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Version 1.9 Build 1460 News




AIPS++ Stable Snapshots

Current Stable 1.9 Build 1369 2006/03/24 next Stable Snapshot due 2006/06/15

AIPS++ provides stable snapshots during the current development cycle. You should consider the stable snapshots as "alpha" software and proceed with caution. The stable snapshots have passed certain minimum tests. Some snapshots are tested more thoroughly than others. The test levels are stable, beta, and release. Completed targets for the current stable as well as a current list of in-progress targets for the next stable snapshot may be found at the AIPS++ Project Office Page.

Prebuilt binaries for Solaris and Linux are available via the aupdate script. To determine your current version, type "avers" at a UNIX command prompt. To get the updated snapshot type "aupdate" at a UNIX command prompt. Please note aupdate retrieves the updated stable binaries and docs over the net using cvsup. The process can take "awhile". Additionally, RPM's are available for a variety of Linux distributions and may be found at ftp::/ Please note there is currently limited support for users outside the ALMA community.

For AIPS++ versions less than v1.8 Build 391 you will need to obtain aupdate via anonymous ftp. For Linux users please get, for Solaris user get it from Unpack the tar file in your $AIPSARCH directory (the same directory that contains your AIPS++ bin directory).

AIPS++ does not currently support any version of Windows or any Apple computers.

Updated Stable Snapshot 1.9 Build 1369 2006/03/24

Resolved Defects/Enhancements:

IdentifierProjectStateSoftwareProblem severityHeadlineResolved_on

Previous Stable Snapshots

Version 1.9 Build 1315

Version 1.9 Build 1259

Version 1.9 Build 1189

Version 1.9 Build 1126

Version 1.9 Build 1056

Version 1.9 Build 913

Version 1.9 Build 874

Version 1.9 Build 803

Version 1.9 Build 615

Version 1.9 Build 587

Version 1.9 Build 489

Version 1.9 Build 355

Version 1.9 Build 275

Version 1.9 Build 187

Version 1.9 Build 075

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