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image.sepconvolvegui - Function

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Module images
Tool image

Separable convolution via custom GUI interface

sepconvolvegui(parent, widgetset)


parent in Parent frame to embed GUI in
    Allowed: GlishTk agent
    Default: Create stand a alone
widgetset in The widgetset to use for the GUI
    Allowed: A widgetserver tool
    Default: dws

Agent or fail



This function (short-hand name scgui) starts the custom GUI interface for the sepconvolve function. Here is an example of the GUI.

Figure 1.3: The sepconvolve GUI
\epsfig{, width=4.5in}\end{center}\end{figure}

The GUI allows you to select which axes (listed by name) you wish to convolve. If you check the `Convolve' button for any axis, then that indicates you wish to convolve that axis. The kernel types and widths widgets will then be active. You must fill in the widths for each selected axis. You can give the widths as simple numeric values (units of pixels assumed) or values with units like 10arcsec or 20km/s, 5pix etc.

Popuphelp is on each button to tell you what they do.

If you don't provide a parent frame (the parent argument), the GUI is made in a standalone mode. This means it creates go, reset and dismiss buttons. If you provide the parent frame, you must also provide the buttons and act on them.

Although this function returns a reference to the underlying subsequence for the custom GUI, you shouldn't need to do anything with it.

Recovering the GUI

When you run this function, it returns an agent which is actually a reference to the underlying GUI. In addition, the GUI is left on the screen. You can explicitly dismiss it by pressing the Dismiss button or selecting Dismiss from the File menu. To recover the GUI you can do one of two things.

Run the command sepconvolvegui again. This will return another reference of the GUI to you. However, it will reset some parts of the GUI because it is possible that the image changed since you last ran this function (the pixel values might have changed, it might even be a different image file attached to this tool).


- im := image('myimage')
- g := im.sepconvolvegui()             # Click Dismiss on GUI
- g := im.sepconvolvegui()             # Get GUI back with some reset

Apply the gui function to the reference returned when you ran the sepconvolvegui function. This simply recovers the GUI with no resetting. If the image has changed, this will not reflect it.

- im := image('myimage')
- g := im.sepconvolvegui()             # Click Dismiss on GUI
- g.gui()                              # Get GUI back with no change

If you destroy the GUI (by selecting Done from the File menu) then you must run the sepconvolvegui function again to regenerate it.

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