gplot1d-emulator plots a collection of Y vectors with auto-scaling
against a single
X vector. If there is more than one Y vector, they should be arranged
in a 2-D array with the first dimension being the number of vectors
to plot and the second dimension being the length of each vector. The length
of the X axis vector must be the same as the length of each Y vector.
The color of each Y vector on the plot will be different for the first 16
plots, after that the colors will cycle through the same 16 colors.
The ylabflag determimes whether the y axis label is printed on the plot itself,
in addition to the y axis. For a single plot, this may sensibly be set to
false. However, if plotxy1 is called repeatedly without clearing the plot,
the successive calls will overplot the new data on the original, and having
this flag set to true is useful for determining which color plot corresponds
to which data. This function is called plotxy1 to distinguish it from the
standard pgplotter function, plotxy, which has some subtle differences.
include 'pgplotter.g'
pg := pgplotter();
x := 1:100;
y1a := sin(x/10);
y1b := cos(x/10);
y2 := sqrt(x);
pg.plotxy1(x,y1a,'X Index','Sine Function','Title');
pg.plotxy1(x,y1b,,'Cosine Function');
pg.plotxy2(x,y2,,'SQRT Function');
pg.ptxt(105,5.5,270,0.5,'SQRT (X)');
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