is an approximation of the mathematical constant , which equals
the area of a unit circle. This global variable approximates
24 decimal places.
- e
is an approximation of the mathematical constant e. The primary property
of e is that if y = ex, then
= ex. This global
variable approximates e to 24 decimal places.
- argv
is a list of the arguments (interpreted as string's)
with which the Glish script
was invoked. Presently the Glish interpreter is invoked with a
filename to interpret followed by a list of arguments.
So, for example, if a script is invoked using:
glish script.g hello, how are you
then argv is a string value with 4 elements, ``hello,",
``how", ``are", and ``you".
- environ
is a record providing access to the UNIX environment
(i.e., what in C programs is accessible via
getenv()). Each environment
variable corresponds to a string-valued field in the record.
For example,
returns the value of the $HOME environment variable. Naturally
this can also be referred to using:
Changing the environ global does not presently affect the
environment in which Glish clients are run (though it may in the future).
- system
is an agent record that contains general information about the
environment (not in an ``environment variable'' sense) in which the
Glish script runs. It also generates events corresponding to changes
in the environment.
The predefined fields of system are:
- version
gives the version level of the Glish interpreter. Presently this field's
type is string, though it may change to double in the future to
facilitate inequality comparisons like ``system.version >= 2.1".
- is_script_client
is true (T) if the Glish script is run as a script client
(§ 7.10, page ) and false (F) if not.
- print.limit
- allows you to limit how much of
values is output to the screen (see § 5.3.2, page ).
- print.precision
- allows you to specify the number
of significant digits to use in outputting floating point numbers (see
§ 5.3.1, page ).
- tk
- contains the Tk version number if the glishtk.g
(see § 11.8, page ) client script with the Tk widgets is loaded.
- path.include
- path searched by include when attempting
to include a file (see § 4.15, page ).
- path.bin.host
- path searched when starting clients on
the machine host.
- output.pager.exec
- the executable to be started to handle
paging of output, e.g. less or more.
- output.pager.limit
- the number of lines where paging begins.
If set to 0, paging is always done; if set to -1, paging is
never done.
- output.log
- place to log input and output.
(See § 9.2, page .)
- output.ilog
- place to log input. (See
§ 9.2, page .)
- output.olog
- place to log output. (See
§ 9.2, page .)
- output.pager.log
- place to log input and output.
(See § 9.2, page .)
- pid
- process id of the current Glish
- ppid
- process id of the current Glish
interpreter's parent process.
- limits.max
- contains the maximum values for
Glish's builtin (non-boolean) numeric types.
- limits.min
- contains the minimum values for
Glish's builtin (non-boolean) numeric types.
The events generated by system are:
- connection_lost
indicates the loss of the network connection to a remote host. The
value of the event names the remote host. (See § 16.2, page for
details as to when this event is generated.)
- connection_restored
indicates the restoration of the network connection to a remote host. The
value of the event names the remote host. See § 16.2, page for details
as to when this event is generated.
- daemon_terminated
indicates that a remote glishd daemon terminated; normally this
indicates a problem or bug (see § 16.2, page for details
as to when this event is generated).
For example, the following checkpoints some local data whenever the
network connection to the ``frontend'' host drops, and rolls
back to the checkpoint when connectivity resumes:
whenever system->connection_lost do
if ( $value == "frontend" )
whenever system->connection_restored do
if ( $value == "frontend" )
- script
has one of two possible values. If the Glish
script is run as a
client of another script, then script is an agent record
(§ 7.2.2, page ) that can be used to receive events sent by the parent
script and send events back to the parent (See § 7.10, page for details).
If the Glish script is running independently, then script is
the boolean value F.