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![]() | Version 1.9 Build 1556 |
Prebuilt binaries for Solaris and Linux are available via the aupdate script. To determine your current version, type "avers" at a UNIX command prompt. To get the updated snapshot type "aupdate" at a UNIX command prompt. Please note aupdate retrieves the updated stable binaries and docs over the net using cvsup. The process can take "awhile". Additionally, RPM's are available for a variety of Linux distributions and may be found at ftp::/ Please note there is currently limited support for users outside the ALMA community.
For AIPS++ versions less than v1.8 Build 391 you will need to obtain aupdate via anonymous ftp. For Linux users please get, for Solaris user get it from Unpack the tar file in your $AIPSARCH directory (the same directory that contains your AIPS++ bin directory).
AIPS++ does not currently support any version of Windows or any Apple computers.
Identifier | Project | State | Software | Problem severity | Headline | Resolved_on |
AOCso05173 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 1 | Viewer polarization vectors don't match those in Miriad or Difmap | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05220 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | imager has many problems | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05215 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | repeated crashes-- imager fails unexpectedly during clean | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05210 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | af.setselect ant=[1 or more ants] doesn't work all the time | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05208 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | Fatal error | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05203 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | ms.concat getting confused on spwids & fields | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05202 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | setscales only works once | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05200 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | positions are not reported correctly | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05190 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | SOURCE table entries are not concatenated properly | 17 August, 2006 |
AOCso05184 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | split didn't average channels | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05183 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | split fails on single baseline dataset | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05182 | enhancements | R | AIPS++ | 2 | ms.summary gives data description IDs instead of spectral window IDs | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05222 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | crashing unexpectedly during clean | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05167 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | imgr.makemodelfromsd gives SEVERE error but seems to produce adequate model | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05169 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | im.putchunk or im.imagefromshape looses beam info | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso04807 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | new version of the viewer gives velocity only in scientific notation | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05159 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | imgr.multiscale clean crashed & destroyed log file | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso04759 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | ms.uvlsf handles bad user input poorly | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso04984 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | dv.gui: image with stokes planes=1 has default view of stokes on 3rd axis | 25 August, 2006 |
AOCso04974 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | ms.uvlsf fails due to a problem with validateConformance array | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso04950 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | imager ft ends badly | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso04740 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | ms.uvlsf not working in VINE Linux AIPS++ | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso04680 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | missing include statement | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso05176 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 3 | The returned value should be MB | 17 August, 2006 |
AOCso04531 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 3 | uvrange throws exception | 17 August, 2006 |
AOCso03481 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 3 | imager died after making 64 images | 17 August, 2006 |
AOCso01057 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 3 | subsequences of subsequence don't recognize events | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso04814 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 4 | Gives glish error when changing masks - but works alright | 17 August, 2006 |
AOCso05033 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 4 | no URM documentation of interactivemask | 17 August, 2006 |
AOCso01085 | problems | R | aips++ | 4 | X11PixelCanvas display list optimisation is buggy | 16 August, 2006 |
AOCso04564 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 5 | Some multiple choice choosers are different | 16 August, 2006 |
31 records found |