23 #ifndef FlagAgentDisplay_H_
24 #define FlagAgentDisplay_H_
casacore::Bool skipBaseline(std::pair< casacore::Int, casacore::Int > antennaPair)
casacore::String userChoice_p
GUI parameters.
casacore::String fieldName_p
A top level class defining the data handling interface for the flagging module.
casacore::String antenna2_p
casacore::String userFixA1_p
void DisplayRaster(casacore::Int xdim, casacore::Int ydim, casacore::Vector< casacore::Float > &data, casacore::uInt frame)
casacore::Bool stopAndExit_p
void setAgentParameters(casacore::Record config)
Parse configuration parameters.
casacore::Vector< dbus::variant > panels_p
casacore::Vector< casacore::String > plotColours_p
casacore::Bool showBandpass_p;
casacore::Int scanStart_p
casacore::String reportFormat_p
FlagPlotServerProxy * dataplotter_p
Plotter members.
Everything going into the FlagReport is by value Everything going out of it is by reference...
casacore::Int fieldId_p
visBuffer state variables
std::map< std::pair< casacore::Int, casacore::Int >, std::vector< casacore::uInt > > antennaPairMap
ABSTRACT CLASSES Deliberately vague to be general enough to allow for many different types of data
bool computeAntennaPairFlags(const vi::VisBuffer2 &visBuffer, VisMapper &visibilities, FlagMapper &flag, casacore::Int antenna1, casacore::Int antenna2, std::vector< casacore::uInt > &rows)
Compute flags for a given (time,freq) map.
casacore::Bool buildReportPlotWindow()
casacore::Bool reportDisplay_p
A top level class defining the interface for flagging agents.
casacore::Bool setDataLayout()
FlagAgentDisplay(FlagDataHandler *dh, casacore::Record config, casacore::Bool writePrivateFlagCube=false)
void getReportUserInput()
FlagPlotServerProxy * reportplotter_p
void DisplayLine(casacore::Int xdim, casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &xdata, casacore::Vector< casacore::Float > &ydata, casacore::String label, casacore::String color, casacore::Bool hold, casacore::uInt frame)
casacore::uInt nPolarizations_p
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
const char * report_dock_xml_p
casacore::Bool dataDisplay_p
void DisplayScatter(casacore::Int xdim, casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > &xdata, casacore::Vector< casacore::Float > &ydata, casacore::String label, casacore::String color, casacore::Bool hold, casacore::uInt frame)
FlagReport getReport()
Get a report/summary.
casacore::String userFixA2_p
casacore::Bool showBandpass_p
casacore::Bool reportReturn_p;
casacore::String antenna1_p
casacore::Vector< casacore::Double > freqList_p
casacore::Bool displayReports(FlagReport &combinedReport)
Make plots and either display or write to a file.
casacore::Vector< dbus::variant > report_panels_p
VisBuffer2s encapsulate one chunk of visibility data for processing.
casacore::Bool buildDataPlotWindow()
casacore::Bool setReportLayout()
ABSTRACT CLASSES Deliberately vague to be general enough to allow for many different types of but is it too vague to be useful Since the interface is meant to be a simple plotter
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
void DisplayLineScatterError(FlagPlotServerProxy *&plotter, casacore::String &plottype, casacore::Vector< casacore::Float > &xdata, casacore::Vector< casacore::Float > &ydata, casacore::String &errortype, casacore::Vector< casacore::Float > &error, casacore::String label, casacore::String color, casacore::uInt frame)
void getChunkInfo(const vi::VisBuffer2 &visBuffer)
void preProcessBuffer(const vi::VisBuffer2 &visBuffer)
Common functionality for each visBuffer (don't repeat at the row level)
void iterateAntennaPairsInteractive(antennaPairMap *antennaPairMap_ptr)
Choose how to step through the baselines in the current chunk.
casacore::Int skipField_p
ABSTRACT CLASSES Abstract class for colors Any implementation of color should be able to provide a hexadecimal form of the color(i.e.,"000000"for black) and
casacore::Bool pause_p
Control parameters.