casa  5.7.0-16
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1 //# TBConstants.h: Constants, defaults, and common functions for the browser.
2 //# Copyright (C) 2005
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id: $
27 #ifndef CONSTANTS_H_
28 #define CONSTANTS_H_
30 #include <sstream>
31 #include <vector>
32 #include <map>
34 #include <QFrame>
36 #include <casa/BasicSL/String.h>
38 #include <casa/Containers/Record.h>
40 #include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
41 #include <xercesc/util/XMLString.hpp>
43 /*
44 #ifdef AIPS_HAS_QWT
45 #include <qwt_plot_curve.h>
46 #include <qwt_symbol.h>
47 #endif
48 */
51 using namespace xercesc;
53 namespace casa {
55 //# Forward Declarations
56 class TBTableTabs;
58  namespace tb {
59  // Enum listing the possible types of comparisons that can be made in, for
60  // example, a filter rule.
61  enum Comparator {
64  };
66  // Enum listing the format for boolean values: "true/false", "t/f", "1/0", etc.
69  };
71  // Enum to indicate the different driver types.
72  enum Driver {
74  };
76  // Enum to indicate the different parsers available for XML drivers.
77  enum Parser {
79  };
80  }
83 // <summary>
84 // Convenience class for a casacore::String/bool tuple.
85 // <summary>
86 //
87 // <synopsis>
88 // Result is nothing more than a casacore::String/bool pair. Semantically, it can be
89 // used to return the result of an operation: the casacore::String is the value and the
90 // bool indicates whether that value is valid or the operation was successful.
91 // </synopsis>
93 class Result {
94 public:
95  // Construct a Result with the given values.
96  Result(casacore::String r= "", bool v = true): result(r), valid(v) { }
98  ~Result() { }
100  // Result string.
103  // Result bool.
104  bool valid;
105 };
108 // <summary>
109 // Results of a row locate on at least one table.
110 // </summary>
111 //
112 // <synopsis>
113 // A TBLocatedRows basically consists of a map from TBTableTabs to vectors of
114 // ints that represent row numbers.
115 // </synopsis>
118 public:
119  // Default Constructor.
120  TBLocatedRows();
122  ~TBLocatedRows();
124  // Returns a list of all the tables in this TBLocatedRows.
125  std::vector<TBTableTabs*> tables();
127  // Associates the given list of row numbers with the given TBTableTabs.
128  void put(TBTableTabs* tt, std::vector<int>* r);
131  // Results.
132  std::map<TBTableTabs*, std::vector<int>*> results;
133 };
136 // <summary>
137 // Constants, defaults, and commonly-used functions for the table browser.
138 // <summary>
139 //
140 // <synopsis>
141 // TBConstants contains definitions that may be common or useful to multiple
142 // classes.
143 // </synopsis>
145 class TBConstants {
146 public:
147  /* Debugging Constants/Defaults */
149  // The current debug level.
150  static int debugThreshold;
152  // Debug levels.
153  // <group>
154  static const int DEBUG_OFF;
155  static const int DEBUG_LOW;
156  static const int DEBUG_MED;
157  static const int DEBUG_HIGH;
158  // </group>
160  // Print the given message to standard out with the given indentation level,
161  // IF the message's level is at or below the current debugThreshold.
162  static void dprint(int level, casacore::String message, int indentLevel = 0);
165  /* Browsing Constants/Defaults */
167  // The default number of rows to load from the table at a time.
168  static const unsigned int DEFAULT_SELECT_NUM;
170  // The default number of rows to load at a time while exporting.
171  static const unsigned int DEFAULT_EXPORT_NUM;
173  // The maximum number of rows to load from the table at a time.
174  static const unsigned int MAX_SELECT_NUM;
176  // The maximum number of actions to keep in action lists.
177  static const unsigned int MAX_ACTION_BUFFER;
179  // The default row interval for plotting.
180  static const unsigned int DEFAULT_ROW_INTERVAL;
182  // Kinds of queries that can be sent to the table through the TBXMLDriver.
183  // <group>
188  // </group>
190  // Returns the display value of the given Comparator.
191  static casacore::String compToString(tb::Comparator c);
193  // Returns the Comparator corresponding to the given display value.
194  static tb::Comparator stringToComp(casacore::String str);
196  // Returns the display value of the given BooleanFormat.
197  static casacore::String bFormToString(tb::BooleanFormat bf);
199  // Returns the BooleanFormat corresponding to the given display value.
200  static tb::BooleanFormat stringToBForm(casacore::String str);
202  // Constants used for an array slicer. See TBSlicer.
203  // <group>
204  static const int SLICER_ROW_AXIS;
205  static const int SLICER_COL_AXIS;
206  // </group>
208  // Number of rows in an embedded record widget to show by default.
209  static const unsigned int DEFAULT_RECORD_VISIBLE_ROWS;
211  // Returns the path of the CASA top-level directory. This value is
212  // retrieved from the environment variables the first time it is called,
213  // and then returns the stored result on subsequent calls.
214  static casacore::String aipspath();
216  // Returns the absolute path of the ~/.casa directory. This value is
217  // retrieved from the environment variables the first time it is called,
218  // and then returns the stored result on subsequent calls.
219  static casacore::String dotCasapyDir();
221  // Converts a vector<int> to an IPosition.
222  static casacore::IPosition ipos(std::vector<int>& d);
224  // Converts an casacore::IPosition to a vector<int>.
225  static std::vector<int> ipos(casacore::IPosition& d);
227  // Increments the given dimension, using the given shape as a maximum.
228  static bool increment(casacore::IPosition& shape, casacore::IPosition& d);
230  // Increments the given dimension, using the given shape as a maximum.
231  static bool increment(std::vector<int>& shape, std::vector<int>& d);
233  // Inserts the given widget into the given placeholder frame.
234  static void insert(QFrame* frame, QWidget* widget);
236  // Inserts the given layout into the given placeholder frame.
237  static void insert(QFrame* frame, QLayout* layout);
240  /* casacore::Data Types and Related Methods */
242  // casacore::Table data types.
243  // <group>
270  // </group>
272  // Unsupported types
273  // static const casacore::String TYPE_USHORT;
274  // static const casacore::String TYPE_ARRAY_USHORT;
275  // static const casacore::String TYPE_OTHER;
277  // Return a vector containing all the valid data types.
278  static std::vector<casacore::String>* allTypes();
280  // Return a vector containing all the valid array data types.
281  static std::vector<casacore::String>* arrayTypes();
283  // Return a vector containing all the valid non-array data types.
284  static std::vector<casacore::String>* nonArrayTypes();
286  // The comments for casacore::Double fields that indicate that they should be
287  // interpreted as a date.
292  // Convert a CASA DataType enum to its casacore::String equivalent.
293  static casacore::String typeName(casacore::DataType dt);
295  // Returns a human-readable name for the given type.
298  // Converts the given type into its corresponding VOTable type. See
299  //
300  static casacore::String VOType(casacore::String& type);
302  // Returns true if the given type is a table type, false otherwise.
303  static bool typeIsTable(casacore::String& type);
305  // Returns true if the given type is an array type, false otherwise.
306  static bool typeIsArray(casacore::String& type);
308  // Returns true if the given type is plottable, false otherwise.
309  static bool typeIsPlottable(casacore::String& type);
311  // Returns true if the given type is numberable, false otherwise.
312  static bool typeIsNumberable(casacore::String& type);
314  // Returns true if the given type can be used as an index (i.e.,
315  // integer-like), false otherwise.
316  static bool typeIsIndexable(casacore::String& type);
318  // Retruns true if the given type is a complex or array of complex types,
319  // false otherwise.
320  static bool typeIsComplex(casacore::String& type);
322  // Returns the value type from the given array type. For example,
324  static casacore::String arrayType(casacore::String& at);
326  // Returns true if the given value is valid for the given type, false
327  // otherwise.
328  static bool valueIsValid(casacore::String& value, casacore::String& type);
330  // Formats the given value for the given data type and returns the
331  // formatted value.
334  // Converts the given value of the given type to a double and return it.
335  // Returns -1 for invalid doubles.
336  static double valueToDouble(casacore::String& value, casacore::String& type);
338  // Converts the given casacore::String in date format (year-month-day-hour:min:sec)
339  // to its double representation. The double returned is in modified
340  // julian seconds.
341  static double date(casacore::String d);
343  // Converts the given double into a casacore::String in date format
344  // (year-month-day-hour:min:sec). The input double should be in modified
345  // julian seconds.
346  static casacore::String date(const double d, const int numDecimals = -1);
348  // Holds the default number of decimals displayed in a number.
349  static const int DEFAULT_DECIMALS;
351  // Holds the default number of decimals displayed in a date.
352  static const int DEFAULT_DATE_DECIMALS;
354  // Returns true if the given casacore::String contains a valid date format, false
355  // otherwise. A valid date format has %y, %m, %d, %n, and %s appear
356  // exactly once. %y = year, %m = month, %d = day of month, %n = minute
357  // %s = second; all fields are integers.
358  static bool dateFormatIsValid(casacore::String& d);
360  // Converts a casacore::String in complex format (a,b) into a pair of doubles.
361  static std::pair<double, double> toComplex(casacore::String str);
363  // casacore::String used in parsing arrays.
367  /* XML Driver Constants/Defaults */
369  // XML token names that are used in table parsing.
370  // <group>
381  static const casacore::String XML_TR;
382  static const casacore::String XML_TD;
387  static const casacore::String XML_ROW;
390  static const casacore::String XML_ID;
402  // </group>
404  // Error text that is thrown/returned on an empty table or row.
407  // Converts a char* to an XMLCh*. See XMLString::transcode().
408  static const XMLCh* xstr(char* str);
410  // Converts a casacore::String to an XMLCh*. See XMLString::transcode().
411  static const XMLCh* xstr(casacore::String str);
413  // Converts an XMLCh* to a String. See XMLString::transcode().
414  static casacore::String xstr(XMLCh* str);
416  // Converts a const XMLCh* to a String. See XMLString::transcode().
417  static casacore::String xstr(const XMLCh* str);
420  /* casacore::String and Number Methods */
422  // Converts the given int into its casacore::String representation and returns it.
423  static casacore::String itoa(int n);
425  // Converts the given unsigned int into its casacore::String representation and
426  // returns it.
427  static casacore::String uitoa(unsigned int n);
429  // Converts the given short int into its casacore::String representation and
430  // returns it.
431  static casacore::String sitoa(short int n);
433  // Converts the given float into its casacore::String representation and returns it.
434  static casacore::String ftoa(float f, int decimals = -1, bool scientific = false);
436  // Converts the given double into its casacore::String representation and returns it.
437  static casacore::String dtoa(double d, int decimals = -1, bool scientific = false);
439  // Converts the given casacore::String into its int representation. Returns the
440  // result of sscanf.
441  static int atoi(casacore::String& str, int* i);
443  // Converts the given casacore::String into its unsigned int representation. Returns
444  // the result of sscanf.
445  static int atoui(casacore::String& str, unsigned int* i);
447  // Converts the given casacore::String into its short int representation. Returns
448  // the result of sscanf.
449  static int atosi(casacore::String& str, short int* i);
451  // Converts the given casacore::String into its float representation. Returns the
452  // result of sscanf.
453  static int atof(casacore::String& str, float* f);
455  // Converts the given casacore::String into its double representation. Returns the
456  // result of sscanf.
457  static int atod(casacore::String& str, double* d);
459  // Rounds the given double to the nearest int and returns it.
460  static int round(double d);
462  // Returns true if the given char is a whitespace, false otherwise.
463  static bool isWS(char c);
465  // Trims the given casacore::String of its leading and trailing whitespace using
466  // casacore::String::erase().
467  static void strtrim(casacore::String& str);
469  // Converts all upper-case letters to lower-case letters in the given
470  // String.
471  static void toLower(casacore::String& str);
473  // Returns the index of the next instance of a whitespace character in the
474  // given casacore::String from the given index, or the string's length if there is none.
475  static unsigned int findWS(casacore::String& str, int index = 0);
477  // Returns the index of the next instance of the find casacore::String in the given
478  // casacore::String starting from the given index, or str's length if there is none.
479  static unsigned int findIgnoreCase(casacore::String& str, casacore::String& find,
480  int index = 0);
482  // Returns true if the two Strings are equal (ignoring case), false
483  // otherwise.
484  static bool equalsIgnoreCase(casacore::String str1, casacore::String str2);
486  // Returns the name of the file from the given path (the last part of the
487  // path).
488  static casacore::String nameFromPath(casacore::String& path);
490  // Returns the directory from the given path (all but the last part of the
491  // path).
492  static casacore::String dirFromPath(casacore::String& path);
495  /* TBConnection Constants/Defaults */
497  // Help descriptions used by TBConnection.
498  // <group>
511  // </group>
514  /* Help Constants/Defaults */
516  // Constants for the help system.
517  // <group>
526  // </group>
529  /* Plotting Constants/Defaults */
531  // Plotting defaults.
532  // <group>
534  // The default plotter implementation for the browser.
537  // Returns a default line to use with new plots, using the given factory
538  // (should match the implementation of defaultPlotterImplementation).
539  static PlotLinePtr defaultPlotLine(PlotFactoryPtr factory);
541  // Returns a default plot symbol to use with new plots, using the given
542  // factory (should match the implementation of
543  // defaultPlotterImplementation).
544  static PlotSymbolPtr defaultPlotSymbol(PlotFactoryPtr factory);
547  /* View Constants/Defaults */
549  // View constants.
550  // <group>
596  // </group>
598 private:
599  // casacore::Path to the CASA top-level directory.
602  // Common string in the TBConnection defaults.
605  // Holds the absolute location of the ~/.casa directory.
607 };
609 }
611 #endif /*CONSTANTS_H_*/
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_SELECT_NUM
The default number of rows to load from the table at a time.
Definition: TBConstants.h:168
A Vector of integers, for indexing into Array&lt;T&gt; objects.
Definition: IPosition.h:119
static const casacore::String OPEN_TEXT_LOCATION
Definition: TBConstants.h:503
static const casacore::String VIEW_TAQL
Definition: TBConstants.h:560
casacore::String result
Result string.
Definition: TBConstants.h:101
static const casacore::String OPEN_TEXT_XML
Definition: TBConstants.h:505
static const casacore::String TYPE_SHORT
Definition: TBConstants.h:252
static const casacore::String OPEN_TEXT_DOM
Definition: TBConstants.h:507
static const int DEFAULT_DATE_DECIMALS
Holds the default number of decimals displayed in a date.
Definition: TBConstants.h:352
static const casacore::String VIEW_LOCATION
Definition: TBConstants.h:558
static const casacore::String VIEW_FILTER_RULE_COMPARATOR
Definition: TBConstants.h:570
Results of a row locate on at least one table.
Definition: TBConstants.h:117
static const casacore::String XML_FIELD_TYPE
Definition: TBConstants.h:396
static const casacore::String XML_KEYWORD
Definition: TBConstants.h:376
LatticeExprNode toComplex(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
static const casacore::String TYPE_ARRAY_CHAR
Definition: TBConstants.h:265
static const casacore::String VIEW_ROWS
Definition: TBConstants.h:564
static const casacore::String OPEN_TEXT_HOME
Definition: TBConstants.h:506
static const casacore::String TYPE_UCHAR
Definition: TBConstants.h:251
static const casacore::String TYPE_BOOL
Definition: TBConstants.h:249
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_COL
Definition: TBConstants.h:578
Convenience class for a casacore::String/bool tuple.
Definition: TBConstants.h:93
static const casacore::String QUERY_FULL
Definition: TBConstants.h:187
static const casacore::String OPEN_TEXT_HOST
Definition: TBConstants.h:501
static const casacore::String TYPE_INT
Definition: TBConstants.h:247
static const casacore::String XML_TD
Definition: TBConstants.h:382
static const casacore::String XML_ROW
Definition: TBConstants.h:387
static const casacore::String XML_TR
Definition: TBConstants.h:381
static const casacore::String XML_TABLEDATA
Definition: TBConstants.h:380
static const casacore::String OPEN_PAGE
Common string in the TBConnection defaults.
Definition: TBConstants.h:603
static const casacore::String QUERY_UPDATE
Definition: TBConstants.h:186
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_SFORMAT
Definition: TBConstants.h:580
bool valid
Result bool.
Definition: TBConstants.h:104
static const casacore::String OPEN_TEXT_REMOTE
Definition: TBConstants.h:500
static const casacore::String HELP_XML_GROUP
Definition: TBConstants.h:524
static const casacore::String VIEW_HISTLIMIT
Definition: TBConstants.h:556
static const casacore::String XML_FALSE
Definition: TBConstants.h:386
static const int SLICER_ROW_AXIS
Constants used for an array slicer.
Definition: TBConstants.h:204
static const casacore::String XML_COLUMNKW
Definition: TBConstants.h:377
static const casacore::String XML_DATA
Definition: TBConstants.h:379
static const casacore::String VIEW_ROWS_NUM
Definition: TBConstants.h:566
static const casacore::String TYPE_ARRAY_INT
Definition: TBConstants.h:262
static const casacore::String TYPE_COMPLEX
Definition: TBConstants.h:253
static const casacore::String XML_REMOVEROW
Definition: TBConstants.h:384
static const casacore::String HELP_XML_HELP
Definition: TBConstants.h:521
static const casacore::String VIEW_LASTDIR
Definition: TBConstants.h:555
static const casacore::String HELP_XML_NAME
Definition: TBConstants.h:523
virtual casacore::String type() const
Implements RegionShape::type.
Definition: RegionShapes.h:548
static const casacore::String OPEN_TEXT_LOCAL
Help descriptions used by TBConnection.
Definition: TBConstants.h:499
static const casacore::String XML_FIELD_UNIT
Definition: TBConstants.h:397
static const casacore::String XML_FIELD_PRECISION
Definition: TBConstants.h:400
static const Plotter::Implementation defaultPlotterImplementation
Plotting defaults.
Definition: TBConstants.h:535
static const casacore::String TYPE_FLOAT
Definition: TBConstants.h:246
Enum listing the possible types of comparisons that can be made in, for example, a filter rule...
Definition: TBConstants.h:61
static const int DEBUG_LOW
Definition: TBConstants.h:155
Enum to indicate the different parsers available for XML drivers.
Definition: TBConstants.h:77
static const casacore::String VIEW_FILTER_RULE_ANY
Definition: TBConstants.h:574
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_FONT
Definition: TBConstants.h:585
static const casacore::String VIEW_SAVE_LOC
View constants.
Definition: TBConstants.h:551
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT
Definition: TBConstants.h:577
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_STRIKE
Definition: TBConstants.h:592
static const casacore::String VIEW_VIEW
Definition: TBConstants.h:554
static const casacore::String TYPE_CHAR
Definition: TBConstants.h:250
virtual casacore::String typeName()
Return type name as string.
static const casacore::String TYPE_ARRAY_BOOL
Definition: TBConstants.h:264
static const casacore::String ARRAY_AXES_LENGTHS
casacore::String used in parsing arrays.
Definition: TBConstants.h:364
static const casacore::String TYPE_ARRAY_DCOMPLEX
Definition: TBConstants.h:269
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_VTHRESHOLD
Definition: TBConstants.h:583
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_DFORMAT
Definition: TBConstants.h:582
static const casacore::String TYPE_ARRAY_COMPLEX
Definition: TBConstants.h:268
static const casacore::String OPEN_TEXT_NUM
Definition: TBConstants.h:510
static const int DEBUG_OFF
Debug levels.
Definition: TBConstants.h:154
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_ROW_INTERVAL
The default row interval for plotting.
Definition: TBConstants.h:180
static const casacore::String XML_KEYWORD_NAME
Definition: TBConstants.h:391
static const casacore::String XML_TRUE
Definition: TBConstants.h:385
static const casacore::String XML_FIELD_NAME
Definition: TBConstants.h:395
static const casacore::String HELP_XML
Definition: TBConstants.h:520
static const casacore::String QUERY_QUERY
Kinds of queries that can be sent to the table through the TBXMLDriver.
Definition: TBConstants.h:184
static const casacore::String VIEW_DOCUMENT
Definition: TBConstants.h:553
static const casacore::String OPEN_TEXT_PORT
Definition: TBConstants.h:502
static const casacore::String XML_RESOURCE
Definition: TBConstants.h:372
static casacore::String DOT_CASAPY_DIR
Holds the absolute location of the ~/.casa directory.
Definition: TBConstants.h:606
static const casacore::String OPEN_TEXT_DIRECT
Definition: TBConstants.h:504
static const casacore::String HELP_DIR
Constants for the help system.
Definition: TBConstants.h:518
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMATS
Definition: TBConstants.h:576
static const casacore::String XML_INSERTROW
Definition: TBConstants.h:383
Static //.
Definition: Plotter.h:48
static const casacore::String TYPE_ARRAY_FLOAT
Definition: TBConstants.h:261
std::string path(const std::string &name)
static const casacore::String XML_FIELD_WIDTH
Definition: TBConstants.h:401
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_ITALICS
Definition: TBConstants.h:590
static const casacore::String HELP_XML_ITEM
Definition: TBConstants.h:525
static const casacore::String QUERY_ARRAY
Definition: TBConstants.h:185
static const casacore::String VIEW_FILTER_RULE_FIELD
Definition: TBConstants.h:569
static const casacore::String VIEW_SELECTED
Definition: TBConstants.h:559
static const casacore::String VIEW_TABLE
Definition: TBConstants.h:557
Constants, defaults, and commonly-used functions for the table browser.
Definition: TBConstants.h:145
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_ULINE
Definition: TBConstants.h:591
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_COLOR
Definition: TBConstants.h:586
static const casacore::String TYPE_DATE
Definition: TBConstants.h:257
static const casacore::String XML_COLKW_COL
Definition: TBConstants.h:394
static const casacore::String TYPE_ARRAY_STRING
Definition: TBConstants.h:259
static const casacore::String TYPE_ARRAY_SHORT
Definition: TBConstants.h:267
static const casacore::String XML_NAME
Definition: TBConstants.h:388
static const casacore::String XML_FIELD_REF
Definition: TBConstants.h:399
Enum to indicate the different driver types.
Definition: TBConstants.h:72
static const casacore::String XML_FIELD_UCD
Definition: TBConstants.h:398
static const casacore::String XML_KEYWORD_VAL
Definition: TBConstants.h:393
static const casacore::String TYPE_RECORD
Definition: TBConstants.h:256
static const int DEFAULT_DECIMALS
Holds the default number of decimals displayed in a number.
Definition: TBConstants.h:349
static const casacore::String TYPE_ARRAY_UCHAR
Definition: TBConstants.h:266
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_SIZE
Definition: TBConstants.h:588
std::map< TBTableTabs *, std::vector< int > * > results
Definition: TBConstants.h:132
static const int SLICER_COL_AXIS
Definition: TBConstants.h:205
static const casacore::String TYPE_STRING
casacore::Table data types.
Definition: TBConstants.h:244
static const casacore::String TYPE_DOUBLE
Definition: TBConstants.h:245
static const casacore::String VIEW_FILTER_RULE_NOT
Definition: TBConstants.h:573
static const casacore::String XML_TOTAL
Definition: TBConstants.h:374
TableExprNode shape(const TableExprNode &array)
Function operating on any scalar or array resulting in a Double array containing the shape...
Definition: ExprNode.h:1944
static const casacore::String VIEW_FILTER_RULE
Definition: TBConstants.h:568
static const casacore::String XML_VOTABLE
XML token names that are used in table parsing.
Definition: TBConstants.h:371
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_BFORMAT
Definition: TBConstants.h:581
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_ALLFONT
Definition: TBConstants.h:584
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_FAMILY
Definition: TBConstants.h:587
static const casacore::String ERROR_EMPTY
Error text that is thrown/returned on an empty table or row.
Definition: TBConstants.h:405
static const int DEBUG_MED
Definition: TBConstants.h:156
static const casacore::String TYPE_ARRAY_UINT
Definition: TBConstants.h:263
static const casacore::String XML_ID
Definition: TBConstants.h:390
static casacore::String AIPS_PATH
casacore::Path to the CASA top-level directory.
Definition: TBConstants.h:600
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_RECORD_VISIBLE_ROWS
Number of rows in an embedded record widget to show by default.
Definition: TBConstants.h:209
static const casacore::String OPEN_TEXT_SAX
Definition: TBConstants.h:508
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_BOLD
Definition: TBConstants.h:589
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_EXPORT_NUM
The default number of rows to load at a time while exporting.
Definition: TBConstants.h:171
static const int DEBUG_HIGH
Definition: TBConstants.h:157
static const casacore::String VIEW_SORT
Definition: TBConstants.h:593
Collection of table backend and display tabs.
static const casacore::String VIEW_HIDDEN_LENGTH
Definition: TBConstants.h:562
std::string date()
get the current data
static const unsigned int MAX_ACTION_BUFFER
The maximum number of actions to keep in action lists.
Definition: TBConstants.h:177
static const casacore::String VIEW_FILTER
Definition: TBConstants.h:567
const Double c
Fundamental physical constants (SI units):
static const casacore::String XML_TABLE
Definition: TBConstants.h:373
static const casacore::String XML_FIELD
Definition: TBConstants.h:375
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:223
static int debugThreshold
The current debug level.
Definition: TBConstants.h:150
static const casacore::String VIEW_NAME
Definition: TBConstants.h:594
static const casacore::String VIEW_FORMAT_DECIMALS
Definition: TBConstants.h:579
static const casacore::String VIEW_HIDDEN
Definition: TBConstants.h:561
static const casacore::String TYPE_ARRAY_DOUBLE
Definition: TBConstants.h:260
static const casacore::String HELP_INDEX
Definition: TBConstants.h:519
static const unsigned int MAX_SELECT_NUM
The maximum number of rows to load from the table at a time.
Definition: TBConstants.h:174
static const casacore::String VIEW_VISIND
Definition: TBConstants.h:563
GRID LAYOUT CLASSES casacore::Coordinate for a grid layout
Enum listing the format for boolean values: &quot;true/false&quot;, &quot;t/f&quot;, &quot;1/0&quot;, etc.
Definition: TBConstants.h:67
static const casacore::String COMMENT_DATE
The comments for casacore::Double fields that indicate that they should be interpreted as a date...
Definition: TBConstants.h:288
long round(double d)
static const casacore::String OPEN_TEXT_START
Definition: TBConstants.h:509
static const casacore::String VIEW_FILTER_RULE_VALUE2
Definition: TBConstants.h:572
static const casacore::String HELP_XML_CATEGORY
Definition: TBConstants.h:522
static const casacore::String VIEW_ROWS_FROM
Definition: TBConstants.h:565
static const casacore::String XML_KEYWORD_TYPE
Definition: TBConstants.h:392
static const casacore::String COMMENT_TIMP
Definition: TBConstants.h:289
static const casacore::String TYPE_TABLE
Definition: TBConstants.h:255
static const casacore::String TYPE_UINT
Definition: TBConstants.h:248
static const casacore::String COMMENT_TIMP2
Definition: TBConstants.h:290
LatticeExprNode value(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the value of the expression without a mask.
static const casacore::String XML_RWINFO
Definition: TBConstants.h:378
static const casacore::String VIEW_FILTER_RULE_TYPE
Definition: TBConstants.h:575
Result(casacore::String r="", bool v=true)
Construct a Result with the given values.
Definition: TBConstants.h:96
static const casacore::String VIEW_FILTER_RULE_VALUE
Definition: TBConstants.h:571
static const casacore::String VIEW_SORT_ASCENDING
Definition: TBConstants.h:595
static const casacore::String TYPE_DCOMPLEX
Definition: TBConstants.h:254