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1 //# Table.h: Main interface classes to tables
2 //# Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have receied a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
28 #ifndef TABLES_TABLE_H
29 #define TABLES_TABLE_H
32 //# Includes
33 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
40 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
41 #include <mpi.h>
42 #endif
44 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
46 //# Forward Declarations
47 class SetupNewTable;
48 class TableDesc;
49 class ColumnDesc;
50 class TableRecord;
51 class Record;
52 class TableExprNode;
53 class DataManager;
54 class IPosition;
55 template<class T> class Vector;
56 template<class T> class Block;
57 template<class T> class CountedPtr;
60 // <summary>
61 // Main interface class to a read/write table
62 // </summary>
64 // <use visibility=export>
66 // <reviewed reviewer="TPPR" date="08.11.94" tests="">
67 // </reviewed>
69 // <prerequisite>
70 //# Classes you should understand before using this one.
71 // <li> <linkto class=SetupNewTable>SetupNewTable</linkto>
72 // <li> <linkto class=TableDesc>TableDesc</linkto>
73 // <li> <linkto class=TableColumn>TableColumn</linkto>
74 // <li> <linkto class=ScalarColumn>ScalarColumn</linkto>
75 // <li> <linkto class=ArrayColumn>ArrayColum</linkto>
76 // <li> <linkto class=TableLock>TableLock</linkto>
77 // </prerequisite>
79 // <synopsis>
80 // Class Table can be used to create a new table or to access an existing
81 // table in read/write or readonly mode.
82 //
83 // To access the data in a Table, objects have to be created
84 // to access the columns. These objects are TableColumn,
85 // ScalarColumn<T> and ArrayColumn<T>, which can be created
86 // via their constructors.
87 // Furthermore the Table has a TableRecord object for holding keywords
88 // which can be read or written using the appropriate functions.
89 //
90 // To open an existing table, a simple Table constructor can be used.
91 // The possible construct options are:
92 // <ul>
93 // <li> Old readonly table (default option)
94 // <li> Update update existing table
95 // <li> Delete delete table
96 // </ul>
97 // The function <src>openTable</src> makes it possible to open a subtable
98 // of a table in a convenient way, even if the table is only a reference
99 // to another table (e.g., a selection).
100 //
101 // Creating a new table requires more work, because columns have
102 // to be bound to storage managers or virtual column engines.
103 // Class SetupNewTable is needed for this purpose. The Tables module
104 // documentation explains in more detail how to create a table.
105 // When creating a table, it can be specified which endian format to use.
106 // By default it uses the format specified in the aipsrc variable
107 // <code>table.endianformat</code> which defaults to
108 // <code>Table::LocalEndian</code> (thus the endian format of the
109 // machine being used).
110 //
111 // It is possible to create a Table object as the virtual concatenation of
112 // Tables having identical table descriptions. Subtables of those tables
113 // can optionally be concatenated as well.
114 // E.g. if a MeasurementSet is partioned in time, this mechanism makes it
115 // possible to view it as a single table. Furthermore, a subtable like
116 // SYSCAL can be concatenated as well, while the other subtables are identical
117 // in all partitions and are taken from the first table only.
118 //
119 // Other Table objects can be created from a Table using
120 // the select, project and sort functions. The result in so-called
121 // reference tables. In this way a subset of a table can be created and
122 // can be read/written in the same way as a normal Table. Writing has the
123 // effect that the underlying table gets written.
124 // </synopsis>
126 // <example>
127 // <srcblock>
128 // // Open a table to be updated.
129 // Table myTable ("theTable", Table::Update);
130 // // Write the column containing the scalar RA.
131 // ScalarColumn<double> raColumn(myTable, "RA");
132 // uInt nrrow = myTable.nrow();
133 // for (uInt i=0; i<nrrow; i++) {
134 // raColumn.put (i, i+10); // Put value i+10 into row i
135 // }
136 // </srcblock>
137 // </example>
139 // <motivation>
140 // Table is the envelope for the underlying counted referenced
141 // classes derived from BaseTable. In this way no pointers have
142 // to be used to get polymorphism.
143 // </motivation>
145 // <todo asof="$DATE:$">
146 //# A List of bugs, limitations, extensions or planned refinements.
147 // <li> add, remove, rename columns.
148 // <li> virtual concatenation of tables (if still necessary).
149 // <li> maybe an isAttached function.
150 // </todo>
153 class Table
154 {
155 friend class TableColumn;
156 friend class BaseTable;
157 friend class PlainTable;
158 friend class MemoryTable;
159 friend class RefTable;
160 friend class ConcatTable;
161 friend class TableIterator;
162 friend class RODataManAccessor;
163 friend class TableExprNode;
164 friend class TableExprNodeRep;
166 public:
167  // Define the possible options how a table can be opened.
168  enum TableOption {
169  // existing table
170  Old=1,
171  // create table
173  // create table (may not exist)
175  // new table, which gets marked for delete
177  // update existing table
179  // delete table
181  };
183  // Define the possible table types.
184  enum TableType {
185  // plain table (stored on disk)
187  // table held in memory
189  };
191  // Define the possible endian formats in which table data can be stored.
193  // store table data in big endian (e.g. SUN) format
195  // store table data in little endian (e.g. Intel) format
197  // store data in the endian format of the machine used
199  // use endian format defined in the aipsrc variable table.endianformat
200  // If undefined, it defaults to LocalEndian.
202  };
205  // Define the signature of the function being called when the state
206  // of a scratch table changes (i.e. created, closed, renamed,
207  // (un)markForDelete).
208  // <br>- <src>isScratch=True</src> indicates that a scratch table
209  // is created (<src>oldName</src> is empty) or renamed
210  // (<src>oldName</src> is not empty).
211  // <br>- <src>isScratch=False</src> indicates that a scratch table
212  // with name <src>name</src> is not scratch anymore (because it is
213  // closed or because its state is set to non-scratch).
214  typedef void ScratchCallback (const String& name, Bool isScratch,
215  const String& oldName);
217  // Set the pointer to the ScratchCallback function.
218  // It returns the current value of the pointer.
219  // This function is called when changing the state of a table
220  // (i.e. create, close, rename, (un)markForDelete).
224  // Create a null Table object (i.e. a NullTable is attached).
225  // The sole purpose of this constructor is to allow construction
226  // of an array of Table objects.
227  // The assignment operator can be used to make a null object
228  // reference a proper table.
229  Table();
231  // Create a table object for an existing table.
232  // The only options allowed are Old, Update, and Delete.
233  // If the name of a table description is given, it is checked
234  // if the table has that description.
235  // Locking options can be given (see class
236  // <linkto class=TableLock>TableLock</linkto>.
237  // If the table with this name was already opened in this process,
238  // the existing and new locking options are merged using
239  // <src>TableLock::merge</src>.
240  // The default locking mechanism is DefaultLocking. If the table
241  // is not open yet, it comes to AutoLocking with an inspection interval
242  // of 5 seconds. Otherwise DefaultLocking keeps the locking options
243  // of the already open table.
244  // <group>
245  explicit Table (const String& tableName, TableOption = Table::Old,
246  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
247  Table (const String& tableName, const TableLock& lockOptions,
248  TableOption = Table::Old, const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
249  Table (const String& tableName, const String& tableDescName,
250  TableOption = Table::Old, const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
251  Table (const String& tableName, const String& tableDescName,
252  const TableLock& lockOptions, TableOption = Table::Old,
253  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
254  // </group>
256  // Make a new empty table (plain (scratch) or memory type).
257  // Columns should be added to make it a real one.
258  // Note that the endian format is only relevant for plain tables.
260  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
262  // Make a table object for a new table, which can thereafter be used
263  // for reading and writing.
264  // If there are unbound columns, default storage managers an/ord virtual
265  // column engines will be created and bound to those columns.
266  // Create the table with the given nr of rows. If a storage manager
267  // is used which does not allow addition of rows, the number of rows
268  // in the table must already be given here.
269  // Optionally the rows can be initialized with the default
270  // values as defined in the column descriptions.
271  // Locking options can be given (see class
272  // <linkto class=TableLock>TableLock</linkto>.
273  // The default locking mechanism is AutoLocking with a default
274  // inspection interval of 5 seconds.
275  // <br>The data will be stored in the given endian format.
276  // <group>
277  explicit Table (SetupNewTable&, uInt nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
279  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
281  uInt nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
283  Table (SetupNewTable&, TableType, const TableLock& lockOptions,
284  uInt nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
287  uInt nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
289  Table (SetupNewTable&, const TableLock& lockOptions,
290  uInt nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
292 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
294  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
295  explicit Table (MPI_Comm mpiComm, SetupNewTable&, uInt nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
297  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
299  uInt nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
301  Table (MPI_Comm mpiComm, SetupNewTable&, TableType, const TableLock& lockOptions,
302  uInt nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
305  uInt nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
307  Table (MPI_Comm mpiComm, SetupNewTable&, const TableLock& lockOptions,
308  uInt nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
310 #endif
311  // </group>
313  // Create a table object as the virtual concatenation of
314  // one or more of existing tables. The descriptions of all those tables
315  // must be exactly the same.
316  // <br>The keywordset of the virtual table is the set of the first table
317  // including its subtables. However, it is possible to specify the names
318  // of the subtables that have to be concantenated as well.
319  // <br>In this way a concatenation of multiple MS-s can be made, where it
320  // can be specified that, say, the SYSCAL table has to be concatenated too.
321  // <br> When a concatenated table is written and if a non-empty
322  // <src>subDirName</src> is given, the tables to be concatenated will be
323  // moved to that subdirectory in the directory of the concatenated table.
324  // This option is mainly used by the MSS structure used in CASA.
325  // <br>
326  // The only open options allowed are Old and Update.
327  // Locking options can be given (see class
328  // <linkto class=TableLock>TableLock</linkto>.
329  // They apply to all underlying tables.
330  // If a table was already opened in this process,
331  // the existing and new locking options are merged using
332  // <src>TableLock::merge</src>.
333  // The default locking mechanism is DefaultLocking. If the table
334  // is not open yet, it comes to AutoLocking with an inspection interval
335  // of 5 seconds. Otherwise DefaultLocking keeps the locking options
336  // of the already open table.
337  // <group>
338  explicit Table (const Block<Table>& tables,
339  const Block<String>& subTables = Block<String>(),
340  const String& subDirName = String());
341  explicit Table (const Block<String>& tableNames,
342  const Block<String>& subTables = Block<String>(),
344  const String& subDirName = String());
345  Table (const Block<String>& tableNames,
346  const Block<String>& subTables,
347  const TableLock& lockOptions,
348  TableOption = Table::Old, const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
349  // </group>
351  // Copy constructor (reference semantics).
352  Table (const Table&);
354  // The destructor flushes (i.e. writes) the table if it is opened
355  // for output and not marked for delete.
356  // It will flush if the destructor is called due to an exception,
357  // because the Table object may not be correct.
358  // Of course, in that case the flush function could be called explicitly.
359  // <br>It is virtual, so an object of a derived class like MeasurementSet
360  // is destructed correctly through a Table pointer.
361  virtual ~Table();
363  // Assignment (reference semantics).
364  Table& operator= (const Table&);
366  // Try to open a table. The name of the table can contain subtable names
367  // using :: as separator. In this way it is possible to directly open a
368  // subtable of a RefTable or ConcatTable, which is not possible if the
369  // table name is specified with slashes.
370  // <br>The open process is as follows:
371  // <ul>
372  // <li> It is tried to open the table with the given name.
373  // <li> If unsuccessful, the name is split into its parts using ::
374  // The first part is the main table which will be opened temporarily.
375  // The other parts are the successive subtable names (usually one).
376  // Each subtable is opened by looking it up in the keywords of the
377  // table above. The final subtable is returned.
378  // </ul>
379  // <br>An exception is thrown if the table cannot be opened.
380  // <example>
381  // Open the ANTENNA subtable of an MS which might be a selection of
382  // a real MS.
383  // <srcblock>
384  // Table tab(Table::openTable ("");
385  // </srcblock>
386  // </example>
387  // <group>
388  static Table openTable (const String& tableName,
390  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
391  static Table openTable (const String& tableName,
392  const TableLock& lockOptions,
394  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
395  // </group>
397  // Get the names of the tables this table consists of.
398  // For a plain table it returns its name,
399  // for a RefTable the name of the parent, and
400  // for a ConcatTable the names of all its parts.
401  // <br>Note that a part can be any type of table (e.g. a ConcatTable).
402  // The recursive switch tells how to deal with that.
403  Block<String> getPartNames (Bool recursive=False) const;
405  // Is the root table of this table the same as that of the other one?
406  Bool isSameRoot (const Table& other) const;
408  // Can the table be deleted?
409  // If true, function deleteTable can safely be called.
410  // If not, message contains the reason why (e.g. 'table is not writable').
411  // It checks if the table is writable, is not open in this process
412  // and is not open in another process.
413  // <br>If <src>checkSubTables</src> is set, it also checks if
414  // a subtable is not open in another process.
415  // <group>
416  static Bool canDeleteTable (const String& tableName,
417  Bool checkSubTables=False);
418  static Bool canDeleteTable (String& message, const String& tableName,
419  Bool checkSubTables=False);
420  // </group>
422  // Delete the table.
423  // An exception is thrown if the table cannot be deleted because
424  // its is not writable or because it is still open in this or
425  // another process.
426  // <br>If <src>checkSubTables</src> is set, it is also checked if
427  // a subtable is used in another process.
428  static void deleteTable (const String& tableName,
429  Bool checkSubTables=False);
431  // Close all open subtables.
432  void closeSubTables() const;
434  // Try to reopen the table for read/write access.
435  // An exception is thrown if the table is not writable.
436  // Nothing is done if the table is already open for read/write.
437  void reopenRW();
439  // Get the endian format in which the table is stored.
442  // Get the storage option used for the table.
443  const StorageOption& storageOption() const;
445  // Is the table used (i.e. open) in this process.
446  static Bool isOpened (const String& tableName);
448  // Is the table used (i.e. open) in another process.
449  // If <src>checkSubTables</src> is set, it is also checked if
450  // a subtable is used in another process.
451  Bool isMultiUsed (Bool checkSubTables=False) const;
453  // Get the locking options.
454  const TableLock& lockOptions() const;
456  // Has this process the read or write lock, thus can the table
457  // be read or written safely?
458  // <group>
460  Bool hasLock (Bool write) const;
461  // </group>
463  // Try to lock the table for read or write access (default is write).
464  // The number of attempts (default = forever) can be specified when
465  // acquiring the lock does not succeed immediately. If nattempts>1,
466  // the system waits 1 second between each attempt, so nattempts
467  // is more or less equal to a wait period in seconds.
468  // The return value is false if acquiring the lock failed.
469  // If <src>PermanentLocking</src> is in effect, a lock is already
470  // present, so nothing will be done.
471  // <group>
473  Bool lock (Bool write, uInt nattempts = 0);
474  // </group>
476  // Unlock the table. This will also synchronize the table data,
477  // thus force the data to be written to disk.
478  // If <src>PermanentLocking</src> is in effect, nothing will be done.
479  void unlock();
481  // Determine the number of locked tables opened with the AutoLock option
482  // (Locked table means locked for read and/or write).
483  static uInt nAutoLocks();
485  // Unlock locked tables opened with the AutoLock option.
486  // If <src>all=True</src> all such tables will be unlocked.
487  // If <src>all=False</src> only tables requested by another process
488  // will be unlocked.
489  static void relinquishAutoLocks (Bool all = False);
491  // Get the names of tables locked in this process.
492  // By default all locked tables are given (note that a write lock
493  // implies a read lock), but it is possible to select on lock type
494  // FileLocker::Write and on option (TableLock::AutoLocking,
495  // TableLock::ReadLocking, or TableLock::PermanentLocking).
497  int lockOption=-1);
499  // Determine if column or keyword table data have changed
500  // (or is being changed) since the last time this function was called.
503  // Flush the table, i.e. write out the buffers. If <src>sync=True</src>,
504  // it is ensured that all data are physically written to disk.
505  // Nothing will be done if the table is not writable.
506  // At any time a flush can be executed, even if the table is marked
507  // for delete.
508  // If the table is marked for delete, the destructor will remove
509  // files written by intermediate flushes.
510  // Note that if necessary the destructor will do an implicit flush,
511  // unless it is executed due to an exception.
512  // <br>If <src>fsync=True</src> the file contents are fsync-ed to disk,
513  // thus ensured that the system buffers are actually written to disk.
514  // <br>If <src>recursive=True</src> all subtables are flushed too.
515  void flush (Bool fsync=False, Bool recursive=False);
517  // Resynchronize the Table object with the table file.
518  // This function is only useful if no read-locking is used, ie.
519  // if the table lock option is UserNoReadLocking or AutoNoReadLocking.
520  // In that cases the table system does not acquire a read-lock, thus
521  // does not synchronize itself automatically.
522  void resync();
524  // Test if the object is null, i.e. does not reference a proper table.
525  // This is the case if the default constructor is used.
526  Bool isNull() const
527  { return (baseTabPtr_p == 0 ? True : baseTabPtr_p->isNull()); }
529  // Throw an exception if the object is null, i.e.
530  // if function isNull() is True.
531  void throwIfNull() const;
533  // Test if the given data type is native to the table system.
534  // If not, a virtual column engine is needed to store data with that type.
535  // With the function DataType::whatType it can be used in a templated
536  // function like:
537  // <srcblock>
538  // if (Table::isNativeDataType (whatType(static_cast<T*>(0)))) {
539  // </srcblock>
540  static Bool isNativeDataType (DataType dtype);
542  // Make the table file name.
543  static String fileName (const String& tableName);
545  // Test if a table with the given name exists and is readable.
546  // If not, an exception is thrown if <src>throwIf==True</src>.
547  static Bool isReadable (const String& tableName, bool throwIf=False);
549  // Return the layout of a table (i.e. description and #rows).
550  // This function has the advantage that only the minimal amount of
551  // information required is read from the table, thus it is much
552  // faster than a normal table open.
553  // <br> The number of rows is returned. The description of the table
554  // is stored in desc (its contents will be overwritten).
555  // <br> An exception is thrown if the table does not exist.
556  static uInt getLayout (TableDesc& desc, const String& tableName);
558  // Get the table info of the table with the given name.
559  // An empty object is returned if the table is unknown.
560  static TableInfo tableInfo (const String& tableName);
562  // Show the structure of the table.
563  // It shows the columns (with types), the data managers, and the subtables.
564  // Optionally the columns can be sorted alphabetically.
565  void showStructure (std::ostream&,
566  Bool showDataMans=True,
567  Bool showColumns=True,
568  Bool showSubTables=False,
569  Bool sortColumns=False,
570  Bool cOrder=False) const;
572  // Show the table and/or column keywords, possibly also of all subtables.
573  // Maximum <src>maxVal</src> values of Arrays will be shown.
574  void showKeywords (std::ostream&,
575  Bool showSubTables=False,
576  Bool showTabKey=True,
577  Bool showColKey=False,
578  Int maxVal=25) const;
580  // Show the table and/or column keywords of this table.
581  // Maximum <src>maxVal</src> values of Arrays will be shown.
582  void showKeywordSets (std::ostream&,
583  Bool showTabKey, Bool showColKey,
584  Int maxVal) const;
586  // Test if a table with the given name exists and is writable.
587  static Bool isWritable (const String& tableName, bool throwIf=False);
589  // Find the non-writable files in a table.
590  static Vector<String> nonWritableFiles (const String& tableName);
592  // Test if this table is the root table (ie. if it is not the subset
593  // of another table).
594  Bool isRootTable() const;
596  // Test if this table is opened as writable.
597  Bool isWritable() const;
599  // Test if the given column is writable.
600  // <group>
601  Bool isColumnWritable (const String& columnName) const;
602  Bool isColumnWritable (uInt columnIndex) const;
603  // </group>
605  // Test if the given column is stored (otherwise it is virtual).
606  // <group>
607  Bool isColumnStored (const String& columnName) const;
608  Bool isColumnStored (uInt columnIndex) const;
609  // </group>
611  // Get readonly access to the table keyword set.
612  // If UserLocking is used, it will automatically acquire
613  // and release a read lock if the table is not locked.
614  const TableRecord& keywordSet() const;
616  // Get read/write access to the table keyword set.
617  // This requires that the table is locked (or it gets locked
618  // if using AutoLocking mode).
621  // Get access to the TableInfo object.
622  // <group>
623  const TableInfo& tableInfo() const;
624  TableInfo& tableInfo();
625  // </group>
627  // Write the TableInfo object.
628  // Usually this is not necessary, because it is done automatically
629  // when the table gets written (by table destructor or flush function).
630  // This function is only useful if the table info has to be written
631  // before the table gets written (e.g. when another process reads
632  // the table while it gets filled).
633  void flushTableInfo() const;
635  // Get the table description.
636  // This can be used to get nr of columns, etc..
637  // <src>tableDesc()</src> gives the table description used when
638  // constructing the table, while <src>actualTableDesc()</src> gives the
639  // actual description, thus with the actual data managers used.
640  // <group>
641  const TableDesc& tableDesc() const;
642  TableDesc actualTableDesc() const;
643  // </group>
645  // Return all data managers used and the columns served by them.
646  // The info is returned in a record. It contains a subrecord per
647  // data manager. Each subrecord contains the following fields:
648  // <dl>
649  // <dt> TYPE
650  // <dd> a string giving the type of the data manager.
651  // <dt> NAME
652  // <dd> a string giving the name of the data manager.
653  // <dt> COLUMNS
654  // <dd> a vector of strings giving the columns served by the data manager.
655  // </dl>
656  // Data managers may return some additional fields (e.g. BUCKETSIZE).
657  Record dataManagerInfo() const;
659  // Get the table name.
660  const String& tableName() const;
662  // Rename the table and all its subtables.
663  // The following options can be given:
664  // <dl>
665  // <dt> Table::Update
666  // <dd> A table with this name must already exists, which will be
667  // overwritten. When succesfully renamed, the table is unmarked
668  // for delete (if necessary).
669  // <dt> Table::New
670  // <dd> If a table with this name exists, it will be overwritten.
671  // When succesfully renamed, the table is unmarked
672  // for delete (if necessary).
673  // <dt> Table::NewNoReplace
674  // <dd> If a table with this name already exists, an exception
675  // is thrown. When succesfully renamed, the table
676  // is unmarked for delete (if necessary).
677  // <dt> Table::Scratch
678  // <dd> Same as Table::New, but followed by markForDelete().
679  // </dl>
680  // The scratchCallback function is called when needed.
681  void rename (const String& newName, TableOption);
683  // Copy the table and all its subtables.
684  // Especially for RefTables <src>copy</src> and <src>deepCopy</src> behave
685  // differently. <src>copy</src> makes a bitwise copy of the table, thus
686  // the result is still a RefTable. On the other hand <src>deepCopy</src>
687  // makes a physical copy of all referenced table rows and columns, thus
688  // the result is a PlainTable.
689  // <br>For PlainTables <src>deepCopy</src> is the same as <src>copy</src>
690  // unless <src>valueCopy==True</src> is given. In that case the values
691  // are copied which takes longer, but reorganizes the data files to get
692  // rid of gaps in the data. Also if specific DataManager info is given
693  // or if no rows have to be copied, a deep copy is made.
694  // <br>The following options can be given:
695  // <dl>
696  // <dt> Table::New
697  // <dd> If a table with this name exists, it will be overwritten.
698  // <dt> Table::NewNoReplace
699  // <dd> If a table with this name already exists, an exception
700  // is thrown.
701  // <dt> Table::Scratch
702  // <dd> Same as Table::New, but followed by markForDelete().
703  // </dl>
704  // <group>
705  // The new table gets the given endian format. Note that the endian option
706  // is only used if a true deep copy of a table is made.
707  // <br>When making a deep copy, it is possible to specify the data managers
708  // using the <src>dataManagerInfo</src> argument.
709  // See <src>getDataManagerInfo</src> for more info about that record.
710  // <br>If <src>noRows=True</src> no rows are copied. Also no rows are
711  // copied in all subtables. It is useful if one wants to make a copy
712  // of only the Table structure.
713  void copy (const String& newName, TableOption, Bool noRows=False) const;
714  void deepCopy (const String& newName,
715  TableOption, Bool valueCopy=False,
717  Bool noRows=False) const;
718  void deepCopy (const String& newName, const Record& dataManagerInfo,
719  TableOption, Bool valueCopy=False,
721  Bool noRows=False) const;
722  void deepCopy (const String& newName, const Record& dataManagerInfo,
723  const StorageOption&,
724  TableOption, Bool valueCopy=False,
726  Bool noRows=False) const;
727  // </group>
729  // Make a copy of a table to a MemoryTable object.
730  // Use the given name for the memory table.
731  Table copyToMemoryTable (const String& name, Bool noRows=False) const;
733  // Get the table type.
734  TableType tableType() const;
736  // Get the table option.
737  int tableOption() const;
739  // Mark the table for delete.
740  // This means that the underlying table gets deleted when it is
741  // actually destructed.
742  // The scratchCallback function is called when needed.
743  void markForDelete();
745  // Unmark the table for delete.
746  // This means the underlying table does not get deleted when destructed.
747  // The scratchCallback function is called when needed.
748  void unmarkForDelete();
750  // Test if the table is marked for delete.
751  Bool isMarkedForDelete() const;
753  // Get the number of rows.
754  // It is unsynchronized meaning that it will not check if another
755  // process updated the table, thus possible increased the number of rows.
756  // If one wants to take that into account, he should acquire a
757  // read-lock (using the lock function) before using nrow().
758  uInt nrow() const;
760  // Test if it is possible to add a row to this table.
761  // It is possible if all storage managers used for the table
762  // support it.
763  Bool canAddRow() const;
765  // Add one or more rows at the end of the table.
766  // This will fail for tables not supporting addition of rows.
767  // Optionally the rows can be initialized with the default
768  // values as defined in the column descriptions.
769  void addRow (uInt nrrow = 1, Bool initialize = False);
771  // Test if it is possible to remove a row from this table.
772  // It is possible if all storage managers used for the table
773  // support it.
774  Bool canRemoveRow() const;
776  // Remove the given row(s).
777  // The latter form can be useful with the select and rowNumbers functions
778  // to remove some selected rows from the table.
779  // <br>It will fail for tables not supporting removal of rows.
780  // <note role=warning>
781  // The following code fragments do NOT have the same result:
782  // <srcblock>
783  // tab.removeRow (10); // remove row 10
784  // tab.removeRow (20); // remove row 20, which was 21
785  // Vector<uInt> vec(2);
786  // vec(0) = 10;
787  // vec(1) = 20;
788  // tab.removeRow (vec); // remove row 10 and 20
789  // </srcblock>
790  // because in the first fragment removing row 10 turns the former
791  // row 21 into row 20.
792  // </note>
793  // <group>
794  void removeRow (uInt rownr);
795  void removeRow (const Vector<uInt>& rownrs);
796  // </group>
798  // Create a TableExprNode object for a column or for a keyword
799  // in the table keyword set.
800  // This can be used in selecting rows from a table using
801  // <src>operator()</src> described below.
802  // <br>The functions taking the fieldNames vector are meant for
803  // the cases where the keyword or column contains records.
804  // The fieldNames indicate which field to take from that record
805  // (which can be a record again, etc.).
806  // <group name=keycol>
807  TableExprNode key (const String& keywordName) const;
808  TableExprNode key (const Vector<String>& fieldNames) const;
809  TableExprNode col (const String& columnName) const;
810  TableExprNode col (const String& columnName,
811  const Vector<String>& fieldNames) const;
813  const Vector<String>& fieldNames) const;
814  // </group>
816  // Create a TableExprNode object for the rownumber function.
817  // 'origin' Indicates which rownumber is the first.
818  // C++ uses origin = 0 (default)
819  // Glish and TaQL both use origin = 1
822  // Create a TableExprNode object for the rand function.
823  TableExprNode nodeRandom () const;
825  // Select rows from a table using an select expression consisting
826  // of TableExprNode objects.
827  // Basic TableExprNode objects can be created with the functions
828  // <linkto file="Table.h#keycol">key</linkto> and especially
829  // <linkto file="Table.h#keycol">col</linkto>.
830  // Composite TableExprNode objects, representing an expression,
831  // can be created by applying operations (like == and +)
832  // to the basic ones. This is described in class
833  // <linkto class="TableExprNode:description">TableExprNode</linkto>.
834  // For example:
835  // <srcblock>
836  // Table result = tab(tab.col("columnName") > 10);
837  // </srcblock>
838  // All rows for which the expression is true, will be selected and
839  // "stored" in the result.
840  // You need to include ExprNode.h for this purpose.
841  // <br>The first <src>offset</src> matching rows will be skipped.
842  // <br>If <src>maxRow>0</src>, the selection process will stop
843  // when <src>maxRow</src> rows are selected.
844  // <br>The TableExprNode argument can be empty (null) meaning that only
845  // the <src>maxRow/offset</src> arguments are taken into account.
846  Table operator() (const TableExprNode&, uInt maxRow=0, uInt offset=0) const;
848  // Select rows using a vector of row numbers.
849  // This can, for instance, be used to select the same rows as
850  // were selected in another table (using the rowNumbers function).
851  // <srcblock>
852  // Table result = thisTable (otherTable.rowNumbers());
853  // </srcblock>
854  Table operator() (const Vector<uInt>& rownrs) const;
856  // Select rows using a mask block.
857  // The length of the block must match the number of rows in the table.
858  // If an element in the mask is True, the corresponding row will be
859  // selected.
860  Table operator() (const Block<Bool>& mask) const;
862  // Project the given columns (i.e. select the columns).
863  Table project (const Block<String>& columnNames) const;
865  //# Virtually concatenate all tables in this column.
866  //# The column cells must contain tables with the same description.
867 //#// Table concatenate (const String& columnName) const;
869  // Do logical operations on a table.
870  // It can be used for row-selected or projected (i.e. column-selected)
871  // tables. The tables involved must come from the same root table or
872  // be the root table themselves.
873  // <group>
874  // Intersection with another table.
875  Table operator& (const Table&) const;
876  // Union with another table.
877  Table operator| (const Table&) const;
878  // Subtract another table.
879  Table operator- (const Table&) const;
880  // Xor with another table.
881  Table operator^ (const Table&) const;
882  // Take complement.
883  Table operator! () const;
884  // </group>
886  // Sort a table on one or more columns of scalars.
887  // Per column a compare function can be provided. By default
888  // the standard compare function defined in Compare.h will be used.
889  // Default sort order is ascending.
890  // Default sorting algorithm is the parallel sort.
891  // <group>
892  // Sort on one column.
893  Table sort (const String& columnName,
894  int = Sort::Ascending,
895  int = Sort::ParSort) const;
896  // Sort on multiple columns. The principal column has to be the
897  // first element in the Block of column names.
898  Table sort (const Block<String>& columnNames,
899  int = Sort::Ascending,
900  int = Sort::ParSort) const;
901  // Sort on multiple columns. The principal column has to be the
902  // first element in the Block of column names.
903  // The order can be given per column.
904  Table sort (const Block<String>& columnNames,
905  const Block<Int>& sortOrders,
906  int = Sort::ParSort) const;
907  // Sort on multiple columns. The principal column has to be the
908  // first element in the Block of column names.
909  // The order can be given per column.
910  // Provide some special comparisons via CountedPtrs of compare objects.
911  // A null CountedPtr means using the standard compare object
912  // from class <linkto class="ObjCompare:description">ObjCompare</linkto>.
913  Table sort (const Block<String>& columnNames,
914  const Block<CountedPtr<BaseCompare> >& compareObjects,
915  const Block<Int>& sortOrders,
916  int = Sort::ParSort) const;
917  // </group>
919  // Get a vector of row numbers in the root table of rows in this table.
920  // In case the table is a subset of the root table, this tells which
921  // rows of the root table are part of the subset.
922  // In case the table is the root table itself, the result is a vector
923  // containing the row numbers 0 .. #rows-1.
924  // <br>Note that in general it is better to use the next
925  // <src>rowNumbers(Table)</src> function.
926  Vector<uInt> rowNumbers() const;
928  // Get a vector of row numbers in that table of rows in this table.
929  // In case the table is a subset of that table, this tells which
930  // rows of that table are part of the subset.
931  // In case the table is that table itself, the result is a vector
932  // containing the row numbers 0 .. #rows-1.
933  // <note role=caution>This function is in principle meant for cases
934  // where this table is a subset of that table. However, it can be used
935  // for any table. In that case the returned vector contains a very high
936  // number (max_uint) for rows in this table not part of that table.
937  // In that way they are invalid if used elsewhere.
938  // <br>In the general case creating the row number vector can be slowish,
939  // because it has to do two mappings. However, if this table is a subset
940  // of that table and if they are in the same order, the mapping can be done
941  // in a more efficient way. The argument <src>tryFast</src> can be used to
942  // tell the function to try a fast conversion first. If that cannot be done,
943  // it reverts to the slower way at the expense of an unsuccessful fast
944  // attempt.
945  // </note>
946  // <srcblock>
947  // Table tab("somename");
948  // Table subset = tab(some_select_expression);
949  // Vector<uInt> rownrs = subset.rowNumbers(tab);
950  // </srcblock>
951  // Note that one cannot be sure that table "somename" is the root
952  // (i.e. original) table. It may also be a subset of another table.
953  // In the latter case doing
954  // <br> <src> Vector<uInt> rownrs = subset.rowNumbers()</src>
955  // does not give the row numbers in <src>tab</src>, but in the root table
956  // (which is probably not what you want).
957  Vector<uInt> rowNumbers (const Table& that, Bool tryFast=False) const;
959  // Add a column to the table.
960  // The data manager used for the column depend on the function used.
961  // Exceptions are thrown if the column already exist or if the
962  // table is not writable.
963  // <br>If this table is a reference table (result of selection) and if
964  // <src>addToParent=True</src> the column is also added to the parent
965  // table.
966  // <group>
967  // Use the first appropriate existing storage manager.
968  // If there is none, a data manager is created using the default
969  // data manager in the column description.
970  void addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
971  Bool addToParent = True);
972  // Use an existing data manager with the given name or type.
973  // If the flag byName is True, a name is given, otherwise a type.
974  // If a name is given, an exception is thrown if the data manager is
975  // unknown or does not allow addition of columns.
976  // If a type is given, a storage manager of the given type will be
977  // created if there is no such data manager allowing addition of rows.
978  void addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
979  const String& dataManager, Bool byName,
980  Bool addToParent = True);
981  // Use the given data manager (which is a new one).
982  void addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
983  const DataManager& dataManager,
984  Bool addToParent = True);
985  // </group>
987  // Add a bunch of columns using the given new data manager.
988  // All columns and possible hypercolumn definitions in the given table
989  // description will be copied and added to the table.
990  // This can be used in case of specific data managers which need to
991  // be created with more than one column (e.g. the tiled hypercube
992  // storage managers).
993  // <br>The data manager can be given directly or by means of a record
994  // describing the data manager in the standard way with the fields
995  // TYPE, NAME, and SPEC. The record can contain those fields itself
996  // or it can contain a single subrecord with those fields.
997  // <br>If this table is a reference table (result of selection) and if
998  // <src>addToParent=True</src> the columns are also added to the parent
999  // table.
1000  // <group>
1001  void addColumn (const TableDesc& tableDesc,
1002  const DataManager& dataManager,
1003  Bool addToParent = True);
1004  void addColumn (const TableDesc& tableDesc,
1005  const Record& dataManagerInfo,
1006  Bool addToParent = True);
1007  // </group>
1009  // Test if columns can be removed.
1010  // It can if the columns exist and if the data manager it is using
1011  // supports removal of columns or if all columns from a data manager
1012  // would be removed..
1013  // <br>You can always remove columns from a reference table.
1014  // <group>
1015  Bool canRemoveColumn (const String& columnName) const;
1016  Bool canRemoveColumn (const Vector<String>& columnNames) const;
1017  // </group>
1019  // Remove columns.
1020  // <br>When removing columns from a reference table, the columns
1021  // are NOT removed from the underlying table.
1022  // <group>
1023  void removeColumn (const String& columnName);
1024  void removeColumn (const Vector<String>& columnName);
1025  // </group>
1027  // Test if a column can be renamed.
1028  Bool canRenameColumn (const String& columnName) const;
1030  // Rename a column.
1031  // An exception is thrown if the old name does not exist or
1032  // if the name already exists.
1033  // <note role=caution>
1034  // Renaming a column should be done with care, because other
1035  // columns may be referring this column. Also a hypercolumn definition
1036  // might be using the old name.
1037  // Finally if may also invalidate persistent selections of a table,
1038  // because the reference table cannot find the column anymore.
1039  // </note>
1040  void renameColumn (const String& newName, const String& oldName);
1042  void renameHypercolumn (const String& newName, const String& oldName);
1044  // Write a table to AipsIO (for <src>TypedKeywords<Table></src>).
1045  // This will only write the table name.
1046  friend AipsIO& operator<< (AipsIO&, const Table&);
1048  // Read a table from AipsIO (for <src>TypedKeywords<Table></src>).
1049  // This will read the table name and open the table as writable
1050  // if the table file is writable, otherwise as readonly.
1051  friend AipsIO& operator>> (AipsIO&, Table&);
1053  // Read a table from AipsIO (for <src>TableKeywords</src>).
1054  // This will read the table name and open the table as writable
1055  // if the switch is set and if the table file is writable.
1056  // otherwise it is opened as readonly.
1057  void getTableKeyword (AipsIO&, Bool openWritable);
1059  // Write a table to ostream (for <src>TypedKeywords<Table></src>).
1060  // This only shows its name and number of columns and rows.
1061  friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Table&);
1063  // Find the data manager with the given name or for the given column name.
1065  Bool byColumn=False) const;
1068 protected:
1069  BaseTable* baseTabPtr_p; //# ptr to table representation
1070  //# The isCounted_p flag is normally true.
1071  //# Only for internally used Table objects (i.e. in the DataManager)
1072  //# this flag is False, otherwise a mutual dependency would exist.
1073  //# The DataManager has a Table object, which gets deleted by the
1074  //# DataManager destructor. The DataManager gets deleted by the
1075  //# PlainTable destructor, which gets called when the last Table
1076  //# object gets destructed. That would never be the case if this
1077  //# internally used Table object was counted.
1079  //# Counter of last call to hasDataChanged.
1081  //# Pointer to the ScratchCallback function.
1085  // Construct a Table object from a BaseTable*.
1086  // By default the object gets counted.
1087  Table (BaseTable*, Bool countIt = True);
1089  // Open an existing table.
1090  void open (const String& name, const String& type, int tableOption,
1091  const TableLock& lockOptions, const TSMOption& tsmOpt);
1094 private:
1095  // Construct a BaseTable object from the table file.
1096  static BaseTable* makeBaseTable (const String& name, const String& type,
1097  int tableOption,
1098  const TableLock& lockOptions,
1099  const TSMOption& tsmOpt,
1100  Bool addToCache, uInt locknr);
1103  // Get the pointer to the underlying BaseTable.
1104  // This is needed for some friend classes.
1105  BaseTable* baseTablePtr() const;
1107  // Look in the cache if the table is already open.
1108  // If so, check if table option matches.
1109  // If needed reopen the table for read/write and merge the lock options.
1110  BaseTable* lookCache (const String& name, int tableOption,
1111  const TableLock& tableInfo);
1113  // Try if v1 is a subset of v2 and fill rows with its indices in v2.
1114  // Return False if not a proper subset.
1115  Bool fastRowNumbers (const Vector<uInt>& v1, const Vector<uInt>& v2,
1116  Vector<uInt>& rows) const;
1118  // Show the info of the given columns.
1119  // Sort the columns if needed.
1120  void showColumnInfo (ostream& os, const TableDesc&, uInt maxNameLength,
1121  const Array<String>& columnNames, Bool sort) const;
1122 };
1126 inline Bool Table::isSameRoot (const Table& other) const
1127  { return baseTabPtr_p->root() == other.baseTabPtr_p->root(); }
1129 inline void Table::reopenRW()
1130  { baseTabPtr_p->reopenRW(); }
1131 inline void Table::flush (Bool fsync, Bool recursive)
1132  { baseTabPtr_p->flush (fsync, recursive); }
1133 inline void Table::resync()
1134  { baseTabPtr_p->resync(); }
1137  { return baseTabPtr_p->storageOption(); }
1138 inline Bool Table::isMultiUsed(Bool checkSubTables) const
1139  { return baseTabPtr_p->isMultiUsed(checkSubTables); }
1140 inline const TableLock& Table::lockOptions() const
1141  { return baseTabPtr_p->lockOptions(); }
1143  { return baseTabPtr_p->lock (type, nattempts); }
1144 inline Bool Table::lock (Bool write, uInt nattempts)
1145 {
1147  nattempts);
1148 }
1149 inline void Table::unlock()
1150  { baseTabPtr_p->unlock(); }
1152  { return baseTabPtr_p->hasLock (type); }
1154 {
1156 }
1158 inline Bool Table::isRootTable() const
1159  { return baseTabPtr_p == baseTabPtr_p->root(); }
1161 inline Bool Table::isWritable() const
1162  { return baseTabPtr_p->isWritable(); }
1163 inline Bool Table::isColumnWritable (const String& columnName) const
1164  { return baseTabPtr_p->isColumnWritable (columnName); }
1165 inline Bool Table::isColumnWritable (uInt columnIndex) const
1166  { return baseTabPtr_p->isColumnWritable (columnIndex); }
1168 inline Bool Table::isColumnStored (const String& columnName) const
1169  { return baseTabPtr_p->isColumnStored (columnName); }
1170 inline Bool Table::isColumnStored (uInt columnIndex) const
1171  { return baseTabPtr_p->isColumnStored (columnIndex); }
1173 inline void Table::rename (const String& newName, TableOption option)
1174  { baseTabPtr_p->rename (newName, option); }
1175 inline void Table::deepCopy (const String& newName,
1176  const Record& dataManagerInfo,
1177  TableOption option,
1178  Bool valueCopy,
1179  EndianFormat endianFormat,
1180  Bool noRows) const
1181  { baseTabPtr_p->deepCopy (newName, dataManagerInfo, StorageOption(),
1182  option, valueCopy,
1183  endianFormat, noRows); }
1184 inline void Table::deepCopy (const String& newName,
1185  const Record& dataManagerInfo,
1186  const StorageOption& stopt,
1187  TableOption option,
1188  Bool valueCopy,
1189  EndianFormat endianFormat,
1190  Bool noRows) const
1191  { baseTabPtr_p->deepCopy (newName, dataManagerInfo, stopt,
1192  option, valueCopy,
1193  endianFormat, noRows); }
1195  { baseTabPtr_p->markForDelete (True, ""); }
1197  { baseTabPtr_p->unmarkForDelete(True, ""); }
1199  { return baseTabPtr_p->isMarkedForDelete(); }
1201 inline uInt Table::nrow() const
1202  { return baseTabPtr_p->nrow(); }
1204  { return baseTabPtr_p; }
1205 inline const TableDesc& Table::tableDesc() const
1206  { return baseTabPtr_p->tableDesc(); }
1207 inline const TableRecord& Table::keywordSet() const
1208  { return baseTabPtr_p->keywordSet(); }
1210 inline TableInfo Table::tableInfo (const String& tableName)
1211  { return BaseTable::tableInfo (tableName); }
1212 inline const TableInfo& Table::tableInfo() const
1213  { return baseTabPtr_p->tableInfo(); }
1215  { return baseTabPtr_p->tableInfo(); }
1216 inline void Table::flushTableInfo() const
1219 inline const String& Table::tableName() const
1220  { return baseTabPtr_p->tableName(); }
1222  { return TableType(baseTabPtr_p->tableType()); }
1223 inline int Table::tableOption() const
1224  { return baseTabPtr_p->tableOption(); }
1226 inline Bool Table::canAddRow() const
1227  { return baseTabPtr_p->canAddRow(); }
1229  { return baseTabPtr_p->canRemoveRow(); }
1230 inline Bool Table::canRemoveColumn (const Vector<String>& columnNames) const
1231  { return baseTabPtr_p->canRemoveColumn (columnNames); }
1232 inline Bool Table::canRenameColumn (const String& columnName) const
1233  { return baseTabPtr_p->canRenameColumn (columnName); }
1235 inline void Table::addRow (uInt nrrow, Bool initialize)
1236  { baseTabPtr_p->addRow (nrrow, initialize); }
1237 inline void Table::removeRow (uInt rownr)
1238  { baseTabPtr_p->removeRow (rownr); }
1239 inline void Table::removeRow (const Vector<uInt>& rownrs)
1240  { baseTabPtr_p->removeRow (rownrs); }
1241 inline void Table::addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc, Bool addToParent)
1242  { baseTabPtr_p->addColumn (columnDesc, addToParent); }
1243 inline void Table::addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
1244  const String& dataManager, Bool byName,
1245  Bool addToParent)
1246  { baseTabPtr_p->addColumn (columnDesc, dataManager, byName, addToParent); }
1247 inline void Table::addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
1248  const DataManager& dataManager, Bool addToParent)
1249  { baseTabPtr_p->addColumn (columnDesc, dataManager, addToParent); }
1250 inline void Table::addColumn (const TableDesc& tableDesc,
1251  const DataManager& dataManager, Bool addToParent)
1252  { baseTabPtr_p->addColumn (tableDesc, dataManager, addToParent); }
1253 inline void Table::addColumn (const TableDesc& tableDesc,
1254  const Record& dataManagerInfo, Bool addToParent) { baseTabPtr_p->addColumns (tableDesc, dataManagerInfo, addToParent); }
1255 inline void Table::removeColumn (const Vector<String>& columnNames)
1256  { baseTabPtr_p->removeColumn (columnNames); }
1257 inline void Table::renameColumn (const String& newName, const String& oldName)
1258  { baseTabPtr_p->renameColumn (newName, oldName); }
1259 inline void Table::renameHypercolumn (const String& newName, const String& oldName)
1260  { baseTabPtr_p->renameHypercolumn (newName, oldName); }
1263  Bool byColumn) const
1264 {
1265  return baseTabPtr_p->findDataManager (name, byColumn);
1266 }
1268 inline void Table::showStructure (std::ostream& os,
1269  Bool showDataMans,
1270  Bool showColumns,
1271  Bool showSubTables,
1272  Bool sortColumns,
1273  Bool cOrder) const
1274  { baseTabPtr_p->showStructure (os, showDataMans, showColumns,
1275  showSubTables, sortColumns, cOrder); }
1281 #endif
BaseTable * baseTablePtr() const
Get the pointer to the underlying BaseTable.
Definition: Table.h:1203
virtual void renameHypercolumn(const String &newName, const String &oldName)=0
Rename a hypercolumn.
void markForDelete()
Mark the table for delete.
Definition: Table.h:1194
void addRow(uInt nrrow=1, Bool initialize=False)
Add one or more rows at the end of the table.
Definition: Table.h:1235
Table & operator=(const Table &)
Assignment (reference semantics).
DataManager * findDataManager(const String &name, Bool byColumn=False) const
Find the data manager with the given name or for the given column name.
Definition: Table.h:1262
A 1-D Specialization of the Array class.
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
void removeColumn(const String &columnName)
Remove columns.
void renameColumn(const String &newName, const String &oldName)
Rename a column.
Definition: Table.h:1257
std::vector< double > Vector
Definition: ds9context.h:24
Define the possible table locking options.
Definition: TableLock.h:75
Create a new table - define shapes, data managers, etc.
Definition: SetupNewTab.h:346
friend AipsIO & operator>>(AipsIO &, Table &)
Read a table from AipsIO (for TypedKeywords&lt;Table&gt;).
Vector< uInt > rowNumbers() const
Get a vector of row numbers in the root table of rows in this table.
virtual const StorageOption & storageOption() const =0
Get the storage option used for the table.
virtual DataManager * findDataManager(const String &name, Bool byColumn) const =0
Find the data manager with the given name or for the given column.
int tableOption() const
Get the table option.
Definition: BaseTable.h:253
Define the possible endian formats in which table data can be stored.
Definition: Table.h:192
int MPI_Comm
Definition: MPIGlue.h:59
void open(const String &name, const String &type, int tableOption, const TableLock &lockOptions, const TSMOption &tsmOpt)
Open an existing table.
Create a null Table object (i.e.
Bool isColumnWritable(const String &columnName) const
Test if the given column is writable.
Class defining a plain regular table.
Definition: PlainTable.h:85
virtual Bool isNull() const
Is the table a null table? By default it is not.
static Vector< String > getLockedTables(FileLocker::LockType=FileLocker::Read, int lockOption=-1)
Get the names of tables locked in this process.
Main interface class to a read/write table.
Definition: Table.h:153
BaseTable * baseTabPtr_p
Definition: Table.h:1069
LatticeExprNode mask(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the mask of the given expression.
Table operator()(const TableExprNode &, uInt maxRow=0, uInt offset=0) const
Select rows from a table using an select expression consisting of TableExprNode objects.
new table, which gets marked for delete
Definition: Table.h:176
virtual int tableType() const
Get the table type.
AipsIO is the object persistency mechanism of Casacore.
Definition: AipsIO.h:168
virtual Bool canRenameColumn(const String &columnName) const =0
Test if a column can be renamed.
int tableOption() const
Get the table option.
Definition: Table.h:1223
Bool isColumnStored(const String &columnName) const
Test if the given column is stored (otherwise it is virtual).
virtual void reopenRW()=0
Reopen the table for read/write.
Bool canAddRow() const
Test if it is possible to add a row to this table.
Definition: Table.h:1226
Handle class for a table column expression tree.
Definition: ExprNode.h:155
Class for a table held in memory.
Definition: MemoryTable.h:82
Table project(const Block< String > &columnNames) const
Project the given columns (i.e.
Bool isMarkedForDelete() const
Test if the table is marked for delete.
Definition: Table.h:1198
void showKeywords(std::ostream &, Bool showSubTables=False, Bool showTabKey=True, Bool showColKey=False, Int maxVal=25) const
Show the table and/or column keywords, possibly also of all subtables.
Envelope class for the description of a table column.
Definition: ColumnDesc.h:131
Table::EndianFormat endianFormat() const
Get the endian format in which the table is stored.
virtual const TableLock & lockOptions() const =0
Get the locking info.
Iterate through a Table.
Definition: TableIter.h:117
void showColumnInfo(ostream &os, const TableDesc &, uInt maxNameLength, const Array< String > &columnNames, Bool sort) const
Show the info of the given columns.
virtual void addRow(uInt nrrow=1, Bool initialize=True)
Add one or more rows and possibly initialize them.
void unmarkForDelete(Bool callback, const String &oldName)
Unmark the table for delete.
static Vector< String > nonWritableFiles(const String &tableName)
Find the non-writable files in a table.
virtual void rename(const String &newName, int tableOption)
Rename the table.
virtual casacore::String type() const
Implements RegionShape::type.
Definition: RegionShapes.h:548
Bool isColumnWritable(const String &columnName) const
Test if the given column is writable.
Definition: Table.h:1163
virtual Bool lock(FileLocker::LockType, uInt nattempts)=0
Try to lock the table for read or write access.
store table data in big endian (e.g.
Definition: Table.h:194
void throwIfNull() const
Throw an exception if the object is null, i.e.
TableType tableType() const
Get the table type.
Definition: Table.h:1221
Abstract base class for a node in a table column expression tree.
Definition: ExprNodeRep.h:157
static ScratchCallback * scratchCallback_p
Definition: Table.h:1082
void ScratchCallback(const String &name, Bool isScratch, const String &oldName)
Define the signature of the function being called when the state of a scratch table changes (i...
Definition: Table.h:214
ABSTRACT CLASSES Abstract class for colors Any implementation of color should be able to provide a hexadecimal form of the if a human readable name(i.e."black").In many places throughout the plotter
void removeRow(uInt rownr)
Remove the given row(s).
Definition: Table.h:1237
Bool isWritable() const
Test if this table is opened as writable.
Definition: Table.h:1161
Table operator-(const Table &) const
Subtract another table.
uInt lastModCounter_p
Definition: Table.h:1080
const String & tableName() const
Get the table name.
Definition: Table.h:1219
virtual ~Table()
The destructor flushes (i.e.
void markForDelete(Bool callback, const String &oldName)
Mark the table for delete.
void showStructure(std::ostream &, Bool showDataMans=True, Bool showColumns=True, Bool showSubTables=False, Bool sortColumns=False, Bool cOrder=False) const
Show the structure of the table.
Definition: Table.h:1268
void rename(const String &newName, TableOption)
Rename the table and all its subtables.
Definition: Table.h:1173
Options defining how table files are organized.
Definition: StorageOption.h:76
use endian format defined in the aipsrc variable table.endianformat If undefined, it defaults to Loca...
Definition: Table.h:201
void getTableKeyword(AipsIO &, Bool openWritable)
Read a table from AipsIO (for TableKeywords).
virtual BaseTable * root()
Get pointer to root table (i.e.
create table (may not exist)
Definition: Table.h:174
void renameHypercolumn(const String &newName, const String &oldName)
Definition: Table.h:1259
update existing table
Definition: Table.h:178
static uInt getLayout(TableDesc &desc, const String &tableName)
Return the layout of a table (i.e.
TableDesc actualTableDesc() const
Bool isMultiUsed(Bool checkSubTables=False) const
Is the table used (i.e.
Definition: Table.h:1138
Memory related information and utilities. use visibility=export&gt;
Definition: Memory.h:110
Table operator^(const Table &) const
Xor with another table.
Referenced counted pointer for constant data.
Definition: VisModelData.h:42
Abstract base class for tables.
Definition: BaseTable.h:103
Bool isCounted_p
Definition: Table.h:1078
Class for a table as a view of another table.
Definition: RefTable.h:104
Acquire a read lock.
Definition: FileLocker.h:97
void resync()
Resynchronize the Table object with the table file.
Definition: Table.h:1133
existing table
Definition: Table.h:170
static Bool canDeleteTable(const String &tableName, Bool checkSubTables=False)
Can the table be deleted? If true, function deleteTable can safely be called.
bool write(const std::vector< RegionShape * > &shapes) const
Implements RegionFileWriter::write.
const String & tableName() const
Get the table name.
Definition: BaseTable.h:195
Acquire a write lock.
Definition: FileLocker.h:99
plain table (stored on disk)
Definition: Table.h:186
TableExprNode nodeRownr(uInt origin=0) const
Create a TableExprNode object for the rownumber function.
friend AipsIO & operator<<(AipsIO &, const Table &)
Write a table to AipsIO (for TypedKeywords&lt;Table&gt;).
Record dataManagerInfo() const
Return all data managers used and the columns served by them.
void unmarkForDelete()
Unmark the table for delete.
Definition: Table.h:1196
virtual void removeColumn(const Vector< String > &columnNames)=0
Remove columns.
static void deleteTable(const String &tableName, Bool checkSubTables=False)
Delete the table.
Options for the Tiled Storage Manager Access.
Definition: TSMOption.h:116
void showKeywordSets(std::ostream &, Bool showTabKey, Bool showColKey, Int maxVal) const
Show the table and/or column keywords of this table.
const TableLock & lockOptions() const
Get the locking options.
Definition: Table.h:1140
virtual void unlock()=0
Unlock the table.
TableExprNode keyCol(const String &name, const Vector< String > &fieldNames) const
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
Definition: Record.h:180
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
virtual Bool isWritable() const =0
Test if this table is writable.
virtual void removeRow(uInt rownr)
Remove rows.
Table sort(const String &columnName, int=Sort::Ascending, int=Sort::ParSort) const
Sort a table on one or more columns of scalars.
TableExprNode key(const String &keywordName) const
Create a TableExprNode object for a column or for a keyword in the table keyword set...
Bool lock(FileLocker::LockType=FileLocker::Write, uInt nattempts=0)
Try to lock the table for read or write access (default is write).
Definition: Table.h:1142
void throwIf(bool condition, const casacore::String &message, const casacore::String &file, int line, const casacore::String &func=casacore::String())
uInt nrow() const
Get the number of rows.
Definition: Table.h:1201
TableRecord & rwKeywordSet()
Get read/write access to the table keyword set.
Read/write access to a table column.
Definition: TableColumn.h:98
Table type, subtype and further info.
Definition: TableInfo.h:130
static Bool isOpened(const String &tableName)
Is the table used (i.e.
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
Class to hold table lock options.
Definition: TableLock.h:65
TableExprNode col(const String &columnName) const
BaseTable * lookCache(const String &name, int tableOption, const TableLock &tableInfo)
Look in the cache if the table is already open.
virtual void resync()=0
Resync the Table object with the table file.
virtual Bool canAddRow() const
Test if it is possible to add a row to this table.
A hierarchical collection of named fields of various types.
Definition: TableRecord.h:182
template &lt;class T, class U&gt; class vector;
Definition: MSFlagger.h:37
static uInt nAutoLocks()
Determine the number of locked tables opened with the AutoLock option (Locked table means locked for ...
uInt nrow() const
Get number of rows.
Definition: BaseTable.h:309
Bool canRemoveRow() const
Test if it is possible to remove a row from this table.
Definition: Table.h:1228
delete table
Definition: Table.h:180
virtual Origin origin() const =0
Bool isMarkedForDelete() const
Test if the table is marked for delete.
Definition: BaseTable.h:268
static String fileName(const String &tableName)
Make the table file name.
simple 1-D array
void copy(const String &newName, TableOption, Bool noRows=False) const
Copy the table and all its subtables.
const TableDesc & tableDesc() const
Get the table description.
Definition: Table.h:1205
Bool hasLock(FileLocker::LockType=FileLocker::Write) const
Has this process the read or write lock, thus can the table be read or written safely?
Definition: Table.h:1151
virtual Bool canRemoveColumn(const Vector< String > &columnNames) const =0
Test if columns can be removed.
Table operator!() const
Take complement.
static Bool isNativeDataType(DataType dtype)
Test if the given data type is native to the table system.
Bool isNull() const
Test if the object is null, i.e.
Definition: Table.h:526
Bool isSameRoot(const Table &other) const
Is the root table of this table the same as that of the other one?
Definition: Table.h:1126
TableExprNode nodeRandom() const
Create a TableExprNode object for the rand function.
Table operator&(const Table &) const
Do logical operations on a table.
Base class for the Data Manager Accessor classes.
Abstract base class for a data manager.
Definition: DataManager.h:224
const TableRecord & keywordSet() const
Get readonly access to the table keyword set.
Definition: Table.h:1207
Bool canRemoveColumn(const String &columnName) const
Test if columns can be removed.
const StorageOption & storageOption() const
Get the storage option used for the table.
Definition: Table.h:1136
virtual Bool canRemoveRow() const
Test if it is possible to remove a row from this table.
static ScratchCallback * setScratchCallback(ScratchCallback *)
Set the pointer to the ScratchCallback function.
virtual void flushTableInfo()
Write the TableInfo object.
virtual void flush(Bool fsync, Bool recursive)=0
Flush the table, i.e.
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:223
virtual Bool isMultiUsed(Bool checkSubTables) const =0
Is the table in use (i.e.
void addColumns(const TableDesc &tableDesc, const Record &dmInfo, Bool addToParent)
Add one or more columns to the table.
Block< String > getPartNames(Bool recursive=False) const
Get the names of the tables this table consists of.
virtual void renameColumn(const String &newName, const String &oldName)=0
Rename a column.
static void relinquishAutoLocks(Bool all=False)
Unlock locked tables opened with the AutoLock option.
Define the structure of a Casacore table.
Definition: TableDesc.h:187
Bool isRootTable() const
Test if this table is the root table (ie.
Definition: Table.h:1158
virtual void addColumn(const ColumnDesc &columnDesc, Bool addToParent)
Add one or more columns to the table.
void showStructure(std::ostream &, Bool showDataMan, Bool showColumns, Bool showSubTables, Bool sortColumns, Bool cOrder)
Show the table structure (implementation of Table::showStructure).
const TableInfo & tableInfo() const
Get access to the TableInfo object.
Definition: Table.h:1212
Define the possible lock types.
Definition: FileLocker.h:95
Define the possible table types.
Definition: Table.h:184
create table
Definition: Table.h:172
const TableDesc & tableDesc() const
Get the table description.
Definition: BaseTable.h:272
Class to view a concatenation of tables as a single table.
Definition: ConcatTable.h:118
void reopenRW()
Try to reopen the table for read/write access.
Definition: Table.h:1129
void closeSubTables() const
Close all open subtables.
Table copyToMemoryTable(const String &name, Bool noRows=False) const
Make a copy of a table to a MemoryTable object.
store data in the endian format of the machine used
Definition: Table.h:198
Bool isColumnStored(const String &columnName) const
Test if the given column is stored (otherwise it is virtual).
Definition: Table.h:1168
LatticeExprNode all(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
Table operator|(const Table &) const
Union with another table.
void addColumn(const ColumnDesc &columnDesc, Bool addToParent=True)
Add a column to the table.
Definition: Table.h:1241
Bool hasDataChanged()
Determine if column or keyword table data have changed (or is being changed) since the last time this...
const Bool True
Definition: aipstype.h:43
static Table openTable(const String &tableName, TableOption=Table::Old, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
Try to open a table.
Bool canRenameColumn(const String &columnName) const
Test if a column can be renamed.
Definition: Table.h:1232
virtual Bool hasLock(FileLocker::LockType) const =0
Has this process the read or write lock, thus can the table be read or written safely?
void deepCopy(const String &newName, TableOption, Bool valueCopy=False, EndianFormat=AipsrcEndian, Bool noRows=False) const
TableInfo & tableInfo()
Get access to the TableInfo object.
Definition: BaseTable.h:298
void flush(Bool fsync=False, Bool recursive=False)
Flush the table, i.e.
Definition: Table.h:1131
void flushTableInfo() const
Write the TableInfo object.
Definition: Table.h:1216
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
store table data in little endian (e.g.
Definition: Table.h:196
Define the possible options how a table can be opened.
Definition: Table.h:168
void unlock()
Unlock the table.
Definition: Table.h:1149
virtual void deepCopy(const String &newName, const Record &dataManagerInfo, const StorageOption &, int tableOption, Bool valueCopy, int endianFormat, Bool noRows) const
static BaseTable * makeBaseTable(const String &name, const String &type, int tableOption, const TableLock &lockOptions, const TSMOption &tsmOpt, Bool addToCache, uInt locknr)
Construct a BaseTable object from the table file.
Bool fastRowNumbers(const Vector< uInt > &v1, const Vector< uInt > &v2, Vector< uInt > &rows) const
Try if v1 is a subset of v2 and fill rows with its indices in v2.
virtual TableRecord & keywordSet()=0
Get readonly access to the table keyword set.
#define casacore
&lt;X11/Intrinsic.h&gt; #defines true, false, casacore::Bool, and String.
Definition: X11Intrinsic.h:42
static Bool isReadable(const String &tableName, bool throwIf=False)
Test if a table with the given name exists and is readable.