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Version 1.9 Build 1556 |
Glish provides the following functions for identifying the type of a value:
is_byte(x) is_short(x) is_integer(x) is_float(x) is_double(x) is_complex(x) is_dcomplex(x) is_string(x) is_regex(x) is_record(x) is_function(x) is_agent(x) is_file(x)
type_name(5)returns "integer" and
type_name(func (x) x+1)returns "function". The names of the various types are:
"boolean" "byte" "short" "integer" "float" "double" "complex" "dcomplex" "string" "regex" "record" "function" "agent" "fail" "file"
The name of a reference type is the concatenation of the string "ref" followed by the name of the referred-to type. For example,
type_name(ref "hi")yields 'ref string' as a scalar value.
If the value is a vector with more than one element then the function reports its size and its type:
full_type_name(1:10)yields 'integer [10]'.
If the value is a record then the function identifies each field's name and type (recursively, if one of the fields is itself a record):
full_type_name([a=1, b="how are you?", c=2:5])yields
'record [a=integer, b=string [3], c=integer [4]]'
If the value is a reference then the function returns only its referred-to type:
full_type_name(ref 5)returns 'integer'.
field_names([a=1, b="how are you?", c=2:5])yields "a b c".
If x is not a record than an error message is printed and F is returned.