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CASA Training
CASA Training Materials
We have held a number of training sessions for CASA. We intend to archive the materials here for use online for training, and for building new training sessions.
Below are links to the relevant training materials and session info:
- Overview of ALMA workshops and Tutorials
- Overview of VLA workshops and Tutorials (contains links to Synthesis Schools and Data reduction Workshops)
- Lectures from the Syntheis School 2014
- NRAO Synthesis School June 2010:
At the NRAO synthesis school we extensively used the CASAguides wiki. We created two extensive tutorials that we recommend for training:
For the same event, we had a course in CARMA data reduction and here is the tutorial:
- CASA ALMA tutorial at McMaster University June 2009:
On June 1-3 2009 we held CASA tutorials at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario (Canada) aimed at introducing Canadian astronomers to ALMA and to CASA.
- CASA tutorial in Santiago January 2009:
On January 26-27 2009 we held CASA tutorials in Santiago aimed at introducing new JAO staff and astronomers from nearby institutions to CASA. - CASA AOC Tutorial October 2008:
On October 7, 2008, we held a CASA Tutorial at the AOC in Socorro, New Mexico, aimed at further introducing CASA to local staff. - 2008 Synthesis Imaging Workshop:
On June 13, 2008, we held CASA Tutorials for participants of the 11th Synthesis Imaging Workshop. Two tutorials focused on VLA centimeter data (continuum and spectral line), a third on BIMA millimeter data. - CASA AOC Tutorial December 2007:
On December 4, 2007, we held a CASA Tutorial at the AOC in Socorro, New Mexico. This 1-day camp was aimed at introducing the NRAO staff to CASA.
- CASA Camp October 2007:
From October 16-18 we held a CASA Training Boot Camp in Socorro, New Mexico. This intensive 3-day camp was aimed at training the first cadre of CASA User Support Specialists.