Constructs a helpmenu according to the specified construction arguments
and returns a ref to the widget. The ``Help'' menu will begin with each of
the items in menuitems. These are followed by the standard
AIPS++ help
items as recommended by the
GUI Guidelines.
If menuitems is unset, then only these standard help items will appear in the menu.
If there are menuitems, then there must be an equivalent number of
refmanitems. Each refman item is either a string which is used as an
argument to
help or it is a zero-length string.
If a refman item has zero-length, then the callback function is called when
the corresponding menu item button is pressed. This callback function takes
a single argument. When called, that argument will be the menu item which
was pressed. Finally, you can specify any additional popup help text items.
These are prepended to the standard popup help items. Each item appears
as a separate line in the resulting popup help with the text "Help Menu"
being both the short help and the label at the top of the long help
containing the individual items.
include 'helpmenu.g'
f := frame();
cb := function(whichItem) {
print 'help callback called :',whichItem;
r := helpmenu(f, menuitems=['Dish','PGPlotter','Special help'],
helpitems=['About Dish','AboutPGPlotter', 'Special help'],
When the ``Dish'' button is pressed in this example, the users browser will be
directed to the dish entry in the Reference Manual. Similarly, selecting
the ``PGPlotter'' button will display the pgplotter entry in the Reference Manual.
However, when the ``Special help'' item is selected the cb function will
be called and whichItem will have the value ``Special help''.
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