| Version 1.9 Build 1367
April 7, 1992
AIPS++ Consortium User Specifications
AIPS++ Consortium Development Group
AIPS++ is an acronym for the Astronomical Information Processing
System that is being designed and implemented by a consortium of seven
radio astronomy institutions:
the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF),
the Herzberg Institute for Astrophysics (HIA) through the Dominion Radio
Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO), the National Radio Astronomy
Observatory (NRAO), the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy
(NFRA), the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratory (NRAL),
the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) through the
National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) with GMRT headquarters at Pune,
the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Array (BIMA). AIPS++ is intended to
replace the AIPS (Astronomical Image Processing System) with a more modern,
more extensive, and more extensible software system.
This document is mainly based upon the User
Specification documents prepared by each member of the consortium, with
some use of other written contributions to the
User Specifications Memo series. ``Distillation documents'',
written by the consortium members
participating in the initial six months design phase in
Charlottesville, have been extensively used in the preparation of this
These specifications describe the capabilities needed in AIPS++ by
astronomers who use telescopes operated by members of the
consortium. We attempt to avoid expressing
opinions on how such capabilities should be implemented.
However, because AIPS++ should be optimized for the astronomer user,
we do specify some aspects of the user interface that we consider essential.
AIPS++ must anticipate a wide range of experience within its user
community. Both the user interface and the off-line documentation must
address the disparate needs of novice (or occasional) users and of
experienced users who may be analyzing technically demanding
observations. To match the needs of users with a wide range of
experience, a hierarchy of interfaces and documentation will be
essential. Users will also need a hierarchy of programmability. At the
lowest level of experience, this should allow them to connect major (and
sometimes repetitive) steps in data processing conveniently. At the
highest level, an efficient interface is needed to encourage development
of new, experimental, algorithms and processing techniques.
The following principles are important in the design and
implementation of AIPS++:
- Accountability - Data should have associated telescope performance
(``monitor") and processing histories so their origins and evolution can
be easily reviewed and understood by astronomers. Unnecessary
structures should not be imposed on data, and data should be
accessible in both ``raw'' and any modified forms. However, it should
be possible to have very flexible selection of data sub-sets.
- Astronomical
terminology and concepts - Names and labels in the data processing
system should use the common language of astronomy and mathematics.
- Programmability - It should be easy for users to prepare data
processing ``scripts'' for repetitive or multi-stage processing, and to
augment the system easily with new operations and algorithms.
- Easy Customization - The user should be able to flexibly
select data processing
packages to be used, the style of user interface, and environmental
parameters such as directory names and output devices.
- Hiding complexity - Where possible the complexity of algorithms or
processing should be hidden from the novice user.
- Confidence in results
- Data processing diagnostics and the capability to un-do and re-do
steps in the processing are essential for telescope data so the
user can understand and have confidence in the data at any processing
- Range of processing styles - the same software should be usable
for both post-observing processing and remote or local on-line data
- Future types of processing - the design should allow for future
growth in network computing with use of remote displays, remote batch
processing, and parallel processing of different machines or in
machines with parallel processing architecture.
AIPS has been an acronym for ``Astronomical Image Processing System";
however, its capabilities, and users' requirements, have evolved far
beyond image plane processing. AIPS++ should now be a general tool for
turning telescope data, and model calculations, into scientific
results. In some cases, e.g., graphics and tables, the results should be in
publishable form. Most n-dimensional images are produced only as an
intermediate step between raw data and useful results, however some
constitute final scientific results and require reproduction in
publishable form. A similar
range of purposes has evolved for single dish data in systems such as UNIPOPS.
The concept for AIPS++ should be that of an Astronomical Information
Processing System.
In specifying a new software system, it is useful to consider what
aspects of astronomical data processing have remained stable over the
last 15 or so years. The most stable parts of array and single-dish
processing systems are the fundamental descriptions of telescope
data. For the major arrays, the basic description has accumulated more
attributes (e.g. spectral channels, IFs) but it is still fundamentally
a visibility data set - samples of a spatial coherence function in some
convenient spatial or temporal order. Similarly, a final image is still an
array of calibrated pixel intensities in a known coordinate system,
polarization, and observing frequency. The ``end results'' are
scientifically meaningful quantities extracted from one or more such
images, and published visual representations of these images.
Key, and probably stable, basic ingredients of a user
specification are therefore the types of data to be handled (e.g.
visibility data, single dish spectra, images, image cubes).
Basic operations on parts of data sets, such as Fourier transforms,
least squares fitting algorithms, plotting, display, mathematical, and
other standard functions are also relatively
stable. We will call these basic operations tools. The second
ingredient needed by users is an itemized tool kit of basic
operations from which more complex astronomical applications can be assembled.
In contrast, the algorithms used to calibrate, construct and interpret
data sets and images evolve as the astronomical community acquires
experience and sophistication in data and image analysis techniques.
The algorithms are the least
stable elements of present software. They continually evolve or are
replaced (either as explicit programs or as informal procedures that may
involve astronomer interaction). The algorithms are embodied in tasks which can be implemented either as specific programs in a
language such as C++ or as scripts in a higher level language. Many of
the tasks that are now part of the lexicon of astronomical image
processing will be embodied in AIPS++ at an early stage. The tools in the
kit provided by AIPS++ must, however, be easily usable by astronomers
to carry out new tasks whose nature and scope may evolve rapidly with time.
In these terms, the core of AIPS++ must provide a generic toolbox
operating on specific data types. Given the finite resources available,
the limitations of AIPS++ should be more in the diversity of data that
can be handled rather than in what can be done to these data.
AIPS++ should have good command line interface with ``full''
programming capability. This should be at the level to eliminate, for most
astronomers, the need to write FORTRAN or C++ programs. We view the
issue of who will be able to develop applications programs
as one of the most important issues for the future. ``Full
programming'' capabilities with the AIPS++ ``command language'' is very
important; however, the use of C++ and FORTRAN
``template'' programs that can be run ``with'' AIPS++ is also
important. In addition, the current plan to have many astronomers
doing C++/OOP programming for AIPS++ will require special attention to
astronomer-oriented documentation, programming guides, and possibly things like
programming ``summer schools''. Assuming that everyone can learn what
they need from
industry-wide material aimed at professional programmers is unwise, and is
likely to limit the AIPS++ pool of developers to too small a group
with too little astronomical experience.
Documentation for AIPS++ should be available both on-line and in hard copy.
This should have multiple levels ranging from simple ``help'' to
extensive information, and dealing with both specific applications and
individual parameters.. Consistency between hard copy and on-line
documentation is imperative. Multi-window environments, as mentioned
above, should allow context-sensitive information to be displayed by
``clicking'' on appropriate items. While the implementation aspects
of a UNIX ``man'' page might be useful, the displayed information
should be easily understandable to user-astronomers.
Multiple levels of user interface would be desirable to allow for
both novice users and experienced expert. User selection of the style
of interaction and the range of ``packages'' to be used should be
possible. Choice of the user interface should have no effect on
the code used in processing.
Styles of user interface are difficult to decide upon, and are very
dependent upon user experience and preference. The discussion in
Wood (1991) is an example of a useful approach to the user
interface that goes into details we have not discussed here.
We recommend planning
a number of available styles, and extensive user testing of each of
them during early phases of AIPS++ development, as opposed to deciding
upon one approach and precluding all others. The idea that the user
interface is just another applications task, that can take many forms,
is probably very important in planning for the future with a wide
range of user needs and expertise.
A combination of the inclusion of single dish data reduction as part
of the domain of AIPS++, and the increased use of ``nearly real-time"
data processing and remote observing for both single dish observing and
arrays, makes the use of AIPS++ as an integral part of the observing
process very important. This should not change or add to
the processing
and display needs of AIPS++, but rather adds to the richness of the tools
that can be used to support the users' involvement in the observing process.
In addition the post-processing tools need by instrumental staff to
maintain their instruments have great commonalty with the things
a knowledgeable astronomer would like to see and do during the
observing process. The observer would like:
- capability to see instrumental status data both at the telescope and on
remote display devices connected to the telescope by networks;
- automatic first order data editing and calibration where possible;
- as much immediate data processing and display as feasible in real-time;
- to be able
to make changes in the observing program during observing ``runs"; and
- to be able record data processed in ``nearly real-time" on
transportable media for further processing
In addition to the use of normal AIPS++ processing tasks, this
list of needs makes it necessary for preparation and changing of observing
programs to be immediately possible. Indeed, the preparation of
observing programs may become one of the extended tasks of AIPS++ for
some instruments.
The simulation of data produced by real instruments, based upon
assumed models of sources, is an additional capability that is
essential for AIPS++. This should be viewed as a necessary
part of the testing of AIPS++ applications software (both for
de-bugging and evaluating efficiency of processing), and as a tool
for the astronomer that provides both more realistic preparation for
observing and the necessary tools to compare models and data in AIPS++.
The data will come principally from radio telescopes although AIPS++
must allow import of images and data from other wavelengths.
The primary data
types that are needed to support the AT, BIMA, EVN, GMRT, MERLIN, VLA,
VLBA, WSRT, the future mmA, and the
various instrument packages on the JCMT, GBT, the 12m and the 43m are as
- 1.
- Telescope status information
- 2.
- Total power and phased array data sequences reflecting switched
or time series observations
- 3.
- Spectra
- 4.
- Images
- (a)
- Planar images at radio, optical, X-ray, etc. wavelengths
- (b)
- Spectral cubes - images in multi-spectral regions
- (c)
- Time cubes - time-ordered images of variable sources
- 5.
- Coherence function (visibility) data from correlation arrays
- (a)
- arrays with real-time delay and phase variation correction
- (b)
- tape recording arrays where the correlator output is coherence
function data for a range of time lags (or transformed
- 6.
- Calibration tables
- 7.
- Data editing information
- 8.
- Computed models
- 9.
- Processing histories
Some of these data categories are naturally associated with each
other; it is also important to be able to group some together when
appropriate, e.g. in mosaicing observations. Some of these data types
are either super-sets or sub-sets of others; it is important to be
able to compose super-sets out of sub-sets and to decompose super-sets
into their sub-sets.
It is important that the astronomer have access at all stages of data
processing to the conditions under which an observation was made, and to
what has been done to it in the data processing. The ability to wipe
the slate clean has proven its utility over and over again in many
data processing systems. Hence the database should carry both
telescope-provided status information and a processing history in
formats that make it easy to ``start over" if processing goes awry.
This supplementary information begins with data structures with telescope
information as a function of time, position, or other data identifiers
such as telescope name, latitude, etc.
It continues with data processing
history sufficient to understand, un-do, and re-do that processing.
Another view of the data relates to different uses and time scales of
use. These uses lead to three major categories of software:
on-line data analysis; system support software for
staff operating and diagnosing the operation of the instrument;
and observers analysis software. For single telescopes the observer
has often done a major fraction of data analysis at the telescope as part of
observing process.
Recent hardware and networking developments have made
such on-line data analysis feasible even for high data rate
instruments like the large arrays and single dishes with fast sampling
spectral processors.
Most telescopes have, or soon will have,
full remote and local analysis capability.
In all these system data should be accessible to the user as soon as
practicable in nearly real-time.
For all these reasons data analysis software in the AIPS++ system should
provide for the needs of the above mentioned three categories of software.
Different single dishs and arrays have different approaches to data
handling in which similar words mean different things. These
``cultural'' difference in language must be directly addressed and
data descriptions and terminologies that are consistent at all
telescope and development sites must be created and maintained.
From the point of view of the user the highest level identification of
the problem is what we will call a ``project''. Projects are aimed at
obtaining answers to scientific questions. Answers to these
scientific questions frequently involve obtaining data from a variety
of telescopes. Some projects require radio data from both single dish
and array observations from the same or different instruments, each
serving a different ``purpose''.
Observations for each instrument are organized into observing ``runs''
with sequences of ``scans'' with identical instrumental and observing
parameters. Each scan contains
``sub-scans'' with data elements in the form of spectra, time
instances of coherence function data or spectra, etc., that are
associated with instances of time. Astronomers need to deal with
this hierarchy of data: project, purpose, instrument, observing run, scans, and
sub-scans. It would be very helpful if the astronomer could be aided
in dealing with things
according to this hierarchy. Data that are viewed as simple sequences
of data from stand-alone telescopes
leave the astronomer to impose a mental image of
project/instrument/purposes and then runs/scans on the simple data elements.
The future mmA will
be a case where the same instrument will generate both
single dish and coherence function data sets. This makes it a prime
example where the same instrument will serve diverse instrumental purposes
for a wide variety of ``projects''.
In this document we list preparation for observing as an AIPS++ task.
This is partly because simulation, using
AIPS++ processing tools, can be very useful in understanding an
observing program during the planning and preparation process. In
addition, it is at this stage that the user imposes the logic of
project/instrument/purposes/runs/scans on the observing process, and this logic
must be remembered and used as part of the data reduction and
processing. If tools were available in AIPS++ to aid the user in
passing on and using this logic all the way through data processing,
it would be very helpful. It would be analogous to having and
updating the map of a maze that can be used while passing through the
maze. Data processing is very much like a maze to be negotiated for
most astronomers, and assistance in dealing with the higher level
purposes of data would be very useful.
The above can be describe more technically by saying that data
sets should have a hierarchy of descriptor (or ``header'') items, with
descriptor items being identified by context information (such as
name, position, etc., for images). These data descriptors should allow
specification ranging very large, merged data sets to basic elements
like pixels or u-v data points. It should be possible to eliminate
redundancy by describing information on a sufficiently high level
while allowing exceptions by overriding this information at a lower
level; that is, mixtures of positive and negative data/information
This section contains long lists of brief description of the elements of the
user requirements from all the consortium specifications. It is based
on a merger of the distillation of specifications by
AIPS++ working groups in the areas of ``User Interfaces'',
``UV Data System and Processing Requirements'', and ``Image
Handling'' - and the original material from inidividual consortium
user requirements.
- The user should be able to choose one of a variety of user
interface styles. The most important are:
- an AIPS++ command line interface (CLI) which is a programmable
- a basic graphical user interface (GUI) for X-windows workstations.
- A FORTRAN program interface to AIPS++ tasks at the level of
the host operating system (used by FORTRAN programs who prefer this
method of adding software capabilities);
- Useful, but lower priority interfaces, are:
- Execution of AIPS++ tasks at the level of the host operating
system (used mainly by programmers and expert astronomers)
- A data flow graphical processing environment
- Additional interpreter or GUI interfaces
- All interfaces should use the same language for ``commands'' and
parameters, and where possible have the same look-and-feel
- Users should be able to execute operating system command
sequences from any interface
- Application ``task'' parameters should have the following
- All parameters should have assigned defaults, possibly dependent
on context
- Selected parameters should be user-assigned according to the
mode of user interface
- Parameters should NOT be global across applications, unless
specifically requested or used to specify processing environment and
- Names must be consistent across applications, using astronomical
terminology where possible
- Parameters should be able to be passed between applications when
applications share the same parameters
- Checking of parameters by applications before execution starts
should be done whenever possible
(the user will be warned about inconsistent, unusual, or dangerous
combinations, and, for the latter,
may refuse executions with re-entry dependent on the
type of user interface)
- It should be possible to save, edit, and restore, parameters
sets for applications
- For some applications it would be useful if a task in execution
could have some parameters changed by user request
- A processing history or log should be maintained for
documentation and re-execution after editing
- Users should be able to choose any editor supported by the
operating system for editing ASCII data, parameter lists, processing
histories, etc.
- A variety of help levels, preferably context sensitive,
appropriate to novices, experts, etc.
- There must be a batch capability for all user
interfaces with capabilities to monitor, interrupt, and modify batch
- There must be error
handling at all levels in as user-understandable form as feasible
- It would be useful to have multi-tasking operation for CLI,
batch, and GUI interfaces
- It would be very desirable if the system could warn of high
resource usage (CPU, disk, tape) before applications are executed
(advise and request confirmations)
- Planned developments in the use of parallel processing make
it very important that one be able to develop and optimize
algorithms based on parallel architectures, particular for large
mosaicing and spectral line applications
- Must be usable from ASCII terminal and remote network nodes;
this particularly includes PC's or terminals with alternation between
ASCII modes and Tektronix emulation modes
- Must be programmable in the sense of supporting variable
assignment, conditional statements, control loops, string
manipulation, functions, and procedures
- Should have capabilities to build, read in, and write out ``procedures''
- Should have a beginner mode, with prompts in plain English, and
advanced mode
- Must have a ``batch'' facility for execution of series of CLI
- Should have command-line recall and editing facilities
- Should allow uses to define their own commands and procedural
sequences of command lines
- Must have access and control of AIPS++ objects and data
- Should have user selectable input and output data streams,
and display devices
- Must support normal arithmetic operations for intrinsic,
user-defined, and image/spectral data types
- As much as possible, applications written for the AIPS++
interpreter should look the same (to users) as those written in the
compiled language
- A very useful feature would be ``un-do'' operations wherever
this is feasible
The basic graphical interface should be the primary user interface
for users in
1994. It should be the most attractive one for most AIPS++ users, and
maybe even for experts. It should be a window-oriented graphical
interface with pull-down menus (for application selection and parameter
specification), multiple windows, and pop-up menus for context
sensitive help. Menus for application selection and parameter
specification should have pop-up sub-menus with options/parameters
depending on menu context
It would be desirable if there were an advance GUI with visual
programming of applications. Icons/glyphs for individual ``tool''
components and connecting lines for passing of data. Sequence of
graphical task and data flow connections should be capable of being
saved, edited, and retrieved.
Documentation for AIPS++ must be a planned part of the AIPS++
development. It should be
- Uniform in style, which may require a central documentation
editor or a single, capable technical writer;
- Prepared by, or in real consultation with, experts on the
- Use astronomical and mathematical terminology wherever possible;
- Not be the same as programming documentation except for the case
of AIPS++ programming guides or cook-books aimed at astronomers;
- Be completely available on line, based on the same textual
material used in printed documentation;
- Be used in the connection with ``help'' with context sensitivity
and capability to search on keywords or names (in or out of context);
- Have complete documentation, with references, of algorithms used
and their effects on data
- Have several levels including
- User cookbooks;
- Application descriptions;
- On-line help.
As discussed earlier, a large fraction of the data processing in AIPS++
can described as ``data handling". These data can be images, single
dish data sets, coherence function data sets, telescope performance data,
model data, or any data set that can be imported into the system.
- Data from consortium instruments are to be imported into AIPS++
with software tailored for each telescope, producing data file(s) with
data that can be read, modified, and written using AIPS++ data I/O
- AIPS++ data files must be written to, and read from,
tape and other transportable media using AIPS++ data base I/O software.
- FITS and UVFITS data I/O to both disk and transportable
media must be supported.
- Data import and export for general cases should be supported
in the form of reading and writing tabular formats in ASCII or binary
form. In the case of ASCII tables, support of ``columns" in both
numerical and ``string" form should be supported.
- Transfer of data over networks should be supported.
- Data files in AIPS++ should be identifiable, and accessible,
using host operating system or user-written software.
- Data book-keeping software, both inside and outside AIPS++,
should be available to help users organize and otherwise deal with
their data.
- Searching, summarizing, copying, and concatenating
contents of AIPS++, FITS, and UVFITS data files, with selection based upon
data parameters, must be possible for both disk files and transportable media.
- Support of large data sets on multiple ``tapes" must be supported
for AIPS++, FITS, and UVFITS data files.
- The data system file format(s) should be accessible from all
supported machines without conversion
- Distinctions such as ``multi-source'' and ``single-source'' data
sets should be avoided
- Applications should function on n-dimensional data in arbitrary
sort order with it being possible to hide sorting from the user
- It should be possible to extract data subsets from a data set,
manipulate it with the AIPS++ (IDL-like) command language, treat these
data like any other data for computation and display, and optionally
put it back in the original data set
- Flexible transport of data sets or subsets to and from
AIPS++ and other major data reduction packages should be supported
- Data coordinate handling must very general
- Support for non-regular increments in coordinate axes
- Flexible and reversible coordinate transformations must be
- Coordinate and ephemeris information at the level needed
for astrometric and near field imaging should be supported
- Support for errors in data must be fundamental to the data
system, providing a basis for support of data error handling in a
variety of applications
- Error images associated with astronomical images
- Easy generation of error models
- Error propagation through a series of data processing steps
- Properly formatted errors when data are extracted for tabulation
- The user should have access to both data values and all the
associated (`header') information that govern the interpretation of
the data
- Processing histories should be maintained for all data sets,
with easy review and re-use by the user
- It should be possible to import general astronomical data (e.g.
catalogues) into AIPS++
- For applications where the built-in tasks and command language
features are insufficient, there needs to be a program interface
(outside AIPS++) to allow the casual programmer reasonable access to
the data; some flexibility and efficiency can be sacrificed in making
this interface comparatively simple; FORTRAN programmers should be
- All data from single dishes or interferometers should be assumed
to involve full measurement of the electromagnetic field involving
all four Stokes parameters and the equivalent complex polarization
representations, with support for, and transformation between, both
- Multiple frequency bands may be simultaneously observed
(e.g., for observing multiple lines simultaneously or multi-frequency
synthesis), with variable numbers of channels in each band
- Frequency axes may be non-linear (e.g. as produced by
acousto-optical spectrometers) and time variable
- Polarization measurements may be time switched if all
polarization measurements are not obtained simultaneously
- Data combinations for different observations may have
different numbers of spectral channels and channel widths which may
need to be accommodated within single data sets
- As much as possible the data handling system should support
generalized imaging handling rather than having one system for images
and another for all other data, allowing scope for ``vector images'',
complex images, images with associated errors, double precision
images, etc.
- The user should be able to use the host operating systems
capabilities and utilities to manage data sets, using normal file
names and directory hierarchies
- Capability to transform tabular data file formats to AIPS++
instrumental data formats will allow general importation of non-standard
types of instrumental data
- Instrumental performance and meteorological data need to be
associated with instrumental data sets either directly or with
associated data ``tables''
- The data system must deal with telescope dependent instrumental data
- Data for focal plane arrays, or multi-beam feeds, with
arbitrary geometry (e.g., field rotation during the observations)
characteristics must be supported
- Mosaicing observations may have many (
1000) pointing
centers which must be supported for single dish data, interferometer
data, imaging, image processing, and image display
- Must support rapid time switching of polarizations, frequencies,
and pointing centers (i.e., they may change for every integration)
- Time-series data for total power measurements and visibilities
must be supported (e.g. pulsar data, time variable sources)
- Error measures or estimates (e.g., weights) should be regarded
as standard in an observation
- The data system must allow for simultaneous
processing of ``associated'' data sets,
such as different (e.g., by calibration, integration time, fringe
fitting, etc.) versions of the ``same'' observation, so the best can
be selected later
- Correlation data in the form or 16-bit integers or 32-bit
floating point must be supported
- It is desirable that the data system be as extensible as
possible, including new data types
- Triple correlation data, including cases where visibilities
have different frequencies
- Optical interferometer data
- It is desirable to be able to import, search, and select data,
including spectra, images, etc., from instrumental data catalogues and
- There must be support for the major types of single dish data
in the system
- 1-D spectra, both evenly and non-evenly spaced in frequency
(e.g., taken with AOS spectrometers), where an associated 1-D array
identifies spectral frequencies
- 1-D sequence of total power (continuum) measurements, possibly
unevenly spaced and associated with a 1-D sequence of pointing
positions or time
- 1-D sequences of data values taken at arbitrary positions,
times, foci, etc. and used for tipping, continuum on-off, focusing,
and pointing observations (the previous two items can be viewed as
subsets of this more general organization scheme for data
- 2-D matrices of data values as a function of (x-position,
y-position), (position, frequency), (frequency, time), (position,
time), (time, pulsar phase), (pulsar phase, frequency), etc., where
both axes many be non-linear or non-parameterizable
- 3-D ``cube'' of data values as a function of (x-position,
y-position, frequency), (x-position, y-position, radial velocity),
(time, frequency, pulsar phase), (x-position, y-position, time)
- Total power auto-correlation data must be supported
- There should be support of bit-field data for pulsar observations
- There must be data handling for fast sampling spectrometers with
from 128 to
32768 channels of data, producing very large data ``cubes",
both for spectroscopy and observing where interference
excision is important
- There must be support for data from fast sampling surveys
(basket weaving, mosaic sampling)
Interferometer data should be regarded having potentially
inhomogeneous antenna properties, but this should not preclude dealing
with simplified cases where homogeneity can be assumed.
- Antenna size, system temperatures, and frequency band-passes
may differ widely
- The input data and calibration procedures may vary from antenna
to antenna
- Integration time may vary from antenna pair to antenna pair
- Visibility data handling must support for many correlator
formats, including MkII, S-2, K-4, MkIII, and VLBA modes
- The data system should support the merging of correlation data
and associated calibration data from different correlators and allow
the user to deal with duplicate correlations
- VLB antennas in space will require support for orbital position
dependence including acceleration terms
- Both single dish and aperture synthesis data may need to be
merged in the mosaic imaging process
- Self-calibration with cross-referencing to data for overlapping
areas should be supported
- Data handling for multiple pointing centers, including effects
of beam shapes and pointing errors for each center, should be handled
in a convenient manner
- Data should be selectable in terms of identification with a
particular type of calibration observation
- Both standard and user-defined models of data behavior should be
usable in determining calibration information from data sets
- Instrumental behavior that affects calibration should be
integrable in the calibration process through a mixture of
parameterized functions and models in tabular form
- Data correction based upon standard and user-defined functions,
with user supplied parameters, should be possible
- Calibration and correction of data should be reversible, with
the capability to BOTH store calibration/correction information and
apply it ``on-the-fly'' during processing, and apply this
information ``once and for all'', creating new, calibrated data sets
- Calibration should be made as generic as possible, with
telescope-specific methods kept to a minimum
- Calibration/correction of data should be possible from derived
tables of instrumental parameters (e.g., system temperature vs. time,
gain vs. elevations), with derivation of such tables from calibration
- The calibration process should include flexible averaging of
calibration data and application with interpolations or weighted
averaging, all under control of the user
- Cross-calibration from different instruments should be possible
(e.g. flux scale, pointing) particular when data from different
arrays are to be combined
- Model fitting should be possible in both the image and u-v
planes, and it should be possible to use the resultant models for
further calibration and self-calibration
- There must be simulation programs for single dish,
interferometer, and mosaicing
data bases for both planning and comparison of data with models -
with optional error generation for thermal noise, pointing errors,
primary beam errors, atmosphere, antennas surface errors, beam-switching
for total power, etc.
- Flexible spectral fitting for components and baselines;
interpolation/blanking of bad channels
- De-dispersing of spectral, long time series data for
pulsars with analysis and fitting in the intensity-frequency-time domain
- Telescope pointing and beam pattern determination and correction
- Analysis of telescope performance data: pointing, telescope-tipping,
focusing, and holographic data
- Deconvolution of `channel' shapes and `frequency-switched' data
- Analysis of telescope instrumental data in ``nearly" real time
- Phased display of selected time sequence data
- Special intensity and polarization calibration of phased-array
- Antenna-based determination of calibration and self-calibration
functions should be the primary form of calibration determination
wherever possible
- There must be capability to make
phase and/or amplitude corrections of data based upon difference
between the data and modeled data sets, where the latter are usually
derived from imaging of the same or highly related data
- Redundancy in data (possibly including crossing points) should
be used whenever possible as an additional constraint on calibration
and self-calibration
- Determination of, and application of corrections for, closure errors
should be possible with flexible averaging of input closure information
- Fringe fitting for a range of spectral channels and fringe rates
(normally only for VLBI data) should be possible
by baseline, as well as globally by antenna
- Spectra calculation from complex summing fo visibilities
in each spectral channel for user-specified positions in the field of view
- Interferometric pointing, baseline, and beam pattern fitting
and related analysis
- Application and de-application of astrometric/geodetic
correction factors with complete and reversible histories
- Calibration of data for effects of the ionosphere, utilizing
data at multiple frequencies and/or external data on variations of
electron content
- Calibration for non-isoplanicity using special extensions
of self-calibration
- Calibration of mosaic data bases with necessary cross-referencing
of multi-pointing information; this makes it necessary for individual
data points to be associated with pointing center information, which
is a special problem for interferometric data
- Calibration parameterization must include specification of
pointing centers to be used, because of the need for ``all-pointings-at-once"
operations, in addition, it must be possible to specify a subset of
all pointing for a given operation
- Determination and correction for pointing errors, and errors in
beam shape, using mosaic self-calibration techniques, will be important
- Special limitations on calibration for VLBI data
- Because of independent atmospheres, clocks, and LO's at each antenna,
there are uncertainties in phase referencing for fringes, and
variations in coherence time
- Because almost all geometrical effects scale with baseline
length, one needs the most accurate geometry for earth- and space-based
- The correlated visibility functions are essentially phaseless,
so self-calibration of phase is the only possibility
- Antenna characteristics can be very different across the array,
hence one must be careful about antenna-based simplifying assumptions
- For amplitude calibration one must use the Tsys and oK/Jy
determined for each antenna, and determination of these quantities are
an essential part of the calibration process
- For spectral line sources one can do amplitude calibration
with auto-correlation spectra plus calibration at one antenna
- Accurate Doppler correction for each spectral channel is essential
- Fringe-fitting with sets of data with as many baselines as possible
is essential, with the limitations that sources must be detected in
a few minutes and only bright sources can be observed unless one
does phase-referencing
- For polarization calibration, all calibration sources are resolved
and the polarized intensity distribution may not be like he total
intensity distribution, therefore one must iteratively determine
both source polarization structure and instrumental polarization
- Polarization calibration must use an ellipticity-orientation
model for feed polarization, which is non-linear and computationally
``expensive", because one must calibrate mixed linear and circular
polarization characteristics (requires very careful amplitude and
phase calibration)
- Calibration and self-calibration on the same, with both depending
on deconvolved source models, and this process can take tens to
more than a hundred iterations
- Calibration has baseline-dependent factors because of mismatched
frequency passbands in non-identical telescopes
- Full phase calibration is an iterative process involving
limits set by: astrometry, geodesy, and weak source imaging/detection,
therefore one needs:
- very accurate geometric models, typically to at least 1/10 of
a wavelength accuracy
- knowledge of location of the Earth's pole and UT1, both of
which are generally known only after astrometric/geodetic analysis
- values of ionospheric delay as determined from measurements
at simultaneous frequencies, or external measurements of ionospheric
electron content
- measurement of properties of troposphere dry terms (from
surface meteorological measurements) and wet terms (Kalman filtering,
GPS multi-frequency satellite measurements, WVR)
- instrumental delays as determined from phase calibration
- knowledge of non-rigidity of the earth due to earth tides
and atmospheric loading
- Very accurate coordinate systems are required; geodesy uses a system
based on solar system barycenter
- Full history of telescope behavior/environment and assumed
correlator model must be part of data subjected to global fringe-fitting
- Data display and editing should be seen as generic tools
applicable to single dish, interferometer, and other forms of data
- Data visualization for evaluation and editing purposes should
be seen as an integral, or closely coupled, aspect of the data system
- It should be possible to do interactive editing based upon
display, with ``zoom'' or magnification, and menu selection of editing
- Various ``viewing strategies'' should be available
- For interferometer data, baseline by baseline display (with
magnification of local areas) and
interactive editing (including multiple, simultaneous baselines)
using both Intensity-time-baseline displays and Intensity displays
in u-v plane
- Displays of spectra and spectral cubes aggregated in various
ways (spectra vs. time, averaging in time, averaging of channels)
- Selection of data by specifying windows in space and/or time
- Selection of arbitrary cuts through data (e.g. circular,
radial, or a user-defined locus) through selected data coordinates
- Display of expanded data aggregates (e.g., pointing and
clicking on an average multi-channel region of data to show the
component spectrum
- Comparison displays of generic model data (from fitted
components) with observed and/or processed data, including display
of data with model subtracted or divided
- Data editing should be reversible, with the capability to store,
apply, and un-do editing information
- Data editing should be possible on the basis of monitor/observing log data
- Editing should be possible from ``consistency check''
information, particularly
where there is redundancy or (for interferometric data) where there
are crossing points in the u-v plane
- It is desirable to have parameter-driven, automated
flagging for large data sets
- Editing must be possible
based upon difference between data and models generated
during self-calibration
- Data editing based upon recognition of interference patterns
in intensity-time-frequency data is very important, particularly for
low frequency observations
In this section we consider the formation of images from edited,
calibrated data. While this is mainly image computation and
deconvolution, it must be remembered, that for the user, imaging and
image deconvolution is an integral part of the process of data
inspection/editing, calibration, imaging, self-calibration,
data/image display, spectrum/time/image analysis,
and production of hard copy for publication
purpose. This process must be well integrated for the convenience of
the user. It should be possible to easily ``mix-and-match''
self-calibration, data transformation, and de-convolution ``tools'',
for example, using CLEAN to deconvolve in the early stages, and
maximum entropy later on when CLEAN begins to be less useful. This is
related to the need to make self-calibration use a generic model, which
could be a table of CLEAN-components, a table of Gaussian components,
or an image.
- Image construction from calibrated total power data
(beam-switched, multi-beam, focal plane array) data sequences from
single antennas and phased arrays, with and without spectrometers, is
- Spectral line cube formation
- Image construction using u-v data sets must be possible
with a range of capabilities
- Computation of ``dirty'' images and point spread functions
by 2-D FFT of selected, sorted, and gridded data with user
control of data selection, gridding algorithm and its parameters,
and image parameters (image size, cell sizes, polarization)
- Flexible computation of data cubes where the third axis is
frequency/velocity or time
- Simultaneous, multiple field imaging with un-gridded
data subtraction using MX-like algorithms
- Direct Fourier transform imaging of arbitrary (and usually small)
size fields
- Imaging after subtraction for sources
- Imaging of spectral line data sets with continuum subtraction
based upon continuum data, or continuum models
- Estimation and input of zero-spacing flux density and
appropriate weighting
- Mosaic image construction using mixture of u-v data sets and
single dish data for multiple antenna pointing centers
- Linear combination of pre-deconvolved images, weighting
determined by primary beam
- Linear mosaic algorithm with linear deconvolution (MOSLIN in SDE)
- Non-linear (MEM-based) mosaic algorithm (VTESS, UTESS in AIPS,
- Cross-calibration (enforced consistency) between data taken
with different instruments (flux scale, pointing)
- Pointing self-calibration to determine corrections for both
single dish and visibility data
- 3-D mosaicing allowing for sky curvature (non coplanar baselines)
- Self-calibration and editing of all pointings in one processing
- Capability to determine the primary beam(s) from a mosaic
image and its related data sets
- Ability to deal with any primary beams in different forms
(analytic 1- and 2-D, tabular), including user modification of primary
beam models
- Imaging using multiple-frequency data sets and a user-defined
model for spectral combination ``rules'' must be possible
- Imaging computation should generally take multiple data sets
where this makes sense
- Imaging data selection should flexibly allow use of data
sub-sets, with data selection based upon time, antenna, frequency, and
ranges of other data (including monitor data)
- 3-D imaging of data affection by sky curvature (wide-field
problem) is essential
- Imaging wide fields large than the isoplanatic region is essential
- Near field imaging of nearby objects like comets and asteroids
must be possible
- Special VLB imaging requirements:
- Need more accurate handing of precession, nutation, and
aberration in the u,v,w used for imaging
- Larger gaps in u-v plan data produces ``dirtier" beams and
greater need for image modeling/deconvolution
- Fields of view not radially smeared due to finite bandwidths
are relatively small, so one needs ``fringe-rate" imaging,
and multi-pointing processing for widely
spaced sources in the field
- Near field problems for solar system objects
are more important because of the larger baselines
- Need to do Lorentz transformation to inertial reference frame
because of the relativistic distortion due to the Earth's orbital motion
In this section we list some of the image-specific transformations
of data that are very general operations. Many image transformations
are basically transformations of images as arrays of numbers, so we
include these operations in the upcoming sections on data ``structure"
- Image de-convolution from dirty image and point-spread-function
- Ho
- Clark-Ho
- Cotton-Schwab CLEAN
- Smoothness-stabilized CLEANs
- Maximum entropy
- Maximum emptiness
Data ``structures" are assumed to be 1-, 2-, 3- (or n-) dimensional
aggregations of data values. Included are tabular data structures
that are special two-dimensional arrays which may have different
(numerical) data contents for each ``column". Most of the
requirements in this section should apply to any type of data, and
where the operations are meaningful only for certain data types
this will be noted.
- Extraction and creation of new data structures
- Selection of a lower-dimension structure from a higher-dimension
data structure (i.e., a vector from a plane or cube, a plane from a
cube, a cube from a 4-dimensional structure, or an n-dimensional
sub-structure from an n-dimensional structure) based on reasonable
extraction criteria must be supported.
- Selection of sub-structures as in the previous item, but with
user-selectable, arbitrary ``rotation" angles and regular
interpolation in each dimension (i.e., arbitrary lines through
planes, rotated sub-planes from planes, arbitrary planes from
- Creation of large n-dimensional structures from smaller
n-dimensional structures (tessellation of planes, cubes)
- Extraction of vectors perpendicular to a curvilinear,
user-defined track in a plane
- Extraction of a new structure based on interpolation with
respect to different coordinate system
- Extraction of a new structure with different spatial/velocity/etc.
resolution, possibly based on a new coordinate system, using
convolving, fitting, or de-convolving functions
- Extraction of a new data structure based on SQL-like queries on
data values and parameters
- Generalized data structure arithmetic
- Mathematical operations and functions for numbers and
n-dimensional (vectors, planes, cubes, ...) allowing creation
of new data structures
- Averaging, summing, weighted summing of data structures
- General tensor arithmetic
- 1.
- Unary and binary matrix operations
- 2.
- Data structure creation with specification of indices and dimensions
- 3.
- Concatenation
- 4.
- Inner and outer vector products
- 5.
- Matrix inversion
- Spread-sheet like processing with arrays and numbers
- Specialized Operations on Data Structures
- n-dimensional cube rotation and transposition
- forward and inverse Fourier transforms for real and complex arrays as
- non-generic Fourier transforms
- smoothing, convolving, filtering, and histogram equalization
- max/min, sigma clipping, mean, median, mode, edge operations
- differentiation (gradient, divergence, curl, Laplacian) operations for
- Interpolations through blanked (missing) areas
- ``Linear" and ``non-linear" registration of images
- Operations on arrays that apply/remove primary beam or gridding
correction functions
- De-convolution of channel shapes
- De-convolution of frequency-switched spectral line data
- Support for error handling in analysis tasks
- Source subtraction for standard (Gaussian) and user-defined models
- Filtering with standard (e.g. Sobel, unsharp mask) and user-definable
- Source subtraction in both image and u-v domains
- Correction of data for source motion (asteroids, comets)
- Modification of planetary and solar data to remove
effects of disk emission, motion, and rotation
- Statistical Analysis of Data Structures
- Histogram displays of data in selected regions
- Noise statistics of selected areas (mean, median, mode, rms,
, etc.)
- Power spectrum analysis
- Structure function analysis
- Cross-correlation analysis
- Defining Regions within data structures
- Interactive input of rectangular (box) and curvilinear (blotch)
areas of interest based upon pixel or coordinate specification, or
cursor ``point and click"
- Capability of saving and restoring regions of interest in files
- Flexible identification of blanked-pixel (-voxel) regions
- Capability of blanking regions based on noise limitations
- Data Analysis Operations
- Spectral line fitting for components (Gaussian, user-defined) and
baselines (polynomials, sinusoids, user-defined)
- Automatic finding (fitting) of sources in images, generating
lists of source positions and intensities
- Fitting and removing source components (Gaussians, parabolas, etc.)
- Functional fitting in continuum cubes (rotation measure, spectral
curvature, user-defined)
- Fitting n-dimensional surfaces with linear and non-linear (
- Least squares fitting (with error analysis) to ordinary and
orthogonal polynomials, for equally spaced and unequally spaced data
- Spline fitting and interpolation
- Zonal averaging in elliptical/spheroidal rings/shells
Many of the major functions of image analysis have already been
discussed under the general category of data structure transformations
and analysis. This is an area of applications that is highly dependent
upon astronomer specification of the needs for a particular problem.
For this reason tools for this analysis, and programmability by
the astronomer, are most important. A few cases that illustrate
advanced problems are the following,
The extraction of information from data cubes is one of the
most important, but computationally (and visually) difficult areas
of image analysis. The visualization problem in general requires
both special hardware and flexible analysis software. The relation
of most data cubes to spectroscopy, and the importance of radiative
transfer to spectroscopy, presents a basic need for the astronomer
to analyze data in an environment where it is possible to compute
and compare models derived from spectral radiative transfer. Since
this cannot be viewed a the job of any instrumental support group, the
versatile programming of computational tools is the most important thing
for the astronomer who has reached this stage of ``image analysis".
In addition to spectroscopy, image analysis and comparison, for some
problems in the future will require dynamical gas/fluid computations.
For example, analyzing HI or molecular line images of galaxies as
snapshots of ``fluids" means the divergence, curl, and Laplacian
of vector fields must be calculated to study continuity, vorticity, and
Moving source problems, particularly the difficult case of solar imaging,
requires special modeling or data corrections. Rotation and registration
of imaging taken at different times and locations, and with different
instruments, requires special treatments dependent upon the scientific
problem at hand, which is usually in the solar system domain involving
the Sun, planets, asteroids, comets, etc.
By data display we mean listings, plots, and ``pictures'' that are
useful in examining data and results derived from data. By recording
we mean hard copy of these data displays. The form of data display
depends on the user interface. The form of data recording may depend
upon printer and other hardware so output files should be as
device-independent as possible, with separate production of
device-dependent files.
- User selection of display and recording devices
- Flexible numerical data display (including output to files and
printers) in the form of numerical tables
- Flexible plotting, and data specification for, one data
variable vs. another, with optional error bars, with point type, line
type, and color differentiation for multiple plots
- Contour plots of 2-D data arrays with optional
number labeling, distinguishing negative contours and depressions,
with color differentiation where possible
- Ruled surface plots of 2-D data arrays, with color display on
that surface for another 2-D data array
- Rendered surface displays of a data cube from an n-dimensional
array, with rotation, aspect, and external lighting control
- ``Opacity" summation display for a displayed data cube
- Projection of user-selected image planes, or summed images,
on the ``sides" of an 3-D image ``box''
- It should be possible to request diagnostic warnings if plot,
contour, etc. are below designated noise levels
- Tiled displays of 1-D and contour plots
- Calibrated wedge displays for color and grey scale
- User-definable color palettes and transfer functions
- Useful ``header" information should appear by default on
plots, but user-defined annotations should be possible
- Flexible overlay capabilities for comparison of different
types of data
- Capability of displaying tabular data in one or two windows
with a corresponding X-Y plot in another, with interactive
identification of points in plot with entries in table
- Plots of spectral profiles with user-defined superposition or
- Sub-windows of spectra associated with images should be
displayable, user-movable, plots with respect to an image using
either superposition or with lines connect image position to
spectral window display
- Contour, grey-scale, and color plots of axis of an n-dimensional
plot as a function of any other (two) coordinates should be possible -
subsets of these would be the common longitude-velocity plots for
specific latitudes
- Flexible extraction of spectra or sequences of spectra from
user-defined regions in a spectral cube
- Display of spectra and spectral cubes with and without
model or continuum subtractions
- Image, ruled surface, etc. displays of variable data
where one axis is time
- Period phased plots of data with user-defined binning
- Image displays in windows with numerical and/or analog control
of parameters, transfer functions, and color tables
- Cursor feedback facility of numerical information in displayed
- Multiple image display windows (different displays of
data for the same coordinate space) and overlaying of images
in a given window
- Intensity-hue display and independent RGB image superposition
or comparison (for appropriate hardware) of two or three images
- 4-D display of image information where intensity is a rendered
surface and color on that surface is coded for a fourth parameter
like rotation measure, polarization, spectral index, etc.
- User-controlled ``blinking" of images
- Multi-panel displays of images related by frequency (velocity)
time or other (third) dimensions
- Flexible ``movie" displays of images as a function of frequency,
time, etc., with interactive control of speed, zoom, and pixel
display range - and optional averaging of ``frames"
- Facility to return/display spectra and other data for
cursor selected points
(or regions) in a spectral line ``cube"
- Polarization image displays with flexible display sensible
combinations of intensity, polarized intensity, percentage polarization,
position angle, etc.
- Image displays with histogram equalization
- Plotting of pixel values in one image vs. pixel values in
another for user-defined regions
- Optional pixel histogram displays associated with images
- Superposition of multiple coordinate grids on images -
pixel, equatorial, galactic, ecliptic, etc.
- ``Smart" superposition of contours on image displays (contours
adjust grey scale or color depending on background)
- Support of ``all-sky" displays of data, wrap-around contouring
- Snapshot hard copy of both separate windows and multi-window
screen displays
- Translation of image displays to input files for high quality
plotting, grey scale, and color copy devices, preserving transfer
functions and color palettes where appropriate
- Screen scratch pad capability added to images (and their
coordinate overlays), including
insertion of descriptive lines, curves, boxes, shaded areas, and
text - with transfer of all to hard copy devices
- Capability to transform on-screen displays to device independent (or
equivalent) files that can be used in manuscripts
The preparation of specifications for AIPS++ involves two major
complications. The first is that the instruments, and the types
of measurements for which they are designed, are diverse and complicated
at levels of detail that are important for many applications. However,
this can be handled by careful attention to detail and a judicious
balance between generality and those details. In this document we
have dealt mainly with generalities, so technical details needed in the
implementation of software for specific instrumentation must be dealt
with elsewhere.
The second, and most severe problem, is that while it may be (relatively)
easy to specify what we need for the science of the past and present,
the most important needs are for the scientific problems of instruments
and astronomers in the future. Careful consideration of what this means
for a software system leads to one general conclusion:
availability of computational tools,
user-programmability of these tools, and easy transferability of
data between software systems are the most important capabilities
that one can have for the future of any scientific software system.
ATNF Staff, 1991, ATNF AIPS++ User Specifications,
AIPS++ User Specifications
Memo 106.
BIMA 1991, AIPS++ User Specifications: BIMA Version,
AIPS++ User Specifications
Memo 108.
Cornwell, T.J. 1990, Report of the Software Advisory Group,
AIPS++ User Specifications
Memo 102.
DRAO 1991, DRAO User Requirements - AIPS++,
AIPS++ User Specifications
Memo 111.
Foster, R., Haynes, M., Heyer, M., Jewell, P., Maddalena, R.J.,
Matthews, H.
Reich, W., and Salter, C. 1991 Requirements for Data Analysis
Software for the Green Bank
Telescope, GBT Memo 72.
GMRT group, 1992, GMRT Requirements Documents,
AIPS++ User Specifications Memo 114.
Hjellming, R.M. 1991, Miscellaneous Suggestions for AIPS++,
AIPS++ User Specifications
Memo 107.
Liszt, H.S. 1992, A Single-Dish Data Handling
Environment for AIPS++,
AIPS++ User Specifications Memo 112.
Noordam, J.E. 1991, Dutch Requirements for AIPS++,
AIPS++ User Specifications
Memo 112.
Shone, D.L. 1992, Jodrell Bank User Requirements for AIPS++,
AIPS++ User Specifications
Memo 110.
Wood, D.O.S. 1991, The AIPS++ User Interface,
AIPS++ User Specifications Memo 104.
Please send questions or comments about AIPS++ to aips2-request@nrao.edu.
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