Module Images

Changes made in the current development cycle can be found in the changelog.

Description (classes)

N-dimensional astronomical images





To Do


ComponentImager -- (full description)
CurvedImage2D -- An image crosscut based on a curve in a plane. (full description)
ExtendImage -- An extension of an ImageInterface object. (full description)
FITSImage -- Class providing native access to FITS images. (full description)
Image2DConvolver -- This class does 2D convolution of an image by a functional form (full description)
ImageConcat -- Concatenates images along a specified axis (full description)
ImageConvolver -- This class does convolution of an image by an Array or Lattice (full description)
ImageDecomposer -- A tool to separate a complex image into individual components. (full description)
ImageExpr -- Hold mathematical expressions involving ImageInterface objects (full description)
ImageExprGramFunctions -- Global functions for flex/bison scanner/parser for ImageExprGram (full description)
ImageExprParse -- Class to hold values from image expression parser (full description)
ImageFFT -- FFT an image (full description)
ImageFITSConverter -- Interconvert between AIPS++ Images and FITS files. (full description)
ImageFITSConverterImpl -- This class is an internal class for ImageFITSConverter. (full description)
ImageFit1D -- Fit spectral components to a Vector of data from an image (full description)
ImageHistograms -- Displays histograms of regions from an image. (full description)
ImageInfo -- Miscellaneous information related to an image. (full description)
ImageInterface -- A base class for astronomical images. (full description)
ImageMoments -- This class generates moments from an image. (full description)
ImageMomentsProgress -- Provides a progress meter for the ImageMoments class (full description)
ImagePolarimetry -- Polarimetric analysis of images (full description)
ImageProfileFit -- (full description)
ImageRegion -- Class to hold a region of interest in an image. (full description)
ImageRegrid -- This regrids one image to match the coordinate system of another (full description)
ImageSourceFinder -- Provides functionality to find sources in an image (full description)
ImageStatistics -- Displays various statistics from an image. (full description)
ImageSummary -- Provides and lists information about the header of an image. (full description)
ImageTwoPtCorr -- Compute two point correlation functions from images (full description)
ImageUtilities -- Utility functions for Image manipulation (full description)
LELImageCoord -- The letter class for image coordinates. (full description)
MIRIADImage -- Class providing native access to MIRIAD images. (full description)
MaskSpecifier -- Class to specify which mask to use in an image. (full description)
MomentCalcBase -- Abstract base class for moment calculator classes (full description)
MomentClip -- Computes simple clipped, and masked moments (full description)
MomentFit -- Compute moments from a Gaussian fitted to a profile (full description)
MomentWindow -- Computes moments from a windowed profile (full description)
Output -- Global functions (full description)
PagedImage -- Read, store, and manipulate astronomical images. (full description)
RebinImage -- Rebin an image (full description)
RegionHandler -- Base class for handling regions in images (full description)
RegionHandlerMemory -- Class for keeping regions in memory. (full description)
RegionHandlerTable -- Class for keeping regions in memory. (full description)
SepImageConvolver -- This class does separable convolution of an image (full description)
SubImage -- A (masked) subset of an ImageInterface object. (full description)
TempImage -- Temporary astronomical images. (full description)
WCBox -- Class to define a world coordinate box region of interest in an image. (full description)
WCComplement -- Make the complement of an image region. (full description)
WCCompound -- Base class for compound WCRegion objects. (full description)
WCConcatenation -- Combine multiple ImageRegion's into a new dimension. (full description)
WCDifference -- Make the difference of 2 image regions. (full description)
WCExtension -- Make the extension of an image region. (full description)
WCIntersection -- Make the intersection of 2 or more image regions. (full description)
WCLELMask -- Class to define a mask as a LEL expression (full description)
WCPolygon -- Class to define a 2-D polygonal world coordinate region in an image. (full description)
WCRegion -- Base class to define world coordinate regions of interest in an image. (full description)
WCUnion -- Make the union of 2 or more image regions. (full description)
image -- Implementation of the image DO functionality (full description)
imagepol -- Implementation of the image polarimetry functionality (full description)