void deleteData(std::vector< void * > *data, int n)
Deletes the data in the given row.
casacore::String getName(TBTable *table)
Returns the name of this array, assuming that it belongs to the given table.
bool valid
Indicates whether the array is valid or not.
casacore::String getType()
Returns the type of the array.
int getRow()
Returns the row of the table where the array is located.
bool containsGreaterThan(casacore::String value)
Returns true if this array contains any value that is greater than the given value, false otherwise.
void parseArray(casacore::String *table)
Parses the given casacore::String into the array.
TableExprNode array(const TableExprNode &values, const TableExprNodeSet &shape)
Create an array of the given shape and fill it with the values.
bool containsLessThan(casacore::String value)
Returns true if this array contains any value that is less than the given value, false otherwise...
casacore::String parseRow(casacore::String &str, std::vector< void * > *r, std::vector< int > d, int x)
Helper for parseArray().
casacore::String toFlattenedString()
Returns a "flattened" casacore::String representation of this array.
void setDataAt(std::vector< int > d, casacore::String newVal)
Sets the data at the given coordinates to the given value.
int col
The column of the array for data arrays, invalid for other arrays.
TBArray(int row, int col, casacore::String type, casacore::String array)
Constructor for a data array (in other words, an array found in the data of a table).
bool isData
Indicates whether this is a data array or not.
bool isValid()
Returns true if the array is valid, false otherwise.
Primary interface for the rest of the browser to a table.
int getCol()
Returns the column of the table where the array is located.
bool sameLocationAs(TBArray *array)
Returns true if the given array is in the same location as this array, false otherwise.
std::vector< void * > data
casacore::Data representation.
casacore::String dataAt(std::vector< int > d)
Returns the data at the given coordinates, or blank if the coordinates are invalid.
unsigned int dim()
Returns the dimensionality of the array.
casacore::String type
The type of the array.
bool contains(casacore::String value)
Returns true if this array contains the given value, false otherwise.
std::vector< int > getDimensions()
Returns the dimensions of the array in list format.
int dimensionAt(unsigned int i)
If the dimensions are thought of as a list (e.g., 2x4x2), then this method returns the ith dimension ...
casacore::String field
Holds the field name for a field keyword array, empty otherwise.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
void parseMultidimensionalTable(casacore::String str)
Helper for parseArray().
std::vector< void * > * getData()
Returns the data representation.
std::vector< int > dimensions
Holds the dimensions of this array.
void insertPlaceholders(std::vector< void * > *r, std::vector< int > d, int x)
Helper for parseArray().
bool oneDim
Indicates whether this array is one-dimensional or not.
LatticeExprNode value(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the value of the expression without a mask.
bool containsBetween(casacore::String value1, casacore::String value2)
Returns true if this array contains any value that is between the two given values, false otherwise.
int row
The row of the array for data arrays, or the keyword index for other arrays.
bool isColKeyword
Indicates whether this is a field keyword array or not.
bool isOneDimensional()
Returns true if the array is one-dimensional, false otherwise.
Holds a potentially multi-dimensional array.
bool dimensionIsValid(std::vector< int > d)
Returns true if the given coordinates are valid for this array, false otherwise.