This class interprets a VLA logical record.
VLASourceFilter & operator=(const VLASourceFilter &other)
The assignment operator uses copy semantics.
casacore::String itsSource
The default constructor creats a filter that does not filter anything.
virtual VLAFilter * clone() const
Return a pointer to a copy of the VLASourceFilter object upcast to a VLAFilter object.
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
virtual casacore::Bool ok() const
casacore::Function which checks the internal data of this class for correct dimensionality and consis...
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
virtual ~VLASourceFilter()
The destructor is trivial.
casacore::Bool itsKeepBlanks
virtual casacore::Bool passThru(const VLALogicalRecord &record) const
returns true if the supplied record has an observing id that matches (case insensitive) the source na...