A Vector of integers, for indexing into Array<T> objects.
vanilla constructor (npol=1, nComp=0)
void suspendOKCheck()
turn OFF error checking via "ok()"
casacore::uInt nComp() const
How many components have been filled into the list?
casacore::Float * freeFluxPtr()
Get a pointer into the Flux casacore::Block for the next free clean component.
casacore::Block< casacore::Int > itsPos
casacore::uInt nPol() const
How many polarizations?
void reactivateOKCheck()
turn ON error checking vua "ok()"
void tiledSort(const casacore::IPosition &tileShape)
casacore::Sort components to be organized by tile number.
casacore::Float * pixelFlux(const casacore::uInt whichCC)
get pointer to the whichCC'th component's flux
casacore::uInt maxComp() const
How many components have been allocated for this list?
CCList & operator=(const CCList &other)
casacore::Int * pixelPosition(const casacore::uInt whichCC)
get pointer to the whichCC'th component's position
casacore::Float * fluxPtr()
get pointer to the casacore::Block<casacore::Float> which holds the CC's Flux.
casacore::Int * freePositionPtr()
Get a pointer into the Position casacore::Block for the next free clean component.
void addComp(const casacore::Block< casacore::Float > &flux, const casacore::Block< casacore::Int > &position)
add a Component; if not enough space, resize the storage blocks to 2*maxComp()+1
casacore::uInt freeComp() const
We have free space for how many more components?
casacore::Int * positionPtr()
get pointer to the casacore::Block<casacore::Int> which holds the CC's positions in pixel coordinates...
#define DebugAssert(expr, exception)
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
casacore::Block< casacore::Float > itsFlux
casacore::uInt nDim() const
How many dimentions?
Base class for all Casacore library errors.
void resize(const casacore::uInt nComp)
Make the list bigger or smaller.
casacore::Bool ok() const
ok() is called to check for an internally consistent state by most everything, often behind the scene...
casacore::Bool itsSuspendOKCheck