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calibrater.modelfit - Function

Package synthesis
Module calibrater
Tool calibrater

Fit single-component source models to the uv-data

modelfit(niter, type, par, vary, file)


niter in Number of fitting iterations to execute
Allowed: Int
Default: 0
type in The component type
Allowed: String: "P", "G", or "D"
Default: "P"
par in Starting guess for component parameters
Allowed: Vector of Int
Default: [1,0,0]
vary in Control which parameters to let vary in fit
Allowed: Vector of Bool
Default: []
file in Optional output component list table
Allowed: String
Default: ""

Vector containing resulting fit parameters


This function enables fitting single component source models to the uv-data selected by a prior run of setdata. If the selected data span multiple spectral windows, a single model will be fit to them jointly.

The function is in the calibrater tool because it is desirable to fit a resolved calibrator with a resolved component shape after phase calibration but before amplitude calibration, to improve the quality of the amplitude calibration solution.

The supported component types are points, elliptical Gaussians, or elliptical Disks, and their integrated flux density, direction offset (from the phase center), and (if applicable) their shape parameters are derived using a non-linear fitting algorithm. A subset of their parameters may optionally be held fixed.

Use of modelfit is straightforward:

The niter parameter is used to specify how many non-linear fitting iterations should be used before quitting. Since the adequacy of the model component choice is not known a priori, modelfit does not attempt to automatically detect convergence; it will do as many iterations as specified (not counting iterations which spuriously increase chi-squared). A few to a few 10s of iterations is usually adequate. If not, then the requested fit is ill-conditioned.

The type parameter is used to indicate which component type to solve for. Use "P" for a point, "G" for an elliptical Gaussian, or "D" for an elliptical disk. modelfit will do its best to fit the selected shape.

The par parameter is used to specify a starting guess for the component parameters. Three parameters are required for a point component: integrated flux density, and RA and Decl direction offsets (arcsec). Three additional parameters are required for the elliptically shaped components: the ellipse major axis size (arcsec), the ellipse axial ratio (< 1), and the major axis position angle (deg, measured from North thru East on the sky).

The vary parameter is a vector of Bools that indicate which of the component parameters specified in par should be varied in the fit. The default is to vary all of the component parameters (all T). If any elements of vary are set F, the corresponding parameters in par will be held fixed in the fitting.

The file parameter is used optionally to specify a table name in which will be created at the conclusion of the fit to contain the result component (as a componentlist). This componentlist table can be used in other applications, e.g., in imager.ft() to specify a model for filling the MODEL_DATA column for subsequent processing.

It is generally very important to give a decent ("close enough") starting guess for the parameters. The way to think about this is that, for a single point component, all peaks (positive or negative) in the dirty image correspond to local minima in chi-square, and the fit can be trapped in any of them. You want the fit to get trapped in the correct (global) one. This generally means that the first guess should be within a factor of a few of the correct flux density, within a (naturally weighted) beamwidth of the correct direction offset, and a factor of a few of the correct size. The other parameters are somewhat less sensitive to the starting guess (being limited in range or cyclical). These estimates of adequacy can be complicated by correlations between the parameters for some sets of values. Interactive and autmatic means of providing optimal first guesses are under consideration for future versions, which will also support multiple components.

The errors reported by modelfit are robust if the data weights are strictly inverse variance weights with no arbitrary global scaling and the model component choice is appropriate. If these conditions hold, the reduced chi-quared should approach $ \sim$ 1, and the parameter error estimates will be solid formal errors. If the weights are arbitrarily scaled, so too will be the chi-squared and error estimates. Interpret these with caution! An excess in the converged chi-square could indicate either a global mis-scaling of the weights (hopefully), or that the model component just isn't a good representation of the source. In either case, the reported errors will be wrong. If the weights are mis-scaled and the model is, in fact, a good fit, then the errors will be under-estimated by approximately the square root of the reduced chi-squared value (which may be < 1, in which case the errors are actually over-estimated).

Pending improvements:

  • Provide interactive (and automatic) means of specifying components. This will be particularly useful when the source is not expected to lie at the phase center.

  • Fit multiple components. This is mainly limited by the inadequate means of specifying a priori components. The multiple component option may be limited to a standalone modelfit application, to keep the calibrater.modelfit interface simple.

  • Improve error estimation and reporting, including access to the full covariance matrix.

  • Permit on-the-fly averaging in frequency and time, to improve performance.

  • Fit for component polarization

  • Fit for spectral index for multi-spectral window or multi-channel data.

  • Support more component shapes, e.g., optically thin ellipsoid, elliptical rings, etc.


# an offset point source
mycal.setdata(msselect='FIELD_ID==4');    # select field 4
mycal.modelfit(niter=10,                  # 10 fitting iterations
               type='P',                  # fit for a point
	       par=[1.0,3.0,1.0]);        # first guess

# an offset disk
mycal.setdata(msselect='FIELD_ID==6');        # select field 6
mycal.modelfit(niter=15,                      # 15 fitting iterations
               type='D',                      # fit for disk
               par=[3.0,2.5,-2.5,7.0,0.5,0]); # first guess

# a Gaussian at the phase center, for keeps
mycal.setdata(msselect='FIELD_ID==2');    # select field 2
mycal.modelfit(niter=10,                  # 10 fitting iterations
               type='G',                  # fit for Gaussian
               par=[2.0,0,0,1.0,0.5,0],   # first guess for pars
               vary=[T,F,F,T,T,T] ,       # fix direction (at phase center)
               file='');         # export a component file

myimgr:=imager('');          # fill resulting model into
myimgr.setdata(fieldid=2);                #  MODEL_DATA column

....more calibration steps....


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