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![]() | Version 1.9 Build 1556 |
The syntax is:
CREATE TABLE tablename colspec DMINFO datamansThe columns are defined in the colspec part. If not given, an empty table is created.
The colspec part can optionally be enclosed in square brackets or parentheses (for SQL compatibility). It is a comma separated list of column specifications. Each specification looks like:
columnname datatype [NDIM=n, SHAPE=[d1,d2,...], DMTYPE='s',DMGROUP='s',COMMENT='s']The possible data type strings are given in section Data Types. The part enclosed in square brackets is optional. Zero or more of these keywords can be used. It makes it possible to define array columns and/or default data manager to be used. The square brackets are optional if only one such keyword is used.
The dataman part makes it possible for the expert user to define the data managers to be used by columns. It is a comma separated list of data manager specifications looking like the output of the table.getdminfo command in glish. Each specification has to be enclosed in square brackets. For example:
dminfo [NAME="ISM1",TYPE="IncrementalStMan",COLUMNS=["col1"]], [NAME="SSM1",TYPE="StandardStMan", SPEC=[BUCKETSIZE=1000],COLUMNS=["col2","col3"]]The case of the keyword names used (e.g. NAME) is important. They have to be given in uppercase. The following keywords can be given: