subarray:

  1. where to start
  2. how many elements to extract
  3. what stride (or "increment" or "interval") to use: a stride of "n" means pick extract only every "nth" element along an axis

The most basic constructor for Slicer illustrates this. To create an Slicer for getting selected elements from a 3D array:

IPosition start (3,0,0,0), length (3,10,10,10), stride (3,3,3,3);
// assume proper declarations, and meaningful values in the source array
subArray = sourceArray (slicer);

It gets elements 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27 for each dimension.

Caution: If you wish to extract elements from the array at intervals, these intervals must be regular; The interval is one constant integer for each dimension of the array: it cannot be a function;

Caution: "length", the second parameter to the Slicer constructor above, may actually be used in two ways; In normal (and default) use, it specifies how many elements to select from the source; In the alternative use, it specifies the index of the last element to extract from the source array; This ambiguity (does "end" mean "length" or does it mean "last index"?) is handled by a default fourth parameter to the constructor; This code fragment will extract the same subarray as the example above:

IPosition start (3,0,0,0), end (3,27,27,27), stride (3,3,3,3);
subArray = sourceArray (slicer);

Note that in this example end(3,28,29,28) gives the same result; (We use "end" as the name of the formal parameter because it supports both meanings – "last index" or "length;" You may wish to use a clarifying name for the actual parameter in your code, as we have above when we used "length";)
Similar to Python it is possible to address the start and/or end value from the end by giving a negative value (-1 means the last value). However, a length and stride cannot be negative. Unlike Python the end value is inclusive (as discussed above). For example,

Slicer slicer (IPosition(1,-4), IPosition(1,-2), Slicer::endIsLast)
Slicer slicer (IPosition(1,6), IPosition(1,8), Slicer::endIsLast)

Both Slicers give the same result when used on a Vector with length 10.

Constructing with Partial Information

Some of the constructors don't require complete information: Slicer either calculates sensible default values or deduces them from the source array. If you do not specify a "stride" argument, for example, a value of 1 will be used for all dimensions. If you specify a "start" but nothing else, a stride of 1, and (perhaps against expectation) a length of 1 will be used.

Note that using a negative start or end is also partial information. The actual array shape is needed to derive the exact start or end value.

To instruct the Slicer to get otherwise unspecified information from the source array, you can create an IPosition like "end" as shown here:

IPosition start (3,0,0,0), stride (3,3,3,3);
Slicer smartSlicer (start, end, stride);
// assume proper declarations..\.
subArray = sourceArray (smartSlicer)

If you are a library programmer, and write a class that can be sliced by the Slicer class, you need to understand the mechanism for completing the information which the application programmer, in using your class, specified incompletely. (If you are an application programmer, who wants to slice a library class, this explanation will be only of academic interest.)

When the source array (the library class you provide) gets the Slicer – which typically comes when the source array is asked to return a reference to a subarray – the source does a callback to the Slicer object. The source array passes its own shape as one of the arguments to the Slicer callback and asks the Slicer to fill in the missing values from that shape.

In use, and with an imagined class "MyVector", code would look like this:

// first, a fragment from the application program:
IPosition start (1,10), end (1, Slicer::MimicSource);
Slicer slicer (start, end);
MyVector <Int> v0 (100);
MyVector <Int> v1 = v0 (slicer);
// second, a fragment from a constructor of the library class "MyVector":
// the MyVector class will construct v1 as a reference to
// selected elements of v0, using (among other things) a
// callback to the slicer it was passed (above, in the
// construction of v1.
IPosition start, end, stride;
fullSliceInformation =
slicer.inferShapeFromSource (MyVector::shape(), start, end, stride);
// now the MyVector instance knows everything it needs to
// construct the instance.

Please note that v1 will have a length of 90, and refer to elements 10-99 of v0.

Warning: An exception will be thrown if the positions defined in the Slicer exceed the source array's shape;


Given a large image, 4k on a side, extract (by sampling) an image 1k on a side, but covering the same region as the original.

Image <Float> image ("N5364.fits"); // a 4-d VLA map, 4096 x 4096 x 3 x 1
IPosition start (4,0,0,0,0), stride (4,4,4,1,1);
Slicer smartSlicer (start, end, stride);
// assume proper declarations..\.
Image <Float> subImage = image (smartSlicer);


Slicer is particularly convenient for designers of other library classes: Array and Image, for example. (In fact, this convenience was the original motivation for the class.) The benefit is this: the application programmer, who needs a slice of an Array, may provide slicing specifications in many different ways, but the Array class author needs to provide only one member function to return the slice. The Slicer class, in effect, and with its many constructors, provides a way to funnel all of the variety into a single member function call to the array or image class.

For example, imagine a 100 x 100 x 100 array from which you want to extract various subarrays. Here are some of the ways you might specify the the subarray in the -absence- of Slicer.

// preliminaries: create a cube and assign values to all elements --
// this will be "source" array
Cube <Int> bigCube (IPosition (3, 100, 100, 100));
assignValues (bigCube);
// declare a smaller cube, the destination array.
Cube <Int> smallCube (IPosition (3, 10, 10, 10));
// example 1: use Slice objects to extract a subcube -- the first
// ten elements along each axis
Slice xIndices (0,10,1), yIndices (0,10,1), zIndices (0,10,1);
smallCube = bigCube (xIndices, yIndices, zIndices);
// example 2: get the same subcube using three IPosition arguments
IPosition start (3,0,0,0), end (3,10,10,10), stride (3,1,1,1);
smallCube = bigCube (start, end, stride);
// example 3: use 2 IPositions, letting the 3rd (stride) default to
// IPosition (3,1,1,1)
smallCube = bigCube (start, end);

So the Cube class (together with its base class) must define three separate member functions for the essentially identical operation of extracting a subcube. The same replication is also required of Image, Array, and the other Array subclasses (Matrix and Vector).

The Slicer class collapses all of this into a single member function per class:

Slicer slicer = (call the constructor that best suits your problem)
smallCube = bigCube (slicer);

Since there are many constructors available for Slicer, you can still specify the subarray that you may want in a number of different ways, by constructing the Slicer in the way most natural to your circumstances. You then pass the Slicer to the array, and you will get back the slice you want.

This class also offers the application programmer considerable flexibility by allowing the shape of the source array to determine some of the slice specification. This benefit is explained and demonstrated above.

To Do

Definition at line 289 of file Slicer.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Define the "MimicSource" value which defines the open start or end.

This value should be different from MIN_INT in IPosition.h. It should also not be the lowest possible value, since that will probably be used as an undefined value. It must be a negative number.


Definition at line 298 of file Slicer.h.

Define the possible interpretations of the end-value.


The end-values given in the constructor define the lengths.


The end-values given in the constructor define the trc.

Definition at line 301 of file Slicer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

casacore::Slicer::Slicer ( )

Construct a 1-dimensional Slicer.

Start and end are inferred from the source; stride=1. "endIsLength" and "endIsLast" are identical here, so there's no need to discriminate between them by using a default parameter.

casacore::Slicer::Slicer ( const IPosition start,
const IPosition end,
const IPosition stride,
LengthOrLast  endInterpretation = endIsLength 

The member function inferShapeFromSource (invoked as a callback by the source array) will use the shape of the source array for the unspecified values: IPosition elements with the value Slicer::MimicSource.

Thrown Exceptions

Create a Slicer with a given start, end (or length), and stride. An exception will be thrown if a negative length or non-positive stride is given or if the IPositions start, end, and stride do not have the same dimensionality. If length or stride is not given, they default to 1.
It is possible to leave values in start and end undefined by giving the value MimicSource. They can be filled in later with the actual array shape using function inferShapeFromSource.

casacore::Slicer::Slicer ( const IPosition start,
const IPosition end,
LengthOrLast  endInterpretation = endIsLength 
casacore::Slicer::Slicer ( const IPosition start)
casacore::Slicer::Slicer ( const Slice x,
LengthOrLast  endInterpretation = endIsLength 

Create a Slicer object from Slice objects.

In a Slice object one defines the start, length, and stride for one axis. The default Slice constructor (called with no arguments) creates a Slice with start and length equal to zero, and an undefined stride.

Create a Slicer for a 1-dimensional array.

casacore::Slicer::Slicer ( const Slice x,
const Slice y,
LengthOrLast  endInterpretation = endIsLength 

Create a Slicer for a 2-dim array.

casacore::Slicer::Slicer ( const Slice x,
const Slice y,
const Slice z,
LengthOrLast  endInterpretation = endIsLength 

Create a Slicer for a 3-dim array.

casacore::Slicer::Slicer ( const Slicer )

Copy constructor (copy semantics).

casacore::Slicer::Slicer ( ssize_t  )

Define a private constructor taking an ssize_t.

This is to prevent the user from the unexpected and meaningless Slicer that would result when the ssize_t argument is promoted to an IPosition.

Member Function Documentation

const IPosition & casacore::Slicer::end ( ) const

Report the defined ending position.

Definition at line 462 of file Slicer.h.

References end_p.

Referenced by setEnd().

void casacore::Slicer::fillEndLen ( )

Check the given start, end/length and stride.

Fill in the length or end. It also calls fillFixed to fill the fixed flag.

void casacore::Slicer::fillFixed ( )

Fill the fixed flag.

void casacore::Slicer::fillSlice ( const Slice ,
ssize_t &  start,
ssize_t &  length,
ssize_t &  stride 

Fill in start, len and stride from a Slice.

IPosition casacore::Slicer::inferShapeFromSource ( const IPosition shape,
IPosition startResult,
IPosition endResult,
IPosition strideResult 
) const

This function checks all of the start, length (or end), and stride IPositions, and fills in missing values by getting the corresponding values from the shape of the source array.

These will first be resized, if necessary. If, for a given axis, (end < start), it means that a length of zero was specified. An exception is thrown if the start, end, or length exceeds the array shape or if the dimensionality of the array and Slicer do not conform.

Thrown Exceptions

Bool casacore::Slicer::isFixed ( ) const

Are all values fixed (i.e., no MimicSource given)?

Definition at line 471 of file Slicer.h.

References fixed_p.

const IPosition & casacore::Slicer::length ( ) const

Report the length of the resulting axes.

Definition at line 468 of file Slicer.h.

References len_p.

Referenced by casacore::Adios2StManColumnT< T >::getColumnSliceV().

uInt casacore::Slicer::ndim ( ) const

Return the number of dimensions of the Slicer.

Definition at line 456 of file Slicer.h.

References casacore::IPosition::nelements(), and start_p.

Slicer& casacore::Slicer::operator= ( const Slicer )

Assignment (copy semantics).

Bool casacore::Slicer::operator== ( const Slicer ) const


void casacore::Slicer::setEnd ( const IPosition end)

Definition at line 415 of file Slicer.h.

References end(), and end_p.

void casacore::Slicer::setStart ( const IPosition start)

Set the start and end positions.

No explicit checking is done that the input parameters make sense, so you must be certain if you call these. These are useful if you have a loop with many iterations and you do not wish the overhead of creating a new Slicer object for each iteration if the only thing you are doing is adjusting the start and end positions. Other than for performance reasons, these methods should not be called and you should prefer the error checking provided by constructing a new Slicer object. Note that the length is not updated, so in principle care should be taken that the length does not change.

Definition at line 413 of file Slicer.h.

References start(), and start_p.

const IPosition & casacore::Slicer::start ( ) const

Report the defined starting position.

Definition at line 459 of file Slicer.h.

References start_p.

Referenced by casacore::Adios2StManColumnT< T >::getColumnSliceV(), and setStart().

const IPosition & casacore::Slicer::stride ( ) const

Report the defined stride.

Definition at line 465 of file Slicer.h.

References stride_p.

Member Data Documentation

LengthOrLast casacore::Slicer::asEnd_p

Definition at line 421 of file Slicer.h.

IPosition casacore::Slicer::end_p

Definition at line 423 of file Slicer.h.

Referenced by end(), and setEnd().

Bool casacore::Slicer::fixed_p

Definition at line 426 of file Slicer.h.

Referenced by isFixed().

IPosition casacore::Slicer::len_p

Definition at line 425 of file Slicer.h.

Referenced by length().

IPosition casacore::Slicer::start_p

Definition at line 422 of file Slicer.h.

Referenced by ndim(), setStart(), and start().

IPosition casacore::Slicer::stride_p

Definition at line 424 of file Slicer.h.

Referenced by stride().

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