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guientry.minmaxhist - Function

Package display
Module widgets
Tool guientry

Constructs a widget for the entry of a range.

minmaxhist(parent, value, default, allowunset, editable, minvalue, maxvalue, hlp, histarray, imageunits, options)

Make a widget for selection of a range with the ability to allow the user to choose the range from a histogram (using histogramgui). The histogram is displayed and the user can drag, move and resize a region corresponding to the data min and max.

The allowed formats for user input are:

  • The user enters numbers into the two entry boxes. The user can open the histogram window, and select min and max using the mouse.


parent Parent of the widget
Allowed: Tk frame
value Value to insert on start
Allowed: Array
Default: unset
default Default value
Allowed: Array
Default: 0
allowunset Allow unset values
Allowed: Boolean
Default: T
editable Is the entry editable by the user
Allowed: Boolean
Default: T
minvalue Minimum value
Allowed: Number
Default: -1.0
maxvalue Maximum value
Allowed: Number
Default: 1.0
hlp Help message
Allowed: string
Default: ''
histarray Record containing info to use for histogram (in .values and .counts)
Allowed: Record
Default: unset
imageunits Brightness units of image (for labels)
Allowed: string
Default: unset
options Options
Allowed: string
Default: ''


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