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1 //# LatticeIterInterface.h: A base class for Lattice iterators
2 //# Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2003
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
32 //# Includes
33 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
38 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
40 //# Forward Declarations
41 template <class T> class Vector;
42 template <class T> class Matrix;
43 template <class T> class Cube;
44 template <class T> class Lattice;
45 template <class T> class LatticeIterator;
46 template <class T> class RO_LatticeIterator;
49 // <summary>
50 // A base class for Lattice iterators
51 // </summary>
53 // <use visibility=local>
55 // <reviewed reviewer="Peter Barnes" date="1999/10/30" tests="" demos="">
56 // </reviewed>
58 // <prerequisite>
59 // <li> letter/envelope schemes - see Coplien, "Advanced C++", ch 5.5
60 // <li> <linkto class="Lattice">Lattice</linkto>
61 // <li> <linkto class="LatticeIterator">LatticeIterator</linkto>
62 // </prerequisite>
64 // <etymology>
65 // The LatticeIterInterface class name reflects its role as the abstract
66 // base class for concrete read-write LatticeIterators
67 // </etymology>
69 // <synopsis>
70 // This class is only for authors of Lattice letters for the LatticeIterator
71 // envelope. General users should see LatticeIterator.
72 //
73 // The LatticeIterInterface class defines an abstract base for the standard
74 // methods of iteration required by Lattices. Declaring an Iterator that is
75 // derived from this class forces it to meet the virtual requirements.
76 //
77 // The author of a Lattice derived class should consider the following:
78 // <ul>
79 // <li> The LatticeStepper class has strong effects on how the cursor is
80 // filled. A non-integral shape of the cursor may allow a step of
81 // iteration to be only partially "touching" the Lattice. We have dubbed
82 // this "hangover."
83 // <li> If the cursor has "hangover" it should be filled with a value that
84 // indicates the cursor is in undefined space.
85 // <li> The cursor cannot be a reference to a part of the Lattice since
86 // hangover would imply a reference to undefined memory. To enclose the
87 // Lattice with a zero valued hangover buffer would be inefficient. The
88 // method thus forced upon the programmer is to "update" the cursor with
89 // Lattice values after each move or iteration and to "write" the possibly
90 // changed cursor values back into the Lattice before each iteration. An
91 // algorithm which does the cursor update/write actions (and is independent
92 // of Lattice dimensionality) may be copied from ArrLatticeIter::cursorUpdate()
93 // and ArrLatticeIter::cursorWrite(), respectively.
94 // <li> The majority of the code in a new letter for LatticeIterator may be
95 // cut and pasted from other implementations of letters. See ArrLatticeIter
96 // or PagedArrIter.
97 // </ul>
98 // </synopsis>
100 // <example>
101 // For an example see <linkto class=LatticeIterator>LatticeIterator</linkto>.
102 // </example>
104 // <motivation>
105 // The is class provides a tidy base for letter/envelope techniques of
106 // iteration.
107 // </motivation>
109 // <todo asof="1997/01/12">
110 // <li> IPositions are returned by value. This a reflection of the
111 // LatticeNavigator base class' inability to predict the
112 // availibility of data members for references.
113 // </todo>
116 template <class T> class LatticeIterInterface
117 {
118 friend class Lattice<T>;
119 friend class LatticeIterator<T>;
120 friend class RO_LatticeIterator<T>;
122 public:
123  // Construct with the given navigator.
125  const LatticeNavigator& navigator,
126  Bool useRef);
128  // A virtual destructor. A virtual is needed to ensure that derived
129  // classes declared as pointers to a LatticeIterInterface will scope their
130  // destructor to the derived class destructor.
131  virtual ~LatticeIterInterface();
133 protected:
134  // Default constructor (for derived classes).
137  // Copy constructor (copy semantics).
140  // Assignment (copy semantics).
143  // Clone the object.
144  virtual LatticeIterInterface<T>* clone() const;
146  // Return the underlying lattice.
148  { return *itsLattPtr; }
150  // Increment operator - increment the cursor to the next position. The
151  // implementation of the prefix operator calls the postfix one.
152  // <group>
153  Bool operator++();
154  Bool operator++(int);
155  // </group>
157  // Decrement operator - decrement the cursor to the previous position. The
158  // implementation of the prefix operator calls the postfix one.
159  // <group>
160  Bool operator--();
161  Bool operator--(int);
162  // </group>
164  // Function which resets the cursor to the beginning of the Lattice and
165  // resets the number of steps taken to zero.
166  void reset();
168  // Function which returns a value of "True" if the cursor is at the
169  // beginning of the Lattice, otherwise, returns "False"
170  Bool atStart() const;
172  // Function which returns "True" if the cursor has been incremented to
173  // the end of the lattice, otherwise, returns "False"
174  Bool atEnd() const;
176  // Function to return the number of steps (increments or decrements) taken
177  // since construction (or since last reset). This is a running count of
178  // all cursor movement since doing N increments followed by N decrements
179  // does not necessarily put the cursor back at the origin of the Lattice.
180  uInt nsteps() const;
182  // Function which returns the current position of the beginning of the
183  // cursor within the Lattice. The returned IPosition will have the same
184  // number of axes as the underlying Lattice.
185  IPosition position() const;
187  // Function which returns the current position of the end of the
188  // cursor. The returned IPosition will have the same number of axes as the
189  // underlying Lattice.
190  IPosition endPosition() const;
192  // Function which returns the shape of the Lattice being iterated through.
193  // The returned IPosition will always have the same number of axes as the
194  // underlying Lattice.
195  IPosition latticeShape() const;
197  // Function which returns the shape of the cursor which is iterating
198  // through the Lattice. The cursor will always have as many dimensions as
199  // the Lattice.
200  IPosition cursorShape() const;
202  // Functions which returns a window to the data in the Lattice. These are
203  // used to read the data within the Lattice. Use the function
204  // that is appropriate to the current cursor dimension, AFTER REMOVING
205  // DEGENERATE AXES, or use the <src>cursor</src> function which works with
206  // any number of dimensions in the cursor. A call of the function whose
207  // return value is inappropriate with respect to the current cursor
208  // dimension will throw an exception (AipsError).
209  // <br>The <src>doRead</src> flag indicates if the data need to be read or
210  // if only a cursor with the correct shape has to be returned.
211  // <br>The <src>autoRewrite</src> flag indicates if the data has to be
212  // rewritten when the iterator state changes (e.g. moved, destructed).
213  // <group>
214  virtual Vector<T>& vectorCursor (Bool doRead, Bool autoRewrite);
215  virtual Matrix<T>& matrixCursor (Bool doRead, Bool autoRewrite);
216  virtual Cube<T>& cubeCursor (Bool doRead, Bool autoRewrite);
217  virtual Array<T>& cursor (Bool doRead, Bool autoRewrite);
218  //</group>
220  // Function which checks the internals of the class for consistency.
221  // Returns True if everything is fine otherwise returns False. The default
222  // implementation of this function always returns True.
223  Bool ok() const;
225 protected:
226  // Do the actual read of the data.
227  virtual void readData (Bool doRead);
229  // Rewrite the cursor data and clear the rewrite flag.
230  virtual void rewriteData();
232  // Update the cursor for the next chunk of data (resize if needed).
233  virtual void cursorUpdate();
235  // Allocate the internal buffer.
236  void allocateBuffer();
238  // Allocate the nondegenerate array with the correct type.
239  void allocateCurPtr();
241  // Synchronise the storage of itsCurPtr with itsCursor.
242  void setCurPtr2Cursor();
244  // Copy the base data of the other object.
245  void copyBase (const LatticeIterInterface<T>& other);
248  // Pointer to the method of Lattice transversal
250  // Pointer to the Lattice
252  // A buffer to hold the data. Usually itsCursor shares the data
253  // with this buffer, but for an ArrayLattice itsCursor might reference
254  // the lattice directly instead of making a copy in the buffer.
256  // Polymorphic pointer to the data in itsCursor.
258  // An Array which references the same data as the itsCurPtr, but has all
259  // the degenerate axes. This is an optimization to avoid the overhead of
260  // having to add the degenerate axes for each iteration.
262  // Keep a reference to the data (if possible).
264  // Is the cursor a reference to the lattice?
266  // Have the data been read after a cursor update? (False=not read)
268  // Rewrite the cursor data before moving or destructing?
270  // The axes forming the cursor.
272 };
276 template <class T>
278  return operator++ (0);
279 }
281 template <class T>
283  return operator-- (0);
284 }
286 template<class T>
288 {
289  return itsNavPtr->atStart();
290 }
292 template<class T>
294 {
295  return itsNavPtr->atEnd();
296 }
298 template<class T>
300 {
301  return itsNavPtr->nsteps();
302 }
304 template<class T>
306 {
307  return itsNavPtr->position();
308 }
310 template<class T>
312 {
313  return itsNavPtr->endPosition();
314 }
316 template<class T>
318 {
319  return itsNavPtr->latticeShape();
320 }
322 template<class T>
324 {
325  return itsNavPtr->cursorShape();
326 }
328 //# Declare extern templates for often used types.
329  extern template class LatticeIterInterface<Float>;
335 #include <casacore/lattices/Lattices/LatticeIterInterface.tcc>
337 #endif
virtual Vector< T > & vectorCursor(Bool doRead, Bool autoRewrite)
Functions which returns a window to the data in the Lattice.
A Vector of integers, for indexing into Array&lt;T&gt; objects.
Definition: IPosition.h:119
Array< T > * itsCurPtr
Polymorphic pointer to the data in itsCursor.
A 1-D Specialization of the Array class.
std::vector< double > Vector
Definition: ds9context.h:24
Bool atStart() const
Function which returns a value of &quot;True&quot; if the cursor is at the beginning of the Lattice...
A read/write lattice iterator.
LatticeNavigator * itsNavPtr
Pointer to the method of Lattice transversal.
virtual Cube< T > & cubeCursor(Bool doRead, Bool autoRewrite)
void setCurPtr2Cursor()
Synchronise the storage of itsCurPtr with itsCursor.
virtual LatticeIterInterface< T > * clone() const
Clone the object.
Array< T > itsBuffer
A buffer to hold the data.
Bool itsHaveRead
Have the data been read after a cursor update? (False=not read)
Array< T > itsCursor
An Array which references the same data as the itsCurPtr, but has all the degenerate axes...
A 3-D Specialization of the Array class.
void reset()
Function which resets the cursor to the beginning of the Lattice and resets the number of steps taken...
uInt nsteps() const
Function to return the number of steps (increments or decrements) taken since construction (or since ...
A 2-D Specialization of the Array class.
Bool itsRewrite
Rewrite the cursor data before moving or destructing?
Bool itsIsRef
Is the cursor a reference to the lattice?
IPosition cursorShape() const
Function which returns the shape of the cursor which is iterating through the Lattice.
void copyBase(const LatticeIterInterface< T > &other)
Copy the base data of the other object.
Bool operator--()
Decrement operator - decrement the cursor to the previous position.
IPosition position() const
Function which returns the current position of the beginning of the cursor within the Lattice...
A readonly iterator for Lattices.
Bool ok() const
Function which checks the internals of the class for consistency.
A base class for Lattice iterators.
Definition: SubImage.h:46
A templated, abstract base class for array-like objects.
Lattice< T > * itsLattPtr
Pointer to the Lattice.
IPosition itsCursorAxes
The axes forming the cursor.
IPosition endPosition() const
Function which returns the current position of the end of the cursor.
Bool atEnd() const
Function which returns &quot;True&quot; if the cursor has been incremented to the end of the lattice...
void allocateCurPtr()
Allocate the nondegenerate array with the correct type.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
virtual ~LatticeIterInterface()
A virtual destructor.
template &lt;class T, class U&gt; class vector;
Definition: MSFlagger.h:37
Lattice< T > & lattice()
Return the underlying lattice.
virtual Array< T > & cursor(Bool doRead, Bool autoRewrite)
LatticeIterInterface & operator=(const LatticeIterInterface< T > &other)
Assignment (copy semantics).
Default constructor (for derived classes).
virtual void cursorUpdate()
Update the cursor for the next chunk of data (resize if needed).
virtual void rewriteData()
Rewrite the cursor data and clear the rewrite flag.
virtual Matrix< T > & matrixCursor(Bool doRead, Bool autoRewrite)
void allocateBuffer()
Allocate the internal buffer.
virtual void readData(Bool doRead)
Do the actual read of the data.
Bool itsUseRef
Keep a reference to the data (if possible).
IPosition latticeShape() const
Function which returns the shape of the Lattice being iterated through.
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
Abstract base class to steer lattice iterators.
Bool operator++()
Increment operator - increment the cursor to the next position.
#define casacore
&lt;X11/Intrinsic.h&gt; #defines true, false, casacore::Bool, and String.
Definition: X11Intrinsic.h:42