CASA Scripts and Data

CASA Scripts and Data

As part of our testing and training programs, we have developed a number of "use case" and "demo" scripts. Here are links to a selection of these:

NOTE: All of the scripts on this page still use plotxy. We are close but not right there with having all plotxy functionality available in plotms (multi-paneling is still missing). We recommend strongly to use plotms for most of the processing and will update the scripts once all functions can be performed in plotms. Nevertheless, all scripts should work but plotxy maybe very slow on your machine. For more up-to-date scripts, see the reduction tutorials on

For Experienced Users: CASA Scripts and Data

Here are some more data and scripts, intended for more experienced CASA users and exploring more technical uses of the package. These scripts are not generally set up as demos or tutorials, and users will likely need to read through them carefully and in some cases cut-and-paste commands to their casapy session.

CASA Training Materials

We have held a number of training sessions for CASA. We intend to archive the materials here for use online for training, and for building new training sessions. These are available from the CASA Training Page. And even more so, we provide very detailed data reduction guides on the CASAguides webpage.

CASA Documentation and Help

There are a number of reference documents and help facilities available to the user, for more information, see the Using CASA page.

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