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miriad.h File Reference

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typedef void Void


void hopen_c (int *tno, Const char *name, Const char *status, int *iostat)
void hflush_c (int tno, int *iostat)
void habort_c (void)
void hrm_c (int tno)
void hclose_c (int tno)
void hdelete_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, int *iostat)
void haccess_c (int tno, int *ihandle, Const char *keyword, Const char *status, int *iostat)
void hmode_c (int tno, char *mode)
int hexists_c (int tno, Const char *keyword)
void hdaccess_c (int ihandle, int *iostat)
off_t hsize_c (int ihandle)
void hio_c (int ihandle, int dowrite, int type, char *buf, off_t offset, size_t length, int *iostat)
void hseek_c (int ihandle, off_t offset)
off_t htell_c (int ihandle)
void hreada_c (int ihandle, char *line, size_t length, int *iostat)
void hwritea_c (int ihandle, Const char *line, size_t length, int *iostat)
void hisopen_c (int tno, Const char *status)
void hiswrite_c (int tno, Const char *text)
void hisread_c (int tno, char *text, size_t length, int *eof)
void hisclose_c (int tno)
void wrhdr_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, double value)
void wrhdd_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, double value)
void wrhdi_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, int value)
void wrhdl_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, int8 value)
void wrhdc_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, Const float *value)
void wrhda_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, Const char *value)
void rdhdr_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, float *value, double defval)
void rdhdi_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, int *value, int defval)
void rdhdl_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, int8 *value, int8 defval)
void rdhdd_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, double *value, double defval)
void rdhdc_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, float *value, Const float *defval)
void rdhda_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, char *value, Const char *defval, int len)
void hdcopy_c (int tin, int tout, Const char *keyword)
int hdprsnt_c (int tno, Const char *keyword)
void hdprobe_c (int tno, Const char *keyword, char *descr, size_t length, char *type, int *n)
void ddelete_c (char *path, int *iostat)
void dtrans_c (char *inpath, char *outpath, int *iostat)
void dmkdir_c (char *path, int *iostat)
void drmdir_c (char *path, int *iostat)
void dopen_c (int *fd, char *name, char *status, off_t *size, int *iostat)
void dclose_c (int fd, int *iostat)
void dread_c (int fd, char *buffer, off_t offset, size_t length, int *iostat)
void dwrite_c (int fd, char *buffer, off_t offset, size_t length, int *iostat)
void dwait_c (int fd, int *iostat)
int dexpand_c (char *tmplte, char *output, int length)
void dopendir_c (char **contxt, char *path)
void dclosedir_c (char *contxt)
void dreaddir_c (char *contxt, char *path, int length)
void uvopen_c (int *tno, Const char *name, Const char *status)
void uvclose_c (int tno)
void uvflush_c (int tno)
void uvnext_c (int tno)
void uvrewind_c (int tno)
int uvdim_c (int tno)
void uvcopyvr_c (int tin, int tout)
int uvupdate_c (int tno)
void uvvarini_c (int tno, int *vhan)
void uvvarset_c (int vhan, Const char *var)
void uvvarcpy_c (int vhan, int tout)
int uvvarupd_c (int vhan)
void uvrdvr_c (int tno, int type, Const char *var, char *data, const char *def, int n)
void uvgetvr_c (int tno, int type, Const char *var, char *data, int n)
void uvprobvr_c (int tno, Const char *var, char *type, int *length, int *updated)
void uvputvr_c (int tno, int type, Const char *var, Const char *data, int n)
void uvtrack_c (int tno, Const char *name, Const char *switches)
int uvscan_c (int tno, Const char *var)
void uvwrite_c (int tno, Const double *preamble, Const float *data, Const int *flags, int n)
void uvwwrite_c (int tno, Const float *data, Const int *flags, int n)
void uvsela_c (int tno, Const char *object, Const char *string, int datasel)
void uvselect_c (int tno, Const char *object, double p1, double p2, int datasel)
void uvset_c (int tno, Const char *object, Const char *type, int n, double p1, double p2, double p3)
void uvread_c (int tno, double *preamble, float *data, int *flags, int n, int *nread)
void uvwread_c (int tno, float *data, int *flags, int n, int *nread)
void uvflgwr_c (int tno, Const int *flags)
void uvwflgwr_c (int tno, Const int *flags)
void uvinfo_c (int tno, Const char *object, double *data)
int uvchkshadow_c (int tno, double diameter_meters)
void xyopen_c (int *tno, Const char *name, Const char *status, int naxis, int axes[])
void xyflush_c (int tno)
void xyclose_c (int tno)
int xydim_c (int tno)
void xyread_c (int tno, int index, float *array)
void xywrite_c (int tno, int index, Const float *array)
void xymkrd_c (int tno, int index, int *runs, int n, int *nread)
void xymkwr_c (int tno, int index, Const int *runs, int n)
void xyflgwr_c (int tno, int index, Const int *flags)
void xyflgrd_c (int tno, int index, int *flags)
void xysetpl_c (int tno, int naxis, Const int *axes)
char * mkopen_c (int tno, char *name, char *status)
void mkclose_c (char *handle)
int mkread_c (char *handle, int mode, int *flags, off_t offset, int n, int nsize)
void mkwrite_c (char *handle, int mode, Const int *flags, off_t offset, int n, int nsize)
void mkflush_c (char *handle)
void setmaski_c (int *mask, Const int *masks)
void getmaski_c (Const int mask, int *masks)
void xyzopen_c (int *tno, Const char *name, Const char *status, int *naxis, int axlen[])
void xyzclose_c (int tno)
void xyzflush_c (int tno)
void xyzsetup_c (int tno, Const char *subcube, Const int blc[], Const int trc[], int viraxlen[], long vircubesize[])
void xyzs2c_c (int tno, long subcubenr, int coords[])
void xyzc2s_c (int tno, Const int coords[], long *subcubenr)
void xyzread_c (int tno, Const int coords[], float *data, int *mask, int *ndata)
void xyzpixrd_c (int tno, long pixelnr, float *data, int *mask)
void xyzprfrd_c (int tno, int profilenr, float *data, int *mask, int *ndata)
void xyzplnrd_c (int tno, int planenr, float *data, int *mask, int *ndata)
void xyzwrite_c (int tno, Const int coords[], Const float *data, Const int *mask, Const int *ndata)
void xyzpixwr_c (int tno, long pixelnr, Const float *data, Const int *mask)
void xyzprfwr_c (int tno, int profilenr, Const float *data, Const int *mask, Const int *ndata)
void xyzplnwr_c (int tno, int planenr, Const float *data, Const int *mask, Const int *ndata)
void xyzmkbuf_c (void)
void xyzdim_c (int tno, int *naxis, int *dimsub)
int xyzpix_c (int tno, int dims)
char bugseverity_c (void)
char * bugmessage_c (void)
void bughandler_c (void(*handler)(char s, Const char *m))
void bugrecover_c (void(*cl)(void))
void buglabel_c (Const char *name)
void bugno_c (char s, int n)
char * errmsg_c (int n)
void bug_c (char s, Const char *m)
void bugv_c (char s, Const char *m,...)
void scropen_c (int *handle)
void scrclose_c (int handle)
void scrread_c (int handle, float *buffer, off_t offset, size_t length)
void scrwrite_c (int handle, Const float *buffer, off_t offset, size_t length)
void scrrecsz_c (int handle, size_t recsize)
void tabopen_c (int *tno, Const char *name, Const char *status, int *ncol, int *nrow)
void tabclose_c (int tno)
void tabsetr_c (int tno, int row)
void tabfmtc_c (int tno, int col, char *fmt)
void tabcmt_c (int tno, char *comment)
void tabwcr_c (int tno, int col, float value)
void tabwcd_c (int tno, int col, double value)
void tabwci_c (int tno, int col, int value)
void tabwca_c (int tno, int col, char *value)
void tabgetr_c (int tno, int row, float *data)
void tabgetd_c (int tno, int row, double *data)
void tabgeta_c (int tno, int row, char *data)
void keyinit_c (Const char *task)
void keyput_c (Const char *task, char *string)
void keyini_c (int argc, char *argv[])
void keyfin_c (void)
int keyprsnt_c (Const char *keyword)
void keya_c (Const char *keyword, char *value, Const char *keydef)
void keyf_c (Const char *keyword, char *value, Const char *keydef)
void keyd_c (Const char *keyword, double *value, Const double keydef)
void keyr_c (Const char *keyword, float *value, Const float keydef)
void keyi_c (Const char *keyword, int *value, Const int keydef)
void keyl_c (Const char *keyword, int *value, Const int keydef)
void mkeyd_c (Const char *keyword, double value[], Const int nmax, int *n)
void mkeyr_c (Const char *keyword, float value[], Const int nmax, int *n)
void mkeyi_c (Const char *keyword, int value[], Const int nmax, int *n)
void mirInit_c (const char *f_name)
void mirClose_c (void)
void inWrite_c (const int conid, const int icocd, const int traid, const int inhid, const int ints, const int itq, const float az, const float el, const float ha, const int iut, const int iref_time, const double dhrs, const float vc, const int ivctype, const double sx, const double sy, const double sz, const float rinteg, const int proid, const int souid, const int isource, const int ipos, const float offx, const float offy, const int iofftype, const int ira, const int idec, const double rar, const double decr, const float epoch, const float sflux, const float size)
void blWrite_c (const int blhid, const int inhid, const int isb, const int ipol, const float pa, const int iaq, const int ibq, const int icq, const int ioq, const int irec, const int iffc, const float u, const float v, const float w, const float prbl, const float angres, const float vis, const float coh, const float sigcoh, const float csnr, const float vflux, const float cnoise, const double avedhrs, const float ampav, const float phaave, const float tpvar, const int blsid, const int itel1, const int itel2, const int iblcd, const float ble, const float bln, const float blu, const int soid)
void spWrite_c (const int sphid, const int blhid, const int inhid, const int igq, const int ipq, const int iband, const int ipstate, const float tau0, const double vel, const float vres, const int ivtype, const double fsky, const float fres, const float tssb, const float integ, const float wt, const int itaper, const float snoise, const int nch, const int nrec, const int dataoff, const int linid, const int itrans, const double rfreq, const int pasid, const int gaiidamp, const int gaiidpha, const int flcid, const int atmid)
void codeWrite_c (const char *v_name, const int icode, const char *code, const int ncode)
void visWrite_c (const float *re, const float *im, const int numvis, const int startvis, int *nbytes)
void pad (char *string, int length)
char * zterm (char *string, int length)

Typedef Documentation

typedef char Void

Definition at line 56 of file miriad.h.

Function Documentation

void blWrite_c ( const int  blhid,
const int  inhid,
const int  isb,
const int  ipol,
const float  pa,
const int  iaq,
const int  ibq,
const int  icq,
const int  ioq,
const int  irec,
const int  iffc,
const float  u,
const float  v,
const float  w,
const float  prbl,
const float  angres,
const float  vis,
const float  coh,
const float  sigcoh,
const float  csnr,
const float  vflux,
const float  cnoise,
const double  avedhrs,
const float  ampav,
const float  phaave,
const float  tpvar,
const int  blsid,
const int  itel1,
const int  itel2,
const int  iblcd,
const float  ble,
const float  bln,
const float  blu,
const int  soid 
void bug_c ( char  s,
Const char *  m 
void bughandler_c ( void(*)(char s, Const char *m)  handler)
void buglabel_c ( Const char *  name)
char* bugmessage_c ( void  )
void bugno_c ( char  s,
int  n 
void bugrecover_c ( void(*)(void)  cl)
char bugseverity_c ( void  )
void bugv_c ( char  s,
Const char *  m,
void codeWrite_c ( const char *  v_name,
const int  icode,
const char *  code,
const int  ncode 
void dclose_c ( int  fd,
int *  iostat 
void dclosedir_c ( char *  contxt)
void ddelete_c ( char *  path,
int *  iostat 
int dexpand_c ( char *  tmplte,
char *  output,
int  length 
void dmkdir_c ( char *  path,
int *  iostat 
void dopen_c ( int *  fd,
char *  name,
char *  status,
off_t *  size,
int *  iostat 
void dopendir_c ( char **  contxt,
char *  path 
void dread_c ( int  fd,
char *  buffer,
off_t  offset,
size_t  length,
int *  iostat 
void dreaddir_c ( char *  contxt,
char *  path,
int  length 
void drmdir_c ( char *  path,
int *  iostat 
void dtrans_c ( char *  inpath,
char *  outpath,
int *  iostat 
void dwait_c ( int  fd,
int *  iostat 
void dwrite_c ( int  fd,
char *  buffer,
off_t  offset,
size_t  length,
int *  iostat 
char* errmsg_c ( int  n)
void getmaski_c ( Const int  mask,
int *  masks 
void habort_c ( void  )
void haccess_c ( int  tno,
int *  ihandle,
Const char *  keyword,
Const char *  status,
int *  iostat 
void hclose_c ( int  tno)
void hdaccess_c ( int  ihandle,
int *  iostat 
void hdcopy_c ( int  tin,
int  tout,
Const char *  keyword 
void hdelete_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
int *  iostat 
void hdprobe_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
char *  descr,
size_t  length,
char *  type,
int *  n 
int hdprsnt_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword 
int hexists_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword 
void hflush_c ( int  tno,
int *  iostat 
void hio_c ( int  ihandle,
int  dowrite,
int  type,
char *  buf,
off_t  offset,
size_t  length,
int *  iostat 
void hisclose_c ( int  tno)
void hisopen_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  status 
void hisread_c ( int  tno,
char *  text,
size_t  length,
int *  eof 

Referenced by MirHisReader::readLine().

void hiswrite_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  text 
void hmode_c ( int  tno,
char *  mode 
void hopen_c ( int *  tno,
Const char *  name,
Const char *  status,
int *  iostat 
void hreada_c ( int  ihandle,
char *  line,
size_t  length,
int *  iostat 
void hrm_c ( int  tno)
void hseek_c ( int  ihandle,
off_t  offset 
off_t hsize_c ( int  ihandle)
off_t htell_c ( int  ihandle)
void hwritea_c ( int  ihandle,
Const char *  line,
size_t  length,
int *  iostat 
void inWrite_c ( const int  conid,
const int  icocd,
const int  traid,
const int  inhid,
const int  ints,
const int  itq,
const float  az,
const float  el,
const float  ha,
const int  iut,
const int  iref_time,
const double  dhrs,
const float  vc,
const int  ivctype,
const double  sx,
const double  sy,
const double  sz,
const float  rinteg,
const int  proid,
const int  souid,
const int  isource,
const int  ipos,
const float  offx,
const float  offy,
const int  iofftype,
const int  ira,
const int  idec,
const double  rar,
const double  decr,
const float  epoch,
const float  sflux,
const float  size 
void keya_c ( Const char *  keyword,
char *  value,
Const char *  keydef 
void keyd_c ( Const char *  keyword,
double *  value,
Const double  keydef 
void keyf_c ( Const char *  keyword,
char *  value,
Const char *  keydef 
void keyfin_c ( void  )
void keyi_c ( Const char *  keyword,
int *  value,
Const int  keydef 
void keyini_c ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 
void keyinit_c ( Const char *  task)
void keyl_c ( Const char *  keyword,
int *  value,
Const int  keydef 
int keyprsnt_c ( Const char *  keyword)
void keyput_c ( Const char *  task,
char *  string 
void keyr_c ( Const char *  keyword,
float *  value,
Const float  keydef 
void mirClose_c ( void  )
void mirInit_c ( const char *  f_name)
void mkclose_c ( char *  handle)
void mkeyd_c ( Const char *  keyword,
double  value[],
Const int  nmax,
int *  n 
void mkeyi_c ( Const char *  keyword,
int  value[],
Const int  nmax,
int *  n 
void mkeyr_c ( Const char *  keyword,
float  value[],
Const int  nmax,
int *  n 
void mkflush_c ( char *  handle)
char* mkopen_c ( int  tno,
char *  name,
char *  status 
int mkread_c ( char *  handle,
int  mode,
int *  flags,
off_t  offset,
int  n,
int  nsize 
void mkwrite_c ( char *  handle,
int  mode,
Const int *  flags,
off_t  offset,
int  n,
int  nsize 
void pad ( char *  string,
int  length 
void rdhda_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
char *  value,
Const char *  defval,
int  len 
void rdhdc_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
float *  value,
Const float *  defval 
void rdhdd_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
double *  value,
double  defval 
void rdhdi_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
int *  value,
int  defval 
void rdhdl_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
int8 value,
int8  defval 
void rdhdr_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
float *  value,
double  defval 
void scrclose_c ( int  handle)
void scropen_c ( int *  handle)
void scrread_c ( int  handle,
float *  buffer,
off_t  offset,
size_t  length 
void scrrecsz_c ( int  handle,
size_t  recsize 
void scrwrite_c ( int  handle,
Const float *  buffer,
off_t  offset,
size_t  length 
void setmaski_c ( int *  mask,
Const int *  masks 
void spWrite_c ( const int  sphid,
const int  blhid,
const int  inhid,
const int  igq,
const int  ipq,
const int  iband,
const int  ipstate,
const float  tau0,
const double  vel,
const float  vres,
const int  ivtype,
const double  fsky,
const float  fres,
const float  tssb,
const float  integ,
const float  wt,
const int  itaper,
const float  snoise,
const int  nch,
const int  nrec,
const int  dataoff,
const int  linid,
const int  itrans,
const double  rfreq,
const int  pasid,
const int  gaiidamp,
const int  gaiidpha,
const int  flcid,
const int  atmid 
void tabclose_c ( int  tno)
void tabcmt_c ( int  tno,
char *  comment 
void tabfmtc_c ( int  tno,
int  col,
char *  fmt 
void tabgeta_c ( int  tno,
int  row,
char *  data 
void tabgetd_c ( int  tno,
int  row,
double *  data 
void tabgetr_c ( int  tno,
int  row,
float *  data 
void tabopen_c ( int *  tno,
Const char *  name,
Const char *  status,
int *  ncol,
int *  nrow 
void tabsetr_c ( int  tno,
int  row 
void tabwca_c ( int  tno,
int  col,
char *  value 
void tabwcd_c ( int  tno,
int  col,
double  value 
void tabwci_c ( int  tno,
int  col,
int  value 
void tabwcr_c ( int  tno,
int  col,
float  value 
int uvchkshadow_c ( int  tno,
double  diameter_meters 
void uvclose_c ( int  tno)
void uvcopyvr_c ( int  tin,
int  tout 
int uvdim_c ( int  tno)
void uvflgwr_c ( int  tno,
Const int *  flags 
void uvflush_c ( int  tno)
void uvgetvr_c ( int  tno,
int  type,
Const char *  var,
char *  data,
int  n 
void uvinfo_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  object,
double *  data 
void uvnext_c ( int  tno)
void uvopen_c ( int *  tno,
Const char *  name,
Const char *  status 
void uvprobvr_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  var,
char *  type,
int *  length,
int *  updated 
void uvputvr_c ( int  tno,
int  type,
Const char *  var,
Const char *  data,
int  n 
void uvrdvr_c ( int  tno,
int  type,
Const char *  var,
char *  data,
const char *  def,
int  n 
void uvread_c ( int  tno,
double *  preamble,
float *  data,
int *  flags,
int  n,
int *  nread 
void uvrewind_c ( int  tno)
int uvscan_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  var 
void uvsela_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  object,
Const char *  string,
int  datasel 
void uvselect_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  object,
double  p1,
double  p2,
int  datasel 
void uvset_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  object,
Const char *  type,
int  n,
double  p1,
double  p2,
double  p3 
void uvtrack_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  name,
Const char *  switches 
int uvupdate_c ( int  tno)
void uvvarcpy_c ( int  vhan,
int  tout 
void uvvarini_c ( int  tno,
int *  vhan 
void uvvarset_c ( int  vhan,
Const char *  var 
int uvvarupd_c ( int  vhan)
void uvwflgwr_c ( int  tno,
Const int *  flags 
void uvwread_c ( int  tno,
float *  data,
int *  flags,
int  n,
int *  nread 
void uvwrite_c ( int  tno,
Const double *  preamble,
Const float *  data,
Const int *  flags,
int  n 
void uvwwrite_c ( int  tno,
Const float *  data,
Const int *  flags,
int  n 
void visWrite_c ( const float *  re,
const float *  im,
const int  numvis,
const int  startvis,
int *  nbytes 
void wrhda_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
Const char *  value 
void wrhdc_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
Const float *  value 
void wrhdd_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
double  value 
void wrhdi_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
int  value 
void wrhdl_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
int8  value 
void wrhdr_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  keyword,
double  value 
void xyclose_c ( int  tno)
int xydim_c ( int  tno)
void xyflgrd_c ( int  tno,
int  index,
int *  flags 
void xyflgwr_c ( int  tno,
int  index,
Const int *  flags 
void xyflush_c ( int  tno)
void xymkrd_c ( int  tno,
int  index,
int *  runs,
int  n,
int *  nread 
void xymkwr_c ( int  tno,
int  index,
Const int *  runs,
int  n 
void xyopen_c ( int *  tno,
Const char *  name,
Const char *  status,
int  naxis,
int  axes[] 
void xyread_c ( int  tno,
int  index,
float *  array 
void xysetpl_c ( int  tno,
int  naxis,
Const int *  axes 
void xywrite_c ( int  tno,
int  index,
Const float *  array 
void xyzc2s_c ( int  tno,
Const int  coords[],
long *  subcubenr 
void xyzclose_c ( int  tno)
void xyzdim_c ( int  tno,
int *  naxis,
int *  dimsub 
void xyzflush_c ( int  tno)
void xyzmkbuf_c ( void  )
void xyzopen_c ( int *  tno,
Const char *  name,
Const char *  status,
int *  naxis,
int  axlen[] 
int xyzpix_c ( int  tno,
int  dims 
void xyzpixrd_c ( int  tno,
long  pixelnr,
float *  data,
int *  mask 
void xyzpixwr_c ( int  tno,
long  pixelnr,
Const float *  data,
Const int *  mask 
void xyzplnrd_c ( int  tno,
int  planenr,
float *  data,
int *  mask,
int *  ndata 
void xyzplnwr_c ( int  tno,
int  planenr,
Const float *  data,
Const int *  mask,
Const int *  ndata 
void xyzprfrd_c ( int  tno,
int  profilenr,
float *  data,
int *  mask,
int *  ndata 
void xyzprfwr_c ( int  tno,
int  profilenr,
Const float *  data,
Const int *  mask,
Const int *  ndata 
void xyzread_c ( int  tno,
Const int  coords[],
float *  data,
int *  mask,
int *  ndata 
void xyzs2c_c ( int  tno,
long  subcubenr,
int  coords[] 
void xyzsetup_c ( int  tno,
Const char *  subcube,
Const int  blc[],
Const int  trc[],
int  viraxlen[],
long  vircubesize[] 
void xyzwrite_c ( int  tno,
Const int  coords[],
Const float *  data,
Const int *  mask,
Const int *  ndata 
char* zterm ( char *  string,
int  length 