39 class QtProgressWidget;
69 virtual QString
virtual void postThreadMethod()
Executes the post-thread method as needed.
PlotMSPlotter * itsPlotter_
virtual void startOperation()
Implements PlotMSThread::startOperation().
Simple object to synchronize operation progress information across threads.
PlotMSDrawThread operator=(const PlotMSDrawThread &other)
void cancel()
For when the user requests "cancel" for the thread.
bool itsOperationFlag_
Flag indicating that one or more operations tried to call operationChanged() while the operations mut...
void * PMSPTObject
Typedefs for using post-thread methods.
void updatePlotterCanvases()
Updates the internal list of canvases based upon the parent PlotMSPlotter.
virtual QString getName() const
void operationChanged(const PlotOperation &operation)
Implements PlotOperationWatcher::operationChanged().
Abstract interface for any object that wants to watch a PlotOperation object for changes.
std::vector< PlotOperationPtr > itsOperations_
QMutex itsOperationsMutex_
casacore::Mutex for accessing operations.
Subclass of PlotMSThread that handles following the progress of canvas drawing.
Abstract class to control a threaded operation from the GUI.
void PMSPTMethod(PMSPTObject, bool)
bool isRunning_
Flag for if thread is currently running or not.
ABSTRACT CLASSES Deliberately vague to be general enough to allow for many different types of but is it too vague to be useful Since the interface is meant to be a simple plotter
High(ish)-level plotter class that manages the GUI (semi-) transparently to the rest of PlotMS...
PlotMSDrawThread(PlotMSPlotter *plotter, QtProgressWidget *progress, PMSPTMethod postThreadMethod=NULL, PMSPTObject postThreadObject=NULL)
Constructor which takes the plotter, and optional post-thread method parameters.