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asdm::AnnotationRow Class Reference

The AnnotationRow class is a row of a AnnotationTable. More...

#include <AnnotationRow.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual ~AnnotationRow ()
 friend class asdm::TableStreamReader<AnnotationTable, AnnotationRow>; More...
AnnotationTablegetTable () const
 Return the table to which this row belongs. More...
bool isAdded () const
 Has this row been added to its table ? More...
ArrayTime getTime () const
 ===> Attribute time More...
void setTime (ArrayTime time)
 Set time with the specified ArrayTime. More...
std::string getIssue () const
 ===> Attribute issue More...
void setIssue (std::string issue)
 Set issue with the specified std::string. More...
std::string getDetails () const
 ===> Attribute details More...
void setDetails (std::string details)
 Set details with the specified std::string. More...
bool isNumAntennaExists () const
 ===> Attribute numAntenna, which is optional More...
int getNumAntenna () const
 Get numAntenna, which is optional. More...
void setNumAntenna (int numAntenna)
 Set numAntenna with the specified int. More...
void clearNumAntenna ()
 Mark numAntenna, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isBasebandNameExists () const
 ===> Attribute basebandName, which is optional More...
< BasebandNameMod::BasebandName > 
getBasebandName () const
 Get basebandName, which is optional. More...
void setBasebandName (std::vector< BasebandNameMod::BasebandName > basebandName)
 Set basebandName with the specified std::vector<BasebandNameMod::BasebandName >. More...
void clearBasebandName ()
 Mark basebandName, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isNumBasebandExists () const
 ===> Attribute numBaseband, which is optional More...
int getNumBaseband () const
 Get numBaseband, which is optional. More...
void setNumBaseband (int numBaseband)
 Set numBaseband with the specified int. More...
void clearNumBaseband ()
 Mark numBaseband, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isIntervalExists () const
 ===> Attribute interval, which is optional More...
Interval getInterval () const
 Get interval, which is optional. More...
void setInterval (Interval interval)
 Set interval with the specified Interval. More...
void clearInterval ()
 Mark interval, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isDValueExists () const
 ===> Attribute dValue, which is optional More...
double getDValue () const
 Get dValue, which is optional. More...
void setDValue (double dValue)
 Set dValue with the specified double. More...
void clearDValue ()
 Mark dValue, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isVdValueExists () const
 ===> Attribute vdValue, which is optional More...
std::vector< double > getVdValue () const
 Get vdValue, which is optional. More...
void setVdValue (std::vector< double > vdValue)
 Set vdValue with the specified std::vector<double >. More...
void clearVdValue ()
 Mark vdValue, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isVvdValuesExists () const
 ===> Attribute vvdValues, which is optional More...
std::vector< std::vector
< double > > 
getVvdValues () const
 Get vvdValues, which is optional. More...
void setVvdValues (std::vector< std::vector< double > > vvdValues)
 Set vvdValues with the specified std::vector<std::vector<double > >. More...
void clearVvdValues ()
 Mark vvdValues, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isLlValueExists () const
 ===> Attribute llValue, which is optional More...
int64_t getLlValue () const
 Get llValue, which is optional. More...
void setLlValue (int64_t llValue)
 Set llValue with the specified int64_t. More...
void clearLlValue ()
 Mark llValue, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isVllValueExists () const
 ===> Attribute vllValue, which is optional More...
std::vector< int64_t > getVllValue () const
 Get vllValue, which is optional. More...
void setVllValue (std::vector< int64_t > vllValue)
 Set vllValue with the specified std::vector<int64_t >. More...
void clearVllValue ()
 Mark vllValue, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isVvllValueExists () const
 ===> Attribute vvllValue, which is optional More...
std::vector< std::vector
< int64_t > > 
getVvllValue () const
 Get vvllValue, which is optional. More...
void setVvllValue (std::vector< std::vector< int64_t > > vvllValue)
 Set vvllValue with the specified std::vector<std::vector<int64_t > >. More...
void clearVvllValue ()
 Mark vvllValue, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
bool isSValueExists () const
 ===> Attribute sValue, which is optional More...
std::string getSValue () const
 Get sValue, which is optional. More...
void setSValue (std::string sValue)
 Set sValue with the specified std::string. More...
void clearSValue ()
 Mark sValue, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
std::vector< TaggetAntennaId () const
 Get antennaId, which is optional. More...
void setAntennaId (std::vector< Tag > antennaId)
 Set antennaId with the specified std::vector<Tag> . More...
void clearAntennaId ()
 Mark antennaId, which is an optional field, as non-existent. More...
Links *void setAntennaId (int i, Tag antennaId)
 Set antennaId[i] with the specified Tag. More...
void addAntennaId (Tag id)
 Append a Tag to antennaId. More...
void addAntennaId (const std::vector< Tag > &id)
 Append a vector of Tag to antennaId. More...
const Tag getAntennaId (int i)
 Returns the Tag stored in antennaId at position i. More...
AntennaRowgetAntennaUsingAntennaId (int i)
 Returns the AntennaRow linked to this row via the tag stored in antennaId at position i. More...
std::vector< AntennaRow * > getAntennasUsingAntennaId ()
 Returns the vector of AntennaRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in antennaId. More...
bool compareNoAutoInc (ArrayTime time, std::string issue, std::string details)
 Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this AnnotationRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise. More...
bool compareRequiredValue (ArrayTime time, std::string issue, std::string details)
 Compare each mandatory value (i.e. More...
bool equalByRequiredValue (AnnotationRow *x)
 Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise. More...
asdmIDL::AnnotationRowIDL * toIDL () const
 Return this row in the form of an IDL struct. More...
void toIDL (asdmIDL::AnnotationRowIDL &x) const
 Define the content of a AnnotationRowIDL struct from the values found in this row. More...
void setFromIDL (asdmIDL::AnnotationRowIDL x)
 Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct AnnotationRowIDL. More...
std::string toXML () const
 Return this row in the form of an XML string. More...
void setFromXML (std::string rowDoc)
 Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method. More...

Public Attributes

Intrinsic Table Attributes
Extrinsic Table Attributes

Private Member Functions

void isAdded (bool added)
 This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table. More...
 AnnotationRow (AnnotationTable &table)
 Create a AnnotationRow. More...
 AnnotationRow (AnnotationTable &table, AnnotationRow *row)
 Create a AnnotationRow using a copy constructor mechanism. More...
void setAnnotationId (Tag annotationId)
 Set annotationId with the specified Tag value. More...
void annotationIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void timeFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void issueFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void detailsFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void numAntennaFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void basebandNameFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void numBasebandFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void intervalFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void dValueFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void vdValueFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void vvdValuesFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void llValueFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void vllValueFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void vvllValueFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void sValueFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void antennaIdFromBin (EndianIStream &eis)
void annotationIdFromText (const std::string &s)
void timeFromText (const std::string &s)
void issueFromText (const std::string &s)
void detailsFromText (const std::string &s)
void numAntennaFromText (const std::string &s)
void basebandNameFromText (const std::string &s)
void numBasebandFromText (const std::string &s)
void intervalFromText (const std::string &s)
void dValueFromText (const std::string &s)
void vdValueFromText (const std::string &s)
void vvdValuesFromText (const std::string &s)
void llValueFromText (const std::string &s)
void vllValueFromText (const std::string &s)
void vvllValueFromText (const std::string &s)
void sValueFromText (const std::string &s)
void antennaIdFromText (const std::string &s)
void toBin (EndianOSStream &eoss)
 Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream. More...

Private Attributes

 The table to which this row belongs. More...
bool hasBeenAdded
 Whether this row has been added to the table or not. More...
ArrayTime time
 ===> Attribute time More...
std::string issue
 ===> Attribute issue More...
std::string details
 ===> Attribute details More...
bool numAntennaExists
 ===> Attribute numAntenna, which is optional More...
int numAntenna
bool basebandNameExists
 ===> Attribute basebandName, which is optional More...
< BasebandNameMod::BasebandName > 
bool numBasebandExists
 ===> Attribute numBaseband, which is optional More...
int numBaseband
bool intervalExists
 ===> Attribute interval, which is optional More...
Interval interval
bool dValueExists
 ===> Attribute dValue, which is optional More...
double dValue
bool vdValueExists
 ===> Attribute vdValue, which is optional More...
std::vector< double > vdValue
bool vvdValuesExists
 ===> Attribute vvdValues, which is optional More...
std::vector< std::vector
< double > > 
bool llValueExists
 ===> Attribute llValue, which is optional More...
int64_t llValue
bool vllValueExists
 ===> Attribute vllValue, which is optional More...
std::vector< int64_t > vllValue
bool vvllValueExists
 ===> Attribute vvllValue, which is optional More...
std::vector< std::vector
< int64_t > > 
bool sValueExists
 ===> Attribute sValue, which is optional More...
std::string sValue
std::vector< TagantennaId
Links *binary deserialization
material from an EndianIStream
std::map< std::string,
*text deserialization material
std::map< std::string,


class asdm::AnnotationTable
class asdm::RowTransformer< AnnotationRow >

Detailed Description

The AnnotationRow class is a row of a AnnotationTable.

Generated from model's revision "-1", branch ""

Definition at line 131 of file AnnotationRow.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual asdm::AnnotationRow::~AnnotationRow ( )

friend class asdm::TableStreamReader<AnnotationTable, AnnotationRow>;

asdm::AnnotationRow::AnnotationRow ( AnnotationTable table)

Create a AnnotationRow.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.
asdm::AnnotationRow::AnnotationRow ( AnnotationTable table,
AnnotationRow row 

Create a AnnotationRow using a copy constructor mechanism.

Given a AnnotationRow row and a AnnotationTable table, the method creates a new AnnotationRow owned by table. Each attribute of the created row is a copy (deep) of the corresponding attribute of row. The method does not add the created row to its table, its simply parents it to table, a call to the add method has to be done in order to get the row added (very likely after having modified some of its attributes). If row is null then the method returns a row with default values for its attributes.

This constructor is private because only the table can create rows. All rows know the table to which they belong.

tableThe table to which this row belongs.
rowThe row which is to be copied.

Member Function Documentation

void asdm::AnnotationRow::addAntennaId ( Tag  id)

Append a Tag to antennaId.

idthe Tag to be appended to antennaId
void asdm::AnnotationRow::addAntennaId ( const std::vector< Tag > &  id)

Append a vector of Tag to antennaId.

idan array of Tag to be appended to antennaId
void asdm::AnnotationRow::annotationIdFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::annotationIdFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::antennaIdFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::antennaIdFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::basebandNameFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::basebandNameFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::clearAntennaId ( )

Mark antennaId, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::AnnotationRow::clearBasebandName ( )

Mark basebandName, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::AnnotationRow::clearDValue ( )

Mark dValue, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::AnnotationRow::clearInterval ( )

Mark interval, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::AnnotationRow::clearLlValue ( )

Mark llValue, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::AnnotationRow::clearNumAntenna ( )

Mark numAntenna, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::AnnotationRow::clearNumBaseband ( )

Mark numBaseband, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::AnnotationRow::clearSValue ( )

Mark sValue, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::AnnotationRow::clearVdValue ( )

Mark vdValue, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::AnnotationRow::clearVllValue ( )

Mark vllValue, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::AnnotationRow::clearVvdValues ( )

Mark vvdValues, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

void asdm::AnnotationRow::clearVvllValue ( )

Mark vvllValue, which is an optional field, as non-existent.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::compareNoAutoInc ( ArrayTime  time,
std::string  issue,
std::string  details 

Compare each mandatory attribute except the autoincrementable one of this AnnotationRow with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::compareRequiredValue ( ArrayTime  time,
std::string  issue,
std::string  details 

Compare each mandatory value (i.e.

not in the key) attribute with the corresponding parameters and return true if there is a match and false otherwise.

void asdm::AnnotationRow::detailsFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::detailsFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::dValueFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::dValueFromText ( const std::string &  s)
bool asdm::AnnotationRow::equalByRequiredValue ( AnnotationRow x)

Return true if all required attributes of the value part are equal to their homologues in x and false otherwise.

xa pointer on the AnnotationRow whose required attributes of the value part will be compared with those of this.
a boolean.
std::vector<Tag> asdm::AnnotationRow::getAntennaId ( ) const

Get antennaId, which is optional.

antennaId as std::vector<Tag>
IllegalAccessExceptionIf antennaId does not exist.
const Tag asdm::AnnotationRow::getAntennaId ( int  i)

Returns the Tag stored in antennaId at position i.

ithe position in antennaId where the Tag is retrieved.
the Tag stored at position i in antennaId.
std::vector<AntennaRow *> asdm::AnnotationRow::getAntennasUsingAntennaId ( )

Returns the vector of AntennaRow* linked to this row via the Tags stored in antennaId.

an array of pointers on AntennaRow.
AntennaRow* asdm::AnnotationRow::getAntennaUsingAntennaId ( int  i)

Returns the AntennaRow linked to this row via the tag stored in antennaId at position i.

ithe position in antennaId.
a pointer on a AntennaRow whose key (a Tag) is equal to the Tag stored at position i in the antennaId.
std::vector<BasebandNameMod::BasebandName > asdm::AnnotationRow::getBasebandName ( ) const

Get basebandName, which is optional.

basebandName as std::vector<BasebandNameMod::BasebandName >
IllegalAccessExceptionIf basebandName does not exist.
std::string asdm::AnnotationRow::getDetails ( ) const

===> Attribute details

Get details.

details as std::string
double asdm::AnnotationRow::getDValue ( ) const

Get dValue, which is optional.

dValue as double
IllegalAccessExceptionIf dValue does not exist.
Interval asdm::AnnotationRow::getInterval ( ) const

Get interval, which is optional.

interval as Interval
IllegalAccessExceptionIf interval does not exist.
std::string asdm::AnnotationRow::getIssue ( ) const

===> Attribute issue

Get issue.

issue as std::string
int64_t asdm::AnnotationRow::getLlValue ( ) const

Get llValue, which is optional.

llValue as int64_t
IllegalAccessExceptionIf llValue does not exist.
int asdm::AnnotationRow::getNumAntenna ( ) const

Get numAntenna, which is optional.

numAntenna as int
IllegalAccessExceptionIf numAntenna does not exist.
int asdm::AnnotationRow::getNumBaseband ( ) const

Get numBaseband, which is optional.

numBaseband as int
IllegalAccessExceptionIf numBaseband does not exist.
std::string asdm::AnnotationRow::getSValue ( ) const

Get sValue, which is optional.

sValue as std::string
IllegalAccessExceptionIf sValue does not exist.
AnnotationTable& asdm::AnnotationRow::getTable ( ) const

Return the table to which this row belongs.

ArrayTime asdm::AnnotationRow::getTime ( ) const

===> Attribute time

Get time.

time as ArrayTime
std::vector<double > asdm::AnnotationRow::getVdValue ( ) const

Get vdValue, which is optional.

vdValue as std::vector<double >
IllegalAccessExceptionIf vdValue does not exist.
std::vector<int64_t > asdm::AnnotationRow::getVllValue ( ) const

Get vllValue, which is optional.

vllValue as std::vector<int64_t >
IllegalAccessExceptionIf vllValue does not exist.
std::vector<std::vector<double > > asdm::AnnotationRow::getVvdValues ( ) const

Get vvdValues, which is optional.

vvdValues as std::vector<std::vector<double > >
IllegalAccessExceptionIf vvdValues does not exist.
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t > > asdm::AnnotationRow::getVvllValue ( ) const

Get vvllValue, which is optional.

vvllValue as std::vector<std::vector<int64_t > >
IllegalAccessExceptionIf vvllValue does not exist.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::intervalFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::intervalFromText ( const std::string &  s)
bool asdm::AnnotationRow::isAdded ( ) const

Has this row been added to its table ?

true if and only if it has been added.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::isAdded ( bool  added)

This method is used by the Table class when this row is added to the table.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::isBasebandNameExists ( ) const

===> Attribute basebandName, which is optional

The attribute basebandName is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the basebandName attribute exists.
bool asdm::AnnotationRow::isDValueExists ( ) const

===> Attribute dValue, which is optional

The attribute dValue is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the dValue attribute exists.
bool asdm::AnnotationRow::isIntervalExists ( ) const

===> Attribute interval, which is optional

The attribute interval is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the interval attribute exists.
bool asdm::AnnotationRow::isLlValueExists ( ) const

===> Attribute llValue, which is optional

The attribute llValue is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the llValue attribute exists.
bool asdm::AnnotationRow::isNumAntennaExists ( ) const

===> Attribute numAntenna, which is optional

The attribute numAntenna is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the numAntenna attribute exists.
bool asdm::AnnotationRow::isNumBasebandExists ( ) const

===> Attribute numBaseband, which is optional

The attribute numBaseband is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the numBaseband attribute exists.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::issueFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::issueFromText ( const std::string &  s)
bool asdm::AnnotationRow::isSValueExists ( ) const

===> Attribute sValue, which is optional

The attribute sValue is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the sValue attribute exists.
bool asdm::AnnotationRow::isVdValueExists ( ) const

===> Attribute vdValue, which is optional

The attribute vdValue is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the vdValue attribute exists.
bool asdm::AnnotationRow::isVllValueExists ( ) const

===> Attribute vllValue, which is optional

The attribute vllValue is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the vllValue attribute exists.
bool asdm::AnnotationRow::isVvdValuesExists ( ) const

===> Attribute vvdValues, which is optional

The attribute vvdValues is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the vvdValues attribute exists.
bool asdm::AnnotationRow::isVvllValueExists ( ) const

===> Attribute vvllValue, which is optional

The attribute vvllValue is optional. Return true if this attribute exists.

true if and only if the vvllValue attribute exists.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::llValueFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::llValueFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::numAntennaFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::numAntennaFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::numBasebandFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::numBasebandFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setAnnotationId ( Tag  annotationId)

Set annotationId with the specified Tag value.

annotationIdThe Tag value to which annotationId is to be set.
IllegalAccessExceptionIf an attempt is made to change this field after is has been added to the table.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setAntennaId ( std::vector< Tag antennaId)

Set antennaId with the specified std::vector<Tag> .

antennaIdThe std::vector<Tag> value to which antennaId is to be set.
Links* void asdm::AnnotationRow::setAntennaId ( int  i,
Tag  antennaId 

Set antennaId[i] with the specified Tag.

iThe index in antennaId where to set the Tag value.
antennaIdThe Tag value to which antennaId[i] is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setBasebandName ( std::vector< BasebandNameMod::BasebandName >  basebandName)

Set basebandName with the specified std::vector<BasebandNameMod::BasebandName >.

basebandNameThe std::vector<BasebandNameMod::BasebandName > value to which basebandName is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setDetails ( std::string  details)

Set details with the specified std::string.

detailsThe std::string value to which details is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setDValue ( double  dValue)

Set dValue with the specified double.

dValueThe double value to which dValue is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setFromIDL ( asdmIDL::AnnotationRowIDL  x)

Fill the values of this row from the IDL struct AnnotationRowIDL.

xThe IDL struct containing the values used to fill this row.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setFromXML ( std::string  rowDoc)

Fill the values of this row from an XML string that was produced by the toXML() method.

rowDocthe XML string being used to set the values of this row.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setInterval ( Interval  interval)

Set interval with the specified Interval.

intervalThe Interval value to which interval is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setIssue ( std::string  issue)

Set issue with the specified std::string.

issueThe std::string value to which issue is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setLlValue ( int64_t  llValue)

Set llValue with the specified int64_t.

llValueThe int64_t value to which llValue is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setNumAntenna ( int  numAntenna)

Set numAntenna with the specified int.

numAntennaThe int value to which numAntenna is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setNumBaseband ( int  numBaseband)

Set numBaseband with the specified int.

numBasebandThe int value to which numBaseband is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setSValue ( std::string  sValue)

Set sValue with the specified std::string.

sValueThe std::string value to which sValue is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setTime ( ArrayTime  time)

Set time with the specified ArrayTime.

timeThe ArrayTime value to which time is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setVdValue ( std::vector< double >  vdValue)

Set vdValue with the specified std::vector<double >.

vdValueThe std::vector<double > value to which vdValue is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setVllValue ( std::vector< int64_t >  vllValue)

Set vllValue with the specified std::vector<int64_t >.

vllValueThe std::vector<int64_t > value to which vllValue is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setVvdValues ( std::vector< std::vector< double > >  vvdValues)

Set vvdValues with the specified std::vector<std::vector<double > >.

vvdValuesThe std::vector<std::vector<double > > value to which vvdValues is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::setVvllValue ( std::vector< std::vector< int64_t > >  vvllValue)

Set vvllValue with the specified std::vector<std::vector<int64_t > >.

vvllValueThe std::vector<std::vector<int64_t > > value to which vvllValue is to be set.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::sValueFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::sValueFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::timeFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::timeFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::toBin ( EndianOSStream eoss)

Serialize this into a stream of bytes written to an EndianOSStream.

eossthe EndianOSStream to be written to
asdmIDL::AnnotationRowIDL* asdm::AnnotationRow::toIDL ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an IDL struct.

The values of this row as a AnnotationRowIDL struct.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::toIDL ( asdmIDL::AnnotationRowIDL &  x) const

Define the content of a AnnotationRowIDL struct from the values found in this row.

xa reference to the AnnotationRowIDL struct to be set.
std::string asdm::AnnotationRow::toXML ( ) const

Return this row in the form of an XML string.

The values of this row as an XML string.
void asdm::AnnotationRow::vdValueFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::vdValueFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::vllValueFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::vllValueFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::vvdValuesFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::vvdValuesFromText ( const std::string &  s)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::vvllValueFromBin ( EndianIStream eis)
void asdm::AnnotationRow::vvllValueFromText ( const std::string &  s)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class asdm::AnnotationTable

Definition at line 132 of file AnnotationRow.h.

friend class asdm::RowTransformer< AnnotationRow >

Definition at line 133 of file AnnotationRow.h.

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<Tag> asdm::AnnotationRow::antennaId

Definition at line 1200 of file AnnotationRow.h.

Extrinsic Table asdm::AnnotationRow::Attributes

Definition at line 156 of file AnnotationRow.h.

Extrinsic Table asdm::AnnotationRow::Attributes

Definition at line 721 of file AnnotationRow.h.

std::vector<BasebandNameMod::BasebandName > asdm::AnnotationRow::basebandName

Definition at line 1066 of file AnnotationRow.h.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::basebandNameExists

===> Attribute basebandName, which is optional

Definition at line 1063 of file AnnotationRow.h.

std::string asdm::AnnotationRow::details

===> Attribute details

Definition at line 1040 of file AnnotationRow.h.

double asdm::AnnotationRow::dValue

Definition at line 1105 of file AnnotationRow.h.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::dValueExists

===> Attribute dValue, which is optional

Definition at line 1102 of file AnnotationRow.h.

Links* binary deserialization material from an EndianIStream std::map<std::string, AnnotationAttributeFromBin> asdm::AnnotationRow::fromBinMethods

Definition at line 1221 of file AnnotationRow.h.

* text deserialization material std::map<std::string, AnnotationAttributeFromText> asdm::AnnotationRow::fromTextMethods

Definition at line 1245 of file AnnotationRow.h.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::hasBeenAdded

Whether this row has been added to the table or not.

Definition at line 951 of file AnnotationRow.h.

Interval asdm::AnnotationRow::interval

Definition at line 1092 of file AnnotationRow.h.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::intervalExists

===> Attribute interval, which is optional

Definition at line 1089 of file AnnotationRow.h.

std::string asdm::AnnotationRow::issue

===> Attribute issue

Definition at line 1029 of file AnnotationRow.h.

int64_t asdm::AnnotationRow::llValue

Definition at line 1144 of file AnnotationRow.h.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::llValueExists

===> Attribute llValue, which is optional

Definition at line 1141 of file AnnotationRow.h.

int asdm::AnnotationRow::numAntenna

Definition at line 1053 of file AnnotationRow.h.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::numAntennaExists

===> Attribute numAntenna, which is optional

Definition at line 1050 of file AnnotationRow.h.

int asdm::AnnotationRow::numBaseband

Definition at line 1079 of file AnnotationRow.h.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::numBasebandExists

===> Attribute numBaseband, which is optional

Definition at line 1076 of file AnnotationRow.h.

std::string asdm::AnnotationRow::sValue

Definition at line 1183 of file AnnotationRow.h.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::sValueExists

===> Attribute sValue, which is optional

Definition at line 1180 of file AnnotationRow.h.

AnnotationTable& asdm::AnnotationRow::table

The table to which this row belongs.

Definition at line 947 of file AnnotationRow.h.

ArrayTime asdm::AnnotationRow::time

===> Attribute time

Definition at line 1018 of file AnnotationRow.h.

std::vector<double > asdm::AnnotationRow::vdValue

Definition at line 1118 of file AnnotationRow.h.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::vdValueExists

===> Attribute vdValue, which is optional

Definition at line 1115 of file AnnotationRow.h.

std::vector<int64_t > asdm::AnnotationRow::vllValue

Definition at line 1157 of file AnnotationRow.h.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::vllValueExists

===> Attribute vllValue, which is optional

Definition at line 1154 of file AnnotationRow.h.

std::vector<std::vector<double > > asdm::AnnotationRow::vvdValues

Definition at line 1131 of file AnnotationRow.h.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::vvdValuesExists

===> Attribute vvdValues, which is optional

Definition at line 1128 of file AnnotationRow.h.

std::vector<std::vector<int64_t > > asdm::AnnotationRow::vvllValue

Definition at line 1170 of file AnnotationRow.h.

bool asdm::AnnotationRow::vvllValueExists

===> Attribute vvllValue, which is optional

Definition at line 1167 of file AnnotationRow.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: