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1 //# PlotData.h: Classes to represent data for plots.
2 //# Copyright (C) 2008
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id: $
27 #ifndef PLOTDATA_H_
28 #define PLOTDATA_H_
32 #include <casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
33 #include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
35 #include <casa/BasicSL/String.h>
38 namespace casa {
40 // Typedef for a point, which is two doubles (x and y).
41 typedef std::pair<double, double> ppoint_t;
47 // Deliberately vague to be general enough to allow for many different types
48 // of data, but is it too vague to be useful? Since the interface is meant
49 // to be a simple plotter, it may be better to restrict PlotData to be more
50 // like PlotPointData, which would eliminate possibilities for data like
51 // functions but would also eliminate a lot of vaguery.
52 class PlotData {
53 public:
54  PlotData() { }
56  virtual ~PlotData() { }
61  // Returns whether the contained data is valid or not.
62  virtual bool isValid() const = 0;
64  // Returns whether this object will delete its underlying data structures
65  // upon deconstruction or not.
66  virtual bool willDeleteData() const = 0;
68  // Sets whether this object will delete its underlying data structures upon
69  // deconstruction or not.
70  virtual void setDeleteData(bool del = true) = 0;
71 };
75 // A single source of data that basically provides indexing of its values.
76 class PlotSingleData : public virtual PlotData {
77 public:
80  virtual ~PlotSingleData() { }
85  // Returns the number of points.
86  virtual unsigned int size() const = 0;
88  // Returns the value at given index.
89  virtual double at(unsigned int i) const = 0;
91  // Gets the minimum and maximum values. Returns false for error.
92  virtual bool minMax(double& min, double& max) = 0;
93 };
94 INHERITANCE_POINTER2(PlotSingleData, PlotSingleDataPtr, PlotData, PlotDataPtr)
97 // A source of data used to supply x and y values. Basically consists of
98 // indexing its values.
99 class PlotPointData : public virtual PlotData {
100 public:
103  virtual ~PlotPointData() { }
108  // Returns the number of points.
109  virtual unsigned int size() const = 0;
111  // Returns the x value at the given index.
112  virtual double xAt(unsigned int i) const = 0;
114  // Returns the y value at the given index.
115  virtual double yAt(unsigned int i) const = 0;
117  // Gets the minimum and maximum values. Returns false for error.
118  virtual bool minsMaxes(double& xMin, double& xMax, double& yMin,
119  double& yMax) = 0;
124  // Gets the x and y values at the given index. Default implementation
125  // just calls xAt and yAt, but in subclasses where performance could be
126  // gained, this method should be overridden. Implementations for plots
127  // that use PlotPointData should use this method by default in case there
128  // are performance gains.
129  virtual void xAndYAt(unsigned int index, double& x, double& y) const;
130 };
131 INHERITANCE_POINTER2(PlotPointData, PlotPointDataPtr, PlotData, PlotDataPtr)
134 // casacore::Data that adds masking functionality on top of normal point data.
135 class PlotMaskedPointData : public virtual PlotPointData {
136 public:
139  virtual ~PlotMaskedPointData() { }
144  // Returns the number of masked points.
145  virtual unsigned int sizeMasked() const = 0;
147  // Returns the number of unmasked points.
148  virtual unsigned int sizeUnmasked() const = 0;
150  // Returns whether the data is masked at the given point or not.
151  virtual bool maskedAt(unsigned int index) const = 0;
153  // Gets the mins/maxes for just the masked points.
154  virtual bool maskedMinsMaxes(double& xMin, double& xMax, double& yMin,
155  double& yMax) = 0;
157  // Gets the mins/maxes for just the unmasked points.
158  virtual bool unmaskedMinsMaxes(double& xMin, double& xMax, double& yMin,
159  double& yMax) = 0;
161  // Returns whether data is plotted in reverse order (right to left),
162  // needed when connecting points
163  virtual bool reverseConnect(unsigned int index) const = 0;
165  // Returns whether to plot conjugate data (e.g. UV plots)
166  virtual bool plotConjugates() const = 0;
170  // Gets the x and y values and the mask at the given index. See
171  // PlotPointData::xAndYAt().
172  virtual void xyAndMaskAt(unsigned int index, double& x, double& y,
173  bool& mask) const;
174 };
176  PlotPointDataPtr, PlotData, PlotDataPtr)
179 // casacore::Data that adds error functionality on top of normal plot data.
180 class PlotErrorData : public virtual PlotPointData {
181 public:
182  PlotErrorData() { }
184  virtual ~PlotErrorData() { }
189  // Returns the "left" error for x at the given index.
190  virtual double xLeftErrorAt(unsigned int i) const = 0;
192  // Returns the "right" error for x at the given index.
193  virtual double xRightErrorAt(unsigned int i) const = 0;
195  // Returns the "bottom" error for y at the given index.
196  virtual double yBottomErrorAt(unsigned int i) const = 0;
198  // Returns the "top" error for y at the given index.
199  virtual double yTopErrorAt(unsigned int i) const = 0;
201  // Gets the maximum errors for the four sides.
202  virtual bool errorMaxes(double& xLeft, double& xRight, double& yBottom,
203  double& yTop) = 0;
208  // Gets the x and y values and error data at the given index. See
209  // PlotPointData::xAndYAt().
210  virtual void xyAndErrorsAt(unsigned int index, double& x, double& y,
211  double& xLeftError, double& xRightError, double& yBottomError,
212  double& yTopError) const;
213 };
214 INHERITANCE_POINTER(PlotErrorData, PlotErrorDataPtr, PlotPointData,
218 // casacore::Data that differentiates different points into different "bins" on top of
219 // normal point data functionality.
220 class PlotBinnedData : public virtual PlotPointData {
221 public:
222  // Constructor.
223  PlotBinnedData() { }
225  // Destructor.
226  virtual ~PlotBinnedData() { }
231  // Returns the total number of bins that the data is in.
232  virtual unsigned int numBins() const = 0;
234  // Returns the bin index number for the given index. MUST be between 0 and
235  // numBins().
236  virtual unsigned int binAt(unsigned int i) const = 0;
237  virtual unsigned int connectBinAt(unsigned int i) const {
238  return binAt(i); };
243  // Returns true if the data is binned, false otherwise.
244  virtual bool isBinned() const { return numBins() > 1; }
245 };
246 INHERITANCE_POINTER(PlotBinnedData, PlotBinnedDataPtr, PlotPointData,
247  PlotDataPtr, PlotData, PlotDataPtr)
250 // casacore::Data for raster plots, which can be thought of as three-dimensional. Used
251 // for images, with the values being in one of the givne formats.
252 class PlotRasterData : public virtual PlotData {
253 public:
254  // casacore::Format that the data is in
255  enum Format {
256  RGB32, // data is an RBG integer, like 0x60A0C0
257  ARGB32, // data is an ARGB integer, like 0xFF60A0C0
258  SPECTROGRAM // data is meant for a spectrogram, not specific colors
259  };
261  // Origin point of the data - in other words, where (0,0) is located
262  // visually on the canvas. Default is LLEFT.
263  enum Origin {
265  };
270  virtual ~PlotRasterData() { }
275  // Returns the data origin.
276  virtual Origin origin() const = 0;
278  // Sets the data origin.
279  virtual void setOrigin(Origin o) = 0;
281  // Returns the range of x.
282  virtual prange_t xRange() const = 0;
284  // Returns the range of y.
285  virtual prange_t yRange() const = 0;
287  // Sets the range of x.
288  virtual void setXRange(double from, double to) = 0;
290  // Sets the range of y.
291  virtual void setYRange(double from, double to) = 0;
293  // Returns the range of the data values.
294  virtual prange_t valueRange() const = 0;
296  // Returns the data value at the given (x,y) coordinate.
297  virtual double valueAt(double x, double y) const = 0;
299  // Gets color bar values.
300  virtual std::vector<double>* colorBarValues(unsigned int max = 1000) const = 0;
301 };
302 INHERITANCE_POINTER2(PlotRasterData, PlotRasterDataPtr, PlotData, PlotDataPtr)
309 // Default implementation of PlotSingleData that supports raw arrays, vectors,
310 // and CASA Vectors. The class is templated, but since data sources are
311 // expected in doubles it should be a numeric type that can be casted to a
312 // double.
313 template <class T>
314 class PlotSingleDataImpl : public virtual PlotSingleData {
315 public:
316  // Invalid data constructor.
317  PlotSingleDataImpl(): m_vector(NULL), m_cvector(NULL), m_array(NULL),
318  m_arraySize(0), m_shouldDelete(false) { }
320  // casacore::Data using different standard containers.
321  // <group>
322  PlotSingleDataImpl(std::vector<T>& value, bool shouldDelete = false):
323  m_vector(&value), m_cvector(NULL), m_array(NULL), m_arraySize(0),
324  m_shouldDelete(shouldDelete) {
325  recalculateMinMax(); }
326  PlotSingleDataImpl(casacore::Vector<T>& value, bool shouldDelete = false):
327  m_vector(NULL), m_cvector(&value), m_array(NULL), m_arraySize(0),
328  m_shouldDelete(shouldDelete) {
329  recalculateMinMax(); }
330  PlotSingleDataImpl(T*& value, unsigned int size, bool shouldDelete= false):
331  m_vector(NULL), m_cvector(NULL), m_array(value), m_arraySize(size),
332  m_shouldDelete(shouldDelete) {
333  recalculateMinMax(); }
334  // </group>
336  // Destructor.
338  if(m_shouldDelete) {
339  if(m_vector != NULL) delete m_vector;
340  if(m_cvector != NULL) delete m_cvector;
341  if(m_array != NULL) delete m_array;
342  }
343  }
346  // Implements PlotData::isValid().
347  bool isValid() const {
348  return m_vector != NULL || m_cvector != NULL || m_array != NULL; }
350  // Implements PlotData::willDeleteData().
351  bool willDeleteData() const { return m_shouldDelete; }
353  // Implements PlotData::setDeleteData().
354  void setDeleteData(bool del = true) { m_shouldDelete = del; }
356  // Implements PlotSingleData::size().
357  unsigned int size() const {
358  if(m_vector != NULL) return m_vector->size();
359  if(m_cvector != NULL) return m_cvector->size();
360  if(m_array != NULL) return m_arraySize;
361  return 0;
362  }
364  // Implements PlotSingleData::at().
365  double at(unsigned int i) const {
366  if(m_vector != NULL) return (double)(*m_vector)[i];
367  if(m_cvector != NULL) return (double)(*m_cvector)[i];
368  if(m_array != NULL) return (double)m_array[i];
369  return 0;
370  }
372  // Implements PlotSingleData::minMax().
373  bool minMax(double& min, double& max) {
374  if(!isValid() || size() == 0) return false;
375  min = m_min; max = m_max;
376  return true;
377  }
379  // Recalculates the cached min and max. Should be used if the underlying
380  // data structure changes.
382  if(!isValid()) return;
383  unsigned int n = size();
384  if(n == 0) return;
385  double temp = (double)at(0);
386  m_min = m_max = temp;
387  if(m_vector != NULL) {
388  for(unsigned int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
389  temp = (double)(*m_vector)[i];
390  if(temp < m_min) m_min = temp;
391  if(temp > m_max) m_max = temp;
392  }
393  } else if(m_cvector != NULL) {
394  for(unsigned int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
395  temp = (double)(*m_cvector)[i];
396  if(temp < m_min) m_min = temp;
397  if(temp > m_max) m_max = temp;
398  }
399  } else if(m_array != NULL) {
400  for(unsigned int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
401  temp = (double)m_array[i];
402  if(temp < m_min) m_min = temp;
403  if(temp > m_max) m_max = temp;
404  }
405  }
406  }
408 private:
409  std::vector<T>* m_vector;
412  unsigned int m_arraySize;
414  double m_min, m_max;
415 };
423 // Default implementation of PlotPointData that supports raw arrays, vectors,
424 // and CASA Vectors. The class is templated, but since data sources are
425 // expected in doubles it should be a numeric type that can be casted to a
426 // double. It can either be both x and y data, or just y data (where x is the
427 // index).
428 template <class T>
429 class PlotPointDataImpl : public virtual PlotPointData {
430 public:
431  // X/Y constructors.
432  // <group>
433  PlotPointDataImpl(std::vector<T>& x, std::vector<T>& y, bool shouldDelete = false) :
434  m_xData(x, shouldDelete), m_yData(y, shouldDelete) { }
435  PlotPointDataImpl(casacore::Vector<T>& x, casacore::Vector<T>& y, bool shouldDelete = false) :
436  m_xData(x, shouldDelete), m_yData(y, shouldDelete) { }
437  PlotPointDataImpl(T*& x, T*& y, unsigned int size, bool shouldDel = false):
438  m_xData(x, size, shouldDel), m_yData(y, size, shouldDel) { }
439  // </group>
441  // Y constructors.
442  // <group>
443  PlotPointDataImpl(std::vector<T>& y, bool shouldDelete = false) :
444  m_yData(y, shouldDelete) { }
445  PlotPointDataImpl(casacore::Vector<T>& y, bool shouldDelete = false) :
446  m_yData(y, shouldDelete) { }
447  PlotPointDataImpl(T*& y, unsigned int size, bool shouldDel = false):
448  m_yData(y, size, shouldDel) { }
449  // </group>
451  virtual ~PlotPointDataImpl() { }
454  // Implements PlotData::isValid().
455  bool isValid() const { return m_yData.isValid(); }
457  // Implements PlotData::willDeleteData().
458  virtual bool willDeleteData() const {
459  return (m_yData.isValid() && m_yData.willDeleteData()) &&
460  (!m_xData.isValid() || m_xData.willDeleteData());
461  }
463  // Implements PlotData::setDeleteData().
464  virtual void setDeleteData(bool del = true) {
465  if(m_xData.isValid()) m_xData.setDeleteData(del);
466  if(m_yData.isValid()) m_yData.setDeleteData(del);
467  }
469  // Implements PlotPointData::size().
470  unsigned int size() const {
471  if(!m_xData.isValid()) return m_yData.size();
472  else return casacore::min(m_xData.size(), m_yData.size());
473  }
475  // Implements PlotPointData::xAt(). If no x data is given, the index is
476  // returned.
477  double xAt(unsigned int i) const {
478  if(m_xData.isValid()) return;
479  else return i;
480  }
482  // Implements PlotPointData::yAt().
483  double yAt(unsigned int i) const { return; }
485  // Implements PlotPointData::minsMaxes().
486  bool minsMaxes(double& xMin, double& xMax, double& yMin, double& yMax) {
487  if(!m_xData.isValid()) {
488  xMin = 0;
489  xMax = m_yData.size();
490  return m_yData.minMax(yMin, yMax);
491  } else {
492  return m_xData.minMax(xMin, xMax) && m_yData.minMax(yMin, yMax);
493  }
494  }
496 private:
499 };
507 // Specialized subclass of PlotPointData that creates histogram data from
508 // single point data. A histogram divides up the data into a number of "bins"
509 // and then counts the number of data that falls into each bin. This class can
510 // act as both an interface for specializations or a concrete subclass of
511 // PlotPointData in itself.
512 class PlotHistogramData : public virtual PlotPointData {
513 public:
514  // Constructor which takes data and number of bins.
515  PlotHistogramData(PlotSingleDataPtr data, unsigned int numBins);
517  // Destructor.
518  virtual ~PlotHistogramData();
521  // Implements PlotData::isValid().
522  virtual bool isValid() const;
524  // Implements PlotData::willDeleteData().
525  virtual bool willDeleteData() const;
527  // Implements PlotData::setDeleteData().
528  virtual void setDeleteData(bool del = true);
531  // Implements PlotPointData::size().
532  virtual unsigned int size() const { return numBins(); }
534  // Implements PlotPointData::xAt().
535  virtual double xAt(unsigned int i) const;
537  // Implements PlotPointData::yAt().
538  virtual double yAt(unsigned int i) const;
540  // Implements PlotPointData::minsMaxes().
541  virtual bool minsMaxes(double& xMin, double& xMax, double& yMin,
542  double& yMax);
545  // Recalculates the histogram data into the given number of bins.
546  virtual void recalculateBins(unsigned int numBins);
548  // Returns the current number of histogram bins.
549  virtual unsigned int numBins() const;
551  // Returns the range at the given index.
552  virtual prange_t rangeAt(unsigned int i) const;
554 private:
555  PlotSingleDataPtr m_data; // Data.
556  std::vector<unsigned int> m_bins; // Bins with count.
557  std::vector<prange_t> m_ranges; // Cached bin ranges.
558  unsigned int m_max; // Highest bin count.
559 };
562 // Default implementation of PlotMaskedPointData using default containers.
563 template <class T>
565  public PlotPointDataImpl<T> {
566 public:
567  // X/Y constructors.
568  // <group>
569  PlotMaskedPointDataImpl(std::vector<T>& x, std::vector<T>& y, std::vector<bool>& mask,
570  bool shouldDelete = false) :
571  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, shouldDelete), m_maskVector(&mask),
572  m_maskCVector(NULL), m_maskArray(NULL), m_maskArraySize(0),
573  m_shouldDeleteMask(shouldDelete) { }
575  bool shouldDelete = false) :
576  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, shouldDelete), m_maskVector(NULL),
577  m_maskCVector(&mask), m_maskArray(NULL), m_maskArraySize(0),
578  m_shouldDeleteMask(shouldDelete) { }
579  PlotMaskedPointDataImpl(T*& x, T*& y, bool*& mask, unsigned int size,
580  bool shouldDel = false) :
581  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, size, shouldDel), m_maskVector(NULL),
582  m_maskCVector(NULL), m_maskArray(mask), m_maskArraySize(size),
583  m_shouldDeleteMask(shouldDel) { }
584  // </group>
586  // Y constructors.
587  // <group>
588  PlotMaskedPointDataImpl(std::vector<T>& y, std::vector<bool>& mask,
589  bool shouldDelete = false) :
590  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(y, shouldDelete), m_maskVector(&mask),
591  m_maskCVector(NULL), m_maskArray(NULL), m_maskArraySize(0),
592  m_shouldDeleteMask(shouldDelete) { }
594  bool shouldDelete = false) :
595  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(y, shouldDelete), m_maskVector(NULL),
596  m_maskCVector(&mask), m_maskArray(NULL), m_maskArraySize(0),
597  m_shouldDeleteMask(shouldDelete) { }
598  PlotMaskedPointDataImpl(T*& y, bool*& mask, unsigned int size,
599  bool shouldDel = false) :
600  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(y, size, shouldDel), m_maskVector(NULL),
601  m_maskCVector(NULL), m_maskArray(mask), m_maskArraySize(size),
602  m_shouldDeleteMask(shouldDel) { }
603  // </group>
605  // Destructor.
607  if(m_shouldDeleteMask) {
608  if(m_maskVector != NULL) delete m_maskVector;
609  if(m_maskCVector != NULL) delete m_maskCVector;
610  if(m_maskArray != NULL) delete m_maskArray;
611  }
612  }
614  virtual bool reverseConnect(unsigned int /*index*/) const { return false; };
615  virtual bool plotConjugates() const { return false; };
617  // Overrides PlotPointDataImpl::willDeleteData().
618  bool willDeleteData() const {
621  // Overrides PlotPointDataImpl::setDeleteData().
622  void setDeleteData(bool del = true) {
624  m_shouldDeleteMask = del;
625  }
627  // Implements PlotMaskedPointData::sizeMasked().
628  unsigned int sizeMasked() const { return sizeMaskedOrUnmasked(true); }
630  // Implements PlotMaskedPointData::sizeUnmasked().
631  unsigned int sizeUnmasked() const { return sizeMaskedOrUnmasked(false); }
633  // Implements PlotMaskedPointData::maskedAt().
634  bool maskedAt(unsigned int index) const {
635  if(m_maskVector != NULL) return (*m_maskVector)[index];
636  if(m_maskCVector != NULL) return (*m_maskCVector)[index];
637  if(m_maskArray != NULL) return m_maskArray[index];
638  return false;
639  }
641  // Implements PlotMaskedPointData::maskedMinsMaxes().
642  bool maskedMinsMaxes(double& xMin, double& xMax, double& yMin,
643  double& yMax) {
644  return getMaskedOrUnmaskedMinsMaxes(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, true); }
646  // Implements PlotMaskedPointData::unmaskedMinsMaxes().
647  bool unmaskedMinsMaxes(double& xMin, double& xMax, double& yMin,
648  double& yMax) {
649  return getMaskedOrUnmaskedMinsMaxes(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, false); }
651 private:
652  std::vector<bool>* m_maskVector;
654  bool* m_maskArray;
655  unsigned int m_maskArraySize;
658  // Helper for size.
659  unsigned int sizeMaskedOrUnmasked(bool masked) const {
660  unsigned int n = size();
661  unsigned int count = 0;
662  if(m_maskArray != NULL) {
663  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_maskArraySize; i++)
664  if(m_maskArray[i]) count++;
665  } else if(m_maskVector != NULL) {
666  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_maskVector->size(); i++)
667  if((*m_maskVector)[i]) count++;
668  } else if(m_maskCVector != NULL) {
669  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_maskCVector->size(); i++)
670  if((*m_maskCVector)[i]) count++;
671  } else return n;
672  if(masked) return casacore::min(count, n);
673  else return casacore::min(n - count, n);
674  }
676  // Helper for mins/maxes.
677  bool getMaskedOrUnmaskedMinsMaxes(double& xMin, double& xMax, double& yMin,
678  double& yMax, bool masked) {
679  if(!isValid()) return false;
680  unsigned int n = size();
681  if(n == 0) return false;
682  if(m_maskArray == NULL && m_maskVector == NULL &&
683  m_maskCVector == NULL) return minsMaxes(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax);
685  unsigned int i = 0;
686  bool m;
687  for(; i < n; i++) {
688  m = maskedAt(i);
689  if((masked && m) || (!masked && !m)) {
690  xMin = xMax = xAt(i);
691  yMin = yMax = yAt(i);
692  break;
693  }
694  }
695  if(i == n) return false;
696  double temp;
697  for(; i < n; i++) {
698  m = maskedAt(i);
699  if((masked && m) || (!masked && !m)) {
700  temp = xAt(i);
701  if(temp < xMin) xMin = temp;
702  if(temp > xMax) xMax = temp;
703  temp = yAt(i);
704  if(temp < yMin) yMin = temp;
705  if(temp > yMax) yMax = temp;
706  }
707  }
708  return true;
709  }
710 };
718 // Default implementation of PlotErrorData using standard containers, plus
719 // scalars for the four errors.
720 template <class T>
721 class PlotScalarErrorDataImpl : public virtual PlotErrorData,
722  public PlotPointDataImpl<T> {
723 public:
724  // Scalar error for top, bottom, left, and right.
725  // <group>
726  PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(std::vector<T>& x, std::vector<T>& y, T xLeftError,
727  T xRightError, T yBottomError, T yTopError,
728  bool shouldDelete=false): PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, shouldDelete),
729  m_xLeftError(xLeftError), m_xRightError(xRightError),
730  m_yBottomError(yBottomError), m_yTopError(yTopError) { }
732  T xRightError, T yBottomError, T yTopError,
733  bool shouldDelete=false): PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, shouldDelete),
734  m_xLeftError(xLeftError), m_xRightError(xRightError),
735  m_yBottomError(yBottomError), m_yTopError(yTopError) { }
736  PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(T*& x, T*& y, unsigned int size, T xLeftError,
737  T xRightError, T yBottomError, T yTopError,
738  bool shouldDelete = false) :
739  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, size, shouldDelete),
740  m_xLeftError(xLeftError), m_xRightError(xRightError),
741  m_yBottomError(yBottomError), m_yTopError(yTopError) { }
742  // </group>
744  // Single error for x and y.
745  // <group>
746  PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(std::vector<T>& x, std::vector<T>& y, T xError, T yError,
747  bool shouldDelete=false): PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, shouldDelete),
748  m_xLeftError(xError), m_xRightError(xError),
749  m_yBottomError(yError), m_yTopError(yError) { }
751  bool shouldDelete=false): PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, shouldDelete),
752  m_xLeftError(xError), m_xRightError(xError),
753  m_yBottomError(yError), m_yTopError(yError) { }
754  PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(T*& x, T*& y,unsigned int size, T xError, T yError,
755  bool shouldDelete = false) :
756  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, size, shouldDelete),
757  m_xLeftError(xError), m_xRightError(xError),
758  m_yBottomError(yError), m_yTopError(yError) { }
759  // </group>
761  // Single error for all values.
762  // <group>
763  PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(std::vector<T>& x, std::vector<T>& y, T error,
764  bool shouldDelete=false): PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, shouldDelete),
765  m_xLeftError(error), m_xRightError(error), m_yBottomError(error),
766  m_yTopError(error) { }
768  bool shouldDelete=false): PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, shouldDelete),
769  m_xLeftError(error), m_xRightError(error), m_yBottomError(error),
770  m_yTopError(error) { }
771  PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(T*& x, T*& y, unsigned int size, T error,
772  bool shouldDelete = false) :
773  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, size, shouldDelete),
774  m_xLeftError(error), m_xRightError(error), m_yBottomError(error),
775  m_yTopError(error) { }
776  // </group>
778  // Destructor.
781  // Implements PlotErrorData getter methods.
782  // <group>
783  double xLeftErrorAt(unsigned int ) const { return m_xLeftError; }
784  double xRightErrorAt(unsigned int ) const { return m_xRightError; }
785  double yBottomErrorAt(unsigned int ) const { return m_yBottomError; }
786  double yTopErrorAt(unsigned int ) const { return m_yTopError; }
787  // </group>
789  // Implements PlotErrorData::errorMaxes().
790  bool errorMaxes(double& xLeft, double& xRight, double& yBottom,
791  double& yTop) {
792  xLeft = m_xLeftError;
793  xRight = m_xRightError;
794  yBottom = m_yBottomError;
795  yTop = m_yTopError;
796  return true;
797  }
799 private:
801 };
809 // Default implementation of PlotErrorData using standard containers, plus
810 // PlotPointDataImpls for the errors.
811 template <class T>
812 class PlotErrorDataImpl : public virtual PlotErrorData,
813  public PlotPointDataImpl<T> {
814 public:
815  // Symmetric error constructors.
816  // <group>
817  PlotErrorDataImpl(T*& x, T*& y, T*& xError, T*& yError, unsigned int size,
818  bool shouldDelete = true) :
819  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, size, shouldDelete),
820  m_xError(xError, xError, size, shouldDelete),
821  m_yError(yError, yError, size, shouldDelete) { }
822  PlotErrorDataImpl(std::vector<T>& x, std::vector<T>& y, std::vector<T>& xError,
823  std::vector<T>& yError, bool shouldDelete = false) :
824  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, shouldDelete),
825  m_xError(xError, xError, shouldDelete),
826  m_yError(yError, yError, shouldDelete) { }
828  casacore::Vector<T>& yError, bool shouldDelete = false) :
829  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, shouldDelete),
830  m_xError(xError, xError, shouldDelete),
831  m_yError(yError, yError, shouldDelete) { }
832  // </group>
834  // Asymmetric error constructors.
835  // <group>
836  PlotErrorDataImpl(T*& x, T*& y, T*& xLeftError, T*& xRightError,
837  T*& yBottomError, T*& yTopError, unsigned int size,
838  bool shouldDelete = true) :
839  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, size, shouldDelete),
840  m_xError(xLeftError, xRightError, size, shouldDelete),
841  m_yError(yBottomError, yTopError, size, shouldDelete) { }
842  PlotErrorDataImpl(std::vector<T>& x, std::vector<T>& y, std::vector<T>& xLeftError,
843  std::vector<T>& xRightError, std::vector<T>& yBottomError,
844  std::vector<T>& yTopError, bool shouldDelete = false) :
845  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, shouldDelete),
846  m_xError(xLeftError, xRightError, shouldDelete),
847  m_yError(yBottomError, yTopError, shouldDelete) { }
849  casacore::Vector<T>& xRightError, casacore::Vector<T>& yBottomError,
850  casacore::Vector<T>& yTopError, bool shouldDelete = false) :
851  PlotPointDataImpl<T>(x, y, shouldDelete),
852  m_xError(xLeftError, xRightError, shouldDelete),
853  m_yError(yBottomError, yTopError, shouldDelete) { }
854  // </group>
858  // Overrides PlotPointDataImpl::willDeleteData().
859  bool willDeleteData() const {
861  m_xError.willDeleteData() && m_yError.willDeleteData();
862  }
864  // Overrides PlotPointDataImpl::setDeleteData().
865  void setDeleteData(bool del = true) {
866  m_xError.setDeleteData(del);
867  m_yError.setDeleteData(del);
869  }
871  // Implements PlotErrorData getter methods.
872  // <group>
873  double xLeftErrorAt(unsigned int i) const { return m_xError.xAt(i); }
874  double xRightErrorAt(unsigned int i) const { return m_xError.yAt(i); }
875  double yBottomErrorAt(unsigned int i) const { return m_yError.xAt(i); }
876  double yTopErrorAt(unsigned int i) const { return m_yError.yAt(i); }
877  // </group>
879  // Implements PlotErrorData::errorMaxes().
880  bool errorMaxes(double& xLeft, double& xRight, double& yBottom,
881  double& yTop) {
882  double temp;
883  return m_xError.minsMaxes(temp, xLeft, temp, xRight) &&
884  m_yError.minsMaxes(temp, yBottom, temp, yTop);
885  }
887 private:
889 };
897 // Implementation of raster data using casa::Matrix.
898 template <class T>
899 class PlotRasterMatrixData : public virtual PlotRasterData {
900 public:
901  // Whether the indexing is (row,col) or (x,y). Default is (row,col).
902  enum Indexing {
904  };
906  PlotRasterMatrixData(casacore::Matrix<T>& data, bool shouldDelete = false) :
908  m_shouldDelete(shouldDelete) {
910  unsigned int n0 = shape[0] - 1, n1 = shape[1] - 1;
912  m_0From = 0;
913  m_0To = n0 + 1;
914  m_1From = 0;
915  m_1To = n1 + 1;
916  m_0Pieces = (n0 + 1) / (m_0To - m_0From);
917  m_1Pieces = (n1 + 1) / (m_1To - m_1From);
919  double val = static_cast<double>(data(0, 0));
920  m_valFrom = m_valTo = val;
921  for(casacore::uInt i = 0; i < data.nrow(); i++) {
922  for(casacore::uInt j = 0; j < data.ncolumn(); j++) {
923  val = static_cast<double>(data(i, j));
924  if(val < m_valFrom) m_valFrom = val;
925  if(val > m_valTo) m_valTo = val;
926  }
927  }
928  }
932  // Implements PlotData::isValid().
933  bool isValid() const { return true; }
935  // Implements PlotData::willDeleteData().
936  bool willDeleteData() const { return m_shouldDelete; }
938  // Implements PlotData::setDeleteData().
939  void setDeleteData(bool del = true) { m_shouldDelete = del; }
941  // Implements PlotRasterData::origin().
942  Origin origin() const { return m_origin; }
944  // Implements PlotRasterData::setOrigin().
945  void setOrigin(Origin o) {
946  if(m_origin != o) {
947  m_origin = o;
948  }
949  }
951  // Implements PlotRasterData::xRange().
952  prange_t xRange() const {
953  if(m_indexing == X_Y) return prange_t(m_0From, m_0To);
954  else return prange_t(m_1From, m_1To);
955  }
957  // Implements PlotRasterData::yRange().
958  prange_t yRange() const {
959  if(m_indexing == X_Y) return prange_t(m_1From, m_1To);
960  else return prange_t(m_0From, m_0To);
961  }
963  // Implements PlotRasterData::setXRange().
964  void setXRange(double from, double to) {
965  if(from == to) return;
966  if(from > to) {
967  double temp = from;
968  from = to;
969  to = temp;
970  }
972  if(m_indexing == X_Y) {
973  m_0From = from;
974  m_0To = to;
975  m_0Pieces = (m_data->shape()[0]) / (m_0To - m_0From);
976  } else {
977  m_1From = from;
978  m_1To = to;
979  m_1Pieces = (m_data->shape()[1]) / (m_1To - m_1From);
980  }
981  }
983  // Implements PlotRasterData::setYRange().
984  void setYRange(double from, double to) {
985  if(from == to) return;
986  if(from > to) {
987  double temp = from;
988  from = to;
989  to = temp;
990  }
992  if(m_indexing == X_Y) {
993  m_1From = from;
994  m_1To = to;
995  m_1Pieces = (m_data->shape()[1]) / (m_1To - m_1From);
996  } else {
997  m_0From = from;
998  m_0To = to;
999  m_0Pieces = (m_data->shape()[0]) / (m_0To - m_0From);
1000  }
1001  }
1003  // Implements PlotRasterData::valueRange().
1006  // Implements PlotRasterData::valueAt().
1007  double valueAt(double x, double y) const {
1008  if(m_indexing == X_Y) {
1009  if(x < m_0From || x > m_0To || y < m_1From || y > m_1To) return 0;
1011  int xi = (int)((x - m_0From) * m_0Pieces);
1012  int yi = (int)((y - m_1From) * m_1Pieces);
1013  if(xi >= m_data->shape()[0]) xi = m_data->shape()[0] - 1;
1014  if(yi >= m_data->shape()[1]) yi = m_data->shape()[1] - 1;
1016  return static_cast<double>((*m_data)(xi, yi));
1018  } else {
1019  if(x < m_1From || x > m_1To || y < m_0From || y > m_0To) return 0;
1021  int xi = (int)((x - m_1From) * m_1Pieces);
1022  int yi = (int)((y - m_0From) * m_0Pieces);
1023  if(xi >= m_data->shape()[1]) xi = m_data->shape()[1] - 1;
1024  if(yi >= m_data->shape()[0]) yi = m_data->shape()[0] - 1;
1026  return static_cast<double>((*m_data)(yi, xi));
1027  }
1028  }
1030  // Implements PlotRasterData::colorBarValues().
1031  std::vector<double>* colorBarValues(unsigned int max = 1000) const {
1032  std::vector<double>* v = new std::vector<double>();
1034  double val;
1035  bool found;
1036  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_data->nrow() && v->size() <= max; i++) {
1037  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < m_data->ncolumn() && v->size() <= max;
1038  j++) {
1039  val = static_cast<double>((*m_data)(i, j));
1040  found = false;
1041  for(unsigned int k = 0; k < v->size() && !found; k++)
1042  if(v->at(k) == val) found = true;
1043  if(!found) v->push_back(val);
1044  }
1045  }
1047  return v;
1048  }
1050  // Gets/sets the indexing used for the matrix.
1051  // <group>
1052  Indexing indexing() const { return m_indexing; }
1054  // </group>
1056  // Gets/sets the matrix.
1057  // <group>
1059  void setMatrix(casacore::Matrix<T>* m, bool shouldDelete = true) {
1060  if(m_shouldDelete) delete m_data;
1061  m_data = m;
1062  m_shouldDelete = shouldDelete;
1063  }
1064  // </group>
1066 private:
1068  double m_0From, m_0To;
1069  double m_1From, m_1To;
1075 };
1077 }
1079 #endif /*PLOTDATA_H_*/
Specialized subclass of PlotPointData that creates histogram data from single point data...
Definition: PlotData.h:512
double yAt(unsigned int i) const
Implements PlotPointData::yAt().
Definition: PlotData.h:483
std::vector< prange_t > m_ranges
Definition: PlotData.h:557
A Vector of integers, for indexing into Array&lt;T&gt; objects.
Definition: IPosition.h:119
void setDeleteData(bool del=true)
Overrides PlotPointDataImpl::setDeleteData().
Definition: PlotData.h:865
A single source of data that basically provides indexing of its values.
Definition: PlotData.h:76
A 1-D Specialization of the Array class.
Invalid data constructor.
Definition: PlotData.h:317
PlotErrorDataImpl< float > PlotErrorFloatData
Definition: PlotData.h:893
PlotMaskedPointDataImpl(std::vector< T > &x, std::vector< T > &y, std::vector< bool > &mask, bool shouldDelete=false)
X/Y constructors.
Definition: PlotData.h:569
bool errorMaxes(double &xLeft, double &xRight, double &yBottom, double &yTop)
Implements PlotErrorData::errorMaxes().
Definition: PlotData.h:880
virtual double xAt(unsigned int i) const
Implements PlotPointData::xAt().
casacore::Matrix< T > * matrix()
Gets/sets the matrix.
Definition: PlotData.h:1058
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(T *&x, T *&y, unsigned int size, T error, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:771
virtual prange_t rangeAt(unsigned int i) const
Returns the range at the given index.
virtual double valueAt(double x, double y) const =0
Returns the data value at the given (x,y) coordinate.
size_t nrow() const
The number of rows in the Matrix, i.e.
Definition: Matrix.h:301
bool isValid() const
Implements PlotData::isValid().
Definition: PlotData.h:347
double xRightErrorAt(unsigned int) const
Definition: PlotData.h:784
PlotErrorDataImpl< double > PlotErrorDoubleData
Definition: PlotData.h:894
const IPosition & shape() const
The length of each axis of the Matrix.
Definition: Matrix.h:295
#define max(a, b)
Definition: hio.h:44
virtual prange_t xRange() const =0
Returns the range of x.
LatticeExprNode mask(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the mask of the given expression.
casacore::Vector< T > * m_cvector
Definition: PlotData.h:410
Whether the indexing is (row,col) or (x,y).
Definition: PlotData.h:902
Implementation of raster data using casa::Matrix.
Definition: PlotData.h:899
prange_t valueRange() const
Implements PlotRasterData::valueRange().
Definition: PlotData.h:1004
PlotPointDataImpl< float > PlotPointFloatData
Definition: PlotData.h:503
void setDeleteData(bool del=true)
Implements PlotData::setDeleteData().
Definition: PlotData.h:354
#define min(a, b)
Definition: hio.h:45
double xLeftErrorAt(unsigned int) const
Implements PlotErrorData getter methods.
Definition: PlotData.h:783
Definition: PlotData.h:779
A source of data used to supply x and y values.
Definition: PlotData.h:99
PlotSingleDataImpl< T > m_yData
Definition: PlotData.h:498
virtual void setDeleteData(bool del=true)
Implements PlotData::setDeleteData().
PlotMaskedPointDataImpl(casacore::Vector< T > &x, casacore::Vector< T > &y, casacore::Vector< bool > &mask, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:574
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(casacore::Vector< T > &x, casacore::Vector< T > &y, T xError, T yError, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:750
casacore::Vector< bool > * m_maskCVector
Definition: PlotData.h:653
PlotSingleDataPtr m_data
Definition: PlotData.h:555
PlotErrorDataImpl(std::vector< T > &x, std::vector< T > &y, std::vector< T > &xError, std::vector< T > &yError, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:822
PlotSingleDataImpl(std::vector< T > &value, bool shouldDelete=false)
casacore::Data using different standard containers.
Definition: PlotData.h:322
virtual ~PlotData()
Definition: PlotData.h:56
PlotPointDataImpl(T *&y, unsigned int size, bool shouldDel=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:447
virtual void setDeleteData(bool del=true)
Implements PlotData::setDeleteData().
Definition: PlotData.h:464
PlotErrorDataImpl< int > PlotErrorIntData
Definition: PlotData.h:891
virtual unsigned int binAt(unsigned int i) const =0
Returns the bin index number for the given index.
unsigned int m_arraySize
Definition: PlotData.h:412
virtual ~PlotRasterData()
Definition: PlotData.h:270
unsigned int size() const
Implements PlotSingleData::size().
Definition: PlotData.h:357
casacore::Matrix< T > * m_data
Definition: PlotData.h:1067
void setMatrix(casacore::Matrix< T > *m, bool shouldDelete=true)
Definition: PlotData.h:1059
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl< float > PlotScalarErrorFloatData
Definition: PlotData.h:805
PlotPointDataImpl< T > m_xError
Definition: PlotData.h:888
A 2-D Specialization of the Array class.
virtual unsigned int size() const
Implements PlotPointData::size().
Definition: PlotData.h:532
unsigned int sizeMaskedOrUnmasked(bool masked) const
Helper for size.
Definition: PlotData.h:659
PlotSingleDataImpl(T *&value, unsigned int size, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:330
PlotPointDataImpl< double > PlotPointDoubleData
Definition: PlotData.h:504
virtual prange_t valueRange() const =0
Returns the range of the data values.
Default implementation of PlotErrorData using standard containers, plus PlotPointDataImpls for the er...
Definition: PlotData.h:812
virtual double yAt(unsigned int i) const
Implements PlotPointData::yAt().
void setDeleteData(bool del=true)
Implements PlotData::setDeleteData().
Definition: PlotData.h:939
size_t size() const
virtual double xLeftErrorAt(unsigned int i) const =0
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(casacore::Vector< T > &x, casacore::Vector< T > &y, T xLeftError, T xRightError, T yBottomError, T yTopError, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:731
PlotErrorDataImpl< unsigned int > PlotErrorUIntData
Definition: PlotData.h:892
void setXRange(double from, double to)
Implements PlotRasterData::setXRange().
Definition: PlotData.h:964
Default implementation of PlotPointData that supports raw arrays, vectors, and CASA Vectors...
Definition: PlotData.h:429
virtual bool willDeleteData() const =0
Returns whether this object will delete its underlying data structures upon deconstruction or not...
virtual bool isBinned() const
Definition: PlotData.h:244
Default implementation of PlotMaskedPointData using default containers.
Definition: PlotData.h:564
PlotPointDataImpl< int > PlotPointIntData
Definition: PlotData.h:501
unsigned int m_max
Definition: PlotData.h:558
PlotSingleDataImpl< double > PlotSingleDoubleData
Definition: PlotData.h:420
ABSTRACT CLASSES Deliberately vague to be general enough to allow for many different types of data
Definition: PlotData.h:48
virtual bool isValid() const =0
bool getMaskedOrUnmaskedMinsMaxes(double &xMin, double &xMax, double &yMin, double &yMax, bool masked)
Helper for mins/maxes.
Definition: PlotData.h:677
virtual unsigned int size() const =0
PlotSingleDataImpl< float > PlotSingleFloatData
Definition: PlotData.h:419
virtual bool plotConjugates() const
Returns whether to plot conjugate data (e.g.
Definition: PlotData.h:615
PlotErrorDataImpl(std::vector< T > &x, std::vector< T > &y, std::vector< T > &xLeftError, std::vector< T > &xRightError, std::vector< T > &yBottomError, std::vector< T > &yTopError, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:842
Indexing indexing() const
Gets/sets the indexing used for the matrix.
Definition: PlotData.h:1052
PlotPointDataImpl(casacore::Vector< T > &x, casacore::Vector< T > &y, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:435
bool isValid() const
Implements PlotData::isValid().
Definition: PlotData.h:933
Definition: PlotData.h:606
virtual void setYRange(double from, double to)=0
Sets the range of y.
casacore::CountedPtr< PlotData > PlotDataPtr
Definition: PlotData.h:72
PlotMaskedPointDataImpl< unsigned int > PlotMaskedPointUIntData
Definition: PlotData.h:713
void setDeleteData(bool del=true)
Overrides PlotPointDataImpl::setDeleteData().
Definition: PlotData.h:622
virtual bool reverseConnect(unsigned int) const
Returns whether data is plotted in reverse order (right to left), needed when connecting points...
Definition: PlotData.h:614
unsigned int sizeUnmasked() const
Implements PlotMaskedPointData::sizeUnmasked().
Definition: PlotData.h:631
bool minMax(double &min, double &max)
Implements PlotSingleData::minMax().
Definition: PlotData.h:373
Referenced counted pointer for constant data.
Definition: VisModelData.h:42
LatticeExprNode min(const LatticeExprNode &left, const LatticeExprNode &right)
prange_t xRange() const
Implements PlotRasterData::xRange().
Definition: PlotData.h:952
PlotPointDataImpl(std::vector< T > &x, std::vector< T > &y, bool shouldDelete=false)
X/Y constructors.
Definition: PlotData.h:433
PlotErrorDataImpl(T *&x, T *&y, T *&xLeftError, T *&xRightError, T *&yBottomError, T *&yTopError, unsigned int size, bool shouldDelete=true)
Asymmetric error constructors.
Definition: PlotData.h:836
bool minsMaxes(double &xMin, double &xMax, double &yMin, double &yMax)
Implements PlotPointData::minsMaxes().
Definition: PlotData.h:486
virtual ~PlotHistogramData()
virtual bool minMax(double &min, double &max)=0
Gets the minimum and maximum values.
virtual void recalculateBins(unsigned int numBins)
Recalculates the histogram data into the given number of bins.
virtual prange_t yRange() const =0
Returns the range of y.
PlotSingleDataImpl< T > m_xData
Definition: PlotData.h:497
std::vector< double > * colorBarValues(unsigned int max=1000) const
Implements PlotRasterData::colorBarValues().
Definition: PlotData.h:1031
double xAt(unsigned int i) const
Implements PlotPointData::xAt().
Definition: PlotData.h:477
virtual ~PlotBinnedData()
Definition: PlotData.h:226
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(std::vector< T > &x, std::vector< T > &y, T error, bool shouldDelete=false)
Single error for all values.
Definition: PlotData.h:763
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(std::vector< T > &x, std::vector< T > &y, T xError, T yError, bool shouldDelete=false)
Single error for x and y.
Definition: PlotData.h:746
virtual bool willDeleteData() const
Implements PlotData::willDeleteData().
double yBottomErrorAt(unsigned int) const
Definition: PlotData.h:785
virtual unsigned int numBins() const
Returns the current number of histogram bins.
PlotMaskedPointDataImpl(std::vector< T > &y, std::vector< bool > &mask, bool shouldDelete=false)
Y constructors.
Definition: PlotData.h:588
PlotPointDataImpl< T > m_yError
Definition: PlotData.h:888
PlotPointDataImpl< unsigned int > PlotPointUIntData
Definition: PlotData.h:502
PlotSingleDataImpl< int > PlotSingleIntData
Definition: PlotData.h:417
PlotErrorDataImpl(T *&x, T *&y, T *&xError, T *&yError, unsigned int size, bool shouldDelete=true)
Symmetric error constructors.
Definition: PlotData.h:817
bool maskedMinsMaxes(double &xMin, double &xMax, double &yMin, double &yMax)
Implements PlotMaskedPointData::maskedMinsMaxes().
Definition: PlotData.h:642
casacore::Data for raster plots, which can be thought of as three-dimensional.
Definition: PlotData.h:263
virtual ~PlotErrorData()
Definition: PlotData.h:184
virtual double at(unsigned int i) const =0
Returns the value at given index.
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl< int > PlotScalarErrorIntData
Definition: PlotData.h:803
size_t ncolumn() const
The number of columns in the Matrix, i.e.
Definition: Matrix.h:305
PlotSingleDataImpl< unsigned int > PlotSingleUIntData
Definition: PlotData.h:418
PlotMaskedPointDataImpl< float > PlotMaskedPointFloatData
Definition: PlotData.h:714
virtual void setDeleteData(bool del=true)=0
Sets whether this object will delete its underlying data structures upon deconstruction or not...
double yTopErrorAt(unsigned int i) const
Definition: PlotData.h:876
virtual ~PlotPointData()
Definition: PlotData.h:103
virtual double yBottomErrorAt(unsigned int i) const =0
Returns the &quot;bottom&quot; error for y at the given index.
PlotErrorDataImpl(casacore::Vector< T > &x, casacore::Vector< T > &y, casacore::Vector< T > &xError, casacore::Vector< T > &yError, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:827
virtual void setXRange(double from, double to)=0
Sets the range of x.
virtual void setOrigin(Origin o)=0
Sets the data origin.
virtual void xyAndErrorsAt(unsigned int index, double &x, double &y, double &xLeftError, double &xRightError, double &yBottomError, double &yTopError) const
TableExprNode shape(const TableExprNode &array)
Function operating on any scalar or array resulting in a Double array containing the shape...
Definition: ExprNode.h:1944
unsigned int size() const
Implements PlotPointData::size().
Definition: PlotData.h:470
std::vector< unsigned int > m_bins
Definition: PlotData.h:556
INHERITANCE_POINTER2(PlotLayoutSingle, PlotLayoutSinglePtr, PlotCanvasLayout, PlotCanvasLayoutPtr) INHERITANCE_POINTER2(PlotLayoutGrid
virtual Origin origin() const =0
prange_t yRange() const
Implements PlotRasterData::yRange().
Definition: PlotData.h:958
std::pair< double, double > ppoint_t
Typedef for a point, which is two doubles (x and y).
Definition: PlotData.h:41
PlotPointDataImpl(std::vector< T > &y, bool shouldDelete=false)
Y constructors.
Definition: PlotData.h:443
ABSTRACT CLASSES Deliberately vague to be general enough to allow for many different types of but is it too vague to be useful Since the interface is meant to be a simple it may be better to restrict PlotData to be more like PlotPointData
Definition: PlotData.h:48
std::pair< double, double > prange_t
Typedef for range, which is two doubles (min and max).
Definition: PlotOptions.h:41
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(T *&x, T *&y, unsigned int size, T xLeftError, T xRightError, T yBottomError, T yTopError, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:736
PlotSingleDataImpl(casacore::Vector< T > &value, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:326
virtual ~PlotSingleData()
Definition: PlotData.h:80
PlotMaskedPointDataImpl< double > PlotMaskedPointDoubleData
Definition: PlotData.h:715
virtual double xRightErrorAt(unsigned int i) const =0
Returns the &quot;right&quot; error for x at the given index.
Origin origin() const
Implements PlotRasterData::origin().
Definition: PlotData.h:942
std::vector< T > * m_vector
Definition: PlotData.h:409
virtual double yTopErrorAt(unsigned int i) const =0
Returns the &quot;top&quot; error for y at the given index.
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(casacore::Vector< T > &x, casacore::Vector< T > &y, T error, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:767
virtual bool isValid() const
Implements PlotData::isValid().
bool isValid() const
Implements PlotData::isValid().
Definition: PlotData.h:455
void recalculateMinMax()
Recalculates the cached min and max.
Definition: PlotData.h:381
PlotMaskedPointDataImpl< int > PlotMaskedPointIntData
Definition: PlotData.h:712
PlotPointDataImpl(casacore::Vector< T > &y, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:445
PlotHistogramData(PlotSingleDataPtr data, unsigned int numBins)
Constructor which takes data and number of bins.
PlotErrorDataImpl(casacore::Vector< T > &x, casacore::Vector< T > &y, casacore::Vector< T > &xLeftError, casacore::Vector< T > &xRightError, casacore::Vector< T > &yBottomError, casacore::Vector< T > &yTopError, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:848
double yTopErrorAt(unsigned int) const
Definition: PlotData.h:786
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(std::vector< T > &x, std::vector< T > &y, T xLeftError, T xRightError, T yBottomError, T yTopError, bool shouldDelete=false)
Scalar error for top, bottom, left, and right.
Definition: PlotData.h:726
virtual std::vector< double > * colorBarValues(unsigned int max=1000) const =0
Gets color bar values.
Default implementation of PlotErrorData using standard containers, plus scalars for the four errors...
Definition: PlotData.h:721
void setIndexing(Indexing i)
Definition: PlotData.h:1053
void setYRange(double from, double to)
Implements PlotRasterData::setYRange().
Definition: PlotData.h:984
double xLeftErrorAt(unsigned int i) const
Implements PlotErrorData getter methods.
Definition: PlotData.h:873
void setOrigin(Origin o)
Implements PlotRasterData::setOrigin().
Definition: PlotData.h:945
bool willDeleteData() const
Implements PlotData::willDeleteData().
Definition: PlotData.h:936
double yBottomErrorAt(unsigned int i) const
Definition: PlotData.h:875
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl(T *&x, T *&y, unsigned int size, T xError, T yError, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:754
virtual ~PlotMaskedPointData()
Definition: PlotData.h:139
unsigned int sizeMasked() const
Implements PlotMaskedPointData::sizeMasked().
Definition: PlotData.h:628
virtual bool minsMaxes(double &xMin, double &xMax, double &yMin, double &yMax)
Implements PlotPointData::minsMaxes().
Definition: PlotData.h:268
size_t size() const
Definition: ArrayBase.h:101
PlotRasterMatrixData(casacore::Matrix< T > &data, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:906
bool willDeleteData() const
Implements PlotData::willDeleteData().
Definition: PlotData.h:351
PlotPointDataImpl(T *&x, T *&y, unsigned int size, bool shouldDel=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:437
virtual unsigned int connectBinAt(unsigned int i) const
Definition: PlotData.h:237
virtual bool willDeleteData() const
Implements PlotData::willDeleteData().
Definition: PlotData.h:458
casacore::Data that adds masking functionality on top of normal point data.
Definition: PlotData.h:135
PlotMaskedPointDataImpl(T *&y, bool *&mask, unsigned int size, bool shouldDel=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:598
std::vector< bool > * m_maskVector
Definition: PlotData.h:652
INHERITANCE_POINTER(PlotFlagAllTool, PlotFlagAllToolPtr, PlotMouseTool, PlotMouseToolPtr, PlotTool, PlotToolPtr) TOOL NOTIFICATION CLASSESInterface for objects that want to be notified when the selection tool changes.*/class PlotSelectToolNotifier
Definition: PlotTool.h:675
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl< unsigned int > PlotScalarErrorUIntData
Definition: PlotData.h:804
bool willDeleteData() const
Overrides PlotPointDataImpl::willDeleteData().
Definition: PlotData.h:618
PlotMaskedPointDataImpl(casacore::Vector< T > &y, casacore::Vector< bool > &mask, bool shouldDelete=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:593
bool unmaskedMinsMaxes(double &xMin, double &xMax, double &yMin, double &yMax)
Implements PlotMaskedPointData::unmaskedMinsMaxes().
Definition: PlotData.h:647
virtual unsigned int numBins() const =0
bool willDeleteData() const
Overrides PlotPointDataImpl::willDeleteData().
Definition: PlotData.h:859
Definition: PlotData.h:337
double xRightErrorAt(unsigned int i) const
Definition: PlotData.h:874
PlotMaskedPointDataImpl(T *&x, T *&y, bool *&mask, unsigned int size, bool shouldDel=false)
Definition: PlotData.h:579
LatticeExprNode value(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the value of the expression without a mask.
PlotScalarErrorDataImpl< double > PlotScalarErrorDoubleData
Definition: PlotData.h:806
bool errorMaxes(double &xLeft, double &xRight, double &yBottom, double &yTop)
Implements PlotErrorData::errorMaxes().
Definition: PlotData.h:790
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
virtual bool errorMaxes(double &xLeft, double &xRight, double &yBottom, double &yTop)=0
Gets the maximum errors for the four sides.
bool maskedAt(unsigned int index) const
Implements PlotMaskedPointData::maskedAt().
Definition: PlotData.h:634
double at(unsigned int i) const
Implements PlotSingleData::at().
Definition: PlotData.h:365
double valueAt(double x, double y) const
Implements PlotRasterData::valueAt().
Definition: PlotData.h:1007
virtual ~PlotPointDataImpl()
Definition: PlotData.h:451
unsigned int m_maskArraySize
Definition: PlotData.h:655