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![]() | SS5 - Version 1.9 Build 489 |
Prebuilt binaries for Solaris and Linux are available via the aupdate script. To determine your current version, type "avers" at a UNIX command prompt. To get the updated snapshot type "aupdate" at a UNIX command prompt. Please note aupdate retrieves the updated stable binaries and docs over the net using cvsup. The process can take "awhile".
For AIPS++ versions less than v1.8 Build 391 you will need to obtain aupdate via anonymous ftp. For Linux users please get, for Solaris user get it from Unpack the tar file in your $AIPSARCH directory (the same directory that contains your AIPS++ bin directory).
AIPS++ does not currently support any version of Windows or any Apple computers.
Identifier | Project | State | Software | Problem severity | Headline | Resolved_on |
AOCso03359 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 1 | fails for boolean unset value | 11 March, 2004 |
AOCso04677 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 1 | cal.solve - cannot derive gainspline solutions for h121 3mm line | 12 January, 2004 |
AOCso04715 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 1 | almatifiller doesn't work | 20 January, 2004 |
AOCso04754 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | ms.uvlsf no longer works on g192 dataset | 08 March, 2004 |
AOCso04757 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | Insufficient RA/Dec precision | 11 March, 2004 |
AOCso04745 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | want ascii file | 01 March, 2004 |
AOCso04741 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | description of the moments is incomplete/incorrect | 26 February, 2004 |
AOCso04717 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | imagr froze aips++ during clean | 20 January, 2004 |
AOCso04561 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | Error in bug submission on web | 11 March, 2004 |
AOCso04716 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | ms.split: set nchan wrong creates corrupted MS and puts mstool in corrupted state | 20 January, 2004 |
AOCso04598 | problems | R | Aips++ | 2 | Cannot compile with GCC 3.3 (deprecated headers removed) GLISH | 11 March, 2004 |
AOCso04702 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 2 | problems working with stable vs stable_ss3 | 11 March, 2004 |
AOCso04736 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 3 | profile viewer- pixel coords => Intensity reported in pixels??? | 03 March, 2004 |
AOCso04732 | enhancements | R | 144 | 3 | 1444 | 26 February, 2004 |
AOCso04721 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 3 | dv.gui(); produces an error message | 28 January, 2004 |
AOCso04738 | enhancements | R | asd | 3 | sa | 26 February, 2004 |
AOCso04682 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 3 | Incorrect test on return value from socket() in get_tcp_socket() and get_local_ | 05 March, 2004 |
AOCso04603 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 3 | cal.setdata produces SEVERE error: Illegal step pixel = 1 | 12 January, 2004 |
AOCso04546 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 3 | Documentation Error: there are more allowed formats to "value" than listed | 01 March, 2004 |
AOCso03309 | enhancements | R | AIPS++ | 3 | image.convolve(psf) function is needed | 08 March, 2004 |
AOCso04747 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 4 | first call to bug() produces error | 05 March, 2004 |
AOCso04746 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 4 | web() doesn't work on RPM distributions | 05 March, 2004 |
AOCso04729 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 4 | atcafiller assumes data source to be ATCA | 02 March, 2004 |
AOCso04748 | problems | R | AIPS++ | 4 | direct print doesn't work with RPMS | 05 March, 2004 |
24 records found |