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1 //# --------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //# LineFindingUtils.h: this defines utility functions of line finding
3 //# --------------------------------------------------------------------
4 //# Copyright (C) 2015
5 //# National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
6 //#
7 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
9 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
10 //# option) any later version.
11 //#
12 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
15 //# License for more details.
16 //#
17 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
18 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20 //#
21 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
22 //# Internet email:
23 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
24 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
25 //# 520 Edgemont Road
26 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
27 //#
28 //# $Id$
32 #include <iostream>
33 #include <string>
34 #include <list>
35 #include <sstream>
37 #include <casa/aipstype.h>
38 #include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>
40 namespace casa { //# NAMESPACE CASA - BEGIN
43 public:
44  /*
45  * Bin data and mask arrays.
46  *
47  * @param[in] num_in : the number of elements in in_data and in_mask
48  * @param[in] in_data : an input data array to bin
49  * @param[in] in_mask : an input mask array to bin
50  * @param[in] bin_size : the number of channels to bin
51  * @param[in] num_out : the number of elements in out_data and out_mask
52  * @param[out] out_data : an array to store binned data
53  * @param[out] out_mask : an array to store binned mask
54  * @param[in] offset : the channel index in in_data and in_mask
55  * to start binning. offset should be 0 if keepsize=false.
56  * @param[in] keepsize : if true, keep array size after binning.
57  * otherwise, the output arrays will have (num_in-offset+1)/bin_size channel.
58  * num_out should be equal to num_in when keepsize=true.
59  */
60  template<typename DataType>
61  static size_t binDataAndMask(size_t const num_in,
62  DataType const in_data[/*num_in*/], bool const in_mask[/*num_in*/],
63  size_t const bin_size, size_t const num_out,
64  DataType out_data[/*num_out*/], bool out_mask[/*num_out*/],
65  size_t const offset = 0, bool const keepsize = false);
67  /*
68  * Calculate median absolute deviation (MAD) of a data array
69  * Processes mad[i] = data[i] - (median of valid elements in data)
70  *
71  * @param[in] num_data : the number of elements in @a in_data ,
72  * @a in_mask , and @a mad.
73  * @param[in] in_data : data array to calculate MAD
74  * @param[in] in_mask : a boolean mask array. the elements
75  * with mask=false will be ignored in calculating median.
76  * @param[out] mad : an array of MAD values
77  */
78  static void calculateMAD(size_t const num_data,
79  float const in_data[/*num_data*/], bool const in_mask[/*num_data*/],
80  float mad[/*num_data*/]);
82  /*
83  * Count the number of true elements in a boolean array.
84  *
85  * @param[in] num_data : the number of elements in @a data
86  * @param[in] data : a boolean array
87  * @return the number of elements with true in @a data
88  */
89  inline static size_t countTrue(size_t num_data,
90  bool const data[/*num_data*/]) {
91  size_t ntrue = 0;
92  static_assert(static_cast<uint8_t>(true)==1, "cast of bool failed");
93  static_assert(static_cast<uint8_t>(false)==0, "cast of bool failed");
94  uint8_t const *data8 = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t const *>(data);
95  static_assert(sizeof(data[0])==sizeof(data8[0]),
96  "bool and uint8_t has different size");
97  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_data; ++i) {
98  ntrue += data8[i];
99  }
100  return ntrue;
101  }
102  ;
104  /*
105  * create mask by a threshold value
106  * out_mask[i] = in_mask[i] && (in_data[i] >= threshold)
107  *
108  * @param[in] num_data : the number of elements in @a in_data ,
109  * @a in_mask , and @a out_mask
110  * @param[in] in_data : a data array
111  * @param[in] in_mask : a boolean mask array
112  * @param[in] threshold : a threshold value to compare with @a in_data
113  * @param[out] out_mask : an output mask array
114  */
115  static void createMaskByAThreshold(size_t const num_data,
116  float const in_data[/*num_data*/], bool const in_mask[/*num_data*/],
117  float const threshold, bool out_mask[/*num_data*/]);
118  /*
119  create mask by threshold value array
120  out_mask[i] = in_mask[i] && (in_data[i] >= threshold_array[i])
121  */
122  /* template <typename DataType> */
123  /* static void createMaskByThresholds(size_t const num_data, */
124  /* DataType const in_data[/\*num_data*\/], */
125  /* bool const in_mask[/\*num_data*\/], */
126  /* DataType const threshold_array[/\*num_data*\/], */
127  /* bool out_mask[/\*num_data*\/]); */
129  /*
130  * create sign array by a threshold value
131  * sign[i] = +1 (in_data[i] > threshold)
132  * = 0 (in_data[i] == threshold)
133  * = -1 (in_data[i] < threshold)
134  *
135  * @param[in] num_data : the number of elements of @a in_data and @a sign
136  * @param[in] in_data : an input data array to calculate sign
137  * @param[in] threshold : a threshold to calculate sign
138  * @param[out] sign : an output array
139  */
140  template<typename DataType>
141  inline static void createSignByAThreshold(size_t const num_data,
142  DataType const in_data[/*num_data*/], DataType const threshold,
143  int8_t sign[/*num_data*/]) {
144  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_data; ++i) {
145  sign[i] = signCompare(in_data[i], threshold);
146  }
147  }
148  ;
150  /*
151  * create sign array by data and threshold arrays
152  * sign[i] = +1 (in_data[i] > threshold_array[i])
153  * = 0 (in_data[i] == threshold_array[i])
154  * = -1 (in_data[i] < threshold_array[i])
155  *
156  * @param[in] num_data : the number of elements of @a in_data ,
157  * @a threshod_array, and @a sign
158  * @param[in] in_data : an input data array to calculate sign
159  * @param[in] threshold_array : a threshold array to calculate sign
160  * @param[out] sign : an output array
161  */
162  template<typename DataType>
163  inline static void createSignByThresholds(size_t const num_data,
164  DataType const in_data[/*num_data*/],
165  DataType const threshold_array[/*num_data*/],
166  int8_t sign[/*num_data*/]) {
167  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_data; ++i) {
168  sign[i] = signCompare(in_data[i], threshold_array[i]);
169  }
170  }
171  ;
173  /*
174  * Convert channel idxs of line ranges of binned array to the ones before binning
175  *
176  * @param[in] bin_size : the number of channels binned
177  * @param[in] offset : the offset channel idx
178  * @param[in,out] range_list : the list of line channel ranges to convert
179  */
180  static void deBinRanges(size_t const bin_size, size_t const offset,
181  std::list<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& range_list);
183  /*
184  * Extend for line wing
185  * Line ranges are extended while sign has the same value as the range
186  * AND mask=true.
187  *
188  * @param[in] num_sign : the number of elements in sign and mask array
189  * @param[in] sign : an array with the values either -1, 0, or 1.
190  * It indicates how far a line could be extended.
191  * @param[in] mask : a boolean mask. The line range will be truncated
192  * at the channel, mask=false.
193  * @param[in,out] range_list : a list of line channel ranges
194  */
195  static void extendRangeBySign(size_t num_sign,
196  int8_t const sign[/*num_sign*/], bool const mask[/*num_sign*/],
197  std::list<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& range_list);
199  /*
200  * Get median of an sorted array.
201  * @param[in] num_data: the number of elements from which median is calculated
202  * @param[in] data: values should be sorted in ascending order.
203  * @param[in] Must neighther have Inf nor Nan in elements 0-num_data-1.
204  *
205  * When the number of elements is odd the function returns data[num_data/2].
206  * Otherwise, average of middle two elements, i.e, (data[num_data/2]+data[num_data/2-1])/2
207  */
208  template<typename DataType>
209  inline static DataType getMedianOfSorted(size_t const num_data,
210  DataType const data[/*num_data*/]) {
211  return (data[num_data / 2] + data[num_data / 2 - ((num_data + 1) % 2)])
212  / static_cast<DataType>(2);
213  }
214  ;
216  /*
217  * Get median of an array taking mask into account.
218  *
219  * @param[in] num_data : the number of elements in data and mask arrays
220  * @param[in] data : data array to calculate median from
221  * @param[in] mask : mask array. Only elements with mask[i]=true is
222  * taken into account to calculate median
223  * @param[in] fraction : a fraction of valid channels to calculate median
224  * lower data are used.
225  */
226  static float maskedMedian(size_t num_data, float const* data,
227  bool const mask[/*num_data*/], float fraction = 1.0);
229  /*
230  * Convert boolean channel mask to channel index ranges.
231  * For example:
232  * mask = {F, T, T, F, T} -> [[1,2], [4,4]]
233  * @param[in] num_mask : the number of elements in mask
234  * @param[in] mask : a boolean array of mask
235  * @param[out] out_range : a list of line channel range
236  */
237  static void maskToRangesList(size_t const num_mask,
238  bool const mask[/*num_mask*/],
239  std::list<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& out_range);
241  /*
242  * Merge line ranges if the ranges are separated only by flagged
243  * channels, i.e., mask=false.
244  *
245  * @param[in] num_mask : the number of elements in mask
246  * @param[in] mask : a boolean array to store mask
247  * @param[in] maxgap : the maximum separation of line channels to merge
248  * @param[in,out] range_list : a list of line channel ranges
249  *
250  */
251  static void mergeGapByFalse(size_t const num_mask,
252  bool const mask[/*num_mask*/], size_t const maxgap,
253  std::list<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& range_list);
255  /*
256  * Merge line ranges if the ranges are overlapped.
257  *
258  * @param[in] range_list : a list of line range to modify
259  * The list should be sorted in ascending order of idx
260  * for both for first and second elements of pairs.
261  */
262  static void mergeOverlappingRanges(
263  std::list<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& range_list);
265  /*
266  * Merge line ranges if the ranges two lists are overlapped.
267  *
268  * @param[in,out] to : a list of line range to merge
269  * @param[in] from : a list of line range to merge
270  * Both lists should be sorted in ascending order of idx
271  * for both for first and second elements of pairs.
272  */
273  static void mergeOverlapInTwoLists(std::list<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& to,
274  std::list<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& from);
276  /*
277  * Merge line ranges if the gap between lines are smaller than
278  * a certain fraction of narrower line.
279  * @param[in] fraction : the fraction to narrower line
280  * @param[in] maxwidth :
281  * @param[in] range_list : a list of line range to modify
282  * The list should be sorted in ascending order of idx
283  * for both for first and second elements of pairs.
284  */
285  static void mergeSmallGapByFraction(double const fraction,
286  size_t const maxwidth,
287  std::list<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& range_list);
289  /*
290  * Remove line ranges larger than maxwidth from the list.
291  *
292  * @param[in] maxwidth : maximum line width allowed
293  * @param[in] range_list : a list of line range to test
294  */
295  static void rejectWideRange(size_t const maxwidth,
296  std::list<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& range_list);
298  /*
299  * Remove line ranges smaller than minwidth from the list.
300  *
301  * @param[in] minwidth : minimum line width allowed
302  * @param[in] range_list : a list of line range to test
303  */
304  static void rejectNarrowRange(size_t const minwidth,
305  std::list<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& range_list);
306  /* template <typename DataType> */
307  /* static void splitLines(DataType const& in_data, bool const& in_mask, */
308  /* std::list<std::pair<size_t,size_t>> const& in_range, */
309  /* std::list<std::pair<size_t,size_t>>& out_range); */
311  inline static string FormatLineString(std::list<std::pair<size_t,size_t>> &line_list) {
312  std::ostringstream oss;
313  oss << "number of Lines = " << line_list.size() << std::endl;
314  for (std::list<std::pair<size_t,size_t>>::iterator iter = line_list.begin();
315  iter!=line_list.end(); ++iter) {
316  oss << "- [ " << (*iter).first << ", " << (*iter).second << " ] (width: "
317  << (*iter).second-(*iter).first+1 << ")" << std::endl;
318  }
319  return oss.str();
320  };
322 private:
323  /*
324  * Merge a line range to a list of line range taking into account the overlap.
325  */
326  static size_t mergeARangeToList(
327  std::list<std::pair<size_t, size_t>>& range_list,
328  std::pair<size_t, size_t>& new_range, size_t const cursor = 0);
330  /*
331  * Compare data and threshold and returns
332  * 1 if data > threshold
333  * 0 if data == threshold
334  * -1 if data < threshold
335  */
336  template<typename DataType>
337  inline static int8_t signCompare(DataType const& data,
338  DataType const& threshold) {
339  if (data > threshold)
340  return 1;
341  else if (data < threshold)
342  return -1;
343  else
344  return 0;
345  }
346  ;
348 };
352 #endif /* _CASA_LINE_FINDING_UTILS_H_ */
static void extendRangeBySign(size_t num_sign, int8_t const sign[], bool const mask[], std::list< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &range_list)
static void deBinRanges(size_t const bin_size, size_t const offset, std::list< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &range_list)
static void createSignByThresholds(size_t const num_data, DataType const in_data[], DataType const threshold_array[], int8_t sign[])
LatticeExprNode mask(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the mask of the given expression.
static DataType getMedianOfSorted(size_t const num_data, DataType const data[])
static size_t countTrue(size_t num_data, bool const data[])
static void mergeOverlapInTwoLists(std::list< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &to, std::list< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &from)
LatticeExprNode ntrue(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
static size_t binDataAndMask(size_t const num_in, DataType const in_data[], bool const in_mask[], size_t const bin_size, size_t const num_out, DataType out_data[], bool out_mask[], size_t const offset=0, bool const keepsize=false)
ABSTRACT CLASSES Deliberately vague to be general enough to allow for many different types of data
Definition: PlotData.h:48
static void rejectNarrowRange(size_t const minwidth, std::list< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &range_list)
static void mergeSmallGapByFraction(double const fraction, size_t const maxwidth, std::list< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &range_list)
LatticeExprNode sign(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
static int8_t signCompare(DataType const &data, DataType const &threshold)
static void calculateMAD(size_t const num_data, float const in_data[], bool const in_mask[], float mad[])
static string FormatLineString(std::list< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &line_list)
static void maskToRangesList(size_t const num_mask, bool const mask[], std::list< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &out_range)
static void mergeOverlappingRanges(std::list< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &range_list)
static void createSignByAThreshold(size_t const num_data, DataType const in_data[], DataType const threshold, int8_t sign[])
static void mergeGapByFalse(size_t const num_mask, bool const mask[], size_t const maxgap, std::list< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &range_list)
static void rejectWideRange(size_t const maxwidth, std::list< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &range_list)
static size_t mergeARangeToList(std::list< std::pair< size_t, size_t >> &range_list, std::pair< size_t, size_t > &new_range, size_t const cursor=0)
static float maskedMedian(size_t num_data, float const *data, bool const mask[], float fraction=1.0)
static void createMaskByAThreshold(size_t const num_data, float const in_data[], bool const in_mask[], float const threshold, bool out_mask[])