Module DisplayShapes

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Description (classes)

A module providing classes to draw general shapes onto a pixel canvas.

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The module provides various classes that are responsible for "drawing" "shapes"



The motivation behind creation of a set of "DisplayShapes" was to enable a convinient way to draw basic shapes which would be general enough to use anywhere in AIPS++. The most obvious application is for use as Annotations.

The shape objects themselves draw onto a pixelcanvas whenever it is passed to them. The have no event handling facilites, this must be handled by an outside class. Annotations is an example of such a class. It adds mouse handling etc and manages a list of shapes.

The DisplayShapes

DisplayShapes use PixelCanvas primitives to draw themselves. They act as wrappers for primitives, and allow every shape to have a common interface. All DisplayShapes, for example have a "move" function. Such a function, when combined with others such as "inObject", enable mouse interactions to be far simpler than they would using pixelcanvas primitives. An interface class is also provided, called DisplayShapeInterface. This class is another layer on top of the DisplayShapes which uses records to further simplify the interface between many different types of shapes. The overall aim of the DisplayShapes is to present all shapes as a single "DisplayShapeInterface" object.

Adding a new shape

The first place a new shape must be added is as a class in the display shapes directory. This class should inherit from the base class, DisplayShape, or some other class which in turn inherits from it. Examples of appropriate classes would be DSBasic or DSClosed. DisplayShapeInterface must also be made aware of the new shape, so it can properly construct it if requested. If the shape is to be used for annotations, it must be added, along with any special event handling requirements to the Annotations class.

Using the DisplayShapeInterface

Regardless of how much functionality the shapes share, there will always be a need to apply different options for different shapes. The information below is intended to outline the options available for all displayshapes.

The below listed options are passed via Records to various shapes. This occurs either via get/set options, or via the constructor of DisplayShapeInterface.

General Options :

Record Entry Allowed Data Desc.
hashandles Boolean Will the object ever have handles? No calculations will be done regarding handle position if this is false - This is different to drawhandles. hashandles should only be set under definate circumstances - i.e. when a shape is being used as a handle or for a marker, which will never have a handle.
drawhandles Boolean Should handles be drawn currently?
handlecolor String Specify the color of the handles
handlestyle DisplayShape::HandleShape The of shape to use for the handles
handlesize Int The size of the handles in pixels (radius / height)
color String The color of the displayshape object

Record fields specific to individual shapes should be documentented in their respective header files.

To Do


Annotations -- Control class for a collection of DisplayShapeInterfaces. (full description)
DSArrow -- Arrow implementation;adds a polygon to a DSLine to represent the arrow head (full description)
DSBasic -- Base class for all "basic" shapes (full description)
DSCircle -- Circle implementation;extends DSEllipse, adding general circle functions (full description)
DSClosed -- DSClosed provides common functionality for all "closed" shapes. (full description)
DSEllipse -- Implementation of a ellipse. (full description)
DSLine -- Implementation of a line. (full description)
DSMarker -- Implementation of a marker. (full description)
DSPixelArrow -- Implementation of an absolute pixel DSArrow (full description)
DSPixelEllipse -- Implementation of an absolute pixel DSEllipse (full description)
DSPixelMarker -- Implementation of an absolute pixel DSMarker (full description)
DSPixelPoly -- Implementation of an absolute pixel DSPoly (full description)
DSPixelPolyLine -- Implementation of an absolute pixel DSPolyLine (full description)
DSPixelRectangle -- Implementation of an absolute pixel DSRectangle (full description)
DSPixelText -- Implementation of an absolute pixel DSText (full description)
DSPoly -- Implementation of a Polygon. (full description)
DSPolyLine -- Implementation of a polyline. (full description)
DSRectangle -- Implementation of a rectangle. (full description)
DSScreenArrow -- Implementation of a relative screen pos DSArrow (full description)
DSScreenEllipse -- Implementation of a relative screen pos. DSEllipse (full description)
DSScreenMarker -- Implementation of relative screen pos. DSMarker (full description)
DSScreenPoly -- Implementation of a relative screen pos. DSPoly (full description)
DSScreenPolyLine -- Implementation of a relative screen pos. DSPolyLine (full description)
DSScreenRectangle -- Implementation of a relative screen pos. DSRectangle (full description)
DSScreenText -- Implementation of a relative screen pos. DSText (full description)
DSSquare -- Implementation of a square. (full description)
DSText -- Implementation of text. (full description)
DSWorldArrow -- Implementation of a world coords DSArrow (full description)
DSWorldEllipse -- Implementation of a world coords DSEllipse (full description)
DSWorldMarker -- Implementation of a world coords DSMarker (full description)
DSWorldPoly -- Implementation of a world coords DSPoly (full description)
DSWorldPolyLine -- Implementation of a world coords. DSPolyLine (full description)
DSWorldRectangle -- Implementation of a world coords DSRectangle (full description)
DSWorldText -- Implementation of a world coords. DSText (full description)
DisplayShape -- The abstract base class for all "DisplayShapes". (full description)
DisplayShapeInterface -- Wrapper for DisplayShapes;provides easier/unified constr. of DisplayShapes (full description)
DisplayShapeWithCoords -- Base class for DisplayShapes with Coords (full description)